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Apple as a Favourite Brand - Assignment Example

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This assignment "Apple as a Favourite Brand" focuses on the author's favorite brand which is Apple Corporation. Apple is an American company that deals with computer electronics and software. The company is known as the best company in the production of computer products…
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Apple as a Favourite Brand
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Brands My favorite brand that deals with computer hardware is Apple Corporation. Apple is an American company that deals with computer electronics and software. According to several sources, the company is known as the best company in the production of computer products (Lashinsky, 2012). Apple is also considered as the largest company that has grown in terms of technological advancement. Currently, the company operates in over 100 countries globally. This paper will talk about Apple as one of the leading brands in the business world.

Most of the products manufactured by Apple are suited for business use. However, the products manufactured by the company are extremely costly. In most developed countries, the unique nature of Apple products is highly appreciated. Therefore, as a purchasing officer for a business, I would buy Apple computers for the company. I would also pay the same price for their products due to various reasons. For instance, Apple products are ultimately unique (Lashinsky, 2012). The company is also considered quite successful by most individuals.

Research also asserts that Apple has taken part in most environmental issues that are affecting the world. This is a clear portrayal that the products produced by Apple are environmentally friendly. The company has also worked with several manufacturers in order to comprise splendid working conditions. This affirms that the employees in the Apple industry are highly recognized. In conclusion, various sources conclude that the ceremonies usually draw a huge multitude of individuals (Lashinsky, 2012).

Furthermore, Apple consumers have been highly recognized as individuals who are better educated and affluent than most PC company consumers. Apple also has a wide range of products. Therefore, as a purchasing officer, I would ensure that all employees in the firm are equipped with the latest technology from Apple Corporation. 

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