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The Correlation Between Crime And Poverty - Research Paper Example

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Studies say that people from poor areas often resort to crime. Statistics taken about inmates of prisons reveal that 53 percent of inmates were earning less than $10000 per year before they were sent to jail. People say crime does not pay, but crime pays for the poor. …
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The Correlation Between Crime And Poverty
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? The correlation between crime and poverty Crime and its association with poverty is the hot topic for discussion and research among the sociologists, economists and social psychologists. The definition of crime varies from country to country and the so as the poverty. The index of poverty is decided on the geographical area, national income and the minimum living needs for any person for the sustenance. The theories on crime and its relationship with poverty are many and every theory tries to explain the link on different basis. However, the conflict theory tries to explain the crime and poverty at present day context. Earlier research and contemporary research explains the link with econometric models. The recent research establishes a definite link between crime and poverty. Keywords: crime, poverty, conflict theory, inequality The correlation between crime and poverty “Poverty is the mother of crime’ – Marcus Aurelius Poverty and crime have been given widespread attention in literature and almost all philosophers have dwelt on this twin subjects. Poverty and crime have become major social issues pervading all countries and entire continents. The one issue which will be omnipresent among the countries is about the correlation between crime and poverty. The debate about whether the poverty is the primary cause for the eruption of crime or crime breeds the poverty is going on. The poverty, inequality, unequal distribution of wealth, unemployment, lack of opportunities and exclusion from the mainstream of the society increases the incidence of crime, and at the same time crime restricts and inhibits the growth and economic development of the geographical area where the crime is prevalent. The perpetrator of the crime face exclusion from society and are denied the economical benefits with its association which in turn leads to poverty. Studies say that people from poor areas often resort to crime. Statistics taken about inmates of prisons reveal that 53 percent of inmates were earning less than $10000 per year before they were sent to jail. People say crime does not pay, but crime pays for the poor. For a given level of crime if the punishment or sentence is less deterrent then, the committing of crime becomes profitable. For people from poor areas where there is a lack of opportunities for gainful employment committing gives them more economic benefits than any measly paid jobs available to them Crimes against people for gain as well as against property are associated with poverty. Many studies and researches on this subject reveal that social, economic inequality and poverty increases the rate of crime and they are best understood in economic more than cultural terms. Almost all studies have observed that crime rates were comparatively higher in poor slum than any other urban environment. Analysis should be done on what social conditions make the many people to commit crime rather than on what type of individual tend to do it. Background Crime is defined s an act committed or omitted in violation of law. Crime is invariably identified with violence, harm to individuals, theft or destruction of property etc. Definitions of crime vary from country to country and it differs across the cross section of culture. Poverty is defined as lack of resources and inability to have basic goods and services necessary for survival. The definitions of poverty vary with society, race and geographical area. The approach to define poverty is about the consumption need of individual like food, cloth and shelter etc. Criminologist point out that there is a link between unemployment, income level, education and living condition. The economic level and concentration of wealth in certain geographical areas contribute the condition towards unrest and crime. In equalities in social science creates aggressive attitude towards the people who are better off which results in violent crimes of social tension. In equalities in social sense means divide and segregation on racial, color and ethnic grounds. Since most of the discriminated people are poor and colored, naturally the overwhelming majority of the criminals are black. This condition creates a social issue and ferments unrest and violence within the society. Crime in the society further reduces income level of the individual and family and poverty increases as a result. The death or absence of the working member in the family deprives education of school going children. School dropouts increase leading to educational unattainment. The economic deprivation on account of crime also increases malnutrition and poor living conditions. The cost of crime in relation to individual’s economy has a disastrous effect on account of increased cost of treatment for injuries. Crime affects business and productivity of labour. The cost of crime on national exchequer is prohibitive. It creates increased burden on the national economy. A whopping amount of $49 billion per year was spent on prisoners and maintenance of prisons in US and it will be reaching $74 billion during the year 2011. This will amount to an average $65000 per prisoner which can rather be spent on alleviating poverty. Crime reduces the opportunity for employment through the stigma attached to the area where it happened. People living in these area are not employed or business in these area are severely affected. Crime threatens the normal life, creates mistrust and fear among the people affect the social networks and thereby any development activity in that particular area. The effects of crime on public health are extensive. Increased levels of crime and violence against woman will have implications on their health and offspring. Children from the family of perpetrator of the crime drops out from school and suffer from lower level of achievement and nutrition and health. Children forced to live out their home may join in some gangs thus resorting to use of drugs and committing crime again which form a vicious circle. Crime and violence challenges the very foundation of democracy. The criminal seldom respects the law and authority and no faith in government. Crime creates favourable conditions for poverty of self and society. In turn, the poverty breads crime. Early Researchers Early researchers on the relationship between crime and poverty was noted in the swing Riots of 1830 in England. The clash of interest between poor and rich ruling class widened the gap in the society and the poor people resorted the crime. The country faced a widespread poverty among agricultural as well as other labourers which was the major cause for increases of crime during that time. It was believed that for most of the crime the reason was poverty. The rule of the law was uppermost. The process of industrialization, society’s lean towards capitalism, higher prices of essential commodities, lower wages coupled with unemployment problem and poverty were primary reasons fuelling criminal activity (HUGES.R 1988, The Fatal Share, London.Pan) In the London Hanged: Crime and civil society in Eighteenth Century London, Linebaugh P. Says that the Riot Act 1715 was enacted to combat the growing up rise of poor and working class. The law ruled against collective bargaining if workers demanded better wages. Workers faced criminal charges and were finally imprisoned. In this context Line baugh stated that there was no dividing line between poor and criminals ( Line baugh p 1991 001. The London Hanged: Crime and civil society in the eighteenth Century London. Penguin.) In 1940, researchers found that there was a definite link between crime and poverty. The higher concentration of poverty resulted in more crimes like robbery and homicide ( Stretisky eta!) Inequality and widening gap between rich and power created resentment and consequently criminal activity. Quetelet says during 1800 in France, poor uneducated and unemployed people committed more crime (Economic PPT. Retrieved from, power point presentation) Burisk and Grasmick explains how the lack of education and unemployment problem affecting the poor forced them to involve in criminal activity. During late 1970s and 1980 in Brooklyn neighborhood many youths from poor families left school to get work before finishing the graduation. However because of lack of conventional skills that jobs available to them were unstable and with poor working conditions. Since these jobs were never under a contract of employment these young men were not entitled for compensation if they were terminated. As a result many of these young men became involved in series of criminal activities ranging from theft to other illegal activities through joining in local gangs ( Bursik &Grasmick ; Economic Deprivation and Crime Rlies: Law & Socirty Review, Voulem 27, Number 2 (1993) ) Theories It is understood that, both poverty and inequality in economic sphere are the major causes of crime. More poverty and inequality creates more tensions and conflict among the society, which breeds criminal activities. The definitions of crime and formulated by ruling class and they define persons and their behavior as criminal. These definitions are ultimately created as law to serve the dominant class. The people who are defined as criminal begin to act as criminal and mould themselves according to definitions of ruling class. The theory of crime is constructed on the conflict between the class.( Richard Quinney : Conflict theory of crime criminology, Boston : little, Brawn 1975, PP 37-41) Quinney sees crime as created by the very nature of contradictions with in capitalism and as a basic form of revolt against the ruling class. Conflict always exists within the society with manifested signs of crime. Conflict theory is based on the view that root cause of crime is inequality in social and economic status in the society. Crime is not inborn but a behavior thrust on some people by dominant class, or by those in power and posses wealth. Definitions of crime are formed according to the interest of ruling class or powerful elite who have the power to translate their interest into law. Even criminal law and justices system are thought to be serving to the whims and fancies of the ruling class and social elite with resulting laws aimed at controlling the have not’s. The crimes committed by the poor and rich are viewed differently. The crimes of minor nature are punished severely while large scale corporate frauds at high places are treated with much more leniency. Conflict theory is based on the hypothesis that there is always a clash exists between social class over materials and money and power and it is the heart of all social conflict. Conflict rather than consensus is the nature of human race. Structural inequality also plays a major role in social conflict. In equality in power and wealth creates conflict within the society. Randall Collins’ conflict theory is based on the following propositions a) The unequal distribution of wealth created conflict between two groups of those who have and who have not. b) The apparent conflict becomes real conflict to the level that warring groups become mobilized c) Conflict engenders subsequent conflict. d) Conflict diminishes as a resource for mobilization is used up. Randall Collins states that “Power and status are fundamental relational dimension at the micro level of social interaction and perhaps at macro level”. ( Page 96, Collins R. (1975), Conflict Sociology. Newyork Academic press ) Collins believes that there are certain groups that every group wants to pursue like wealth, power and prestige etc. He concludes that coercion and ability to force others to behave in a certain way or primary basis of conflict and maintains that what social order does is the result of power elites’ coercion of masses. According to Collins he accepts the class system by Marx and emphasizes that those without power will seek social change. Collins had stratified approach to conflict. Stratification is generally understood as operating through oppressive structures that limit access and choices. Power is seen as means to control material sources and control of society. ( Collins R. (1975), Conflict Sociology. Newyork Academic press ) C. Wright Mills, the founder of modern conflict theory views that social structures are formed through conflict between people with opposing interest and different resources. The inequality of distribution of wealth and power in the society influence the structures. The ruling class of the society consists of corporate elite, rich and executive branch of government. The interest of the ruling class will be always against interest of people and result in increased conflict within the society. Contemporary Research Most of the recent researches about the correlation between crime and poverty are based on conflict theory and social disintegration theory. The link between poverty and high level of crime rate is the important subject study for sociologies, economists and criminologists as well. The first research on this subject we are going to consider was conducted on 5 year average periods ranging from 1965 to 1995 in 39 countries across the world. The research was conducted on homicides and robberies and their relation with poverty. (Pablo Fainzyler, Daniel Lederman and Norman Loayza, Inequality and Violent Crime. Journal of Law and Economics, vol: XLV (April 2002)) Research analysts say the rate of crime depend on the economic benefit the perpetrator gets over the cost of sentence he is caught. There are lot of explanations that poor and people living in poor environment have higher crime rates. The other explanation is that people feel disenchanted with the exclusion from the society compared with the rich people. The economically disadvantaged poor tries to compensate at any cost resorting to crime against the rich as well as poor. The income inequality and poverty leads to not only theft or robbery by the poor but also homicide for the reason of economic benefit. The correlation between the crime and poverty is the subject to be researched by economic studies and it has to be focused beyond United States. The research paper we are discussing about deals with this issue on economical model basis using all data collected measured by Gini index, GNP and GDP details with National crime statistics, National income inequality data, bivariate correlation and multivariate regression analysis etc. The sample taken for analysis were from 10 countries from Latin America, 20 industrialized nations, 4 from Eastern and Central Europe, 4 from East Asia, South Asia and Pacific and one from Africa. Samples were taken for homicide and robberies. (Pablo Fainzyler, Daniel Lederman and Norman Loayza, Inequality and Violent Crime. Journal of Law and Economics, vol: XLV (April 2002)) The results they obtained were showing a clear link existing between poverty and crime. On income inequality which leads to conflict by poor it was measured by Gini index. The research showed that for a declined 1 within the country standard deviation in the Gini coefficient (about 2.1 percent ) lead to a decline of crime rate by 23.2 percent. On poverty measured by the GDP growth rate has a negative effect on the homicide and robbery rate. It was studied that the impact of 1 percentage point in GDP increase indicated 11 percent fall in crime rate in short run and 45 percent fall in long run. The level of poverty is known by the level of national income and by the distribution of this income. With the reduction in the inequality of income the rate of poverty decreases. When the poverty decreases crime rate also tend to reduce. The research paper concluded that crime rate and poverty are positively correlated. The second research paper we are going to discuss is about Nigeria in Africa. The study about the linkage between crime and poverty has particular relevance to Nigeria. Poverty in Nigeria is wide spread as well as criminal activity. High rate of unemployment to the tune of 32 percent will continue for many more years leading to high level of poverty. Though the country is rich is natural resources the majority of the people are living in abject poverty. The poverty level of Nigeria is about 34 percent. The reasons led to the poverty are unemployment and other socioeconomic under development. The problem of unemployment was more acute from the year 1995. The inflation rate in Nigeria is 72.8 percent. There had been steady increase of consumer price index (CPI) for many years and rice in food index from 69.1 percent to 71.8 percent. There was an increase in the index of non-food items to 92.1 percent. The result of inflation had a worsening effect on the economy. The poverty Nigeria creates an ideal climate for criminal activities among the poor people. These people cannot afford to get goods for their basic amenities and are set to attain them illegally by resorting to crimes. Robbery, homicide dealing in illegal good and services are widespread in Nigeria. Data from Nigerian authorities showed that there was 100 percent increase in crime rates from 1991 to 1995 and it had been observed that crime against property increased because of poverty and unemployment. When the economy was good there was less crime and it was reverse when economy was bad. ( OLAKUNTLE F ODUMOSU. Social cost of poverty : The case of crime in Nigeria, Journal of social development in Africa(1999), 14, 2, 71-85). Conclusion The researches on this subject have indicated definite link between crime and poverty. The deprivation of wealth and economic inequality creates social tension and resultant conflict as the downtrodden people seek to compensate the disadvantage by committing crime against the rich. It is universally accepted that lower class people resort to crime rather that rich and middle class doing it statistics prove that percentage of crime committed people living in poverty is more than any class of people resorting to criminal activity. The consist evidence that poverty is influencing the act of crime cannot be ruled out as higher rates of crime are noticed among the poor. Public perceive crime as a social issue and poverty alleviation is regarded as an urgent step required to contain the occurrence of crime. The earlier researches on the link between crime and poverty are not many, however they have invited attention of many sociologist to form various theories on the relation between crime and poverty. Foremost among them is the conflict theory proposed by Randall Collins. Conflict theory is based on the view that the root causes of I crime is inequality in social and economic status in the society. The conflict theory explains social structures and how the class divide creates the conflict which results in higher incident of crime. The contemporary researches use various economic models to prove the link between crime and poverty. Census data, income data, unemployment data and data on crime rate and poverty were relied on arriving to the conclusion. The recent researches take in to account all variables and bias are minimized and the evidence clearly indicate that increase in poverty lead to increase in crime rate. Summary It has been observed that crime is a social issue and poverty induces the fertile conditions for eruption of crime. The conflict the theory explains the reasons for crime as an effort by the poor to acquire the resources and material benefits that have been denied to them. To reduce crime nation should adopt welfare measures for health, education and development of infrastructure for the poor. The income disparity should be reduced, employment opportunities must be increased and poverty alleviation programs should be implemented. Reference Burisk & Gramick. (1993). Economic Deprivation and Crime rates: Law & Society Review,Vol 27. Collin R. (1975). Conflict of Sociology. Newyork Academic Press. HUGES R. (1988) The Fatal Share. London. Pan Linebaugh.P. (1991). XXI. The London Hanged: Crime and Civil Society in the Eighteenth Century London. Penguin. OLAKUNTLE F ODUMOSU. (1999). Social Cost of Poverty: The case of crime in Nigeria. Journal of Social Development in Africa, P 14,2,71-85. Pablo Fainzyler, Daniel Lederman and Norman Loayza (2002) Inequality and Violent Crime. Journal of law and Economics, Vol. XLV (April 2002) Economic PPT. Retrieved from, power point presentation. Read More
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