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Planning For Success: of Samsung Galaxy S3 - Case Study Example

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The paper "Planning For Success: Case of Samsung Galaxy S3" is a perfect example of a case study on marketing. This report explains a proposed product launch for Samsung Company products. The product chosen is the Galaxy S3. The report starts with an introduction that sets the pace on the issue of the product launch event and what is expected in the entire process…
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Planning for Success Executive Summary This report explains a proposed product launch for Samsung Company product. The product chosen is Galaxy S3. The report starts with an introduction that sets the pace on the issue of product launch event and what is expected in the entire process. The importance of setting objectives has been emphasizing while leaving out the finer details for the main findings section. The main findings sections commences with an elaborate explanation of the various objectives for the anticipated product launch. In this part important objectives that are pertinent to Samsung Galaxy S3 product launch have been discussed while outlining the expected outcomes in the end. The report winds up with recommendations that need to be considered for a successful event launch of a new product in the market. Introduction Events are usually temporary occurrences which are characterized by finite length and are usually fixed and publicized. Being a marketing consulting team in events management, it is important to come up with a program that will ensure successful launch of the new product. Thorough preparation is required prior to the product launch in order to ensure that the event is effective and a clear message is communicated to the clients in the market (Guesalaga & Marshall, 2008). The goals or objectives of the launch are defined to give a clear direction of the outcomes of the launch. A company with formidable brands is familiar to target clients in the market and it can use its established client relations to reach out to other people who have not tried its products. Main Findings Typical objectives for the proposed launch event It is important to establish the objectives of the product event so as to have clarity of the desired results. Samsung Company is well known for highly known for high end market products that target affluent clients and money for luxury (McGonagle & Vella, 2004). However, in the recent past the company has launched products that target the mid income earners and are affordable even to common people. One of the objectives is to reach the target audience effectively and largely. An event launch will be successful if the purpose of the event is met. The audience has to learn about the product and arouse more curiosity about the product in the market. There is should be need to inquire more about the product (Lang, 2001). The event has also the objective of explaining the features of the product to the target customers so as they are able to know the needs being met by the launch of the product. The event is being organized to introduce the product to the target audience and convince the would-be consumers to identify with the product. The product has to be demonstrated to the clients on how it works and its advantages over existing brands. Marketing communication is important and it is fully applied to the benefit of the clients in attendance and others watching from other locations (Rajaniemi, 2007). The goal of communication is come up with a common understanding about the product that is the center of the launch. The target is to influence the perception of the clients through influencing their beliefs towards liking the product. Every stakeholder has to be involved in the product launch and provide necessary support that will make the event successful (Hamilton & Catterall, 2005). Marketing communication is used to communicate widely about the launch of the product to important stakeholders and the public in general. Stages of event planning process have been elaborated in the subsequent section. Important conclusions have been drawn from the whole process of event planning for the launch of Samsung Galaxy S3 and the way forward discussed. Finally, the report has provided Event planning process Event planning has to begin with having a clear purpose. The outcomes of the product launch have to be determined. The clear goal of the launch has to be stated prior to the launch of the product. It should be established the customer base that is intended to be reached and the media through which this will be accomplished (Wright & Calof, 2006). Samsung Galaxy S3 is a product has to be launched to a wide scope of clients internationally and therefore the social media and other technological means of transmitting information have to be used Samsung Galaxy S3 precedes the S4 series that came later. In the event of launching the product clear objectives that have to be made will be defined (Doole & Lowe, 2008). This is product that has to reach many people spread all over the globe. It is crucial to decide on the date and the time of the event and communicate it in advance to the clients. There are people who are anticipating new products from the company and they should be informed of the impending product launch. This is part of pre-planning that need to be done before the event of the product launch is organized. Pre-planning is crucial since it sets the pace for other activities that will be involved on the material day (Darley & Blankson, 2008). Successful pre-planning is mandatory for a success in event organizing. The company has to do enough publicity to popularize the event planning of Galaxy S3. It is important to build solid client relations with established clients. Satisfied clients of the company can be used to spread word of mouth about the impending launch of the product. Honesty, openness, and two-way communication are important in this kind of relationships. The event has to be fine-tuned towards prevailing needs of the client in the market. The product Galaxy S3 is coming to meet specific needs in the market and clients have to learn about the features and how they address needs in the market. Galaxy S3 phone is portable and has equally adequate features like other Smartphone. It is important to search for an appropriate place that event will take place. When looking for a venue of the event it is crucial to consider size of the audience, adequate lighting, seating plan, audio-visual capabilities and catering offered. Selecting the best venue out of possible options is important. The team has to visit the place and make sure that it is suitable for the kind of event being organized. The ventilation has to be to the required standards that will permit people to participate well in the product launch event (Kitchen & De Pelsmacker, 2004). The selected venue has to meet the requirements set by the team with regard to visibility and accessibility by the expected guests. There should be a means of transport for the invited guest. The launch of Samsung Galaxy S3 has to be done either simultaneously or separately from different location owing to the huge customer base that is being targeted during the product launch. It is good to work out the deadlines for the accomplishment of various stages of the event’s planning. It is of essence to work backwards from the anticipated day of the events in order to feel in other tasks to be accomplished prior to this crucial date (Rowley, 2006). It is important to explain how any sideshows will be dealt with in order not to affect the product launching. Important authorities have to be informed and security means organized for visitors to feel safe. A critical path has to be established where essential activities are achieved on schedule. Task lists are important for the making are team responsible for the event being organized and offers a record for future reference to event planning (Ellonen & Kuivalainen, 2008). The following stage is to select guest speakers after a thorough research. Using celebrities to endorse the product can be important where necessary. A product like Samsung Galaxy S3 requires careful selection of guests that will talk on the product launch. The guests have to be fully informed about the product and they have used it prior to the launch. Audibility and relevance is important and it will be essential to look at the key note delivered by the guest in other events (Mutean, 2009). It will ruin the event to select a guest speaker who does not engage his audience and is not in touch with product being launched. The guests have to demonstrate versatility and flexibility in delivering their speeches on the material day (Greiner, Bohmann & Krcmar, 2007). The guest speakers have to be fully briefed about the event. Samsung Galaxy S3 needs people who are technology savvy and are conversant with the product. Conclusions Have a successful launch of a product is a recipe to the strong performance of the product in the market. Whatever is portrayed of the product during the launch will determine how the product is received in the market. Samsung Galaxy S3 product launch has to be planned in advance in order to ensure everything falls into place. The report has discussed important events that take place prior to event planning. Recommendations Successful event organized depends on the effort that the team has ploughed in during the pre-planning and the material day of the product launch. Launching of famous product from a well range of brand is important to be accompanied by vigorous advertising to catch the attention of clients of the product (Flores Letelier, Flores & Spinosa, 2003). Adequate advertising will alert the clients about what to expect from the product being launched and ignite interest in the clients. Having key speakers that are conversant with the product that is being talked in the product launched. References Darley, W.K., & Blankson, C. 2008. African culture and business markets: implications for marketing practices, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 23 (6): 374-383. Doole, I., & Lowe, R. 2008, International Marketing Strategy: analysis, development and implementation, 5th edition, Cangage Learning, New York. Ellonen, H.K. & Kuivalainen, O. 2008, Exploring successful magazine web site, Management Research News, 31 (5):386-398. Flores Letelier, M., Flores, F., & Spinosa, C. 2003. Developing productive customers in Emerging Markets, California Management Review, 45 (4): 77-103. Greiner, M.E., Bohmann, T. & Krcmar, H. 2007. A Strategy for Knowledge Management, Journal of Knowledge Management, 11 (6): 3 - 15. Guesalaga, R., & Marshall, P. 2008. 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Benchmarking: An International Journal, 14(4): 465 – 481. Wright, S. & Calof, J.L. 2006. The quest for competitive, business and marketing intelligence: A country comparison of current practices, European Journal of Marketing, 40 (5/6): 453-465. Read More
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