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Marketing Services of Damia Spa - Case Study Example

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"Marketing Services of Damia Spa" paper focuses on the Damai spa was founded in Singapore by the people of Chinese, Indian, and European deserts as a reflection of the harmony of Singapore people. The Spa was built in a harmonious community, combining cultures and fostering peace of diverse cultures…
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Marketing Services of Damia Spa
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MARKETING SERVICES OF DAMIA SPA Damai spa was founded is Singapore by the people of Chinese, Malay, Indian and European desert as reflection of the harmony of Singapore people. The Spa was built in a harmonious community, combining cultures and fostering peace of the our diverse people an cultures.. The Spa uses the national flower of Singapore to serve as a signature of essence and a symbol of peace (Damai Spa Singapore n.d.). Damai is a health Spa experience inculcated with extraordinary beauty of nature and resilience as a spirit of Singapore. At this Spa treatments are based on traditional Chinese medicine, Indian ayurveda, Malay jamu philosophy and European spa therapy. The health facility embraces the people from this wide and diversified culture all interested in harmony of Singapore (Damai Spa Singapore n.d.). Damai symbolizes the peaceful and harmonious coexistence of these various cultures as practiced in Singapore. Numerous services are offered at the Damia Spa. The Spa treatment offers customers services that are beyond their expectations and that they would enjoy. The naturally beautiful and serene environment ensures that the patients enjoy their stay in the Spa. Damai Spa offers treatments that are based on the different healing philosophies (Damai Spa Singapore n.d.). This makes the patient get customized treatment and services depending on their traditional beliefs and practices. The traditional Chinese medicine ensures balancing by unblocking the vital energy. The Malay Jamu philosophy heals by the use of herbal and natural well being. Moreover, the European spa therapy energies the body connection while the Indian ayurveda purifies and detoxify the body (Zeithaml & Mary, 1996). When customers attend treatment at Damai Spa, they are guaranteed other supplementary services. These include the provision of a robes and scandals for comfort. Secured lockers will make the patients keep safe their personal belonging even though the management is not responsible for the losses (Damai Spa Singapore n.d.). The Spa further prohibits smoking and drinking in the premises to ensure patients enjoy tranquility and peace. In addition, the spa etiquette enables the patients to shower before body checks and Damai Spa has the fitness center that is geared towards wellness enthusiasts while looking for innovative ways that restores balance in the lives and for total rejuvenation. The fitness center includes yoga, bollywood, capoiera and hip hop dance. All these enables the customers to engage in fat burning, strengthening exercise and provides professional advice on nutritional and healthy lifestyle. To supplement the fitness center, recreational facilities like swimming pool, studio, badminton courts, and oasis poolside restaurant are available (Damai Spa Singapore n.d.). The marketing of services requires customization of services and this explains why the wellness center offers attention to each member (Vedulla, 2005). Special fees charged attracts customers and affordable to the members. The technology wellness key is easy to use by the members and stores data that is communicated to the gym equipment. The key can also guide the members through each exercise hence a training strength. In addition, Damai Spa salon services provide a variety of services. These include hair cut, hair color, shine lights, and hair permitting and hair treatment at affordable rates. This wide variety ofi services makes customers have selection choice and therefore enhancing their satisfaction. The services are charged at different rates, which make the spa serve various classes of people. The salons are situated in natural and serene environments that ensure comfort and satisfaction. In all the categories of services that are provided, Damai considers the diverse nature of people’s values, customs, and rituals. These diversities are blended in a manner that ensures harmony of the four-wellness philosophies. The Damai couples journey a selection and seasonal fruits served and herbal tea specially selected as a complement. Each of these services infused with the essence of the orchid bring about a sense of harmony, peace, nourishment of body and mind together with a long after your journey departure. Flower of services Flower of service are the vital services provided to facilitate and enhance the provision of the core services. Flower of services are classified as enhancing elements or facilitating elements. They facilitate the provision and utilization of core products and ensure that the main objectives of the Spa are met or enhance the quality of the core product and to win the expectation of the customer segment. Flower of services also enhances the value created by the customers. In the case of Damai Spa, there are numerous flowers of services that were offered to their customers to ensure proper delivery of the core products. The first flower of service is information. Customers normaly require information on product and services to ensure they are acquainted with the way to use the product. At the same time, information helps in giving directions, schedule, charges, terms of sale and the usage instruction. In the case of Damai Spa, the customers were received at the reception where information was availed to them (Damai Spa Singapore n.d.). Similarly, the time schedules required in the provision of a service or to offer a product was made clear in the company brochures and even the website. These channels further stated the charges of each an every treatment or service that was offered. This therefore mad all the customers get information that was pertinent in the realization of their services. Information on how to make reservation and how one could make cancelation as all given together with the mode a ways of making payments. This ensured that the customers I this Spa experienced a smooth running of their operation. Their instructor who gave information on the nutrition requirement also instructed the customers on the use of sderrvices at the wellness centre (Damai Spa Singapore n.d.). Order taking as facilitating services was also used in Damai Spa. Customers could make order and book reservation in the hotels by mailing, faxing or even calling from the room. This was a convenient, fast and reliable hence relieved the customers from the hectic procedures and long ordering duration. Facilitation of service delivery also depends o the way of billing. The management of Spa, made billing to customers online through the use of emails and faxed. At the same time receipts, both electronic and documented receipts were offered to the customers as a proof that the customers have to know of their obligations. In offering a service, the mode of payment must be adopted to ensure that the customers can make their payments in time and information on he accurate balance owe. Damai Spa ensured that there was transparency in the payment mode by making their entire price open i.e. through the brochures and the website (Damai Spa Singapore n.d.). To make the payment method easier, Damai accepted both cash and credit card payments. The costs charged included both the government taxes and service charge and were all quoted in Singapore dollars to avoid the fluctuation in the interest rates. The flowers of service that enhances the provision of services were also considered crucial in the case of Damai Spa. Consultation being one of the flowers of service was offered to the customers upon reservation. This ensured that the waiting time was reduced and that the services ere customized. Through customization, the Spa benefit to the services offered to the customers. This further ensured that he diverse needs of the customer were met and that the confidentiality in treatment was realized. In the fitness and wellness center, the instructor offered advice to the members on personal basis and made sure that each one was attended to in time. The nutrition advice that was offered upon consultation further made sure that each individual was attended to according to the specific requirement. Most importantly, the attendants were people with the expert knowledge and ability to comprehend each of the diverse needs to ensure that there was unity in diversity. Customized services were extended to those who demanded services in the salon and accommodation. In addition, Spa customers were treated as kings. During the visiting hours, the customers were warmly welcomed and were treated with dignity and respect. The customer care services at the reception gave direction and were more than willing to help answer customers’ queries. Upon arrival, the customers were offered the Spa attire i.e. robes and sandals to ensure they were comfortable. The customers were also allocated secure lockers where they kept safely their belongings to make them more comfortable. Damai Spa etiquette demanded that the customer had the opportunity to shower before beginning anybody treatment. This offered them the opportunity to refresh. The premises of treatment and accommodation services were secure and this shielded the customers from any harm. Such element of hospitality is required in marketing of services. The warm welcome made customers become loyal and attain the peaceful coexistence. The safe custody of the customers’ property made them prefer Damai as a wellness center. The customers’ wealth during the period of service delivery therefore ensured that treatments could be easily administered to a customer without any worry. Finally, Damai Spa customers enjoy the reception services. In some occasions, the customer were allowed to cancel their reservation within a short time pan but incurred some charges for such actions. Damai Spa also accepted customers who mad emergency calls to their facilities. In summary, the flower of services that were offered by Damai was instrumental in customer satisfaction and retention. It further supported the objective of realizing unity among the diverse customers. In conclusion, the provision of flower of services is important in the pa center where the objective of wellness and unity I core. Any small dissatisfaction and disgust that customers might face can lead to loss of clients and significantly affect the operations of the Spa. Question 2 The marketing of services is made complex by the fact that customers interact with the service organizations. In a competitive industry, management must ensure that their customers are satisfied so to help in the profit maximization. Customers who are well served will make repeat purchases and become loyal to the company’s products. It is therefore necessary that errors and acts that can disorient customers are minimized or eradicated as much as possible. What makes customers encounter complex is the fact that at the time of encounter with the organization, other customers will be on the queue and will therefore visualize any nasty experience. In the case of Damia Spa, customer encounter stage is important in ensuring satisfaction of their customers and in enhancing repeat purchase. For patients to make frequent and repeated visits to the treatment centers, their encounter with the doctors and the wellness philosophy selected will be the determinants. The short waiting duration because of the booking system, the serene environment, and the supplementary services makes the customers have a good experience that ensures loyalty to the business. Simultaneously, employees and staff of Damia spa are well qualified and experienced. The low error rate will make customers have a good experience and hence making the spa a choice. Customer encounter stage also provides avenue for marketing of services. If customers are well handled and served, they will talk positively of the spa services to their colleagues and friends (Bitner, 2012). Good customer encounter is therefore a long-term marketing strategy that Damia spa must pursue. It is because of the need to market their services that all the directions are given to those who visit the gym services. The experts at the service are well trained and this makes them offer appropriate directions and guidance to their service users. Additionally, the customer encounter stage is also important in getting customer feedback and acquiring information on areas that require adjustments. When customers are well interacted with, Damia Spa will get the opportunity to acquire information on the expectations of their customers. The Spa can also utilize the encounter stage as a way of communicating to their customers’ future expected changes on the way the operations are conducted. Organizations development is a continuous process that is never ending and thus experience incremental improvements. Similarly, Damai Spa, will still need to enhance their services to match the changing consumer demands (Angelo, 2010). The first way of enhancing customer experience is be developing training programs for their employees this would enable them acquire new skills in how to operate the equipment and learn of better ways of handling customers. Secondly, customers should be given pertinent directions in time to limit and deflate any potential chances of having an accident occurring (Soman & Sara, 2009). In the delivery of services, customers are part of the provision process and they should therefore know of how to handle themselves to ensure better output. Finally, Damia Spa can enhance the customer encounter by employing enthusiastic employees who have good communication and interpersonal skills. In the provision of services, customers interact with the organizations employees. This therefore make is essential for the employees to have the skills to communicate and interact happily with the customers. Further, the management must ensure that their employees are well motivated, as this will increase their efficiency and output while at the same time maximizing the customers’ satisfaction and value. In conclusion, marketing of services require an understanding of customers demand and psychology. To market their services, service providers must ensure that their products are of high quality and that the customers have smooth and good encounter. Continuous review and improvements in the service provision and quality is essential in a competitive industry. References Bitner, M. (2012). "Evaluating Service Encounters: The Effects of Physical Surroundings and Employee Responses." The Journal of Marketing 54.2 (1990): 69-82. Jstor. Web. 29 Mar. 2012. Angelo, J.M. (2010). Spa Business Strategies: A Plan for Success. 2nd ed. Clifton Park, N.Y.: Milady , Cengage Learning, Print. Bodeker, G., and Marc C. (2008). Understanding the Global Spa Industry: Spa Management. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, Print. Damia Spa Singapore, retrieved from sp  Soman, D., & Sara M. (2009). Managing Customer Value: One Stage at a Time.. London: World Scientific, Print. Vedulla, V. R. (2005). Marketing Services. Mumbai India: Jaico, Print. Zeithaml, V. A., & Mary J.B. (1996) Services Marketing. New York: McGraw Hill, Print. Top of Form Bottom of Form Read More
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