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G Viral Marketing Options Task G Viral Cover Page The E-Connect Corporation Developing Internet Solutions G-Viral Anti-virus softwareDecember 10, 2014John DoeFree Walk Hallway 125wNew York CityOffice line:Cell line:Table of Contents1.0: Executive Summary1.1 Vision1.2 Objectives2.0 Target Markets2.1 Market Definition and Segmentation2.2: Needs and Requirements2.3. Distribution Channels2.4. Keys to Success2.5: Expense Budget by Year2.0 Situation Analysis 2.1 Market Summary2.2 SWOT Analysis2.3 Competition2.
4 Product Offering3.0 Marketing Strategy3.1 Mission3.2 Marketing Objectives3.3 Financial Objectives3.4 Target Markets3.5 Positioning3.6 Strategies3.7 Marketing ProgramPricingDistributionAdvertising and promotionCustomer service3.8 Marketing Research4.0 Financials 4.1 Break-Even Analysis4.2 Sales Forecast4.3 Expense Forecast5.0 Controls 5.1 Implementation5.2 Marketing Organization5.3 Contingency PlanningThe Executive Summary The E-Connect Company operates in the ICT industry whereby it develops anti-virus software that trades under the brand name of G-Viral.
The key features of this anti-virus software, which is the key product explored in this business plan are enhancement of computer efficiency, protection of computer systems, as well as affordability to potential consumers. The following is a sample based marketing plan that explores a number of strategies and aspects through which the company will employ in order to maximize its sales portfolio, as well as secure a steady stream of income from the newly developed product. The G-Viral software developed by E-Connect ICT Company has a competitive advantage over other anti-viral softwares available within the market owing to the fact that it is highly scalable, as well as environmentally friendly.
In addition, this anti-virus equally reduces the costs of maintenance of the user’s computer systems, reduces equipment-based costs, as well as leads to a significant reduction in all the other costs linked to hosting of new data virus basing on the new and intensive software applications. As such, the E-Connect Corporation seeks to offer the market an antivirus software that has the capability of accommodating traffic spasm, especially that which is found to slow down computer software performance.
The marketing plan explores various key features and steps that the company will undertake while rolling out its project. The first part of the business plan explores the features of the new product, how it will sell, as well as how it intends to provide market solutions to the targeted consumers. This part also explores the business plan also explores the business mission and vision that it expects to achieve through the roll-out of this new product within the market. The second part of the marketing plan explores the various target, as well as potential markets to which the company seeks to sell its product, with the lading customers being the school going students, as well as institutions of higher learning.
The other key parts of the marketing plan are the situation analysis which analyses the position of the new product in the market, the marketing strategy which explores how best the company can roll out the project, the financials, as well as the controls.References DiGiacomo, G., King, R., Nordquist, D., & Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture. (2003). Building A Sustainable Business: A Guide To Developing A Business Plan For Farms And Rural Businesses. Minnesota: Sustainable Agriculture Network.
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