1. Executive Summary
The study will aim to investigate who is the Savannah Miller consumer and how she is different from other consumers. It will also investigate what she buys and her. Her price sensitivity will also be examined as compared to other users. In the introduction, the study will provide objectives of the study and a briefing about Debenhams. In the methodology section, the design and the sampling methods to be utilized have been discussed. The simple technique of random sampling will be employed to select the targeted consumer’s population. Primary sources for data collection will be questionnaire and interviews while secondary sources will involve books, journals, and Debenhams records. The limitations of the research will also have been given. The study will also provide analysis of the market and competitors using the SWOT model. Besides, the trends of SS16 will also be analyzed as discussed. Finally, a conclusion will be provided based on the results and findings of the analysis.2. Summary/Introduction
Debenhams is a public limited company located in London and operates in the retail industry. Clark William founded the company in the year 1978 who later partnered with Debenhams Miller leading to change of company name to Debenhams. The organization provides a broad range of products ranging from cloth fashions, gifts, toys, furniture’s, accessories, cosmetics to mention just but a few. In 2015, the company managed to make net revenue of 93.5 million pounds, with sale revenue of 2322.7 million pounds. Besides, Debenhams has employed over twenty-eight thousand employees who work in different Debenhams retail stores. Therefore, the first objective of the study is to identify the targeted consumers of the Nine by Savannah Millers. The second objective is to investigate the sensitivity of consumers to the Nine by Savannah Miller brand (Jones, 2003).Nine Savanna Miller fashions are updated and classic; they keep pace with the dynamism in the fashion industry. Whenever one enter Denham retail stores one must be able to find a taste of his/her fashion at an economical price (Maynard, 2004).
3. Research Methodology
Research methodology entails ways of addressing a problem or an issue systematically. It helps to indicate the procedures that the study will follow to solve a given problem. The study employed both a case study design to investigate who are the core consumers of core Nine Savannah consumers and to find out how sensitive the consumers of Debenhams are sensitive to change in price charges. The simple random method of sampling was used to sample out the target population. A sample of 50 Denham ‘retail stores in United Kingdom, Ireland, and Denmark were selected. Out of the 50 stores in the three countries where Denham has retail stores. The target population comprised of customers who come to shop in the affirmation Debenhams stores. The study utilized both primary and secondary sources of data collection. Primary data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire was designed in such way that relevant information could be captured. Besides, a pilot study was carried to test validity and credibility of the questions asked towards the respondents and ensured that only relevant information was requested. The customers were interviewed and given some questioners to fill so that necessary data could be obtained (Shaw, and Koumbis, 2014).
The reason why interviews and questionnaires were used as a source of collecting primary data is because they give first-hand information, unlike secondary source. Besides, when using interviews, it is possible to identify the feelings and attitude of customers towards the brand Nine by Savannah Miller. On the other hand, secondary sources of data collection were also utilized. Secondary data was collected via online books, journals and electronic libraries as well as Debenhams sales and marketing records. The data helped to substantiate the primary data collected and provide adequate theories to support the study. High ethical consideration was taken into account to ensure that the confidentiality and privacy of the respondents were guaranteed. Besides, the source of data and information gathered were properly cited to ensure the occurrence of unethical acts and practices when carrying out the research. Some of the limitation the study include; lack of adequate time and resources such as finances. Besides, some respondents may fail to corporate, and others were not in a position to fill the questioners as required (Fiorito, and Gable, 2011).
4. Research Findings and Analysis
Based on the results finding from the analysis, it can be observed that the core Nine Savannah millers consumers’ is a 36-year-old woman who values fashion. She did fashion and design during her college life and formed the collaboration with the Debenhams. She differs with other Debenhams consumers in that she has established collaboration with Debenhams and she shop regularly for every new fashion. Besides, she has a passion for fashion and does not mind spending for expensive new designed clothes. It implies that she is less sensitive to price changes. An increase in the price of clothes fashion has no or little effect on the consumption behavior of Savannah Millers. The major competitors of Nine brands are Zara, H& H, Primark, Topshop, and M & S. The Four competitors compete in various products such as dresses, trousers, coats, skirts to mention just but a few. For the price of trouser at Topshop is going up to 46 pounds while in Nine the same trouser cost 40 pounds only. Other competitors have also established their product prices about those of Nine. However, Nine by Savannah Millers remains to be a leading brand and a market leader (Clark, 2015). Nine set product prices and other competitors follow. Also, Nine has a higher profit margin of 69% which implies that out of its sales the company can make 69 percent profits. Such margin is a positive sign that the Nine brands are performing considerably well in the market. Based on the SS16+ Trend Board, it can be observed that there are many clothes and dress design. The different colors of clothes including, a mixture of white, black and pink colors also the designs are different among women clothes which are done with an aim of meeting the needs of different customers.
The Primrose Hill Zeitgeist and London Look spectacular, it has beautiful landmarks and amazing people, just in the same way Nine consumers shops look like. It is the best experience that one can have in the lifetime, there is a need to explore such areas and visit their shops because they provide an incredible experience to the consumers (Jones, 2003).
5. SWOT analysis to identify market gap
SWOT analysis is a valuable marketing tool for analyzing the market and product regarding their strength, weakness, opportunities, and strength. Strength and weakness are factors that are internal to the company. Such factors include; company pricing strategies, human resource, and product branding, sales promotion among other internal factors in the enterprise. Such factors can be controlled by the management to ensure that the most appropriate marketing mix is achieved. On the other hand, opportunity and weakness are external factors that marketing manager may not have control. Such factors include government regulations, inflation, competitors to mention just but a few. The diagram below indicates SWOT model with each of the external and internal factors affecting the Debenhams brand, Nine by Savannah Millers.
Some of the major sources of strength of the brand Nine may are attributed to the positive brand image and unique selling position at Debenhams. The company has unique strategies for marketing and advertising their products. Most of the Nine brands are fashion clothes and wears; whereby during holidays and December the company can break even by charging a premium price that helps to sustain the company operation during the low seasons.
Debenhams has unique selling points (USP) towards brand Nine by Savannah Miller given that the corporation can identify customer’s needs and look at how to meet those needs. The three strategies utilized by the corporation. First, the company identifies the customer’s needs by getting into customers position and find out what fashion do customers’ needs. For example, a collaboration of Denham with Savannah Miller was one way of getting into customers fashion position and makes a substantial amount of sales. Secondly, the company can identify what motivate their clients to buy their fashion and products. One of the ways is due to luxury, to keep up with fashion and to look fancy. Thirdly, Denham unique selling points are attributed to the ability to know the primary reason why customers buy from their company at the expense of their competitors. The products are readily advertised through the various social media platform including television and over the internet. For example, the company has an excellent website that is user-friendly; customers can just click on the enterprise website and locate a fashion that one is looking for without experiencing difficulties. Besides, the brand, Nine by Savannah Miller readily available on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platform where people can easily identify them. The other source of strength is attributed to the skilled personnel and location of the retail stores. The employees of Debenhams including the owner of the brand, Nine is a highly qualified professional in fashion and design. Besides, the company has a unique team of competent marketers who can handle customers professionally and stimulate their demand for the Nine brands. The collaboration of Debenhams with Savannah Miller is another source of strength towards the Nine brands because Denham has broad experience since it has been in the fashion industry for many years. Such experience has made the company to have a significant market share and a strong market base as well as high sales volume. However, despite having a lot of strength the company is facing innovation weakness. The cost challenges are also another weakness given that a lot of marketing and advertising are needed to market the Nine brands. However, such weakness can be overcome by using the company sources of strength to come up with more innovative strategies for marketing the product. The company also has opportunities that need to be exploited. For example, the company should tap the global market and exports its product to other markets including China, Africa, America to mention just but a few. Such market has not been fully exploited, and more revenues can be realized if the company may choose to enter such markets. The company is also facing threats from its close competitors Zara, H& H, Primark, Top Shop to mention just but a few. Besides, the fashion industry is very volatile; it keep changing every day which poses a significant threat to the Debenhams fashion brands such as Nine by Savannah Miller (Varley, 2014).
6. Overall Conclusions
Based on the study it can be observed that Nine by Savannah Miller is a brand for Debenhams and was formed through collaboration between Savannah Miller and Debenhams. As a way of promoting sales. Based on the analysis, Savannah Miller is different from other consumers in the sense that she is a partner of Debenhams and has a taste of the various emerging fashions. She is also less sensitive to price changes whereby, an increase in share price does not significantly affect her higher demand for fashionable clothes, unlike other consumers who are price sensitive.
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