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Career of Choice - Marketing Manager in the Bank - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "Career of Choice - Marketing Manager in the Bank" realized the importance of teamwork for effective management. As opposed to the thought that he was born a manager, he has discovered that to be the best, he requires time and dedication and like-minded people.
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Career of Choice - Marketing Manager in the Bank
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?Introduction to People at Work Project Introduction My greatest desire is to be a marketing managerworking in the banking sector. This is my career of choice because it is becoming clear that the failure or success of any organization will ultimately depend on the sale of its services and products. According to Kotler (2001, p.43), the sales and marketing management is responsible for planning, implementation and management of the marketing strategy. Marketers are analytic professionals in nature. They know the importance of prioritizing and why they should have time management skills. They also have people management skills and are very decisive in nature. Training in business management is just sharpening the rough edges. Most of what makes a sales and marketing person is inborn. It cannot actually be taught and, after an in-depth search of myself, I realize I possess the qualities required for one to be a marketer. For an employer to be able to create and maintain a healthy environment at the work place, one needs to understand what the employees want, and find out what motivates them. As a potential employee and having worked before, there are some factors that are important to me when it comes to seeking a job in the future. As a marketer, being in control of my work and having room to make my own decisions is top of my list. Huck, Kubler & Weibull (2003, p.67) agree that marketing is a dynamic field and the strategies change depending on the current market forces. With this in mind, working in an environment filled with mutual support from those that I work with, and with respect is very important. This is because success in the sales and marketing department in any organization translates to great wins for the whole organization. I would also want to work for an organization that supports my values, and that promotes the values that make me the individual that I am. Additionally, I enjoy working with people, a factor that reinforces my choice of career bearing in mind that a marketer is a people’s person (Riches, 2003, p56). Lastly, career progression is yet another factor that will influence my choice of employer (Tiernan, 2006, p.15-23). Journal Entries Entry 1 During the second week, and during the class activity where we were required to decide between three courses of action, I confirmed that I am an independent thinker. Additionally, I discovered that I am not swayed by group dynamics, and that I am also concerned about how I relate with my colleagues. In essence, my choice for that particular class activity was the third and last choice. Mullins (2010, p.53-56) has discussed the importance of working in groups, and about culture and norms in the work place. The author talks about how pressure influence individuals to act in a certain way. Despite the pitfalls that come with working as a group at the work place, I discovered team work also has its advantages. One such advantage is that, through group work, one can be able to share difficult and unpleasant tasks with others. Additionally, groups give one a sense of belonging, and are a source of companionship (James & Anthony 2011 pp.90-96). This idea of group dynamics inspired me to read more on theories that propagated my initial attitude. I discovered that there are a few theoretical frameworks that were supporting my decision to stay silent, and to refuse to join my workmates in cheating time in between shifts. According to QUT (2011 pp.06-16), ethical egoism is a theory that states that a person should act in a way that maximizes his or her self interest and that a person should only act based on the interests of others only when its suits that person’s own interests. This means that a person’s actions are driven by a need to promote one’s interests or well being. After going through the week’s topic, and as I try to work in a group, I have learned new ways of handling problems. Lindemann (2012) writes about utilitarianism. This theory states that, an action can only be thought or considered right if it leads to the best possible balance, for all parties concerned of good consequences over bad consequences. This means that this theory advocates for a person to choose the option that gives the greatest good for all affected. With this in mind, I discovered my attitude was bound to change. I discovered that I am still my own person with my own unique qualities, but to succeed in a work environment, I must be ready to unite and cooperate with others who will more often than not be different from me (Lewin 1935). Entry 2 As Raelin (2003, p.43) writes, managers play a very important role in shaping the experience of employees at work. They achieve it since managers represent the organisation to the employees, by implementing the company’s policies and decisions. As an aspiring manager, I was looking forward to being inspired by week three’s content. Several theories have tried to explain the relevance of the various management styles. This is because the behaviour of managers is informed by assumptions which in turn determine the beliefs about the suitable way to conduct one’s self and deal with employees. One such theory that was explored in class was the McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y as discussed in Mullins (2010). Managers of theory X tend to be authoritative and exploitative, while managers of theory Y are supportive and strive to motivate their employees (McGregor, 1960). On reading further, I learnt that management theories and approaches have evolved with time. Blackler & Kennedy (2003, p.110-143) identify three management approaches. These are classical, neoclassical and contemporary approaches. One truth that stood out in the course of my reading was that most theories of advanced management are based on several broad categories. We have the trait approach to management and the behavioural school of thought under which McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y managers falls. Some theories focus on the behaviours and characteristics of successful managers, for example, great-man theories, trait theories and behaviourist theories. Other advanced management theories are now focusing on the role of those being managed, and the contextual nature of management. Such theories include situational management theories, contingency theory, transactional theory and transformational theory (Hooper and Potter, 1997, p.32-98). Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid appealed to me most. The grid focuses on the combination or the relationship between production and concern for employees. The authors have proposed what they refer to as ‘team management’. From their work, I realised that being a manager is not as simple as I had envisioned at the beginning of the course (Blake & Mouton 1964). There was also the Fiedler’s Contingency Model, as explored in Fiedler (1967), and the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Theory that also had lessons for me. According to Brown, a leader is effective if he balances his behavior and traits with a favorable situation (Brown, 2001, p.32). However, Hensey’s theory advocates for a leader who is able to adapt to the situation at hand and the followers (Strunz & Dorsch, 2001, p.78). In the course of my reading, the question that emerged was if there is an alternative management framework that guarantees success. The fact is that, a manager regardless of their rank in an organization, needs to strike a balance (Rodgers et al, 2003, p.98). Entry 3 Knowing the worth and quality of my contribution to my work place gives meaning to my job and purpose in life. Having worth for one’s self, that sense of meaning, influences employee retention at work and boosts the workers’ performance (Hersey & Blanchard, 1977, p.45-87). According to Holbeche & Springett (2004, p.56-90), lack of meaning is linked to employee cynicism and demoralisation. A happy employee is one who is satisfied at work, is motivated, is appreciated and adds value to the work place (Tannenbaum & Schmidt, 1958, p.89-107). Money, though important for me, is not a driving force in my choice of career. There are many aspects that bring a sense of meaning to an employee. I believe in treating people with dignity a reason why I would want to work in a bank where I am involved and treated as part of the team. Motivation is important, and as discussed by Pinder (1948), it is essential as it helps us predict our future behaviour. Several theories have been advanced to explain how complex motivation is and to indicate that it is an act of choice. The theories discussed in class were put into two categories: the content theories as developed by Maslow and others, and the process theories advanced by Adams and others (Mullins 2010). According to Brown (2001 pp.12), motivated and happy employees are productive workers. As a manager, my wish is to work with a productive team. An effective manager strikes a balance between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, as they work hand in hand (Hooper & Potter 1997 pp.98). I have discovered that it is not enough just to accomplish my work, but that it is also imperative that I create a conducive environment for those in my team, and to enable them work effectively (Heifetz, 1994, p.87). It was interesting to note that job satisfaction is determined by the gap between what one wants from a job and what one is getting from the said job. Locke (1976, pp. 1297-1343) says that if the gap between what we want and what we get is too big, this translates to a low level of satisfaction (Kular et al, 2008). It is interesting to note that pay is not necessarily a major factor in determining employees’ job satisfaction, but freedom to choose work methods is (Gosling & Mintzberg, 2003, p.54). Entry 4 When I thought of career progression, it did not seem like there was anything new to be learnt. It is my wish, as a person willing to go into employment that I move up the career ladder. This will confirm to me that like wine, I am getting better with time. With the case of bullying at work, I found it disconcerting that we had to discuss this. Why employers should harass and bully each other is beyond comprehension. It emerged that I have lived in an ideal situation which is all in my head and that in reality, bad things happen and people negatively treat others (Marchington & Wilkinson, 2008, pp.102-118). Entry 5 My prior attitude as a manager was that I only wanted people to listen to me. I was the one with the ideas and expected those in my team to follow my lead. I, however, learnt that giving employees a voice would lead to a higher productivity, employees would feel valued and this would increase their loyalty and conflicts if any would be minimal. Fairness and justice brought in the idea of business ethics, values and the idea of virtues (Grint, 2000, p.56). In my reading, I discovered that the Kantian theory would explain some aspects of fairness and justice. The focus of Kantian theorists is on one being able to do what is morally right and avoiding what is morally wrong. This is seen as an individual’s duty (Rushworth, 1995, pp.48-60). About my maturity level, after reading on Kohlberg’s theory and examining myself, it is important that I work on my emotional maturity, if I want to the best marketing manager. Conclusion The attitude and beliefs that I held prior to taking this course have changed. My ignorance about some issues has been wiped clean. I have a better understanding of how challenging and demanding the work environment is. As opposed to the thought that I was born a manager, I have discovered that to be the best, one requires time and dedication. I also need other people who will lift me up to greater heights of perfection. I have realized the importance of teamwork in effective management (Katzenbach & Smith, 1994, pp.34-78). References Brown, AE 2001, Biographical Dictionary of Management, Thoemmes Press, Nashville. Blackler, F & Kennedy, A 2003, The Design of a Development Programme for Experienced Top Managers from the Public Sector, Lancaster University Press, Lancaster. Blake, R & Mouton, JS 1964, Managerial Grid. Gulf Publications,Houston TX. Fiedler, 1967, A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness. McGraw-Hill, NewYork. Gosling, J & Mintzberg, H 2003, Mindsets for Managers. Working paper, Centre for Leadership Studies. Grint K 2000, Literature Review on Leadership. Cabinet Office, Performance and Innovation Unit. Heifetz ,RA 1994, Leadership Without Easy Answers. Belknap Press, Cambridge. Hersey, P & Blanchard KH 1977, Management of Organizational Behaviour. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ. Holbeche, L & Springett, N 2004, In Search of Meaning at Work. Roffey Park Institute, NY. Hooper, A & Potter, J 1997, The Business of Leadership. Ashgate Publishing Company, Aldershot. Huck, S, Kubler, D & Weibull, J 2003, Social norms and economic incentives in firms. Economic and Social Research Council, NY. James LB & Anthony FB W 2011, A Primer on Organisational Behavior. (6th Edition). Palgrave MacMillan, Houndsmill. Katzenbach, J & Smith, D 1994, The Wisdom of Teams, Harper business, New York. Kotler, P 2001, A Framework for Marketing Management. Prentice Hall, Inc., New Jersey. Kular, S, Gatenby, M, Rees, C, Soane, E & Truss, K 2008, Employee Engagement: A Literature Review. Kingston Business School, Kingston University. Lewin, K 1935, A Dynamic Theory of Personality. McGraw Hill. New York. Lindemann, N 2012, Business Law and Ethics. McGraw Hill, Chicago. Locke, EA 1976, The Nature and Causes of Job Satisfaction. In MD Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (pp, 1297-1343). Rand Mcnally. Chicago. Marchington, M & Wilkinson A 2008, Human resource management at work 4th edition, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, NY. McGregor, D 1960, The Human Side of Enterprise. McGraw Hill, New York. Mullins, L 2010, Management and Organisational behaviour. 9th ed. Prentice Hall, New York. Pinder, C 1984, Work Motivation. Theory, issues and applications. Scott, Foresman & Co. Glenview, IL. QUT, 2011, Business Law and Ethics. (5th ed.). Pearson Pub, Australia. Raelin, J 2003, Creating Leaderful Organizations. Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc., San Fransisco. Riches, A 2003, Emotionally Intelligent Teams. Organisational Change and Leadership Development , New York. Rodgers, H, Frearson, M, Holden, R & Gold, J 2003, The Rush to Leadership. Prentice Hall, New York. Rushworth, K 1995, How Good People Make Tough Choices. William Morrow, New York. Strunz H & Dorsch M 2001, Management. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munchen, Wien. Tannenbaum, R & Schmidt, W 1958, How to choose a leadership pattern. Harvard University, Harvard. Tiernan, MF 2006, Modern Management. 3rd Edition. Sage, Los Angeles. Read More
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