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The developing nations have their own microenvironmental factors that influence the company strategy (Grewal & Levy, 21). For example, the raw materials used to expose the employees and the environment to toxic substances; in addition, the working conditions in the work stations were questionable which in the end hurt Nike’s image although it was the fault of the contractors.
The use of resources in the chain also negatively influenced the organization’s performance in the supply chain; the most relevant strategy in dealing with the problem is the investment in environmentally and socially friendly initiatives that help reduce waste in the supply chain. Additionally, the organization embarks on encouraging and requiring their contractors to ensure good working conditions and other labor standard conditions to eliminate the bad image imposed by the poor conditions on the organization.
Case criteria most important for regular consumers
According to the case study, a player like Mike Jordan judges the shoe quality by performance. Generally, the players want a shoe that can withstand the excessive force and pressure exerted on the shoes as they play. A shoe that gives into the pressure is not reliable and can fail the player during the play section and hence lose on the game strategy (Grewal and Levy, 2011). However, the regular product users who are not players may judge the shoe performance from its durability. Consumers want a shoe they can wear for a long time without frequenting the stores for new shoes. In addition, consumers desire shoes that meet their fashion desires. For example, they may desire shoes that come in different shades and allow them to match the wide range of color outfits in their wardrobe. They also desire shoes that can be worn to different occasions other than in the playgrounds and hence the manufacturers need to consider the product demands of the varied clients.
Lean manufacturing coordinate and green marketing
Lean manufacturing principally allows small teams of workers in the manufacturing process; they small teams build the entire items other than portion manufacturing where a piece is made and moved to the next step in the line. The technique is significant in that it helps the organization save on production cost and in this case 15cents per shoe strategy (Grewal & Levy, 21). The strategy helps the workers feel motivated and empowered and brings a sense of equality in the organization. This in return influences green marketing which seeks to reduce the environmental pollution on the organization's raw materials and the product production process.
In addition, the lean manufacturing process enables the organization to improve on the environmental working conditions per worker as all the workers have a single working position for which hygiene can be ensured as the product moves from there in a completed form.
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