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The Consumer Attitude Towards Reality TV Shows - Assignment Example

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This assignment "The Consumer Attitude Towards Reality TV Shows" is meant for analyzing the customer attitude towards reality shows. The customers have a positive outlook regarding reality TV shows. They like shows which are not scripted and offer a certain amount of excitement. …
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The Consumer Attitude Towards Reality TV Shows
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?Table of Contents Introduction 2 Qualitative Analysis 2 Quantitative Analysis 6 Conclusion and Recommendation 22 References 23 Introduction The taste and preference of the global consumers are changing at a robust rate (Glynn, 2009; Zickmund, Ward, Lowe, Winzar and Babin, 2011). The consumption pattern of a nation greatly depends upon the economic policies, financial independence as well as the buying habit (Fournier, 1998). The shift in preferences is more visible among the new generation. Moreover, studies have shown that the current generation also does not mind paying a few bucks extra for getting the desired products and services. Another critical factor that has led to an increased consumerism is the surge in credit culture. In addition, companies nowadays also put more emphasis on the requirements of consumers because they have understood that it is wise and sensible to manufacture products according to the requirement as it mitigates the market risk as well as provides opportunity to gain success. The same idea is applicable for a television production company (Edwards & Peccei, 2007). Television viewers have the tendency to watch programs that is entertaining and has some kind of social value (DeMozota, 2003). However, the viewership of a television program is greatly dependent upon the culture of the country and also the customer base that the television program has considered as its target. In this report, in-depth consumer analysis will be conducted to assess their attitude towards reality shows. On the basis of the analysis, a recommendation to the client, NBN will be made about whether they should introduce a new Reality TV show or not. The analysis of data will encompass both qualitative and quantitative forms and a judgment will be made after considering both the facts (Solomon, 2008; Pride & Ferrell, 2004). Qualitative Analysis Key Themes Identified The study is trying to analyse the attitude of consumers towards reality TV shows. Another issue that became evident while exploring the qualitative data is the definition of a reality TV show. The analysis revealed that there are several types of shows being aired on television, but classifying programs as reality, soap and drama is a tricky task. Interpretation of Theme 1 The nature of the program is also dependent upon an individual’s point of view. According to R2, a reality shown is the one that depicts a real life scenario and showcases true reactions of the contestants participating in the program. Furthermore, the respondent also mentions that there are some reality shows that uphold real things but is often scripted and participants act according to the direction. In the similar way, R5 comments that “I have to admit, I am not a very big fan of real-life TV. I tried watching programs such as survivors and Temptation Island, but they just are not appealing to me, which I think has a lot to do with the fact that I see those shows as acting and nothing else”. Hence, the same issue i.e. what actually is a reality television show is the matter of doubt among the mass. Another point raised by the respondent regarding reality TV shows is the authenticity of the participants. Exemplifying the mega hit show ‘Big Brother’, the respondents stated that “who wouldn’t be tempted to pretend to be someone that they don’t normally get to be on TV, even though the shows are supposed to be 100% real and genuine.” The statement obviously holds great importance, as consumers may feel cheated if they are not shown the real side of the participants. However, the point made by R1 in this regards is contradicting. The respondent believes that some sort of acting in the reality shows is absolutely acceptable because they have participated in a competition and wining the show will reward them with a lot of money. Therefore, it is up to them how they portray themselves in front of the audience and it is up to the audience how the rate remains constant. In addition, the respondent also stated referring to reality show where two ordinary people had to complete a journey with a limited budget (Arnett, German & Hunt, 2003; Ahearne, Bhattacharya &Gruen, 2005). The respondent believes such shows are more real and reflects the real side of a person. Regarding this aspect, Finley (2011) stated that reality shows are any shows that are not scripted. Echoing the same, Holmes and Jermyn (2004) states that reality shows often portray the real side of a human being and majority of the people believes that reality shows are more entertaining and bear a certain kind of social values. The author in this context argues that other types of shows such drama and soap are not real at all, but has a certain value in its own terms. According to eminent scholars such as Jenkins (2006), the culture of a country has a profound impact on the viewership of a reality show. The similar point is also accepted by Behen (2006), where the author deems that media houses launch reality shows on the basis of the culture of a country (Carlson, Donavan &Cumiskey, 2009; Bizer, & Petty, 2002). Hence, the study of literature makes it evident that reality shows are the one that offers the real side of an individual and is not scripted. However, these reality shows come in different forms. According to the findings, some of the common shows which are tagged as reality shows and is accepted by the masses are Big Brother, Jerry Springer Show, Survivors and Temptation Island among others. The acceptance level differs according to the consumer’s profile of the host country, culture and the intended target audience. Interpretation of Theme 2 Another issue that will be discussed in this section is the attitude of consumers towards reality TV shows. According to R2, “I do agree with the fact that in most shows everybody's simply playing roles. However, for the shows like Temptation Island and Jerry Springer, which are supposed to be live, I feel that the focus is taken away from the real-life element of what they were meant to be”. The respondent also emphasized that a reality TV program must encompass elements of adventure, excitement and unpredictability. This is what makes a viewer engrossed in the programme. In the similar way, R5 also believes that reality shows are “fun to watch”, if not scripted. However, R1 and R3 have a negative outlook. Both the respondents believe that reality TV shows are not actually real and is just another type of program. Despite negative outlook, R1 stated that “girls all look good, with pretty faces; guys are handsome, pleasant”. Hence, it is evident that the presentation and looks of the participants attracts him, irrespective of the type of reality show. The fourth respondent (R4) also has a negative outlook towards reality shows. According to him, “reality shows is somehow different from other programs, and as everybody seems to be talking about it”. He further mentions that “I’d rather spend my time on something else than watching these programs”. Therefore, the analysis of the interview transcript and relating it with the literature review reveals that respondents have given mixed reaction about reality TV shows. They hardly give importance to this type of shows, but do enjoy them on a casual mood. Furthermore, respondents also made it evident that they like those shows where the reality is portrayed and is not scripted. The implication of these findings will be presented in the last section of the study. Now to strengthen the findings, the study will make use of quantitative analysis using statistical tools. Visual Model The findings made it evident that customers prefer shows such as Big Brother. Quantitative Analysis Sample Profile Are you Male or Female? Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Male 96 32.0 32.0 32.0 Female 204 68.0 68.0 100.0 Total 300 100.0 100.0 What is your age? Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Under 18 64 21.3 21.3 21.3 18-25 115 38.3 38.3 59.7 26-35 90 30.0 30.0 89.7 36+ 31 10.3 10.3 100.0 Total 300 100.0 100.0 Among the total number of respondents, 32% (96) of them were male and 68% (204) of them were female. On the other hand, majority of the respondents had belonged from the age group of 18-25 years (38.3%). Only 10.3% of the respondents seemed to belong from the age group of 36+ years. Hypothesis Development The hypothesis for this study has been developed on the basis of the objective of the study. This study is meant for analysing the consumer attitude towards reality TV shows. Hence, the hypothesis is as follows: - Alternate Hypothesis (H1): - Consumers have a positive outlook towards reality TV shows. Null Hypothesis (H0): - Consumers have a negative outlook towards reality TV shows. Now, to test the hypothesis, the following are the test conducted. In this section, analysis of the marketing research objectives will be carried out in order to establish a general idea about the subject. In addition, the appendix section of this study will also encompass separate tests for the association and differences. Result: Hypothesis 1 Relationship between connecting with participants and enjoyment of reality TV shows. Correlations I relate to participants on Reality TV shows I enjoy watching Reality TV shows I relate to participants on Reality TV shows Pearson Correlation 1 .098 Sig. (2-tailed) .091 N 300 300 I enjoy watching Reality TV shows Pearson Correlation .098 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .091 N 300 300 The above table denotes that there is a strong relationship between connecting with participants and enjoyment of reality TV shows. Hence, a person who relates with the participants enjoys TV reality shows. Result: Hypothesis 2 Compare attitudes towards reality TV shows between males and females Are you Male or Female? * Reality TV shows are set up Cross tabulation Count Are you Male or Female? Reality TV shows are set up Total Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Male 0 2 16 45 33 96 Female 6 10 39 82 67 204 Total 6 12 55 127 100 300 Are you Male or Female? * Reality TV shows are scripted Cross tabulation Count Are you Male or Female? Reality TV shows are scripted Total Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Male 2 11 51 15 17 96 Female 5 12 96 52 39 204 Total 7 23 147 67 56 300 Are you Male or Female? * Having attractive participants on Reality TV is important Cross tabulation Count Are you Male or Female? Having attractive participants on Reality TV is important Total Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Male 1 5 10 52 28 96 Female 4 5 31 101 63 204 Total 5 10 41 153 91 300 The data above clearly enumerates that there are less differences among the attitudes of the males and females. Majority of the female respondents believe that reality shows are scripted and are set up. The male candidates also believe the same. The figures clearly indicate that the response is almost identical. In ever question, the response of both males and females are on the similar side and therefore, the differences in attitude is comparatively less as the viewpoints are identical. Result: Hypothesis 3 Relationship between age and preference towards reality TV shows What is your age? * I only watch Reality TV if I am bored Cross tabulation Count What is your age? I only watch Reality TV if I am bored Total Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Under 18 0 5 27 20 12 64 18-25 4 6 46 36 23 115 26-35 10 6 32 26 16 90 36+ 1 1 8 10 11 31 Total 15 18 113 92 62 300 What is your age? * Having attractive participants on Reality TV is important Cross tabulation Count What is your age? Having attractive participants on Reality TV is important Total Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Under 18 3 2 9 34 16 64 18-25 0 5 14 63 33 115 26-35 2 2 15 40 31 90 36+ 0 1 3 16 11 31 Total 5 10 41 153 91 300 What is your age? * I connect with participants on Reality TV shows Cross tabulation Count What is your age? I connect with participants on Reality TV shows Total Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Under 18 9 32 17 4 2 64 18-25 18 55 38 4 0 115 26-35 20 36 32 1 1 90 36+ 7 18 2 4 0 31 Total 54 141 89 13 3 300 In this analysis, certain amount of differences is observed among the participants. Hence, age does play a role. Customers above the age of 36 mostly watch reality TV shows when they are bored, whereas respondents within the age of 18-25 years strongly disagree with this fact. However, the viewpoint of including attractive participants on reality TV is neutrally viewed by every age group. Some of the persons above 36 believe that they connect with reality TV shows. Result: Hypothesis 4 Relationship between enjoyment of reality TV shows and the depiction of real life Correlations I enjoy watching Reality TV shows Reality TV shows depict behaviour observed in real life I enjoy watching Reality TV shows Pearson Correlation 1 -.046 Sig. (2-tailed) .424 N 300 300 Reality TV shows depict behaviour observed in real life Pearson Correlation -.046 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .424 N 300 300 The table above indicates that the aforementioned two variables depict negative correlation. Hence, respondents who enjoy reality TV shows do not believe in the fact that reality TV shows depict behaviour observed in real life. Result: Hypothesis 5 Importance of having attractive participants and depicting real life behaviours Correlations Ienjoy watching RealityTV shows Depictingreal life behaviours on Reality TV is important Having attractive participants on Reality TV is important I enjoy watching Reality TV shows Pearson Correlation 1 .064 .076 Sig. (2-tailed) .269 .192 N 300 300 300 Depicting real life behaviours on Reality TV is important Pearson Correlation .064 1 .603** Sig. (2-tailed) .269 .000 N 300 300 300 Having attractive participants on Reality TV is important Pearson Correlation .076 .603** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .192 .000 N 300 300 300 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). The above table makes it evident that the correlation between customers enjoying the reality show is high with the presence of real life depiction of behaviour and attractive participants. Hence, it can be said that both this factors are crucial towards the success of a reality TV show. Result: Hypothesis 6 Compare enjoyment of Reality TV shows between shows with unfamiliar settings Correlations Do you prefer Reality TV shows with unfamiliar setups (e.g. Tropical Island, Isolated House) or shows that are staged? I enjoy watching Reality TV shows Do you prefer Reality TV shows with unfamiliar setups (e.g. Tropical Island, Isolated House) or shows that are staged? Pearson Correlation 1 -.155** Sig. (2-tailed) .007 N 300 300 I enjoy watching Reality TV shows Pearson Correlation -.155** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .007 N 300 300 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). The table above clearly denotes that the enjoyment of customer and unfamiliar setting is negatively correlated. Hence, people enjoy more with natural setting. Now, to test the hypothesis, regression analysis has been used. The analysis has been completed by considering the dependent and independent variables: - ANOVAa Model 1 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 1.385 5 .277 .406 .845b Residual 200.545 294 .682 Total 201.930 299 a. Dependent Variable: Which Reality TV show do you prefer? b. Predictors: (Constant), Reality TV shows are scripted, Reality TV shows depict behaviour observed in real life, I relate to participants on Reality TV shows, Reality TV shows are set up, The participants on Reality TV shows are acting Hence, from the above table it can be said that with high F-value and strong significance, the alternate hypothesis holds true. Conclusion and Recommendation The study was meant for analysing the customer attitude towards reality shows. It has been found that the customers in general have a positive outlook regarding the reality TV shows. They like shows which are not scripted and offer certain amount of excitement. In addition, natural settings are more preferred. Hence, considering these facts, it is strongly recommended that NBN should introduce a new Reality TV show. The following are the recommendations: - 1. It has been observed that consumer prefer reality shows such as ‘Big Brother’. Therefore, the channel is recommended to initiate a program that involves drama and shows the real side of individuals. 2. The company is also recommended to ensure that the show is not scripted and really does embrace reality. The promotional campaign should be made properly to reach the desired target audiences. References Ahearne, M., Bhattacharya, C. &Gruen, T. (2005) Antecedents and Consequences of Customer-Company Identification: Expanding the Role of Relationship Marketing. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90 (3), 574 – 585. Arnett, D., German, S. & Hunt, S. (2003). The Identity Salience Model of Relationship Marketing Success: The Case of Nonprofit Marketing. Journal of Marketing, 67(2), 89-105. Behen, L. D. (2006). Using Pop Culture to Teach Information Literacy: Methods to Engage a New Generation. Westport: Libraries Unlimited. Bizer, G. Y. & Petty, R. E. (2002). An implicit measure of price perception: Exploring the odd- pricing effect. Advances in Consumer Research, 29, 220-221. Carlson, B., Donavan, T. &Cumiskey, K. (2009). Consumer-Brand Relationships in Sport: Brand Personality and Identification. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 37 (4), 370 – 384. DeMozota, B. B. (2003). Design Management: Using Design to Build Brand Value and Corporate Innovation. New York: Skyhorse Publishing Inc. Edwards, M. & Peccei, R. (2007). Organizational identification: Development and testing of a conceptually grounded measure. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 16(1), 25-57. Finley, K. (2011). The Reality Shows. New York: Feminist Press at CUNY. Fournier, S. (1998). Consumers and their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research. Journal of Consumer Research, 24 (March), 343-373. Glynn, M. S. (2009). Business-To-Business Brand Management: Theory, Research and Executive Case Study Exercises. Bradford: Emerald Group Publishing. Holmes, S. U. & Jermyn, D. (2004). Understanding Reality Television. London: Routledge. Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: NYU Press. Pride, W. M. & Ferrell, O. C. (2004). Marketing: Concepts & Strategies. 12th ed. Connecticut: Cengage Learning. Solomon, M. (2008). Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having, and Being. London: Prentice Hall. Zickmund, W. G., Ward, S., Lowe, B., Winzar, H. and Babin, B. (2011). Marketing Research (2nd ed.). Queensland: Cengage Learning. Read More
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