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Advertisement Management Project - Media Plus - Coursework Example

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The paper "Advertisement Management Project - Media Plus" is an outstanding example of marketing coursework. Media Plus, W.L.L will undertake a campaign project for the development and marketing of a Gulf Business Directory. The project will accomplish the following five specific objectives: To provide a one-stop document for investors, businesses and clients to access information about potential business partners…
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Media Plus, W.L.L Gulf Business Directory Project CAMPAIGN REPORT Introduction Media Plus, W.L.L will undertake a campaign project for the development and marketing of a Gulf Business Directory. The project will accomplish the following five specific objectives: 1. To provide a one stop document for investors, businesses and clients to access information about potential business partners and businesses that provides specific products and services. 2. To influence Media Plus’ target market to utilise the Gulf Business Directory for their personal and businesses use. 3. To provide advertising avenue at a lower cost for smaller businesses. 4. To maximise the advertising mileage of bigger businesses in the Gulf Business Directory. 5. To maximise the clientele base of Media Plus across all types and sizes of businesses in the Gulf Region. The campaign’s theme is “BUSINESS CONNECTIVITY” which basically gives the message to businesses, investors and households that advertising in and using the Gulf Business Directory allows them to easily have contact with potential business partners and business establishments. It offers them easy access to marketing exposure for businesses and access to one stop contact information for both households and business establishments. To accentuate the campaign’s theme, Media Plus will adopt a two-stage campaign approach. The first stage focused on campaigning for the inclusion or advertising of businesses in the Gulf Region in the Gulf Business Directory. The second stage focused on marketing the Gulf Business Directory to its end users namely the households, the investors and the businesses in the Gulf Region. The investors can either be local or international investors. Campaign Approach Rationale The rationale behind the two stage campaign approach for the launch of Gulf Business Directory is to ensure that the first stage of the campaign generates majority of the businesses in the Gulf Region to be included in the directory. Accomplishing the first stage will give enough leverage for the success of the second stage of the campaign which involves marketing the Gulf Business Directory to the end consumers namely business establishments and households in the Region. These two markets will find owning the directory beneficial for their daily operations or activities. They can easily refer to the directory for contact information and profiles of the business establishments they want to access every now and then. It is crucial to make stage one of the campaign overwhelmingly successful since this is the core of the campaign. The success of the second stage of the campaign hinges on how wide is the network of businesses that the first stage will be able to convince to have their business information included in the Gulf Business Directory. Campaign Structure and Individual Elements The campaign is structured based on its two stages preceded by a preparatory stage. The following figure shows the structural framework of the campaign. Figure 1 Stages of Campaign Implementation Preparatory Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Demand Survey  Survey Results Analysis  Evaluation of Campaign Objectives & Approaches  Plan the Price of Advertising to be charged to Businesses in Stage 1 Preparation for Stage1 Relevant Agency Coordination in the Gulf  Listing of Businesses in the Gulf Region  Road Show Presentation of the Business Directory Project  Gathering Participation of Businesses for Inclusion into the Directory  Finalise List of Businesses to be Included in the Directory  Planning of Lay out of Gulf Business Directory  Coordination with Individual Businesses Included or Advertising in the Gulf Business Directory  Final Printing of Gulf Business Directory Relevant Agency Coordination in the Gulf  Plan Advertising Campaign for the Gulf Business Directory to End Users  Implement Advertising Campaign  Coordinate with Identified Retailers to Showcase the Product  Monitoring of Sales of Gulf Business Directory Preparatory Stage Preparation for the campaign and eventual development of the Gulf Business Directory crucially includes a survey of the demand for the creation of the directory. The survey will also reveal if there is a way that the large target markets for the Gulf Business Directory, namely the households and businesses, can be influenced to become motivated to utilise the directory in their daily activities. Aside from the households and businesses, the survey will also touch based with investors and government and non-government agencies to get their feedback on the usefulness of the development of Gulf Business Directory in business connectivity in the Gulf Region. Analysis of the survey results must focus on the perception of the respondents (households, businesses, investors and government and non-government agencies) on the importance and potential demand for a Gulf Business Directory. Their preference on the content of the directory should also be gathered as well as the range of prices that they can afford to purchase such a comprehensive Gulf Business Directory. This data is necessary in the planning of the lay out and pricing of the directory. Campaign objectives and approaches will be evaluated for its applicability in the target market once the results of the survey are analysed. It is crucial then that the questions in the survey will be able to relate to the objectives of the campaign set by Media Plus so that it is easier to evaluate the relational importance of the campaign objectives to what the market needs. Once evaluation of the objectives and its subsequent adjustments are made as a result of the survey analysis, Media Plus will now plot the choices of prices to be charged for advertising or inclusion of business establishments in the Gulf Business Directory. Stage 1: Campaign Launch to Business Sector a. Relevant agency coordination in the Gulf Region The campaign activities for the launch of Gulf Business Directory must start with efficient coordination with relevant government and non government agencies. Non government agencies include business associations such as chambers of commerce in the respective countries in the Gulf Region. These agencies will be introduced to the Gulf Business Directory Project, its objectives and benefits to the business community and their clients. Also, their role in the implementation of the project will be explored. This way, even these agencies will have a sense of involvement with the project and its campaign. The following will be the gist of the marketing presentation to these agencies. Direction for contact information for investors, businesses and households. Earns you commission whenever your organisation sold a copy Widen the network of your members Inter-country communication among your members in the Gulf Region. Compile business contacts and information for easy access of investors, businesses and households Increase efficiency of communication among these three market players b. Listing of businesses in the Gulf Region The output of meeting with the various agencies is the compilation of listings of businesses in the Gulf Region. Most of these businesses are members or partners of these agencies. Media Plus access to these lists is crucial to reaching out to the potential advertisers in the Gulf Business Directory. With the help of these agencies, Media Plus will be able to market the importance of the directory for these businesses market exposure and the potential to increase their network outside of their respective countries. Once, the list is available, Media Plus will then write personalised business letters to these businesses inviting them to participate in the Gulf Business Directory Project. Included in the letter is the objective of the project, the benefits to the businesses, and choices of the cost of advertising or inclusion in the directory and a request for a meeting with the decision makers of the company. c. Road show presentation of the Gulf Business Directory Project The road show presentation is an activity that will be implemented after Media Plus completed its meeting with government and non government agencies in the region. The road show will be hosted by the applicable agencies in major cities in their respective countries. They will invite their members to participate in the road show. This is a crucial activity the Media Plus must prepare thoroughly. The following advertising material will be included in the road show presentation. d. Gathering participation of businesses for inclusion in the business directory The road show presentation, personalised letters to businesses and meetings with company decision makers are the ways in which Media Plus will gather participation and subsequent advertising of businesses in the Gulf Business Directory. This is a crucial activity that Media Plus must focus on. That is why this project is made a priority over the other advertising projects offered to the agency. e. Finalise list of businesses to be included in the directory The marketing campaign in the above activities will result to a final list of businesses that pledged their support to participate in the Gulf Directory Project. The activities conducted above must be able to convince majority of these businesses to participate. Affordable advertising price, long term benefits of exposure to business recall, connectivity to potential investors and business partners and connectivity to clients are the convincing factors that will be relayed by Media Plus in its communication with these businesses to advertise and participate in the Gulf Business Directory. Give you Priority in : Affordable advertising price Long term business exposure Investor connectivity Business partners connectivity Client connectivity  Advertise now!! Gulf Business Directory f. Planning of lay out of the Gulf Business Directory & Coordination with businesses participating in the project After the lists of businesses that will participate in the project are confirmed, Media Plus will start the lay out of the content of the Gulf Business Directory. Each of the businesses that confirmed their advertisement or participation will be required to submit the logo of their individual companies to be put in the directory as well as their detailed contact information and business profile. The same should be required from the government and non-government agencies that coordinated the project with the intended project in the beginning. The lay out must include the logo of Media Plus in the front cover while the logos of the government and non government agencies is printed inside the directory with their specific sections welcoming users of the directory in using the document. g. Final printing of Gulf Business Directory The final copy of the Gulf Business Directory will be used in the marketing campaign that will be launched to the end consumers during stage 2 of the project’s campaign. The price of the directory will be set based on the result of the survey as well as based on the overall cost incurred by Media Plus in its implementation deducting already the earnings it gets from the advertisements of the individual businesses inside the directory. Stage 2: Campaign Launch to End Consumers a. Plan advertising campaign for the Gulf Business Directory to the End Users Media Plus starts to plan the advertising campaign for the marketing of the Gulf Business Directory to its end users namely, businesses and households. Although, the businesses were the focus of marketing for advertisement in stage 1 they still are the end users of the Gulf Business Directory. Thus, they are still part of the target market for the selling of its final copy particularly for those who were not able to participate in stage 1. The campaign will use relevant media to make it more effective and far reaching as well as use personalised communication with relevant partners in information dissemination. b. Relevant agency coordination With the Gulf Business Directory already printed and ready for marketing, Media Plus will again go back to coordinating with relevant agencies to help them market it back to their members particularly for those who were not able to participate in the project. These agencies will help the macro dissemination of information about the Gulf Business Directory to their clients and partners. Pamphlets about the directory will be given by Media Plus to these agencies to facilitate their information dissemination. The following is the initial design of the pamphlet. Contact potential suppliers easily Hassle free access to business information at your own home Know potential business partners at a glance Gulf Business Directory Has It! Get a copy now! c. Coordinate with identified retailers to showcase the product Media Plus will also arrange selling options or arrangements with leading retailers such as book stores and other retail stores to showcase and sell the product in their respective establishments. Media Plus will provide advertising materials such as posters in these establishments to help generate interest on the Gulf Business Directory from their clients. A sample of the poster is illustrated below. Media Plus, W.L.L Gulf Business Directory A tool for BUSINESS CONNECTIVITY Get access to business information for your purchases, emergency needs, and business needs. View a list of potential business partners without yet committing resources Know where and how to contact business establishments are located throughout the Gulf Region. Do not get lost. Get connected with Gulf Business Directory Available in this establishment d. Implement advertising campaign After coordinating with agencies and retailers, Media Plus will fully implement the advertising campaign to the end consumers. The help of other media sources will be utilised to ensure wider exposure for the product. e. Monitoring of sales of Gulf Business Directory Sales will be constantly monitored to assess the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. Infusion of additional marketing exposure will be infused from time to time just to ensure that the response to the product will not wane particularly in the short run. Integration of Other Elements of IMC Other element of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is integrated into the campaign particularly in mixing marketing and communications into the campaign. As can be seen in the three stages of the implementation of the campaign, communications with potential target market are being under implemented during the preparatory stage wherein a demand survey will be conducted and will be the basis for evaluating the initial campaign objectives. In this manner, it adheres to the element of IMC using the “outside-in process”1 wherein the target clients were consulted first before proceeding with the campaign. Thus, the eventual planning as focuses on what the market wants and how to influence the market accept the brand. Also, the pricing of the campaign and the product hinged heavily on the result of this survey. Timescales The project will be implemented for a period of six months. This time frame is deemed appropriate given that the coverage of the two stages is the Gulf Region. It will take a lot of time for the advertising team of Media Plus to do coordination, road show presentation and meetings with decision makers of the individual businesses identified to advertise in the Gulf Business Directory. The following are the schedule of activities for the advertising campaign. Activities Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan 1. Preparatory Stage a. Demand survey implementation b. Survey result analysis c. Evaluation of campaign objectives & approaches d. Costing/pricing of the product 2. Stage 1-Business Sector Campaign a. Coordination with relevant agencies b. Listing of businesses compilation c. Road show presentation d. Marketing participation of individual businesses for inclusion/advertisements in the directory e. Final list of businesses f. Plan lay out of Gulf Business Directory g. Final printing of the Gulf Business Directory 3. Stage 2-End Consumers Campaign a. Plan advertising campaign b. Coordinate with relevant agencies and retailers c. Implement advertising campaign using the selected media sources d. Monitoring of sales Media Selection The following are the media to be used in the advertising campaign to the end users: 1. Direct mail to agencies, businesses and retailers to convince them to participate in the project. This is also necessary to have initial contact with businesses and give them prior information about the project before the actual meeting with decision makers. 2. Internet will be utilised to campaign the project both to the businesses and households as well as international investors. The internet will be useful to give an international mileage or exposure to the product. 3. Newspaper advertisement will be followed particularly to reach out to ordinary households as well as businesses to buy the directory. 4. Magazine advertisements will reach out to individuals that have a penchant for reading glossy magazine covers. This is another market of end users that Media Plus will target. 5. Indoor advertisement such as the use of posters in retail stores and offices of agencies and businesses coordinated by Media Plus is also useful to disseminate information and eventual interest on the product. 6. Television advertisement airtime will be briefly adapted to give a wider exposure to the project. It will reach out millions of people through television. Thus, as a result brand recall and interest will be ensured. 7. Radio advertisement will also be utilised to help reach out to target markets particularly those located in the rural areas. Campaign Budget The following is the budget for the campaign starting from preparatory phase to stage 1 and 2 phases. Budget Item Amount 1. Preparatory Stage Survey Implementation Sub-total 2. Stage 1-Business Campaign Travel Cost (Region wide) Cost of Materials for Road show presentation Mailing cost Cost of opening a webpage for the project Lay out cost for the directory Cost of printing the directory Sub-total 3. Stage 2- End Consumer Campaign Television advertisement Radio advertisement Newspaper advertisement Magazine advertisement Posters and pamphlets Sub-total TOTAL Evaluation Criteria The objectives of the campaign will be the basis for its evaluation criteria. Evaluation will be conducted at every stage of the implementation of the campaign. The following criteria will be used vis-à-vis the objectives and stages of implementation. Objective Stages of Implementation Criteria 1. Provision of one stop business document Preparatory Stage Is there a demand for the product based on the survey? –responses of target market 2. Influence market to utilise the Gulf Business Directory Stage 1 & Stage 2 Number of businesses and agencies willing to participate or advertise in the project. 3. Provide advertising avenue at a lower cost Stage 1 Number of businesses and agencies willing to participate or advertise in the project. Feedbacks from businesses end consumers. 4. Maximise advertising mileage Stage 1 Number of businesses across the region willing to participate in the project. Sales for every country in the region. 5. Maximise clientele base of Media Plus Stage 1 & Stage 2 Sales volume in every country in the region Number of businesses advertising in the project. Annex A: Creative Brief Creative Brief Task Definition Task or Project: Development and Marketing of Gulf Business Directory Market Observation An absence of one stop document to facilitate easy and faster communication among clients, investors and businesses in the Gulf Region that can create an efficient system of information in the business sector is the rationale behind the plan to develop the Gulf Business Directory. Previous business directories only limits to a particular country. It is the first time that a business directory for the entire Gulf Region will be created. Source of Business Existing and new business clients are the expected source of business to Media Plus for this project. The Gulf Business Directory will include not only the existing clients of Media Plus. It is a comprehensive business directory that will cover major companies and business personalities in the Gulf Region. Clients, investors and businesses will benefit from this project consequently directly making them the immediate clientele of Media Plus once the project has been executed already. Thus, non-existing clients of Media Plus will be another source of its business through this project. Consumer Barrier or Insight Media Plus generally expects positive reception from businesses, clients and investors on this project since it will provide them accessible information. The Business Gulf Directory will be a useful reference material for them. However, Media Plus expects initial resistance to participate from companies that have existing partnerships with other advertising agencies in the Gulf Region. Target Audience Analysis Investors need basic information about potential businesses that they are interested to invest without yet fully immersing with a specific company. The Gulf Business Directory is an in ideal document for investors to browse for potential business partners or even business companies to coordinate with for potential activities. Businesses will benefit from the inclusion of their names in the Gulf Business Directory since their products and services will not only get advertised at a cheaper cost but can also pave the way for clients and investors to easily contact them for any market queries. Clients of businesses such as households and other business establishments will have immediate access to information about relevant businesses they want to contact through the Gulf Business Directory. Objectives 6. To provide a one stop document for investors, businesses and clients to access information about potential business partners and businesses that provides specific products and services. 7. To influence Media Plus’ target market to utilise the Gulf Business Directory for their personal and businesses use. 8. To provide advertising avenue at a lower cost for smaller businesses. 9. To maximise the advertising mileage of bigger businesses in the Gulf Business Directory. 10. To maximise the clientele base of Media Plus across all types and sizes of businesses in the Gulf Region. Strategies Brand Attitude Strategy, Claim and Benefit Using the Gulf Business Directory has both high and low involvement depending on the type of market Media Plus targets. It offers high involvement thru a relatively high price of advertisement to businesses depending on the type and size of advertisement they are willing to purchase. Thus, for every type and size of businesses there is an appropriate advertising price that can generate either high and low involvement accordingly. On the other hand, households and even potential investors who will use the Gulf Business Directory for their personal use will have low involvement in terms of cost since Media Plus can charge lower price for the directory since it already generated income from the advertising expenses of businesses to be listed in the directory. All of these target market will develop positive motivation to utilise the Business Gulf Directory since it will transform their access to information to a positive level. It will be easier for them to gather information about businesses in the region without wasting time and money since they directory is already a one stop information for it. Thus, overall, the Business Gulf Directory is beneficial for households, businesses and investors. They will have nothing to lose if they participate in it or purchase it. Execution Creative Guidelines a. Business directory classified according to the type of businesses (i.e. banks, hotels, hospitals, etc) with their corresponding contact information as well as specific products and services offered. This should be presented simply but effectively. b. Endorsements from different business groups and associations as well as by the government. c. Market it as a necessary reference material for every household and business establishment for easy and quick access to information. Requirements/Mandatory Content a. Coordination with business associations and applicable government agencies in the Gulf Region b. Must include size and type of enterprises, business logos, country of location, and contact information. If possible include a map of country where location of its respective businesses is highlighted. c. Logo of Media Plus in the cover of the Business Gulf Directory as well as the logos of the various business groups or associations from applicable country in the Gulf Region. Below the Business Directory word in the front cover must have a brand logo “Business Connectivity” without any funfare Read More
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