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Health Care Organizations and Integrated Delivery Networks Medical science Essay
2 pages (560 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This the author outlines, by comparing the two improvement projects. Similarities between the two projects provide some evidence to the author’s hypothesis that accountable care organizations may have the same failures as the previous strategy, that is, ‘integrated deliver networks’ implemented in the 1990s.
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Family History Genogram with Recommendation to Improve Health Medical science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Family History Genogram with Recommendation to Improve Health" is a good example of a paper on social and family issues. Tracing family health history is a wise move to determine recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. By listing down health issues that older family members encountered, one can identify predispositions to ill conditions and create a health an individual health plan.
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Influence of Airway Management Strategy on No-Flow-Time Medical science Essay
5 pages (1625 words) , Download 0 , Essay
CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION Findings Following the introduction of laryngeal tube due to changes in supraglottic airway, health professionals conducted the manikin study and discovered various issues. No-flow-time (NFT) reduced significantly once
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Colorectal Cancer and Inflammatory Bowel Disease Medical science Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Colorectal Cancer and Inflammatory Bowel Disease" is an excellent example of a paper on the gastrointestinal system. Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world and it affects more people in developed countries (60% of all cases) and two predisposing factors are lifestyle habits and advancing age (beginning at age 50 until 75).
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Heart Failure Research Medical science Essay
2 pages (692 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Heart Failure Research" is a great example of a paper on the cardiovascular system. Heart-failure is one of the scientific research subjects that scientists and other researchers research in order to understand the illness and as a result be able to diagnose and even treat the illness. Scientific research involves many aspects in order to conclusively analyze and understand a given subject.
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Teenage Sex and Pregnancy Medical science Essay
2 pages (582 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Teenage Sex and Pregnancy" is a great example of a paper on pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is one of the most serious problems in the contemporary world. This is because the number of teenagers engaging in premarital sex is alarming. Unfortunately, there are countries that celebrate teenage pregnancy as a sign of fertility.
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Nutrients for Bone Health Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nutrients for Bone Health" is a good example of a paper on food and nutrition. Antioxidants are important food sources since they bind with the oxidants and prevent them from destroying our cells. Oxidants are resulting from the body processes which are yielding energy. They can be disastrous and they can even cause rusting of our cells (Thompson JL, 2012).
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Types of Food Additives Medical science Essay
2 pages (592 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Types of Food Additives" is an inspiring example of a paper on food and nutrition. Nutri-Grain Bars superfruit flavors Cherry Pomegranate is a whole grain meal made from oats blended with a variety of fruit flavors. There are several food additives in these crackers that improve and maintain the nutritional value of the product.
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Practical: Injectable Solution of Paracetamol Medical science Essay
2 pages (1145 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Practical: Injectable Solution of Paracetamol" is a wonderful example of a paper on drug therapy. Paracetamol, chemically known as n-acetyl-4-aminophenol is a formulated active element that was widely used especially in the last four decades in pharmaceutical preparations.
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Health Promotion and Public Health - the Status of the Health Medical science Essay
4 pages (1171 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Health Promotion and Public Health - the Status of the Health" is a worthy example of a paper on wellness and lifestyle. I am a 34 years old woman and mother of three children. Seven years back, we all moved from Bulgaria to the UK. I am in perfect health. I have a strong socio-psychological perspective of health which is responsible for my good health and that of my family members.
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Graves Disease and Type 1 Diabetes Medical science Essay
4 pages (1329 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Graves’ Disease and Type 1 Diabetes" is a good example of a paper on symptoms. Our patient has low levels of TSH which means that the release of T3 and T4 is not activated by the normal negative feedback loop but instead the binding of TSI to the TSH receptor. Functions of TH in the body: Regulation of the rate of metabolism by accelerating the rate of food utilization.
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Ethical Issues in Healthcare Marketing Medical science Essay
4 pages (1248 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Ethical Issues in Healthcare Marketing" is a good example of a paper on medical ethics. Quinn brings out the growing trend of unethical behavior in healthcare marketing. A decade ago, though hospitals had fully functional marketing departments, their services were limited to PR and fundraising with issues related to quality measures, awards among other variables not featuring in these adverts.
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Alcohol Abuse in Men Medical science Essay
2 pages (557 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Alcohol Abuse in Men" is a wonderful example of a paper on addiction. Alcohol abuse has been one of the major concerns of countries in the world. Alcohol abuse is defined as continued indulgence in alcohol despite the underlying negative consequences to the individual (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 2005).
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Early Detection and Screening of Breast Cancer Medical science Essay
2 pages (636 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The American Cancer Society (ACS) revealed that “an estimated 232,340 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed among women in the US during 2013; about 2,240 new cases are expected in men”. The current discourse hereby aims to present ways for early detection, the signs, and symptoms, the risk factors and recommended treatment for breast cancer.
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People of African American Heritage Medical science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
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Ulcerative Colitis and Culture Medical science Essay
5 pages (1428 words) , Download 0 , Essay
'Ulcerative Colitis and Culture' is a marvelous example of a paper on the gastrointestinal system. The disease, which has been chosen for the discussion is Ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis is a disease of the colon. A number of risk factors for this disease have been identified which include the history of Salmonella infection, living in industrialized areas, and others.
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Maternal and Fetal Nutrition Medical science Essay
2 pages (686 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Maternal and Fetal Nutrition" is a well-written example of a paper on pregnancy. Every woman needs to ensure that her body has the nutrients required to increase the chances of getting pregnant. This will be achieved by regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, and avoiding overeating or under-eating.
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Innovation in Nursing Medical science Essay
2 pages (568 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Innovation in Nursing" is a perfect example of a paper on the health system. Health care plays a fundamental role in society. Over the years, there has been significant growth and development in the health sector both within and outside the United States. This growth and development are attributed to the ever-rising demand for high quality and affordable care.
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People of Mexican Heritage Medical science Essay
2 pages (541 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"People of Mexican Heritage" is a great example of a paper on social and family issues. All her family and comrades should be taught how to handle Mrs. Garcia’s wound care since they are the nearest people who are able to offer her support whenever she needs it.
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Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Medical science Essay
2 pages (620 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" is a perfect example of a paper on the health system. Health is an important issue and the American population was in dire need of a reform that could facilitate them in the provision of healthcare services that were affordable for them.
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Conducting Adult Health History Medical science Essay
2 pages (600 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Conducting Adult Health History" is a great example of a paper on the health system. The interview that I conducted was an Adult Health History interview and this interviewing session gave me a lot of experience and knowledge about interviewing. I obtained biographical as well as physical information from the interviewee.
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Handwashing Compliance in the Health Care Setting Medical science Essay
5 pages (1354 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Hand Washing Compliance in the Health Care Setting" is a perfect example of a paper on wellness and lifestyle. Health and safety are among the most significant parts of human being in their daily activities. It is vital to mention that in the modern day scenario the number of health issues has raised considerably which further becomes a threat to the wellbeing of the people living in this society.
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Basic Concepts of Quantitative Reasoning Medical science Essay
2 pages (681 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Basic Concepts of Quantitative Reasoning" is a great example of a paper on the disorder. The study was evaluating online-based early intervention through the combination of electronic peer to peer support and cognitive behavioral therapy (Van et al., 2012). The objective was mental health promotion and well being of combat veterans.
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Lifestyle and Alzheimer's Disease Medical science Essay
2 pages (681 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Lifestyle and Alzheimer's Disease" is a perfect example of a paper on neurology. There has been a consensus among researchers that age is an important risk factor in Alzheimer’s disease. Research investigating whether Alzheimer’s disease is a disease of the aged has resulted in conflicting findings.
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Medicine's Future - There's an App for That Medical science Essay
4 pages (1074 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Medicine's Future - There's an App for That" is an excellent example of a paper on the health system. This paper presents a summary of the video on exponential technologies and their leverage on human health care addressed by Daniel Kraft, a physician-scientist and an innovator in medicine future. He leads the medicine track at Singular University.
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Impact of Healthcare Reform on Society Medical science Essay
2 pages (656 words) , Download 0 , Essay
As a result, there has been high spending in the country on healthcare (Bradley & Taylor, 2013). However, the recent administration has engaged in a comprehensive reform. The reform has come to be known as “healthcare reform”. The reform refers to the Federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) and other subsidiary laws that help in its implementation.
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Middle Eastern Community and Hispanic American Community Cultural Beliefs Medical science Essay
2 pages (729 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Middle Eastern Community and Hispanic American Community Cultural Beliefs" is a wonderful example of a paper on social and family issues. Comprehending the cultural values of a patient is one of the factors that contribute to success in health care. As health professionals, we tend to be sensitive to our own cultural beliefs, and sometimes judge others on the basis of their cultural beliefs and practices.
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Quality in the Health Care System Medical science Essay
2 pages (831 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Quality in the Health Care System" is a great example of a paper on the health system. The basic sponsors of health care in the UK can be categorized into three; individuals, government and businesses. Demographics and economics change from time to time and hence the need to change the system accordingly.
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Attitudes about Cosmetic Surgery Medical science Essay
2 pages (548 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The source contains valid information. It describes the influences in the media that cause individuals to have desires of undergoing plastic surgery. It also has data on how the general society influences individuals to go for plastic surgery. It also states some of the things that individuals can do to evade the influence.
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Strange Food Insecurity in the USA Medical science Essay
2 pages (740 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Strange Food Insecurity in the USA" is a wonderful example of a paper on food and nutrition. It is a little surprising that the world’s frontrunner of basic human rights, the United States of America, has its citizens facing food insecurity. It doesn't make sense because the simplest question one can ask is there a shortage of food in the 21st century in the United States?
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Quality and Safety in the Health Care System Medical science Essay
2 pages (676 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Quality and Safety in the Health Care System" is a perfect example of a paper on the health system. The contemporary healthcare system has been influenced by a number of historical, socio-political and cultural trends in the 20th Century. Historically, there have been significant changes in American healthcare systems in the last century.
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Leadership and Management at Ancora Hospital Medical science Essay
5 pages (1417 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Leadership and Management at Ancora Hospital" is a marvellous example of a paper on the health system. This paper is a critique of leadership and management methods that are currently being used at Ancora Psychiatric Hospital. The respondent in this leadership interview was Evelyn Ngwa at Ancora. She has been a nurse at Ancora since 2001.
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Morbidity and Comorbidity Associated with Diabetes Medical science Essay
1 pages (605 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Morbidity and Comorbidity Associated with Diabetes" is a decent example of a paper on diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of deaths in the world. It is the shortage of insulin in the body or reduced ability to utilize insulin or both in the body. Insulin is a hormone that facilitates the transfer of glucose from the blood to different cells of the body.
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Benefits of Using Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Food Production Medical science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Benefits of Using Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Food Production" is an amazing example of a paper on food and nutrition. A variety of researches have been conducted to determine the health benefits that are usually associated with the use and existence of Conjugated Linoleic Acid on food production.
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Spring Breaks And Road Fatalities Medical science Essay
4 pages (1207 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Spring Breaks And Road Fatalities" is a wonderful example of medical research. The intent of the work is to establish the impact of the spring break awarded to college students each year on the number of road accidents; in a way to show the detrimental outcome of the break from normal activities.
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The Treatment of Children with Diabetes Medical science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Treatment of Children with Diabetes" is a good example of a paper on child development. According to Povlsen and Ringsberg (2009), diabetes in children is one of the most persistent diseases. The latter part of the 20th century saw an increase in incidences of childhood type 1 diabetes. However, despite this increase, the causal factors of the disease are poorly documented.
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Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures Medical science Essay
1 pages (506 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures" is a wonderful example of medical research.  According to Heath (2002), a binomial distribution occurs if every trial has 2 likely and mutually exclusive outcomes. This applies when the consecutive trials are independent of each other.
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Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and Clinical Decision Making Medical science Essay
2 pages (605 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and Clinical Decision Making" is a great example of a paper on the health system. Continuum of care is a program aimed at settling the homeless and remove them from the trauma associated with homelessness as well as seek to enroll them into programs that can assist them to prevent homelessness in the future and assist their families in survival as well (Byron, 2009).
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Pediatric Palliative Care Medical science Essay
4 pages (1118 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Pediatric Palliative Care" is a wonderful example of a paper on child development. Palliative care for children is one of the most emotionally connected professional roles in the medical field. This is due to the nature of children and the emotional trauma that is also experienced by the parents.
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Access to Insurance versus Access to Care Medical science Essay
2 pages (681 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Access to Insurance versus Access to Care" is an important example of a paper on the health system. Access to healthcare is one of the significant issues to the quality of health while health care cost is one of the challenges to access to care and insurance has been identified as a solution. Access to insurance is one of the possible solutions to the accessibility of care.
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The Realities of Obesity and Fad Diet Medical science Essay
5 pages (1474 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Realities of Obesity and Fad Diet" is a perfect example of a paper on metabolic problems. In the present day, many teenagers and kids are seen being weight conscious and discussing the ways of getting rid of these extra fats. These teens and kids, making use of such artificial methods result not only in regretting them in the future but also in gaining more weight than before in later life.
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Health Care System in Texas Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Health Care System in Texas" is a great example of a paper on the health system. Baylor Health Care System is a medical center located in Dallas and which was started in 1903 by the Texas Baptist Memorial Sanitarium. It has continued serving the community of Dallas through its numerous services. Baylor is involved in research on the latest medical and health care delivery.
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Roles of Different Agencies in Identifying Levels of Health and Disease in Communities Medical science Essay
4 pages (1298 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Roles of Different Agencies in Identifying Levels of Health and Disease in Communities" is an engrossing example of a paper on the health system. The task of identifying levels of health and disease in communities is a shared responsibility that is played among a number of agencies in the larger public health sector.
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Mechanisms of Self-Defense: Angioedema Medical science Essay
2 pages (663 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Mechanisms of Self-Defense: Angioedema" is an outstanding example of a paper on symptoms. According to the symptoms presented, the patient is suffering from angioedema. This is an allergic-type reaction of medication; thus the mid-upper lip swelling. This reveals that the patient is allergic to lisinopril.
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Heart Failure or Congestive Heart Failure Medical science Essay
2 pages (671 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Heart Failure or Congestive Heart Failure" is a great example of a paper on the cardiovascular system. Clinical manifestations (symptoms and signs) of both acute and chronic HF include Fatigue (nausea); chronic coughing (wheezing); tachycardia; lack of appetite; weight gain; fluid build-up in body tissues (edema); mental confusion; Dyspnea.
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Co-existence in Health Care Organizations Medical science Essay
4 pages (1233 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Co-existence in Health Care Organizations" is an amazing example of a paper on medical ethics. Healthcare involves diagnosing, treating, and preventing illnesses, diseases, mental and physical impairments in humans. Some of the persons placed to provide health care services are practitioners in nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, and other legally operating care providers.
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Micronutrition and the DRI Medical science Essay
2 pages (654 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Micronutrition and the DRI" is a gorgeous example of a paper on food and nutrition. The world and its dynamic nature have driven us to an era of the machine and hence reducing human effort used in accomplishing even the heaviest of tasks. So mankind tends to reduce effort used even in meal preparation. So the world has switched to fast food due to the ease of their preparation (Parker, 1971).
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Health Care as a Right Medical science Essay
2 pages (582 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Health Care as a Right" is a gorgeous example of a paper on the health system. Healthcare is a right and despite its perpetual absence in the foundational documents of the United States, it should be upheld as an unalienable right alongside others that are openly accepted as such. Health is crucial for the enjoyment of other rights such as the right to life.
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Innovation in Home Healthcare Medical science Essay
3 pages (900 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Innovation in Home Healthcare" is a great example of a paper on the health system. The healthcare industry has flourished from the propagation of innovations, which aim at improving life expectancy, quality of life, diagnosis and treatment, and most importantly enhancing health care delivery.
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High Costs of Medical Services Medical science Essay
4 pages (1136 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"High Costs of Medical Services" is a great example of a paper on the health system. Health has been a major concern for decades now. Health insurance has been developed to save patients on costs incurred when seeking medical treatments. With each passing year, the prices charged by hospitals on various treatments continue to rise at an alarming rate.
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