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Role of Line Manager and Human Resource Team - Essay Example

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The paper "Role of Line Manager and Human Resource Team " is a good example of a management essay. Every organization is seeking to develop strategies that revolve around achieving a high competitive advantage. The role of human resource managers in organizations is effective and significant in enabling organizations to deliver their goals…
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Role of Line Manager and Human Resource Team By (Name) The Name of the Class Professor The Name of the School Date Executive Summary Every organization is seeking to develop strategies that revolve around achieving a high competitive advantage. The role of the human resource managers in organizations is effective and significant in enabling organizations to deliver their goals and objectives. Also, organizations must emphasize on having a strong relationship between employees and employers. Line mangers have a significant role in employee engagement in ensuring that close connections exist between employees and employers in the organization. Line managers take up the role of implementing initiatives made by human resource managers in an organization. Line managers enhance employee engagement through various ways. Some of the roles include the removal of barriers that hinder employees from delivering organizational tasks, recognizing and rewarding the efforts of employees, putting clarity on the tasks of employees, they develop organizational culture that is favorable for all employees in an organization. Therefore, line managers play the role of creating effective environment for employees. Moreover, line managers are assisted by the human resource team to establish an effective working environment. The human resource managers identify the needs of employees in an organization, provides the required training to the staff members of an organization, and making sure that a strong positive relationship exists between the employers and employees. Both the line manager and the human resource manager works together to promote good organizational culture and working environment for employees. Table of Contents Introduction 4 Role of line managers in Employee Engagement 4 The strategic role of the HR team in supporting the line manager in establishing an effective working environment 8 Conclusion 11 References 11 Introduction Every organization is seeking to create and achieve high levels of competition within the economic markets. Organizations are continuing to develop strategies for acquiring more customers, more sales and taking more markets for the purpose of enhancing organizational outcomes. Higher competitions among different organizations have been caused by the increased technological advancements, the rapid changes that stem from globalization, the advancements in information systems and other factors (Saundry & Ashman, 2016). Also, the growing market demands have become driving forces of organizational development. Some of the objectives that every organization desires to achieve are increasing the market percentage, achieving higher market sales, increasing the number of customers, improving productivity and quality of products, and achieving higher levels of innovation (Truss & Kelliher, 2012). The workforce is the key to success that will enable the achievement of organizational excellence. One of the ways through which organizations achieve organizational excellence is through maintaining a strong relationship between line managers and employee engagement. Discussion Role of line managers in Employee Engagement An organization that acknowledges the significance of line management experiences increased growth and development. Line managers take up the role of fostering a strong relationship that exists between employers and employees in an organization. Besides, if the relationship experiences flaws, then it may result in serious organizational problems (Evans, 2016). The management of employment relationship in a company lies greatly on the shoulders of line managers. However, the role of line managers has been neglected for a long time in organizations. Various organizations have realized poor capabilities of line management. Line managers hold significant roles in the recruitment and management of employees in the organization (Townsend, Loundon & Markwell, 2016). Moreover, even when there are human resource specialists, the line managers still take up the daily responsibility of implementing the initiatives established by the human resource managers. Line managers have many responsibilities in enhancing employee engagement in an organization. The first role of line managers is to remove barriers that may stop employees from delivering or achieving good work performance (Parry & Nickson, 2014). The line managers are in charge of breaking down the barriers that tend to occur between managers and employees. They encourage managers to conduct meetings with their employees to determine some the organizational challenges that hinder them from achieving positive outcomes. Managers can meet weekly with employees to evaluate the progress of their work performance (Parry & Nickson, 2014). The meeting is a powerful process whereby employees may be asked several questions regarding an organization. Employees may then provide feedbacks on ways through which they can improve their job performance, that is, in case they have noticed some barriers that may be stumbling blocks to achieving organizational excellence (Federman, 2009). The second role of mangers in enhancing engagement of employees in an organization is by encouraging the efforts of employees and rewarding the results achieved by employees in an organization (Van De Voorde & Van Veldhoven, 2016). The main objective of employees in an organization is to achieve results of higher quality. The results achieved by employees should not go unnoticed by the line managers. The line managers recognize the results of employees and reward them in the best ways possible (Townsend, Loundon & Markwell, 2016). Employees feel engaged through the praise efforts and words of encouragement they receive from line managers. Rewards such as a thank you note to the employees are a way of engaging employees to work more efficiently and improve their organizational performance (Federman, 2009). Therefore, line managers should establish various ways of rewarding or showing appreciation to employees regarding the works done. Through adequate rewards, employees become more enthusiastic in working for an organization so as to achieve organizational work outcomes (Op de Beeck, Wynen & Hondeghem, 2017). Employees who are appreciated and are fully involved in organizational responsibilities tend to develop or produce productive, positive and a happy workforce. Encouraging the efforts and rewarding results of employees is not only significant to the employees within an organization but also it as a way of setting standards for employees. Also, it creates competition among various organizations. Thirdly, line managers enhance the engagement of employees in an organization by developing clarity on what is expected from employees and in helping employees to have a bigger picture of organizational roles (Op de Beeck, Wynen & Hondeghem, 2017). Most employees do give reasons for not being able to deliver quality outcomes. Some of the reasons are the lack of understanding of the exact task or duties they should perform in an organization, lack of clarity from their employers and also in situations when employers change their expectations. As a result, some employees never feel engaged in organizational operations (Zenoff, 2013). Based on these, line managers play a role in ensuring that employees acquire a full understanding of the tasks they are required to perform in an organization. Also, employees can understand the relationship that exists between the tasks to be done and the strategies of the organization (Parry & Nickson, 2014). Moreover, employees get to understand the effects of their contribution in achieving organizational success (Bridger, 2015). Line managers give clarifications about the organizational functions, making employees gain broader knowledge organizational tasks. Supervision of employees by line managers is another way through which employees get engaged in the operations of an organization. Line managers develop an organizational culture that guides the operations of employees in an organization (Thomson, 2015). Line managers focus on strengths of employees and encourage open communication. Through these efforts, they engage and motivate employees. Line managers who focus only on the negative attributes and performances of employees may bring about disengagement of employees in an organization (Thomson, 2015). Therefore, line managers must evaluate the positive progress of employees so as to enhance employee engagement in an organization. Line managers promote employee engagement through the development of effective means of solving organizational conflicts, finding solutions to organizational problems, understanding the feelings and wants of employees, influencing employees to achieve higher organizational outcomes so as to meet the expectations and objectives of a company and its employers (Op de Beeck, Wynen & Hondeghem, 2017). Line managers develop ways through which employees can achieve good outcomes, hence influencing the engagement of employees in an organization. The strategic role of the HR team in supporting the line manager in establishing an effective working environment Human resource management has the role of managing the people who work in an organization. The management constitutes all the policies and activities which are involved in the process of developing and having in place the correct number of employees together with their skills so as to help an organization in achieving its objectives (Armstrong, 2016). The main objective of the human resource department is to properly make use of the manpower in an institution so as to realize maximum productivity at the same time being there for the employee. The department works closely with all the departments in an organization including all the line managers to create a working environment which would help to attain optimal productivity (Armstrong, 2016). Together, these two managers can be able to create a very effective working environment in an organization. The human resource manager should be aware of the staff which the organization has in place for various duties. They need to be aware of the number of staff, specific to their roles within the organization (Mello, 2015). They should know where a specific employee would be required, which time and how frequently. In organizations where roles and business are not steady, that is, they have a low season and a high season; the human resource should be helping the line managers in sending specific employees to certain areas of duty at a specific time. The human resource also being aware of the skills of each of the staff, they are supposed to identify what levels of skills are required in a certain area and line of duty and send a qualified employee competent for the task (Armstrong & Baron, 2012). In a bar business venture, for example, a sales manager knows that Friday and Saturday evening will be the peak moments in the venture. The manager in conjunction with the human resource, therefore, sends extra salespeople and waiters to serve the extra customers effectively (Mello, 2015). The human resource, therefore, helps the line managers in planning for the staff and retaining the staff for specific duties within the organization for an effective working environment. The knowledge of whom and when to hire extra staff is also part of the roles of the human resource. The line managers who are in need of a specific employee or skill reports to the human resource which now has the task of identifying and ascertaining a person with a specific skill to fill in the gap (Mathis & Jackson, 2016). The human resource ensures that the right person has been selected for a position in the organization (Veldhoven & Peccei, 2015). An error in the human resource to selecting a staff that is under qualified will mean creating a challenge to a line manager in supervising the lowly performing staff within the institution. Only candidates who are in line with the goals and requirements of the organization are to be recruited so as to create a good working environment and thus productiveness of the company. Creating an effective working environment will also involve taking care of the welfare of the staff within an organization. Overseeing the welfare of the staff is also a role of the human resource department (Rothwell et. al, 2012). With the staff well taken care of either through financing and resourcing, recognitions and awards or even promotions, a better working environment within a company is realized (Veldhoven & Peccei, 2015). When all the staff is proud of their job place and the organization which they work for, is an upper hand to departmental managers. They will have no problem trying to convince the employees with to perform certain duties. This, therefore, creates a better working environment in an organization to realize better services within the organization. The human resource also helps in reducing the gap between the current state of skills of their staff and where they want to staff to be (Truss & Kelliher, 2012). This is through the process of training and development on the skills of the employees. Employees need in-service training so as to get the best out of them. The training may result from the urge to improve services, creating new services or the technology of the work has changed. Additional knowledge specific to an organization is required by the staff to help in realizing the objectives of the company. The training may even be in the form of employee's induction when they are newly recruited (Paauwe, 2009). The employees' developments will ensure that the person works to the maximum; makes use of their full potential. The line managers are however tasked with guiding the staff on what to do in what areas. The human resource which conducts this training is, therefore, helping the managers to create a better environment for work. Managers in an organization are supposed to be in good relationship with their staff. This is a professional relationship which creates a nice environment for both the manager and the staff. This will ensure the staff is effective in its productivity. The human resource department is greatly involved in maintaining the relations between the employees and their managers (Brewster, 2008). They solve any conflicts or misunderstanding which may arise within the organization's staff. It is the human resource that all views and grievances are aired to the organization and resolutions are arrived at with all parties being satisfied (Simons, 2012). Maintain good employees relations also help to create an effective working condition for the employees and the line managers. A function is done with the entire department working close together. Conclusion The human relations department should, therefore, work together with the specific line managers to ensure an effective working condition for the staff in an organization. The human resource helps the line managers in establishing this condition by evaluating the staff and promoting them. They also ensure that only competent staffs are recruited in the organization and by taking care of the welfare of the employees. Also, The competency of the staff is improved through the staff training and developments during the time of service or induction. They work in harmony to create the desired working environment for the employees. References ARMSTRONG, M. (2016). Strategic human resource management: A guide to action. 3th edition. Thomson-Shore, Inc. ARMSTRONG, M., & BARON, A. (2012). Strategic HRM: the key to improved business performance. London, Chartered Inst. of Personnel and Development. BREWSTER, C. (2008). Contemporary issues in human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa. BRIDGER, E. (2015). Employee engagement. London, United Kingdom, Kogan Page.̂&bookid=68070 EVANS, S., (2016). HRM and front line managers: the influence of role stress. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp.1-21. FEDERMAN, B. (2009). Employee engagement: a roadmap for creating profits, optimizing performance, and increasing loyalty. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass. MATHIS, R. L., & JACKSON, J. H. (2016). Personnel/human resource management. St. Paul, West Pub. Co MELLO, J. A. (2015). Strategic human resource management. Stamford, CT, USA : Cengage Learning OP DE BEECK, S., WYNEN, J. AND HONDEGHEM, A., (2017). Effective HRM Implementation by Line Managers: Relying on Various Sources of Support. International Journal of Public Administration, 40(2), pp.192-204. PAAUWE, J. (2009). HRM and performance: achieving long-term viability. 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Oxford, Oxford University Press. TRUSS, C., MANKIN, D., & KELLIHER, C. (2012). Strategic human resource management. Oxford, Oxford University Press. VAN DE VOORDE, K., VELD, M. AND VAN VELDHOVEN, M., (2016). Connecting empowerment‐focused HRM and labour productivity to work engagement: the mediating role of job demands and resources. Human Resource Management Journal, 26(2), pp.192-210. VELDHOVEN, M. V., & PECCEI, R. (2015). Well-being and performance at work: the role of context. ZENOFF, D. B. (2013). The soul of the organization: how to ignite employee engagement and productivity. [Place of publication not identified], Apress. Read More
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