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Proxy Meeting, Lecture, and Workspace Attendant - Article Example

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This article "Proxy Meeting, Lecture, and Workspace Attendant" focuses on a product that has a video camera that can be adjusted in almost any direction. It has also got a microphone with noise-canceling capability. High brightness LED device indicates the user is delivering output…
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Proxy Meeting, Lecture, and Workspace Attendant
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? Product Presentation: Proxy Meeting, Lecture, and Workspace Attendant I.D. Number: Term and Year Name Product Presentation: Proxy Meeting, Lecture, and Workspace Attendant Introduction Today, executives and managers are becoming busier since the business dynamics are changing rapidly. Also, the demands of globalization and intercultural environment are putting more pressure on the professionals to be on time, accomplish multitasking and meet deadlines. The educational world is also changing rapidly and professors, researchers, and lecturers are often going through extremely busy schedules. Naturally, it is thus not always possible for the 21st century professionals to be physically present in every meeting or conference owing to the distances and time zones involved in today’s global business, research, and education. Seeking beyond the Frontiers To facilitate multitasking along with adjustments in different time zones and geographical locations, various novel gazettes and technologies have been developed so far. Examples include videoconferencing, video telephony and chatting, wireless networks, PDAs, iPhones, etc. But the technological overhead, demand of infrastructure set up, and necessity of easier handling often make these technologies either costlier, or cumbersome. Let’s Maximize the Theater Of late, Volochine and Associates, LLC have developed an electronic gazette to facilitate a broader range of applied proxy arrangements that can compensate the necessity of a professional’s physical presence in a conference or meeting. It is a transportable, lightweight electronic device that can enable a person to attend meetings, lectures, conferences, workspace, etc. when he/she is physically away. Moreover, it can also be utilized as a security device handy for detecting intruders. Figure – 1: Proxy Meeting, Lecture, and Workspace Attendant (Volochine and Associates, LLC, 2012) Product Description The product has a video camera which can be adjusted in almost any direction. It has also got a microphone with noise canceling capability. A high brightness LED device indicates user is delivering output so that the audience can detect him/her easily. The device also includes a powerful speaker. The device has robust security management. It can be enhanced with face recognition or fingerprint scanning facilities to control user authentication. In this way, it can help in establishing secure access to a machine (e.g. computer) or an environment (e.g. conference hall) and can alert when arbitrary intrusions are detected. Moreover, it comes with a flash memory card slot, a laptop lock compatible slot, and a highly developed power module. This power module has a rechargeable battery along with a charging unit. Charging is done via a USB interface. Further, A USB cord and a USB compatible AC/DC power adapter are included with the device. The device can send/receive data via WiFi, GSM, 3G or USB connections. An additional feature of the product is GPS module. The device is adaptable with the client side system applications like PC, iPhone, iPad, Android, etc. This makes it compatible with various system and/or utility environments like the Windows 7, Windows for Mobile, Mac OS, etc. Consequently, full fledge computing capabilities can be horned with the aid of this device. It can thus be used for display through computer or mobile screens, data transmission through Internet or Ethernet, text to speech output, transmitting voice, sending text message, etc. There is an optional product characteristic of virtual reality glasses support. This facility links the movement of glasses with that of the device video camera. Figure – 2: Proxy Meeting, Lecture, and Workspace Attendant in a folded state (Volochine and Associates, LLC, 2012) Media Processing and Control The media processing and control module of the device acts highly synchronically with a number of collaborative communication necessities. The device can record and transmit audio-visual inputs to the user. Voice transcription and optical character reading facilities can also be run in this device. The speaker is capable of receiving voice and text outputs from the user. There are also facilities of converting text into voice. This can help to change sound tracks and qualities suitably to generate custom voices. This capability can further let the user deliver recorded speech and change the pitch or quality of voice with the help of custom settings. The gazette is empowered with a machine learning algorithm which helps it to detect the dominant speaker. This is quite different from detecting noise. Generally, communicating devices with audio output facilities can differentiate between voice and noise. But this gazette can recognize dominant voice and obtain more meaningful input. Further, the device can enhance and detect data from a blackboard or a presentation screen. In the cohort of security arrangements, the device has motion detection and sound detection monitors. In the case a sound is detected, the user can instruct the device to scan the entire workspace or conference hall with the help of a 360o maneuverable camera. In this way, the source of the sound can be detected and in the case of an intrusion or unwanted noise, issues can be readily addressed. The device can also sound alarm if it detects unaccounted motion or visuals that are not in par with preset parameters. This is achieved with the help of the video camera which can track movements and detect motions. The device can further be enhanced so as to use voice recognition, face recognition, and fingerprint scanning techniques synchronically. Hence, the device renders biometric utilities too that are highly recommended and often used in high level secure settings like research laboratories, defense establishments, business conference room, etc. Making the Difference The most distinct feature is the casing of the device: It is rugged, tolerant against impacts, and has a low level center of gravity. Thus, it can be positioned on a table, mounted against a wall, or held in hand. The excellent maneuverability gives the user almost 360o flexibility across the workspace or conference environment. The device has a highly synchronized media processing and control module that can help in versatile data reception and delivery. The USB slots provide for enhanced memory and attachment facilities. Moreover, it is highly adaptable with different software environments and can communicate through computer networks. Security enhancements like GPS, video tracking, user authentication, and alarm facilities are unique in this range of electronic gadgets. Prospects If the device is linked through a wireless network to a computer workstation, connectivity with a wide range of presentation, lecture, or meeting equipment can be established. This will harness additional usability like capturing presentation data from a system without video camera or microphone usage. The gazette can also be attached to the equipment like video projectors, giant screens, and stereo speakers for better audio-visual experience. Although we already have gazettes for network attachment and display in conferences or interactive wireless communication systems, the main advantage of using Proxy Meeting, Lecture, and Workspace Attendant is that it can function synchronically with a diverse cohort of electronic equipment and network categories. Although for a while one may think that conference or lecture attendance is a job that is quite different from security surveillance, today’s business environment has highly complicated. Problems like computer hacking and trespassing have become rife in the different industrial, educational, and research environments that give rise to serious security issues. Hence, when we have to accomplish ideal collaborative arrangements for interpersonal communication across different environments and geographies, security emerges as an important issue. But what if security surveillance capabilities are embedded into the communicating device itself? Proxy Meeting, Lecture, and Workspace Attendant product design exploits this idea to the fullest. It can be connected to and adapted with advanced operating system environments like those of Mac OS, which helps it to be run inside a secure server environment or virtual private network. Moreover, the device also includes a number of security enhancements like laptop lock slot, fingerprint scanner, face recognition, automatic alarm, etc. In this way, it can also help to prevent physical harm to the workspace equipment and/or information. Reference Volochine and Associates, LLC. (2012). Proxy Meeting, Lecture, and Workspace Attendant. Houston: Author. Read More
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