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The Life I Want to Live - Personal Statement Example

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Growing up, I was oblivious to the problems of the world. Like any other kid, I worried about not receiving the toys of my choice or getting scolded for my poor results at school. Life in Sao Paulo, the capital city of Brazil, was simple, yet comfortable. However, having been sent away from home to Switzerland has made me realize that life is not always a bed of roses…
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The Life I Want to Live
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The Life I Want to Live Registration Number Module Number and of Assignment Growing up, I was oblivious to the problems of the world. Like any other kid, I worried about not receiving the toys of my choice or getting scolded for my poor results at school. Life in Sao Paulo, the capital city of Brazil, was simple, yet comfortable. However, having been sent away from home to Switzerland has made me realize that life is not always a bed of roses. Although my initial feelings of being sent away greatly upset me, I was soon able to make friends from different parts of the world in the boarding school where I stayed and was gradually introduced to many different cultures.

I also received the opportunity to learn about technology and the Internet at school - something Sao Paulo lacks of. As foreign friends and I exchange information on our respective hometowns, I began to reflect on the life that Sao Paulo has to offer and compared this with the bountiful opportunities in Switzerland and other countries. For instance, I have been told that it is a punishable offence in Singapore for parents not to send their children to school for primary education. This is unheard of in Brazil.

While Sao Paolo has no doubt developed considerably over the past decades, poverty is still clearly widespread especially in the North-Eastern part of Brazil. The extreme inequality of land possession is a contributing factor of this issue as the majority of land owned by farmers is dedicated to subsistence production. Additionally, the automation of large plantations have caused decline in jobs. The situation is not any better in Sao Paulo. With over 20 million in population, globalization has brought about relocation of businesses and closures of factories, leaving thousands without a job and many turning to crimes.

Poor infrastructure, limited access to technology, inadequate health facilities and deficiency in formal education are turning many into committing crimes. This, I realize, is not a choice that many are making, but rather as a last resort in survival. Child labor is also common especially amongst the poor. As many less privileged are uneducated, finding higher paying job is almost impossible. Indeed, I feel blessed for having the chance to receive a proper education and be able to see the other side of the world.

This opportunity has made me seriously and diligently work harder at school. I am thankful that the boarding school has broadened my horizons because of the experiences that I have gained and people that I have met; we helped each other with schoolwork and learned to pick up after ourselves. As time went by, my belief that a good education is one's passport to a better life grew stronger and I realized how much I actually enjoyed sharing my knowledge through helping classmates when they encounter difficulty in the lessons.

I knew then that I want to extend my help to the less fortunate back in Sao Paulo by doing voluntary works and organizing fund-raising events to help children receive better education. With the support of my family and friends, I hope this move would raise awareness in other people too.*** End ***References:1 "Rural poverty in Brazil." International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Rural Poverty Portal. 27 Sep. 2008. <>

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