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Integrated Marketing Communcations and Customer Satisfaction Strategy - Assignment Example

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1) Discuss the company’s advertising strategy and how it aligns with its marketing goals. The marketing goals of 360UP are to establish a strong brand value that will enable the company to optimize the profitability of the firm. The use of a branding strategy can be an effective tool to create brand loyalty…
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Integrated Marketing Communcations and Customer Satisfaction Strategy
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The advertising strategy of the company will reflect the company’s mission to improve product and service offerings and make these products and services readily available. Advertising is critical for the company to let the general public know about the existence of the company. Customer awareness is a very important element of any advertising campaign (Knoll, 2012). The advertising initiatives of 360UP are going to help the company reach its marketing goals because more potential customers are going to realize of the existence of the firm’s products and services.

“The value of advertising is based primarily on the number of potential customers that it reaches” (Meyer & Hester, 2003). The use of mass marketing campaigns can be effective at increasing the customer reach of the company. 2) Discuss how the effectiveness of the advertising will be measured. An advertising campaign is good if it is effective at accomplishing the company’s goals. 360UP is the firm that is starting out in the market, thus advertising is critical to the success of the company.

The organization will use various methods to determine the effectiveness of its advertising efforts. A simple way to measure how effective advertising has been towards the bottom line of a company is by determining if the sales of the company increased as a consequence of its marketing efforts. Keeping a weekly log of sales and comparing the trend over time is a way to determine if the company has achieved any sales growth after an advertising campaign. Negative sales growth after the implementation of an advertising campaign is an indicator of marketing failure.

In order for a company to increase its customer base it must invest in advertising (Hawkins, 2009). There are other specific ways to determine the effectiveness of advertising efforts. The numbers of Facebook or Twitter users that follow the company online are a good metric to measure the effectiveness of online social media advertising efforts. If the company uses banner advertising the number of people that click on the banner is a metric that measures the effectiveness of the campaign. 3) Discuss the promotional strategies that may be used in addition to advertising.

360UP is a company that seeks to expand its business beyond the United States into various international markets. The company will need to use communication adaptation in the future to adequately target foreign customers (Kotler, 2003). Promotions are a great way to increase the revenues of the company in the short term. The first step in evaluating the effectiveness of a promotion is to acquire an understanding of why a customer is interested in purchasing a product or service (Taylor, 1965).

360UP must use a wide variety of promotional techniques to acquire and retain customers. Based on Pareto’s 80-20 rule a firm receives 80% of their customers from 20% of their clients (Hafner, 2001). The use of promotional campaigns can help increase the customer retention rate of the company. Five promotional campaigns that the firm can use to attract customers are daily specials, Tuesday extravaganza, flyer coupons, family meals, and value menus. The daily special would consist of offering a different meal from the menu each day at a discounted price.

The Tuesday extravaganza is an offer in which the company offers all the meals in its menu at half price from 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. The flyer coupons is a promotion that provides

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