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The Factors Affecting the Online Shopping Behavior of Generation Y in Thailand - Coursework Example

"The Factors Affecting the Online Shopping Behavior of Generation Y in Thailand" paper demonstrates the Research philosophy, Research approach, Research strategy, Data collection, Data analysis and hypothesis, Reliability and validity, and Limitation…
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methodology al Affiliation) Key words: Principles, Competitors Methodology Introduction A researcher is supposed to undertake the research process that is essential a series of steps. This chapter will delve into the process undertaken by the researcher in collecting pertinent data and the process of formulating the question that will consequently be a base for determining answer for the stated research question. In this regard, the research process as defined by Saunders et al. (2012) details that it is succinctly divided into six layers that evidently acquires an onion like shape. Consequently, Suanders et. al. (2012) reiterates that the research method should be approached from an outer layer to inner layer perspective. Furthermore, Saunders et al. (2012) points out two outer layers composed of the research approach and the research philosophy. In this regard, they both connote the assumption that primarily assists in research formulation through method and strategy. Furthermore, the two middle layers are constituted by the research strategy and research choice. These are evidently arranged for data collection that aims to satisfy the research objectives. Consequently, there will be a clear formulation of the time horizon that will determine the amount of time consumed for collecting data. As a result, there will be a clear demonstration by the project and pertinent discussion of the data collection methodology that aims to satisfy the research questions and research objectives. Figure: The research process Source: Saunders and Lewis et al. (2012) Evidently, the goal of the researcher in the project is to demonstrate the Research philosophy, Research approach, Research strategy, Data collection, Data analysis and hypothesis, Reliability and validity, and Limitation. Research Philosophy According to Jankowicz, A. (2005) the research philosophy is constituted by primary rules and values to formulate the right research and consequently present the ideas to other individuals. It is important that the researcher is aware of the past assumption or else risk impacting the research process as well as the investigation. According to Saunders et. al (2012) they clearly note that the research philosophy is formulated from the researcher’s knowledge, concept and aspect. Moreover, the authors reiterate that research philosophies are grounded on three primary approaches constituted by realism, positivism and interpretive. 1. Positivism Positivism as defined by Bryman and Bell (2011) is the use of national scientific methods towards the study of social reality and beyond. This notion is further reinforced by Gill and Johnson (2010) by stating that positivists guide the process of data collection and interpretation from social reality to offer conclusive results in similar perspective with natural science research. Furthermore, the author reiterates that the whole of natural science is extracted from hypothesis formulation. This is normally derived from observation and collection of data. Similarly, Saunders et. al (2012) reinforces the goal of the research to conduct positivism research. This is evidently paramount towards hypothesis formulation from existent theory complete with data provisions. Upon review and conformation of the formulated hypothesis, there will consequently be a further development of the research theory. 2. Interpretivism Interpretivism provides a divergent epistemology to positivism. According to Bryman and Bell (2011), interpretivism is engaged with the differential roles of humans within society in which each individual role is defined and carries out their roles respective of the particular interpretation. According to Collis and Hussey (2003), interpretivism has the capacity offer comprehension and understanding to human beings when compared to the causes and effects. In this regard, interpretivism approach intergrates the collection of data from targeted interviewees for purposes of qualitative data analysis. In addition, Saunders et al. (2012) reiterates that interpretivism is primarily established on qualitative research design and researchers normally formulate the new theory as opposed to testing an existent theory. In addition, small samples are primarily utilized in interpretivism. These may not be applicable for this research due to the fact that large samples are required so as to create an accurate data for consumer behavior on the budget airline in Thailand. In reference to formulating the research questions, positivism philosophy offers a more appropriate choice. This is because the research is focused on the consumer behavior in order to study the behavior of Generation Y in Thailand. In this regard, the positivism research philosophy will be applied in this research. Research approach Academic research literature provide for two research approaches. These are namely inductive approach and deductive approach. Evidently, modification of these research approaches is possible for any research. 1. Deductive approach The starting point of deductive research is the observation and studying through academic literatures and existing theories. A research strategy is thus conducted to assess the theory. Evidently, the reasoning deduced from the Figure according to Wilson (2010) is that there exists a significant correlation between positivism and deductive approach by formulating a hypothesis derived from the existing theory and creating of a research strategy for hypothesis analysis. Figure: The process of deduction approach Source: Bryman and Bell (2011) 2. Inductive approach According to Bryman and Bell (2011), the inductive approach is depicted as a complete reversal of the deductive approach. In this regard, observation as performed at the initial stages and the results forwarded back to the theory in which the theory denotes the end of the research. Figure: The process of the inductive approach Source: Bryman and Bell (2011) It is important for the researcher to circumspectly choose the correct research approach method to be employed. In reference to this research, the deductive research approach will be employed to examine online shopping behavior among Generation Y in Thailand. The reason for its selection is because of its open nature and flexibility to collection of additional and correct data that will consequently summarize the reliable results. Qualitative and Quantitative Quantitative research and qualitative research are the only two important research choices according to Bryman and Bell (2011). Similarly, according to McGivern, the researcher is tasked with the duty of selecting the appropriate title for the research, formulation the research question and objectives. According to Bryman and Bell (2011), quantitative research is primarily associated with numeral data derived from questionnaire. On the other hand, qualitative research is reliant on secondary sources of data such as e-book, book, academic article, academic journal and internet source. Byrman and Bell point of view is reinforced by Minchiello et al. (1990) and explains the inherent differences between quantitative and qualitative data as evident in the Figure below. Figure: The differences between quantitative and qualitative research Qualitative Quantitative Data collection is through interviews and participant observation. Data analysis is through themes from informant descriptions. Reporting of data is through the informants language. Data collection is through measurement of things. Data analysis is via statistical inferences and numerical comparisons. Reporting of data is through statistical analyses Source: Minchiello et al. (1990) In this regard, this research will employ quantitative research in which the target respondents in the questionnaire are primarily the Generation Y consumers that have a past experience with internet shopping in Thailand. Time horizon According to Zikmund (2013), there are two categories of survey. These are namely longitudinal perspective and cross sectional perspective. Incidentally, cross sectional perspective is carried out for specific situation and specific time period. On the other hand, longitudinal perspective employs multiple surveys that are evenly distributed to the equal number of respondents. Moreover, it requires a longer time period. Consequently, the researcher will employ and implement a cross-sectional perspective for this research. The pertinent goal of this research is to study the behavior of consumers’ respondents at a specific time. In addition, there is a time period limit for the research composure within three months that justifies the choice of cross- sectional perspective. Data collection The method of data collection should be intricately understood as it can be gathered from both primary and secondary sources. However, according to Lacobucci and Churchill (2010), it is important for researchers to secondary sources after checking out primary sources due to the reduction of risk. This research has opted to use primary sources for the survey. 1. Primary source The specific reason for creating primary data is in order to provide answers for the research questions. It is important to note that it may require secondary data to reinforce the theories. In reference to the research at hand, the appropriate method for data collection is the survey method. In this regard, a questionnaire has been designed as the mode for collection of the quantitative data. 1.1 Questionnaire The mode of data collection via the questionnaire entails providing similar questionnaire to the select respondents. Evidently, the questionnaire mode consumes a shorter time in date collection when compared to the interview method. Moreover, a larger extent of the sample size is covered thus translating better accuracy in the collected data. Furthermore, the questionnaire does not identify respondents thus it negates the possibility of bias in data collection (Clough and Nutbrown, 2007). According to Saunders et al. (2012), there are two categories of questionnaires namely interviewer-completed and self-completed. Figure: Types of questionnaire Source: Saunders and Lewis et al. (2012) In this regard, the research at hand will be conducted online using a self completed questionnaire. According to Hewson (2003), the online questionnaire can be delivered either through the website or email. The delivery of the research questionnaire will be via renown blogs known as ‘’, email or facebook. (2013) estimates that Facebook accounts for approximately 90 percent of social network users. Furthermore, another famous and renown blog is which issues an identity card request for verification purposes and creation of a new account. 1.2 Structure of the questions The questions will be composed and structured in a relevant manner that addresses the research questions and objectives. According to Ghauri and Gronhaug (2005) the recommended modes and format of collecting data through the internet are the Liker scale and closed ended questions. In this regard, the questionnaire is formulated in line with the format to inquire into the behavior of internet usage and behavior in of online shopping in Thailand. The different sections of the questionnaire are constituted by four parts as shown below: There are two introductory questions in the questionnaire that seek to inquire whether the respondents meet the qualification of the target research group. Section 1: Demographic questions are outlined in the first section. The design has been aligned towards acquiring the respondents’ personal information. It ultimately assists in distinguishing and analysis of the data collected. A closed-ended format is adapted in the questions. Section 2: This section seeks to formulate question pertaining to usage of the internet. In this regard, it seeks to gather information pertaining to the behavior of internet usage. The answers derived from this section offer credence to the literature review concerning behavior of Generation Y that evidently accounts for the highest group of internet users. The structure of the questions has adopted a close-ended approach. Section 3: This section has formulated questions pertaining to the experience derived from online purchasing. In this regard, it is subdivided into two parts namely the close ended questions and five point Likert scale in which 1 represents strongly disagree while 5 denotes strongly agree with the stated statements. The derived answers from this section demonstrate consumer experiences of Generation Y in relation to shopping online as well as the issues affecting decision making on online purchasing. Section 4: This section delves to establish the characteristic factors influencing consumers from Generation Y when deciding on shopping online. In this regard, the questions on this section reflect on the product marketing mix composed of the 4Ps. The 4Ps denote product, price, place and promotion. The five-point Likert scale format is adopted in formatting the questions. In this regard, the number 1 denotes the least importance while 5 denotes high importance in reference the stated statements. 1.3 Pilot testing The pilot test is defined as an inspective technique geared towards trying out the design, instrument, method taking note of errors before roll out to the respondents (Saunders et al. 2012). The pilot test aims to ensure that all the target respondents understand the questions in a similar fashion. Consequently, this research will undertake a pilot test to ensure that all the questions are comprehendible and reliable. The mode of ptre-testing was undertaken by distributing questionnaires to 5 select respondents in Thailand that had experience in internet shopping. The researcher undertook the Cronbach’s alpha theory during the pilot test. The score result according to the Cronbach’s alpha score was greater than 7. This depicted that the questionnaire had a high reliability. Table: Pilot test using Cronbach theory Cronbach’s Alpha N of Items Consumer behaviour of the online shopping .951 5 Marketing Mix (4Ps) .903 16 1.4 Sampling According to Saunders et al. (2012), it is impossible to collect data across the entire whole population. In this regard the procedure of sampling in which a population subset represents the whole population is the best technique to be used. Moreover, there are two sampling methods that are proposed by the author. These are non-probability and probability. In probability sampling, it entails the scenario in which all the samples derive an equal chance for selection. On the other hand, non-probability sampling entails the filtration of the sample from unknown population. This is done through four methods namely, purposive, quota, haphazard and volunteer. In relation to the research, the mode of probability presents the best technique. This is because the research at hand requires only respondents that are relevant towards satisfying the research objectives or questions. Figure: Sampling techniques Saunders and Lewis et al. (2012) The target group of the survey and respondents will be the Thailand’s Generation Y consumers that exhibit experience in internet shopping. A 14 day time period has been allocated towards the collection of data. In the event that the sample size is large, it will lead to a high consumption of time. In this regard, the formula utilized by the researcher in calculation of a convenient sample size is the Taro Yamane; Where, n = size of the sample, N = size of the population and e = sampling error Source: Yamane (1967) Data derived from the Thailand commercial company (2013) indicates that the number of people shopping online were approximately 16,000,000. The acceptable error of sampling is abou 0.05. In relation to Yamane’s theory, 400 people denote the acceptable sample size for the project. However, the sample size has been minimized to 300 people due to the time limitation. Analysis of data and Hypotheses The most valuable tools for presentation of quantitative data that succinctly interpretes and analyses the data collected are charts and tables (Bryman and Bell, 2011). Furthermore, According to Dancey and Reidy (2008) Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) is valuable software for analysis of quantitative data. The research at hand will incorporate the use of SPSS software, charts and table in data analysis and presentation of the raw data. The researcher has selected the test based dependent upon the research objectives. This can be elaborated as follows; H 1: Profile on demographics of the factors making Generation Y in Thailand to select shopping online. H2: Behavior of Thai’s Generation Y pertaining to internet usage behavior regarding online shopping. H3: Shopping experiences done online by Generation Y in Thailand that affects their online shopping. H4: Factor of product online influence. H5: Factor of price influence. H6: Factor of place influence. H7: Factor of promotion influence. Reliability and Validity According to Brewerton and Millward (2001) validity is defined as the degree of relationship inherent for determining the research objectives. In addition, it also defines the things that could be detrimental towards the research validity (Saunders et al. 2012). In relation to the research at hand, the pertinent issue of concern was ambiguity. This was a result of the differences in personal background. Consequently, each respondent had a different understanding pertaining to the questionnaire’s purpose. In this regard, composure of the questionnaire has been undertaken in a precarious manner to limit incidences of ambiguity. Implementation of the pilot test was conducted in order guarantee data validity before the official distribution of the questionnaire’s final version. According to Robson (2002), research bias is evident in forms such as faulty participant, observer bias, faulty observer and participant bias. The distribution of the questionnaires was undertaken in a careful manner in order to minimize participation bias. Limitation In respect to the research at hand, the aspect of time poses a great limitation. This is in recognition that the time period for the research has been scheduled as 3 months. In this regard, there is a short period for respondent feedback from the questionnaire. Read More

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