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The Service Encounter Diaries - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "The Service Encounter Diaries" names the firms that exhibited poor levels of customer service - H&M, Vodafone, Yankee Candle, The Elephant Café, and the PetPlanet.  Likewise, those firms that exhibited a superior level included: TESCO, Barnes and Noble, East Café, etc…
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The Service Encounter Diaries
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Overall, my experience was rather neutral, the service I received from the hostess was sub-par; however, the service I received from the waiter was average. The food was both inexpensive and tasty so I can state that the experience was not a negative one. Because the front-line employees exhibited such a low level of interest in their job, it was difficult for the customer to be interested in the café or the service they provided. 5. Ranking 4/7 in terms of overall satisfaction.6. 2/7 – unlikely to recommend the restaurant/café to a friend or loved ones based upon the price and tastiness of the food alone.7. In order to improve on the restaurant, the manager absolutely must ensure that his/her first impressions team is up to the task of being friendly, cordial, and engaging with clients.

Without this, the restaurant is not able to stand out; regardless of how low priced or tasty, the food might be.Experience #2:EC-ELECTROCLINIC: Mobile Phone Repair1: February 11th at between 3-4 PM. EC-ELECTROCLINIC2: I had performed some online reviews in order to find the best mobile phone repair service that I could in the local area. After reading several online reviews, I came to have a high expectation of service as most of the customers of the store had written glowing reviews.3: Upon entering the establishment, I was immediately greeted and asked if I could be helped.

What was most interesting to me was that I was not just passed off to someone else once I explained my problem; instead, the person who greeted me was actually one of the repairmen himself and was able to take a look at my phone and quickly give me a cost and time estimate for how long the repairs would be.4. I was pleasantly surprised by this level of service and decided I would have my phone repaired at this establishment; instead of wasting any more time looking for a lower price elsewhere.

As a direct result of the first impression that I had and the level of knowledge that was exhibited to me, my decision to do business with the firm in question was solidified.

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“The Service Encounter Diaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 Words”, n.d.
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