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Colbran Performance - Case Study Example

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The paper "Colbran Performance" is a wonderful example of a case study on management. Colbran Medical Institute is in charge of providing medical services to the Colbran community. V the institution has a total of 204 workers. This consists of 140 medical staff and 64 subordinate staff. The facility serves approximately 2000 persons in a normal day…
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Running Head: Report on Colbran Performance Name Course Course instructor Date submitted Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 1.0. Introduction Colbran Medical Institute is in charge of providing medical services to the Colbran community. V the institution has a total of 204 workers. This consists of 140 medical staff and 64 subordinate staff. The facility serves approximately 2000 persons in a normal day. As part of ensuring that the staff meets the objectives of the institution, the management conducts appraisals to evaluate their performances in their duties. The focus of the appraisals is to be performance improvement and less on the promotion. The institution developed its own performance appraisal process that was aimed at appraising the service delivery of the workers in relation to meeting the formulated objectives and maintains their reputation as the best medical service provider in the state. The appraisal exercise was meant to be conducted quarterly and be coordinated by the head of the institution in collaboration with the Human resources department (A manager’s guide to performance). The purpose of the appraisal exercise as to stream line the use of the staff performance appraisal (SPA) tool for human resources management at the health sector levels and to improve its application by the departmental managers as a tool of assessing the output level of the institutions’ staff. The tool was also to be utilized in the identification of the needs of the staff and suggest various methodologies to be utilized in the increasing of their levels of capacity (A manager’s guide to performance). . 2.0. Scope This report will cover the performance management and its effectiveness towards the future success of Colbran medical institute. 3.0. The evaluation purpose and objectives The main purpose of the appraisal was to assess the achievements of the appraisal and identify its gaps. This will result in the identification of the appropriate appraisal methodologies that will be able to identify the needs of the employers and identify appropriate measures to be able to increase their capacities to meet the desired goals and objectives of the institution and maintain its reputation as the best medical services provider in the state (A manager’s guide to performance). 4.0. Objectives The objectives of the evaluation are to: Assess the implementation of the Colbran medical institutions’ appraisal for effectiveness and sustainability. Document views of the workers on the appraisal system. Identify appraisal systems that will be appropriate to assess the service delivery of the institution’s workers. Make recommendations for the revising of the performance appraisal system and tools for scale up. In relation to this evaluation, the following questions would be useful: How useful was the appraisal system the various departments in the medical institution? What was the reception of the staff towards the appraisal system? What costs are associated with the appraisal system? What components would be added to enable the tool meet its objectives? What appraisal methodology would be relevant for the institution to meet its appraisal objectives? 5.0. Literature review Performance management is an essential element for any organization. Colbral medical institution requires performance management to effectively offer perfect health service to the community and retain its regional status. Performance management can be defined as the collection of performance information. This could be in the form of appraisals or other tools that are aimed at collecting vital information to be able to drive the firm or organization towards improved service delivery. It involves the taking of adequate steps in the ensuring that the firm or institution’s outcomes are better than they really are. The adequate steps taken would be against a team or an individual, the service delivery and or towards the community at large. In this case the actions at the Colbral medical institution would be aimed at increasing the efficiency of service delivery as a team and as an individual (Morris, 1994). For Colbral institution to be a high performing organization it will be required to have a culture that is inspired by a leadership that is strong and focus based. The institution’s leadership must have clear and transparent forms of rewards and modes of sanctions in the case of low performances and services delivery. The institution has to have clearly set and agreed modes for individual accountability based on the roles and duties allocated to each and every staff. The management needs to set guidelines that are aimed at reviewing the management practices and ways in which challenges and combined (Howell, 2002). Effective performance management at the Colbran institute will require the institution to have clear and achievable objectives and aims that are able to guide the staff. The management and the workers as a whole are to plan and ensure that there are activities that are implemented to meet the goals that have been formulated. The institutions should set clear channels and methodologies of assessing the activities in this case t he service delivery of the Colbran medical institution. Lastly, the institution has to set clear and appropriate channels of communication. This will ensure that the right information reaches the right people at the right time (Morris, 1994). 6.0. Components of performance management 6.0.1. Planning For effectiveness in the accomplishing of its goals, Coldarn medical institute needs to set and plan the tasks of the institution well in advance. There has to be clear set mechanism of determining the performances of the employees’ vis-à-vis the set objectives of the institutions. The institution should make a deliberate attempt in the involving of the employees in the planning process as this will enable them understand the purposes and visions of the organization. 6.0.2. Continuous monitoring of the employees The institution has to continuously monitor the progress of the employees in the implementation of the activities. This includes the creation of communication and progress report processes that are aimed at guiding and informing the management of if the set goals have been achieved. This will be in form of progress reports and activity monitoring and assessment tools that are designed and filled and submitted to the management team for verification (Howell, 2002). 6.0.3. Development and training The effectiveness of the Colbran medical institution to meet its objectives will be met by the identification and increasing of the employee’s capacity. Training improves working processes as the employees are able to acquire new skills that will be implemented in the working stations. The development process rejuvenates the workers energy as they are able to set higher individual objectives thus being able to meet the aspired institutional goals. Further, the increase of the employees’ capacity would result in the expansion of the institution as the workers seek to expound on the acquired skills. 6.0.4. Appraisals For the employees to identify the gaps that exist in the institutions, a systematic and objective appraisal has to be conducted. This will enable the institutions to identify who the best performing individuals are and identify gaps in the underperforming levels with the aim of identifying the appropriate channels of training to be able to improve their service delivery. Appraisals for the Colbran institution are meant to summarize the best practices and identify gaps in the underperforming levels. In addition, the appraisals are meant to forge a clear framework to the improvement of the service delivery (Howell, Laufer and Ballard, 1993). 6.0.5. Motivation This is the rewarding of employees based on the performances. The institution practicing this has to set a well defined approach in the identification and rewarding procedure. Motivation is aimed to increase the morale of the workers and confirm their contributions in the delivery of good services that are geared towards the achievement of the set goals. The result of this is to have an increase in productivity as the other employees are to emulate the rewarded employees (Howell, Laufer and Ballard, 1993). 7.0. Evaluation methodology 7.0.1. Overview The evaluation was designed in three critical steps with great partnership with Colbran institute. The first step will include developing and testing data collection instrument which will comprise data collection program (Kaplan & Norton, 2001). The second step will entail the actual process of data collection and lastly, step three will incorporate analyzing and reporting data. 7.0.2. Development of data collection apparatus and processes/plans It is very essential to come up with data collection instrument that will be used and reviewed by Colbran institute. For a perfect performance appraisal, data collection team met to review on the short listed objectives and purpose of the appraisal, both data instrument and processes. 7.0.3. Data collection team The data collection team comprised of head of performance management in Colbran institute. There was entire need to incorporate new data collecting clerk who will be issued with the mandate of data collection and entry. Further, human resource management saw the need to divide duties respectively so as to ensure that the performance appraisal will not only be effective today but to the whole of Colbran institute (Kaplan & Norton, 2001). 7.0.4. Ethical considerations All of the concerned personnel were contracted prior before the data collection process so as to inform them about the study. To ensure that best results were obtained, there was entire need for interviewers to elaborate the aim of this evaluation before beginning any form of interview. Interviewers were provided with a script whereby the study was described and which include the rights of interviewees either to accept or reject being interviewed. In all point of data collections interviewers were guaranteed confidentiality whereby no personal information regarding the interview would be reflected in the report (Kennerley, 2000). This method is very essential as it will provide Colbran institute with a general and descriptive data whereby employees behaviors and attitude will be examine in relation to their performance. Other than carrying out key informative interview it is essential to incorporate group and community based interviews. This will ensure that customer views will be aired whereby suggestions in relation to implementation problem will be aired. The appraisal on performance management will incorporate rating scale where employees will be rated in accordance to several defined factors. Factors to be considered for evaluation and monitoring will be subdivided into two namely; personal traits and job related issues. In critical incidents, it is very essential to keep written records especially those comprising of both favorable and unfavorable work performance. Further, the appraisal performance will involve comparing each employee performance record based on a certain predesigned standard which will be linked to a defined expected level of output (Hudson, 2001). Each employee will be issued out with a group rank basing on their general performance in relation to companies goals and objectives. Paired comparison is essential as it is a variation method which involves comparing employee at a personal level and later based on a group. In order for the whole process to be termed as goal oriented, it is very essential to use management based objectives and assessment centers in relation to Colbran institute. On management by objectives requires managers and employees determine key objectives that employee are needed to meet during the rating processes. Assessment centers highly recognize various differences and difficulties experienced within Colbran performance management. Evidently an assessment center is described to be adjunct to Colbran institute appraisal system. 8.0. Data analysis After a through data collection, data was entered was entered into an excel database and later analyzed. Apart from excel data was also analyzed by use of SPSS application. This is a new analysis application program which ensures data is analyzed up to current standards. The software is known for its ability to code and analyses all quantitative data obtained. Selected data will then be tested from all the selected result very selectively (Hudson, 2001). 9.0. Summary of findings From various interview carried out it was evident that there were various advantages and limitations displayed in this study. The interview provided an in depth information on employee performances. For instance, 30% of interviewed employees performed their designated duties in accordance to the objectives stipulated by Colbran institute. 80% of interviewed employees rated above average in their ranking and rating preferences. Through performing key informative interviews, Colbran institute was able to flex permits which incorporated of exploring unanticipated topics. This process was easy to administer since 80% of the interviewees responded with no hesitation thus quantitative data was obtained. On group and community interviews, this method was very economical as it involves communal participation (Neely, 2002). 50% of those who participated in this kind of discussion indicated that Colbran goals, vision and mission were archived through proper performance displayed at a team level. 60% of collected data signified that the data generated was quantitative since it widely portrayed how individuals behaved while in a team towards positive performance. It is evident that employee in Colbran while left as a team assist one another thus provision of accurate information which usually reflects positive performance. 60% of those interviewed through group stated that they are able to effectively perform while in a team as compared at an individual level. Further, based on ranking, assessment centers and management by objectives there was indication that performance within Colbran institute 50% of employees were willing to be trained as way of improving their performance, 44% stated that there was entire need to incorporate constant team working within Colbran systems to strengthen strong interaction among employees. Further, assessment centers indicated that 60% of employees felt at ease while working as team members as there were interactions and individual highly assisted one another during hardships (Neely, 1999). 10.0. Action planning It is evident that for critical analyses of performance for Colbran institute success, performance appraisal should be incorporated within all departments in this institution (Neely, 2002). Clearly lack of appropriate planning will create constraint towards this implementation. Various training sessions, monitoring and performance appraisal interview are essential. Involving employees is very important since it offer them with a chance to learn how performance can be improved within Colbran institute. 11.0. Recommendations For Colbran Medical institute to remain afloat in a competitive and fluctuating global and local economy, it needs to keep at all times, a human resource that is highly knowledgeable and talented. To achieve this, a foolproof performance appraisal system is required. Rating workers’ performance as poor, outstanding, average or excellent is inappropriate and rather a very difficult decision to make. Consequently, some managers tend to judge worker performance informally or arbitrarily without the existence of a system of appraisal. I therefore recommend a performance appraisal system using Multifactorial Evaluation Model in dealing with appraisal grades. The institute needs to realize that the key to gaining competitive advantage is human expertise. Therefore it is essential to discover and promote the most qualified workers using good performance criteria. Performance appraisal should also be conducted periodically within the institute so as to identify strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities for improvements among workers. The performance results so obtained can be used to determine whether a certain junior staff should be reinforced or terminated; ready to be promoted or can be used as coaching tool or a foundation for giving merit bonus. A good performance appraisal process ensures that an organization grows and runs smoothly. In this system, every year workers fill up an annual work plan. This plan is used to evaluate the performance of the staff throughout the year. This process can be summarized in the following diagram: To evaluate staff using this model, four key aspects need to be considered. The first aspect is worker output. In this aspect, the staff’s quality, quantity and punctuality are evaluated. The second aspect is the staff’s knowledge and skills. Here, the staff’s knowledge and skills in the working field as well as their effectiveness in communication and adherence to rules are evaluated. The third aspect considered is the personal quality. Evaluation of a worker’s personal traits such as discipline, proactive, innovative, cooperativeness and independence is done. The last aspect considered in this model is how the staff’s informal events and contributions affect the organization and the country. Evaluation of each aspect should be determined by the executives in the administration of the institute. Work performance can then for instance, be rated as either high performer, average performer or low performer. High performers should score 80% and above and can be entitled for an award, an incentive, or a certificate of appreciation. Average performers should score less than 80 % but more than 50% and should be advised to improve their performance in the coming year. Low performers are those who score less than 50% and a disciplinary action can be taken on the staff, or advised to constantly report her/his work progress to her/his assessors in a stated period. In conclusion, using the multifactorial evaluation model in the performance appraisal system could ease the future and timely changes the institute whenever needed. This model is good because it follows systematic steps in deciding a staff’s performance hence creating a system of appraisal which is able to consistently produce valid and reliable results for the appraisal process. References A manager’s guide to performance: management the performance, management, measurement and information project accessed on the 19th April 2011 from: Emma, B. and Bryman, A. (2003), Business Research Methods. US:Oxford University Press. Martinez, J. (2003). Assessing Quality Outcome and Performance Management. In Ferrinho and Del Poz eds. Towards a Global Health Workforce Strategy. Studies in Health Service Organization and Policy; ITGPRESS: Antwerp. 205-258. Ginger, L (2009) Fundamentals of effective program management: A process approach based on the global standard Project management journal Project Management Institute. Howell, G. (2002) The underlying theory of project management is obsolete, Project Management Institute. Howell, G.A., Laufer, A., and Ballard, G. (1993). Uncertainty and Project Objectives, Project Appraisal, 8(1), 1993, 37-43. Hudson, M. (2001). ‘Theory and practice in SME performance measurement systems’, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 21, No. 8, pp.1096–1115. Kaplan, R & Norton, D. (2001).The Strategy Driven Organization. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Kennerley, M. (2000). ‘Performance measurement system design, developing and testing a process based approach’, International Journal of Production and Operations Management, Vol. 20, No. 9, pp.1119–1145. Moon, C., Lee, J., Jeong, C., Lee, J., Park, S. and Lim, S. (2007), “AnImplementation Case for the Performance Appraisal and Promotion Ranking”, in IEEE International Conference on System, Man andCybernetics, 2007. Morris, P. (1994). The Management of Projects. Thomas Telford, London. p. 358. Neely, A. (1999). ‘The performance measurement revolution: why now and where next?’ International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.205–228 Neely, A. (2002). The Performance Prism: The Scorecard for Measuring and Managing Business Success, London: Prentice Hall, Read More
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