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Issues in Publication and Design: Artifact and Exegesis - Term Paper Example

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This paper "Issues in Publication and Design: Artifact and Exegesis" examines exegesis as a critical explanation of texts used for specificity. The main purpose of exegesis is to critically explore the meaning of the text which will ultimately lead to discovering its importance…
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Name : xxxxxxxxxxx Students ID : xxxxxxxxxxx Students E-mail : xxxxxxxxxxx E-mail : LAKDSFLKFLKM@ Course code : Comm. 1043 Title : Issues in Publication and Design School : Communication international studies and languages Tutor : Dr Mia Stephens Program code : Professional and creative communication Assignment number : Assessment 2 exegesis Date : xxxxxxxxxxx 2010 Table of contents 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………3 2. Artifacts materials………………………………………………………………………3 2.1 Digital newspaper-visual……………………………………………………………5 2.2 Artifacts- Icons and Logos…………………………………………………………8 2.3Artifact- Letters…………………………………………………………………….9 2.4Wedding cards/ birthday cards/ business cards……………………………………9 3 Exegesis……………………………………………………………………………………9 3.1 Exegesis theory. .…………………………………………………………………10 3.2 Discussion of the theories……………………………………………………………………11 4. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………..11 5. References…………………………………………………………………………………12 1. Introduction An artifact refers to any product or object produced and modified by man that is used during a project: for instance, Publication and Design. It is used to mean anything used from a hammer to a computer system, however, it is mostly used to mean "a tool" in ID (Interaction Design technology) or HCL. On the other hand, exegesis refers to a critical explanation of texts used for specificity. The main purpose of exegesis is to critically explore the meaning of the text which will ultimately lead to discovering its importance. This information is ideal in women between the ages of 18-30 years old. Gossip is a phenomena used in everyday’s life and almost every individual has participated in gossip either directly or indirectly, although some people try as much as possible to avoid. It is normally initiated with statements such as ‘do you know, have you heard (…) told me so. Women conversation is everywhere but almost impossible to hear. Considering all kind of conversation, gossip gets more attention. Gossip is mostly used to help counter boredom among women in their personal lives. Although there are some men who also gossip, more women are said to be part of it. Different designers have different ways to express the effects and impacts of gossips to the society. Gossip has a vital function to the society; I will explain this in my text through examples. 2. Artifacts materials There are basically several materials utilizing the client’s basic text based on artifacts. These materials have been of a lot of significance in the design methods, communication and representation of the existing issues in relation to publication and design. Gossip has been associated with idling among housewives who are professionally qualified knitters and nitpickers; however some women like it when men join in their gossip. Kanuri (African authors) states that “if a woman utters two –three sentences take one sentence and leave others, because the remaining part of it is just gossip. Arabic proverb states that ‘gossip of two or more women has the tendency of destroying two or more houses. Most of this gossip lacks basic foundation; therefore it can never be verified. In the modern society, women have secured themselves employment, thereby taking these gossips in offices. While gossip forms the oldest means of spreading facts and views, an individual has the ability of introducing errors and variation into the transmitted information. Some people argue that gossip is a way of spreading false information and rumors from one place to other. However, some gossip has basic foundation and at times, it is based on facts but not fiction. Women have destroyed their marriages as well as friendship as result of gossip. This leaves me wondering, is gossip a disease or rather virus among women? And what do they possibly gossip about every day? Therefore, the intended users of the artifacts make their judgment based on the following materials, books and CD-ROMS (it stipulates the culture and artifacts of Incas, Aztecs and Mayas), websites access, newsprint and markers (such as newspaper) and materials such as :paper, paint, markers and posters board that are used to create representation. The situation based on materials utilizing the client’s basic text becomes the core notion in the interaction design. The situation is mainly the starting point used in designing. Design situation revolve around the design process. The canon of design process is mostly associated with digital artifacts. This idea is usually used to emphasis on physical materials; however, it can be used in a wider sense. The most preferred artifact material is the use of website (information technology). Digital artifacts are commonly referred to as systems, products or programs. In my text, I will use these terms in order to denote the common language used in the discussion. Characteristics of majority of women speech have a close and personal tone. Gossip has been different argued by waiver as a way of talking in between women basically for values, unity and moral for a social group. Several authors agree that gossips are usually domestic: the hairdressers, the supermarket and at home. Men are at time intimidated by women’s ability to maintain secrets. Males may underestimate women’s power with each other through same experiences shared when gossiping. Gossip is certainly a staple of most women lives. A lot of women tend to judge behaviors of other people which cause scandals. There are different theories used to explain the canon of gossip. One of the theory states that gossiping is instituted mainly to provide relevant information to a different designer, in other terms, gossip is considered as the basis of formulating healthy competition. However, Database design project has roots, through the use of cartoons. When designing database, it is appropriate to design it with lots of thought about the intended user, considering the fact that most of these users are not technologists. 2.1 Digital newspaper-visual In this field, digital information on publication and design are digitized. The existing products have the ability to offer different kind of design which was difficult to deliver. The core material of digital newspaper is to provide relevant information and explanation that is deemed fit to the intended users. In the real product layer, digital newspaper has the ability of providing up-to-date information from the variety of online sources. In addition, a digital newspaper can be furnished with interactive, personalized information, clickable link and text search ability. Wanta (1994) performed several studies of digital newspaper design elements of gossip and found that women like gossiping in order to keep them busy. He further carried out survey on the effects of gossiping to young children. He found out that a girl child was an endangered species as compared to a boy child in terms of gossiping, and they are more likely to copy activities of what other people are basically doing. Gossip has a lot of effects as a social control. According to Ross theory, gossip should be considered to be conspicuous. Gossip does not only affect the communities’ opinion but the entire country at large. Sometimes these gossips find its way t the newspaper even though it lacks basic and truth in it. The augmented publication and design may offer index and table of contents via e-mail address. The newspaper allows a lot of reader to make conclusive evidence on different publication and design provided such as diagrams, picture portraits, graphs and structure. This is clearly evident when there is something to gossip about in the newspaper. Through the use of digital newspapers, the intended users are able to acquire missing information thus be able to either argue for or against any topic of discussion or ultimately make a decision afterward. Cartoons are mostly used to put emphasis on a particular design and publication project. For instance, individuals who are known be professionally qualified gossipers may be imitated through cartoons and other staffs. These pictures are readily available in the digital newspaper. Cartoons are mostly used to represent a specific item or tool. An editorial cartoon helps the intended users to develop a sophisticated interpreter of the existing recent events of past and future generations. Cartoons help to display more discrete information. An editorial cartoon is a sole tool used in language arts as well as social. Using humorous cartoon in the newspaper will ensure that whenever the reader opens it, he/she has no choice but to read it. The use of cartoon date from the year 1843 up to date, it started when punch newspaper applied the law and regulation on the use of satirical drawings in its pages. On the other hand, cartoon has the ability of affecting the user’s concentration. This is clearly evidenced where there is use of graphical images on the text, readers will always glance on the existing cartoon or picture before reading the text itself, for example figure 1. For instance, use of figure 1 shows two people, probably work mates who are gossiping. They may be gossiping on a particular event in the office or about someone. Graphics are mostly used to pass anonymous message to anonymous readers’ who intend to use it in one way or the other. Use of cartoon does not only help readers to understand the message in the text but also helps them to have an overview picture of what is being discussed and the possible aim of the designer. The emergence of digital newspaper has improved many designers work thus increase the level of awareness though publication process. Different designers have different ways of packing and designing their products. A product may be designed in such a way that its intended users are persuaded and informed of the existing product in the market, depending on customer’s preferences, tastes and fashion. While there is an emergence link between the levels of publication on advertising how gossips affect or break marriages. The advertisement was aimed at trying to reduce the level or gossips especially to those individuals who cannot stay up to evening with spreading a gossip. Significantly, these advertisements were made during popular programs watched by most people if not all. The aim of this is to target most viewers at the time they are viewing. Majority of these advertisements holds persuasive message. Persuasive marketing used to advertise the impacts of gossips, in order to reduce peoples careless speech in the offices as well as at home Future debate relating to television advertisements must consider the use and need of persuasive technique. 2.2 Artifacts- Icons and Logos Logos and icons are used to sparingly in the process of designing and publication. In addition, if a logo has been approved to serve the purpose of publication, it may be treated equally as other illustrations. Often, a logo can be used as a symbol, such as soy ink or recycle. The establishment of NPS was updated in order to accommodate modern reproduction in the year 2001. Most directors say that arrowhead symbol appears on NPS media purposely for publication and design. The symbol of the logo may be designed, such that people are gossiping on a particular product in the market. If such logos are used, the intended users will be more curious to find out what he gossip is all about. Thus more of the product will find its way to the market in order to be sold. It is one of the materials used in publication and many designers intend to use it for future publications. Logo may be defined as a symbol used by business in order to design a product in a way that it will persuade the intended users to use or buy it. These symbols are mostly used in designing business cards, birthday cards, wedding cards, letter heads and other materials. This arrowhead comes in different version and identity through website, brochures journals etcetera. Instructions of which different versions are created depend on the available application. 2.3 Artifact- Letters During the ancient days, letters were considered as one of the artifacts material used to address specific issues affecting the society at large. A society may be defined as a group of people living in one community and who are governed by a particular law and regulation. Letters were used as an important material in both old and present life. Goren Yuval (archeological professor of Israel) connotes that X- rays as well as scanner have been used to identify and determine the origin of ancient letters. Ancient letter is a composition of artifacts. A letters is one of the materials used to persuade and inform the public on the existence of the designer’s product in the market. In this case, when birthday cards are designed according to customer’s specification, people will always find something to gossip about, did you the card (……) I did not like it……. It does not look like…… 2.4 Wedding cards/ birthday cards A wedding, business and birthday cards are materials used in the art of artifacts. They are designed when there is a special event such as wedding, birthdays and business. For instance, business cards were used to inform and persuade the possible intended users on design and publication. While archeologists study materials about properties of images, formulization of artifacts is God given. The operative images are an encoding procedure, on the other hand, artifacts of social practices in cultural fields. Given that written letters, spoken and automated language leave many artifacts allude to the machine through operating images. 3. Exegeses Exegesis consist of a wide range of disciplines: textual criticism may be defined as the investigation carried out based on history and origin of the text, however exegesis includes the notion of both historical and cultural background for the text, original audience and the author. The evolution of artifacts has helped the intended users to interpret different artifacts with respects to several concepts. Despite the fact that current communication modalities are based on text, quickly growing number of technology has helped in the interaction process, most of which helps in the face-to- face interaction. Design theory as well as practice is practically about visual communication. Design theory for artifacts and exegesis is important to most designers. Kernel established a theory known as Kernel theory. In his theory, he refines that theory into DSRIS which is applicable to ISD (Information System Development). The theory tries to stipulate the core relationship between design science research and Kernel theory. There are two fundamental elements that a theory must poses, these are: it must prove the history of design and publication (project) as a true act of design; several designers have tried to carry out this activities without being pedantic. Second, it must clearly demonstrate the correlation between mid-range DSRIS theory and the Kernel theory that was initially refined in the betterment of exegesis and artifact design. 3.1. Theory in DSRIS Different views were given with respect to the use and development of the theory. Different designers have argued differently giving the theory different meaning. For instance, Gregor 2006 established five different taxonomy that can be used in the design and publication project, this includes; (1) theory used for analyzing, (2) theory used in explaining, (3) theory used to predict the possible outcome of the project, (4) theory used to explain and predict the future outcome and (5) theory for design and publication while carrying out a project. In Kernel theories which was specifically established outside IS design problem found out that, several ways on how to correspond to design theory based on exegesis. The exegesis theory aims at creating a theory of new artifacts. 3.2 Discussion of the theories Kernels theory has been used as a tool for giving advice to designers in order to look for a possible solution while designing. On the other hand, DSRIS theory was majorly used to create and develop design theory based on exegesis. A lot of people discuss the significant of these theories based on design and publication project. Exegesis theory is best understood where people carry out visual design project. The exegesis was established in order to reflect the understanding of personal styles in terms of design and practice process. This is usually considered as a cycle stages process used purposely for decision making process by designers. 4. Conclusion It is right to conclude that gossip has both negative and positive impacts to the society, based on design and publication. Issues which have no basis or foundation and cannot be verified may find its way to the digital newspaper thus become available to most people. There are different theories that try to explain reasons as to why women engage in gossiping activities as compared to the partners (men). Survey shows that this is usually as a result of idleness and boredom, but to my opinion I do not believe it, reason being, there are several women who have secured themselves employment but still gossips in the offices. Does that mean that they are idle, even in the offices? It is however very difficult to stop gossip from spreading, since each day gossips spread from one corner to the other. At time gossipers are respected people in the society, and it becomes difficult for designers to point them out, instead they use graphic images such as cartoon to represent their views on a particular event. Cartoon has played a major role in most designer’s work of art if not all. However it is important to understand that there are several materials used to spread gossip all over the place, this includes: digital newspaper, letters, and birthday cards. 5. References Brooks, C. 2009, Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year: 2010 Edition: Pelican Publishing, pp 198-203. Dunbar, R. 1998: Grooming, gossip, and the evolution of language, Harvard University Press, pp 52-56. Finn, C. 2002, Artifacts: An Archaeologist's Year in Silicon Valley: MIT Press, pp 201-214. Hodges, H. 1981. Artifacts: an introduction to early materials and technology: Humanities Press, pp 143-149. Hume, I. 2001, a guide to artifacts of colonial America, University of Pennsylvania Press, pp 254-294. Kenneth, B. 1956, Practical handbook on headline design in publication layout, Butler Typo-Design Research Center: pp 67-72. Lyman, L. 2006, Measuring time with artifacts: a history of methods in American archaeology: U of Nebraska Press, pp 234-265. Martin, W.2006, “Ancient American Artifacts”: Australian journal of language and literacy, pp 24-32. Palatnik, L. 2002. Gossip: Simcha Press. pp 12-22. Robin, C. 2003, Artifacts: Rowman Altamira, pp 42-76. Yeager, C. 2000, Arrowheads & Stone Artifacts: A Practical Guide for the Amateur: Pruett Publishing, pp 106-112. Read More
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