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A Comparison of the Original Atari and Wii - Essay Example

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The evolution of game consoles through the rapid technological development in the world is best exemplified by a comparison of the original Atari 2600 and Wii which both gained wide popularity and acceptance among gamers…
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A Comparison of the Original Atari and Wii
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27 October 2008 A Comparison of the Original Atari and Wii The evolution of game consoles through the rapid technological development in the world is best exemplified by a comparison of the original Atari 2600 and Wii which both gained wide popularity and acceptance among gamers. Atari 2600 is released in 1977 and is the first game console to popularize the use of microprocessor based hardware and cartridges containing game code. On the other hand, Wii is launched more recently as a seventh-generation game console and is recognized tagged as the most popular in its era.

Looking closely, these two game consoles embody evolution in the gaming industry through their differences in memory, controllers, and other features. Being built during the late 1970s, Atari 2600 can be referred to as primitive because it is only able to utilize the available technology in the period. Memory is still very expensive at that time that the manufacturer is only able to provide 8KB maximum external memory to run the system. In effect, the game console has no frame buffer because the necessary RAM will require huge additional cost to the manufacturer.

These hardware limitations post some visual artifacts yet these did not hinder gamers to have an engaging experience. In order to facilitate control over the games, the Atari 2600 come with two joystick controllers and a conjoined pair of paddled controllers. As a seventh-generation game console, Wii represents the most advanced technology in the gaming industry. The technological development has allowed the production of smaller Wii compared to the previously more bulky Atari 2600. The cost of memory has also gone done as production efficiency is now reaped by huge manufacturers.

Compared to its predecessor, Wii is equipped with 64MB which eight times the external memory of Atari 2600. Aside from this, another 24MB is installed internally to facilitate more colorful and visually engaging display. As opposed to the joysticks which the older version uses, Wii's distinguishing feature is its wireless controller also known as Wii remote which can be used as a handheld pointing device. Wii is also capable of receiving messages and updates over the internet when it is in stand-by mode, something which the Atari 2600 lacks.

The upgrade from Atari 2600 to Wii documents the improvement of technology in game consoles. Memory, size, efficiency, visual display, and other features separate these two products. However, they both bring users the happiness from engaging and challenging games.

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