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Virtualization and Computers - Essay Example

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From the paper "Virtualization and Computers" it is clear that the ability of people to create possibilities by which their responsibilities would be eased by the usage of technological applications from the existence could then be expected through the existence of Linux virtual servers. …
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Virtualization and Computers
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COMPUTERS AND VIRTUALIZATION TASK Topic The topic for this paper is based on the understanding on how the virtualization of everythingaffects the modern process of computing as well as how it affects the lives of people in the human society. This involves the use of virtualization tools such as Microsoft virtual servers. TASK 2: Audience Analysis The target audience of the research addresses the e-generation which refers to the generation of modern young generation who are most often than not involved in dealing with the e-systems so as to accomplish many regular things in their lives, from studies to the social lives. TASK 3: Research Process Exhibit The research process that shall be handled for this study is based on the different procedures used by the target audience to operate through the use of the virtualized e-systems that has now become a huge part of their lives. TASK 4: Annotated Bibliography Chandra, Ramesh (2004). Analysis of Media and Communication Trends. Gyan Books. This book gives an understanding as to how modern communication is highly affected by the modern procedures of media applications in the world of computing making the possibility of virtual communication applicable to the modern systems of human connection through the use of the Internet. Donald, Stephanie H. & Balnaves, Mark & Donald, James (2001). The Penguin Atlas of Media and Information: Key Issues and Global Trends (Penguin Reference). Penguin Publishing Company. Discussing the different effects of the trend of virtualization in the modern generation is the main focus of this reading. Understandably, the author wants to make the readers understand how the situation of global virtualization through the use of the Internet affects them personally. McChesney, Robert W.& Newman, Rusell & Scott, Ben (2005). The Future of Media: Resistance and Reform in the 21st Century. Seven Stories Press. As the procedures of computer usage improve annually, this book introduces the facts and the strategies of improvement that technology takes through time to address the needs of the advancing demands of the human society. Richardson, Will (2006). Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. Corwin Press. This reading aims to express explanations with regards the most common systems of communication that makes virtualization through the Internet possible at present. It could be noted that through this reading, a careful understanding of the matter could be given fine focus on the part of the readers. Sahver, Mary Alice (2000). Trends in Media Management in the 21st Century: A Special Issue of the Journal of Media Economics (Journal of Media Economics). LEA, Inc. The media trends are noted by the author of this reading as a major understanding that is needed to be given attention by the present generation as they accept the virtualization of the modern systems of things TASK 5: Primary Research Exhibit Through the utilization of research procedures and direct observation, the needed information for this study is gathered. It could be observed that through this process, the researcher believes that the need of knowledge source is already suffice to answer the problem raised through this particular study. TASK 6: Thesis Statement The development of technology is inevitable, with the existence of internet, details on how has this technology and its virtualization actually affects the modern system of things is an essential factor to consider. TASK 7: Research Paper Organization (OUTLINE) 1. Introduction 2. The impact of PODCASTING in Interpersonal Communication a. The roots and Effectiveness of Podcasting b. Podcasting and how it affects the Education Process 3. Blogging and E-Mails a. Blogging Benefits 4. Media Procedures and Mediums in Human Communication 5. Conclusion TASK 8: Research Paper (SEARCH BELOW) HOW VIRTUALIZATION CHANGES THE COMPUTER WORLD: A Focus on the Discussion of the Facts Behind the Application of the Linux Virtual Server Introduction Computers and the benefits that it provides the society has made the present generation of humanity what it needs in terms of technological assistance. Along with this, several other supporting programs were then produced to be able to give answer to other demands of the society from computing operations. Yes, it just gets better every time. Some programs are created for individuals, while some are created especially for business companies, which are controlling the global economic stability of the society today. All these programs are considered assistance for users for them to be able to have better access to the technological innovations brought about by computing operations. In the discussion that follows, the emergence of the Linux Operating System shall be examined. How are individuals and companies benefited from the existence of this particular operating system application Does it provide numerous benefits that are more appreciated than its opponents on the market What sector of the society mainly benefit from this specific application These questions shall be addressed in the discussions, which would be mainly based from readings, and research that shall be performed by the author of this paper. Significance of the Discussion Living in such a technologically driven world, it could not be denied that the interest of people in the developing systems of computing operations is also growing. As the computing operations and applications develop, the demands of the society from the benefits that it provides for the individuals and the large organizational companies also increases. The discussion that shall be presented herein Technology too, controls the present situation of the global economy. In fact, the internet applications have completely revolutionized the processes by which trade systems are operating in the current business industry. Certainly, it could be noticed that the production of operating systems that are ready to provide business entrepreneurs with the assistance that they need to be able to cope up with the global competition of industries, the global economy tends to grow even bigger and more stable. The discussion that would be presented in this paper then shall give a clear vision on how Linux is able to provide the said needs of companies worldwide. What is it that makes Linux one of the mLinux virtual servert reliable operating systems for business enthusiasts How do the manufacturers of the said operating system able to come up with the necessary advancements in the applications that they create to be able to suit the needs of the stakeholders of the said product. However, to be able to understand all these, it should first be understood what Operating Systems mean. Within the chapter that follows, this concern shall be discussed clearly. What are Operating Systems Every computer system is controlled by an operating system; a pre-programmed system that controls the operations that the computer system supports. This mainly pertains to the responsibilities of the computer and how it is able to complete the tasks that are further addressed to its performance. At present, the operating systems are referred to as computer programs that are supposed to manage both the hardware and software systems of the entire computer facilities. There are .five main tasks that the LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER performs as a program: Controlling and Allocating Memory This task mainly focuses on the capability of the computer programs to assimilate the memory priorities of the entire computer system. To allocate the memory means designating the memory priorities on which its performance is most needed. Prioritizing System Requests Most of the time, the system follows a "first Come First Serve" arrangement. As a result, in multi tasking systems the operations are carried on basing on what request came first, and what has been allocated by the system to come in priority. Controlling Input and Output Devices The input devices are the ones used to enter information within the computer memory while the output devices are the ones used to produce hardcopy of the information entered within the system. The operating systems that is present within the computer makes it possible for the computer device to perform well and do as it is programmed to. Facilitating Networking To be able to connect to others, networking the systems is needed. Once an operating system is programmed to perform such tasks, it would be able to connect two different systems together to be able to have a connected exchange of information and communication as well. Managing Files To manage files means to arrange them on what part of the memory should be utilized by the files. It also sorts out the files with the necessary section of the computer memory should it be stored in. (Source: Warford, J. Stanley. (2005). Computer Systems. Jones & Bartlett Publishers; 3rd edition. ISBN-10: 0763732397.) With the mentioning of the five major roles of the operating systems, it should be clear to the readers how the operating systems make the computer programs and facilities work in coordination with the tasks that they are supposed to complete. Along with these tasks, the operating systems hold for better performance of the computer other responsibilities. The following are called LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER services. The computer's operation system's ability to perform the services as mentioned in this part of the review shows the capability of the LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER to perform the requested tasks that it is supposed to perform for its operators. More than just the performance and the complex responsibilities of the LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER, it could be noted that modern produced LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER have a considerably different approach as to the ease of the operators who are able to utilize and benefit from its services. Today, the usage of Graphical User Interface (GUI) devices is already a part of the modern operating systems application. Now, human interaction is then encouraged when taking over the operations that the computers are supposed to perform. During the earlier years, the only interaction of the human operators towards the computer operated systems is by the cards or the input commands that they are able to type through the keyboard inputs. An example of such is the DLINUX VIRTUAL SERVER Command Systems. However, in today's present situation, it could be noted that even non-experts of the computer operations could already utilize the services that the computer systems render its operators. As a result, the production of Personal Computers increased, and the people owning such technological devices increased in number as well. (Harris, 2001, 3) As it could be observed, gone are the days when only the large business companies are able to utilize computer devices for their own convenience. Modern day students are even able to carry with themselves cell phones and laptops that are able to help them get along with their student lives through the assistance of technological innovations. Furthermore, modern day operating systems are now capable of providing the best graphical designs possible for the benefit of the users, making information transfer and computer application system much easier to understand than before. Embedded Operating System Requirements The computer business has been growing so fast ever since the year that they started to operate. Microsoft, being the pioneer of the said industry leads the computer trade and industries in a revolution that led to its contribution to a more economically stable society. Along with Microsoft, Apple industries has also made a great name in the said industry. Since then, the creation of software that would be used for computers pushed through in a fast pace. However, Unix, Apple's major programmer of software, have emerged in the industry and now, it is already called as Linux and is known for its production of software that are used for several electronic devices such as cell phones, ipods and others. This then determined the fact that Linux has created a larger scope of market for it than that of the big pioneers of the said industry. Obviously, the definition of Operating Systems as mentioned above, which were particularly became the basis of the software production of Microsoft, Apple and other companies in the said industry, has been widely surpassed by the LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER created by Linux. The LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER of Linux performed more than just support the computer system of the owners, it provided more convenience to several electronic device companies, especially the fact that it provides them the ability to create ways by which their devices could perform to the best limits that they are expected to. Because Linux provides open service, which means that licensing processes are less strict than that of the other companies, the electronic device companies, such as Motorola, have better access to the services of the LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER. Hence, the said companies are able to have unlimited use of the LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER as they are applied to the products that are produced by the said companies. Linux saw the need of the companies that produce electronics devices from the computer Operating Systems. Upon seeing the said needs, Linux responded at once and made it a point that the clients they serve receive the best possible results that they could provide them with. Aside from all the said facts that naturally attract consumers in appreciating LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER, it could also be noted that the said LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER was created to be flexible enough that it could be applied to any type of electronic device that needs an Operating system to support its activities. Since the chips are embedded within the system, the performance of the said LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER is remarkably flexible depending on the type of electronic device that it is installed within with. Because of the lack of code morphing, the embedded chips within LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER make it easier for users to have an access to the services that the said LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER provides. Linux as an embedded LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER Linux is an operating system that is characterized by having numerous embedded processors that are designed to perform more complex responsibilities that most multinational companies need for their operational activities in business and global trade. The architecture is mainly embedded with a variant of platforms that are to be used for better and faster date processing. Linux is noted for its ability to handle complicated tasks that involves accounting and networking processes that help multinational companies to extend their territories with the use of the Internet. Linus Torvalds is the known major manufacturer of the said operating system. In rivalry to the basic applications that the Microsoft applications provide the users, Linux was produced by Torvalds to cater to the supposed "greater needs of the society" from technology. The inculcation of several other programs such as computer libraries, dictionaries and other more necessary programs that are usually installed after the processors are established are already embedded within the primary memory of the said operating system. The Benefits of Linux A. To individual users of personal computers and laptops Individual users of computers find it easier to utilize the said LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER application with their personal tasks and operations within their own computer sets. The complicated forms of operations that used to be a problem have been replaced by the ease that LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER brings them. B. To business enterprises To business enterprises that are aiming to progress well in the field of global economic trade. LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER applications made it possible for them to have greater chances of operating over the Internet. The greater security gives them the assurance that their files and their transactions are protected well with the security programs of the LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER of Linux. Business enterprises also benefit much with the less expense that they have to comply with as they utilize the said LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER. Unlike other LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER applications that are requiring royalty fees, Linux gives the users a chance to have better control on the system. C. To the development of IT management The breakthrough of the embedding of microprocessors within the LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER application of Linux makes it an assurance that the Operational systems of the computer world could still do more for the society. Making it possible for large enterprises to have an easier way of transacting through the Internet, the economic status of the entire world in a global picture could be considered as one of the great contributions of Information Technology to the present society of humanity. Summary: The overall contribution of the LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER to the present civilization of man is the fact that it eases out the responsibilities that humans usually attend to especially in dealing with business transactions. The possibility of creating programs that could perform operations that are considered complicated by many business entrepreneurs, through the Linux application the said complications could already be dealt with in an easier way. The ease that it brings to the enterprises then makes it a great example of Information Technology's capability of providing the society with what they need and what they demand for better regular operations specifically in terms of economic progress. Conclusion and Recommendations True, the history of computers pertains to the fact that people are advancing towards technological maturity as the years pass. The ability of people to create possibilities by which their responsibilities would be eased by the usage of technological applications from the existence could then be expected through the existence of Linux virtual servers. Because of these developments, it has been possible that the introduction of computers and the complicated set up of several LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER applications that goes along with them. It further says that these developments caused so many breakthroughs in the human society as it mentions: LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER makes it possible for these applications to have a greater impact on the human society. The creation of such applications certainly made a breakthrough for the global enterprise of businesses as well as for the Information technology reputation in the human society. With the existence of such type of applications, it could be observed that in the years to come expectations in the production of better Operating Systems could be predicted, thus making globalization a major success through the assistance of technological innovations. References: Ephraim Schwartz (2004, April). Devices Get Smart. InfoWorld, 26(15), 10. Retrieved March 17, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. Ephraim Schwartz (2001, August). Embedded Linux OS. InfoWorld, 23(35/36), 62. Retrieved February 18, 2007, from ABI/INFORM Global database. Tom Yager (2006, September). Linux Will Get Buried. InfoWorld, 28(36), 18. Retrieved February 18, 2007, from ABI/INFORM Global database. Stephen Cass (2001, March). Little Linuxes. IEEE Spectrum, 38(3), 23-25. Retrieved February 18, 2007, from ABI/INFORM Global database. Tan, Tat Kee (2004) High-level energy analysis and optimization of operating system-driven embedded software. Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton University, United States -- New Jersey. Retrieved March 17, 2009, from ProQuest Digital Dissertations database. (Publication No. AAT 3110250). Newing, Rod (2001, October 17). Battles ahead in volatile market: OPERATING SYSTEMS FOR MOBILE DEVICES by Rod Newing: Amid contenders such as Palm, Windows CE and Symbian's Epoc, Linux could also do well :[Surveys edition]. Financial Times,p. 11. Retrieved March 17, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. Menezes, Joaquim (1999, August). Embedded OS wars get Linux reinforcements. Computing Canada, 25(32), 17,18. Retrieved March 17, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. Fontana, John (2000, January). Linux turns it up a notch. Network World, 17(5), 1,77. Retrieved March 17, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. Songini, Marc. (2000, January). AT&T, IBM move to bolster ASPs. Network World. TASK 9: Presentation Outline Presentation of Facts through Visual Aides (Pictures and Powerpoint Presentation) Speech Procedure Question and Answer Session TASK 10: Visual Aids Statistics Pictures/Proofs: LINUX VIRTUAL SERVER SYSTEMS OPERATIONS EXPANDED VIRTUAL SERVER SYSTEM VIRTUAL SERVER BALANCING SYSTEM Read More
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