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Campaign of Tax for Australias Future - Case Study Example

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The paper "Campaign of Tax for Australia’s Future " is a perfect example of a case study on marketing. A carbon tax is a form of taxing fuel users who emit carbon to the environment during production, distribution or use of fossil fuels based on their combustion emissions (Hoeller & Wallin 1991). …
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Campaign Name: “Tax for Australia’s Future” 1.0 Executive Summary The target audience in this campaign include adults who are working either permanently or on contract basis, students in higher learning institutions, investors and potential investors and local business fraternity. This is based on the fact that they are users of carbon products; they are working and liable to pay taxes. Generating awareness in 75% of the target audience needs to be achieved by the end of September 2012 to ensure that they are sensitized on the “tax for Australia’s Future’. Launching of the campaign is to be taken from June till august and at least 90% of the target audience must be made are of the launch of the campaign. Changing of opinion as a strategy should be the 100% expectation of the target audience as it should provide knowledge and enlightenment of the target audience. The media plan for the campaign shall be undertaken by the national broadcasters’. ABC would undertake television advertisement from June to December and the budget is $3.5 million. It includes advertisements, talk shows and current affairs discussions by staff members. On-line advertisements on websites will also be undertaken from July to December Table of Content 1.0 Executive Summary 1 2.0 Introduction 4 2.1 Target Analysis 4 3.0 Literature Review 5 3.1 Global Warming 6 3.2 Toxicity 6 3.3 Acid Rain 6 4.0 Communication objectives and Communication Strategies 7 5.0 Media Plan 11 6.0 Conclusion 14 7.0 REFERENCES 15 1.0 Executive Summary 2 2.0 Introduction 4 2.1 Target Analysis 4 3.0 Literature Review 5 3.1 Global Warming 5 3.2 Toxicity 6 3.3 Acid Rain 6 4.0 Communication objectives and Communication Strategies 6 5.0 Media Plan 10 6.0 Conclusion 13 7.0 REFERENCES 15 2.0 Introduction Carbon tax is a form of taxing fuel users who emit carbon to the environment during production, distribution or use of fossil fuels based on their combustion emissions (Hoeller & Wallin 1991). The standard is the set price per ton on carbon, translated into a tax on electricity, natural gas or oil. The advantage of the carbon taxing will ensure responsible use of energy sources and also narrow down the price between fossil fuels and renewable sources. Revenue collection will be on the rise as the country will not depend on income and payroll taxes alone. Potential reduction of harmful emissions of carbon dioxide and would be of benefit to the environment and a shift to use of alternative energy sources. Prices may hike but on the other hand efficient energy technologies may be provided to ensure that no more harm is caused to the environment. The carbon tax also seems to generate revenues that can be used by the government to develop the country (Ogilvy 1987). Basically the carbon taxing will improve the environmental quality, Australian people will be more aware to not polluting the environment. They will be cautious when burning waste products aimlessly due to the carbon taxing. 2.1 Target Analysis Australia being amongst the most competitive countries has revealed that the builders, retailers and financial services make the most profits. In Australia figures also show that the fastest growth is occurring in Perth with over 52,000 reaching the city, followed by Tammin region at a growth rate of 8.75%. Wyndham in Victoria follows 8.08%, closely trailed by the Victorian region of Melton at 7. 88%. Serpentine- Jarrahdale in Western Australia recorded growth of 7.64 %( Patrick Stafford 2010). Australia’s market economy has a high GDP per capita and a low rate of poverty and its economy is the thirteen largest. Natural resources are in abundance including iron-ore natural gas and coal; moreover it is a major exporter of agricultural products such as wheat. The largest export markets are Japan, China, the US, South Korea and New Zealand. The effect of carbon tax on Australian population would be; for instance a person may decide to use public transportation so as not to use their vehicle so as to reduce amount of carbon dioxide emitted. The business people will have to use less energy derived from fossil fuels. 3.0 Literature Review Carbon dioxide gas is composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single atom and it is produced by combustion of hydrocarbons, fermentation of liquids and the breathing of humans and animals. Other natural sources are hot springs,volcanoes and other earth features of earths crust. Industrially it is produced as a side product of ammonia and hydrogen and also in fermantation of sugars.(Donald G. Kaufman; Cecilia M. Franz 1996). A positive aspect includes its use as a food additive mainly as a propellant and acidity regulator. Carbonated soft drinks and soda water are all beaverages made from carbon as well as wines. Fire extinguishers use carbon dioxide in extinguishig falmes Despite the fact that it is advantageous there are some demerits that make it harmful to society (Kaufman & Franz 1996). 3.1 Global Warming Carbon dioxide as asserted by scientists will increase the temperatures from 2 to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100 leading to severe droughts and powereful storms. The rise in global temperatures will facilitate a rise in sea levels hence changing the amount and pattern of precipatation,and an expansion of sub tropical deserts (Lu, Jian; Vechhi, Gabriel A.; Reichler, Thomas 2007). Due to Global warming that is why the carbon tax is being introduced to ensure that the problem of global warming can be solved. 3.2 Toxicity Studies show that too much carbondioxide can lead to death. This is because too much inhalation of the gas can lead to poisoning. When a person inhales a lot of the gas a person starts having rapid pulse rate, loss of hearing, breathing difficulties and sweating. That is why carbon tax should be introduced to ensure that people don’t end up dying due carbon dioxide poisoning. Toxicity created by carbon dioxide emissions in high amounts are a danger to the human population, animals and birds because none of them can survive if no sufficient trees exists to reverse the concentration in the atmosphere. 3.3 Acid Rain Acid rain refers to the deposition of wet and dry acidic components(J. M. Miller 1987). It is harmful on plants, aquatic animals and land. On plants, it corrodes the plants and making them weak and withers. Aquatic animals are affected since the water bodies become acidic and the aquatic animals find it difficult to breathe. The land is affected by the acidic rain because the soil becomes infertile and small depressions form within the land. The acidic rain is one of the factors that carbon tax needs to be implemented and adopted[ CITATION Mac98 \l 1033 ]. 4.0 Communication objectives and Communication Strategies Communication is the process of conveying information from the sender to the receiver. In advertising one is also communicating by trying to market a brand. The main aim of this project is to make people aware of carbon tax and therefore a proper dissemination of information of what carbon tax entails is essential (Beckwith 1997). The following are some of the communication objectives; Generate awareness When one is marketing a product to people they are trying to educate people on the benefit of using the product. In this case the advertisement firm can create awareness of how carbon is harmful and why we need to minimize using it.The creative strategy one can use here if the company creates template messages and paste then in most websites online so that when people view the websites they are able to see carbon tax message. We as the advertisement firm can carry out campaigns where we hire people and train them on the negative effects on the negative effects of the carbon dioxide. After training our staff we can send them to industrial factories,schools, business premises and have them explain the importance of trying to emit less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (Bly 1998). Adequate training of people who will be involved in creating awareness would enable proper information to be circulated amongst the target population im a proper and effective manner. Distorted information would not be expected from a trained staff. Social media network such as facebook or twitter has become increasingly ideal for dissemination of information. Teenagers and young adults frequent this sites and opening an account or a page where persons can post their opinon and interact with the carbon tax group would be important. On-line support and healp centres would also be important. Ideally this mode is quite cheaper as the expenes of travelling to different parts of the country would also be reduced. Information to the elderly as a target group should be formulated in a clear and concise manner because it would sufficiently enable them to understand the concept of carbon tax. Awareness and interest should also be an aim because if persons are not adequately informed in the undertakings of the carbon tax process then it would be difficult to find people to approve its introduction. In creating posters, catalogues and brochures, that are distributed to the target population then the carbon tax idea wold be greatly adopted. Sensitaization campaigns an roadshows all over the country would be a great way to impart awareness. Product Launch/Sell The carbon tax should be marketed in such a way that people appreciate why they need to conserve the environment. Appreciation of the environment in its natural form is a key to unlocking people’s mind because nobody likes to live in a dirty and a polluted environment. We should use the strategy of showing people videos of global warming taking place in the atmospehere that way people will be motivated to part of the carbon tax team. We can also use the communication strategy of print media. Bringing reality or pollution in a modern context expressed in any form of art, litrature, pictures, movies would go a great length in ensuring product acceptability by the population.This way all carbon polluters will be aware of the disadvantages of carbon dioxide and thus they would find other methods to use so as to minimize emmitting carbon dioxide. For example deciding to walk instead of using a vehicle for moving from one point to the other. Persuasion is sufficient to enable persons to convince the Australians that carbon tax is a good way to ensure environment is conserved. The information must appeal to the ears of the target population and for them to weigh its benefits and merits. Taxation is a nightmare for any particular person and hence getting the information to sink in in a person mind and aceept it should involve a better launching and selling the idea strategy (Conrad 1998). For the concept to be adopted its value to the community must be adequately made to the country. Promotion of the idea of carbon tax through marketing is important. When stalkeholders and government partners participate in endorsing the carbon tax concept would be an important step in allowing perons to accept it (Duncun & Mulhern 2004). The major players and opinion shapers in society once involved in the marketing would give people confidence that the marketing strategy is important Reminding the people at every opportuinity through instant messaging services and evenin an interesting way is important to keep people thinking of the concept. It is stated that keeping a person informed at any time would enable him to internalize the idea and henec a higher chance of accepting the new concept of carbon taxing. Placing of small adverts and interesting catalogues and messages would go a great mile is sufficiently marketing the product. Form/change opinion The objective of this is to change peoples perception of carelessy burning waste products and polluting the atmosphere. People should opinions that they all have to use a vehicle can be changed and people can start using public means,so that we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide pollution. We can do obtain this objective by also putting up posters,billboards all over that show the disadvantages of carbon dioxide on the atmosphere. The creative strategy that can be used here is word of mouth. If various people went about spreading the disadvantages of contionuous spreading of carbon dioxide then everyone one would be aware of the effect of carbon dioxide and thus people would stop emitting carbon dioxide. Word of mouth would not necessarily involve moving from one point to another but through communication via mobile phones or the chatting sites would enhance formulation of information. Word of mouth can also enatil use of catchy phrases such as “tax for the future” that can draw people’s attention to the concept because this words would remain etched in their minds Opinion changinging would involve at least three concepts interlinked that is the value of the idea, the benefits and the costs of the concept. The value of carbon tax can be in two folds that is it provides the country with an income and secondly it enables the government controll the pollution rate through carbondioxide emissions. (Hatch & Jackson 1999) The benefits that woould accrue to the country is that the land and soil is preserved because acidic rain and toxic substances would be minimised. The costs reversing the carbon emissions level is higher than the cost of preventing the occurrence of carbon dioxide emission. Using this strategy would enable Australians to form opinion on the importance of carbon tax. Australians are used to income tax and pay as you earn taxes but their knowledge on carbon tax is quite limited especially on those who do not understand its importance. The media can provide teaching of adults and as well as young children on the importance of paying taxes. The polluter –pay principle advanced by environmentalists can be attributed to this mode of persons causing pollution to compensate for their destruction. Morever, it is a way of curbing these emissions based on the fact that one has to pay for them. 5.0 Media Plan Goals Some of the goals is to make every one aware of the disadvantages of the carbon dioxide and why the carbon tax is important. This awareness would enable them to make informed decisions on how to go about accepting the carbon tax regime. We as an advertising firm also plan to increase the number of people who will use the carbon tax method in order to demonstrate its workablity and importance. We also plan to encourage others to spread the word on the importance of the carbon tax method. Spreading information to the media involves use of word of mouth, websites, out of home media, and instant messaging in order to advertise this concept Persuasion is a key goal for the medai because the carbon tax concept must be able to obtain acceptance by a majority of the country’s population to adopt it. Imparting of knowledge to the target audience is also an aim of the media and that all information adopted or passed must be based on teaching the people. In order for a person to accept something, he must be well equpped with the knowledg Audiences The people we are trying to reach with the our advertisement include the following; Carbon Polluter Parents Carbon Polluter Business men Carbon polluter Business women Carbon polluter Teachers Carbon polluter adult cititizens Carbon polluter living in Australia who of age to be taxed. Stalkehoders Business men and Investors Messages The Australian people need to know that one of the objecteive of the carbon tax . The carbon tax is targetted for the carbon polluters people in Australia. The carbon tax is £15 per tonne of emissions and hence harmful to the environment The carbon tax money made will be used to develop the country because it is considered as another form of income or revenue collect The environment would be improved and hence health concerns would no longer be an issue for the general population. Media List The news Reporter should be contacted be able to deliver the message to the audience so as to make people aware of the disadvantages of the carbon dioxide and inform people of the carbon tax. The newspaper reporter should be contacted so as to write up a paper on the disadavantages of the carbon dioxide and also to inform the carbon polluters that they will be taxed if they pollute the environment. A reporter or a writer should be able to deal with inquiries and concerns of the citizens at an appropriate time and when required. A reporter should also be capable of correcting wrong information that is percived by the citizens. For instance where a view is contary to what is percieved, it needs to be corrected at any time. The media should act as a link between itslef and the community or country as it relays information between the carbon tax promoters and the target audience or population. Media Tool We will use advertisement on radios and televisions so as to make people aware of the carbon tax and the disadvantages of carbondioxide (Hopkins 1986). We will use the internet to make people aware of the carbon taxing method. The internet would involve posting information on websites, instant messaging, and social media networks such as twitter and facebook. Instant messaging would be on sites such as skype while e-mail messaging to particular individuals would be used. Newspapers and local dailies should also be used in playing a role in the dissemination of information. Work Timeplan Date Activity Comments 6/1 Finalize Media Plan Make an effective media plan 6/30 Finalize Media List Get all relevant lists required. 6/31 Finalize Media Materials Get all the media materials required 7/30 Distribute calendar alert Give all calendar alert to as many people 8/30 Distribute Release Distribute release to many people 9/12 Begin pitching Start pitching 10/11 Event Advisory Gather all material,ideas from event people. 12/1 Start Carbon tax Implement the carbon tax method 6.0 Conclusion The “tax for Austraila’s future” campaign is to ensure that the general population of Australia accept the carbon tax innitiative. Firstly it must acheieve the aim of creating and genearting people’s awareness through eduaction, adequate training and massive interactive campaigns online and offline. Awareness needs to be achived through all forms of communications either through the social networking sites and media to enure appropriate awareness is created. The campaign should also meet its objectives of launching the carbon tax system and also sufficiently convincing the people adopt the prescribed plan. Marketing is to be done through any form of media material such as litrature, art, pictures and movies to ensure that people are familiarised with the carbon tax regime. This would be sufficient for publicizing the, the campaign to ensure tha public is sensitized. Chaing opinion is also an aobjective that must be achieved as a primary objective for the campaign either by word of mouth or by any other means. Increase of people’s knolwdge of the increasing effects of carbon pollution must be a major goal in ensuring that it the “tax for Australia’s future” campaign is achieved. Achieving this objectives would be crucial in the marketing and dissemination of information as regards carbon tax. 7.0 REFERENCES CITATION Mac98 \l 1033 : , (Macfarlane, 1998), Read More
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