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Emotional Intelligence and Intelligence Quotient - Coursework Example

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The paper "Emotional Intelligence and Intelligence Quotient" is an engrossing example of coursework on management. Just like intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence is of great importance. Since the 1990’s the concept of emotional intelligence has emerged and is now considered more important as compared to intellectual intelligence…
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Emotional intelligence Contents Contents 2 Introduction: 3 What Is Emotional Intelligence? 3 Definition: 4 Emotional intelligence and intelligence quotient: 5 Aspects of emotional intelligence: 6 Emotional intelligence and organization 7 Negative emotions at workplace: 9 Importance of emotional intelligence 9 Bodily fitness: 10 Mind fitness: 10 Relationship: 10 Problem decision: 10 Triumph and prosperity: 11 Conclusion 11 Bibliography 11 Introduction: Just like intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence is of great importance. Since 1990’s the concept of emotional intelligence has emerged and is now considered more important as compared to intellectual intelligence. The concept of emotional intelligence is now a day a widely topic of interest of many researchers. They have presented work that kind of supports that emotional intelligence is far more valuable than intellectual intelligence. Work has shown that its importance cannot be ignored especially in business industries and organizations. The individuals in the workplace make up the setup of organization and have footprint or impression on the emotions of the individuals present there. A lot of new conceptions have been joined with emotional intelligence over the passage of time giving the concept a more wide interest. The word social intelligence is also known for the emotional intelligence concept (Scuderi, 2014). One can’t stay on one side. In fact, both matter a lot. It is seen that usually while assessing what weights more in success is that intellectual intelligence comes 10% or 25% if the work is far best and the rest goes for emotional intelligence. So more than half part is done by emotional intelligence and less is given by intellectual intelligence if success is assessed (Cherry, 2016). All the basic concepts regarding what emotional intelligence is and its part in organization workplace is discussed here. Definitions of emotional intelligence given by different researchers and socialist are also encountered along with different aspects and importance of emotional intelligence is also summed in this paper. What Is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence is a way in which a logical reasoning arises that is mixed with emotions. Emotions are utilized in magnifying conception. It explains potential and capability to pinpoint and direct the emotions of self-individual or group of individuals. Emotional intelligence is now a days wide spread phenomenon that is helpful is assessing different disciplines. Many researchers over time have presented their work in explaining the concept of emotional intelligence. The concept started from the work of Goleman. Goleman work is usually referred in discussion of emotional intelligence. Wayne Leon firstly used it and later John Mayer and Peter Salovey described the term emotional intelligence. They stated that it is the capability of person’s self-emotions and that of different people in order to draw a distinction between them. It is used to escort their thinking with emotions (Peter Salovey, 2004). Later in 1997 a four dimensioned model was put forward that was explaining what emotional intelligence is. According to model it is a way to present emotions in self and rest of the individuals, utilize emotions with thinking, comprehend what the emotions are trying to explain and lastly to manage them. After this many theories were encountered. Theories were linked with behavioral and communicational studies. Theories were presented by Goleman that discussed the emotional intelligence with brain health. He said that emotional intelligence is concerned with the fact that how brain is working and how good it is. Relations with the people around in positive way will give proper impact on its condition. Positive environment will be good for brain and so similarly explain the emotional intelligence (Goleman, 2007). Definition: The concept of emotional intelligence started at the time of Plato. His work depicts that all the levels in teaching and education involves emotional context. In every mode of life there is some kind of learning happening. This indicates that emotional context can’t be ignored. Ever since the contribution of Plato many researchers and philosophers have kept the notion of emotions in their work. It is seen that highly productive work is due to good flow of emotions. It keeps the work going and attaining the best level. Abraham Maslow has also contributed work regarding in what way people can enhance their strengths. This also included emotional strength. With the passage of time since the concept of emotional intelligence has emerged with the work of Plato, many definitions of emotional intelligence has been studied around the globe. Many researchers and socialist have presented their definitions. All are summing up the same phenomenon. The most familiar, direct and evident definition is given by John Mayer. It explains the true crux of the concept of emotional intelligence. The definition presented states as “Emotional intelligence represents an ability to validly reason with emotions and to use emotions to enhance thought.” (John D.Mayer, 2004) This definition is depicting that there is a certain specific relation between the emotions and thinking. This makes up emotional intelligence. Another definition is present that states that “Emotional intelligence is defined as the potential that acts as a rationale of emotions. It intensifies emotions and the thoughts. It includes the abilities to accurately perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth.” (Peter, 1990) So it is found in every domain where thoughts and emotions are linked. Helping in defining and understanding the correct meaning of emotions, the way they are related and how they are linked to the brain. All the definitions come to conclusion that emotional intelligence is said to be having following characteristics (Freedman, 2009): 1. Having the capability of understanding self-emotions and the emotions of others 2. Having the capability to tackle and pertain the emotions into actions. 3. Having the capability to direct and organize the emotions at the right place. Emotional intelligence and intelligence quotient: There is seen a significant development in the importance and comparison of emotional intelligence with intelligence quotient. Researches have concluded more of importance on emotional intelligence as compared to intelligence quotient. They have argued that more success and achievement is attained if emotions are properly digested. It is due to the reason that emotional intelligence makes the person capable enough to be flexible in managing the emotions in every perspective. In the present era it is very necessary to have the ability to understand the emotions and then act positively (D.Wechsler, 1998). Intelligence quotient does not serve that person. Intelligence quotient cannot help in everyday commitments and work the way emotional intelligence can do. Emotional intelligence makes the individual to form a proper way in every criterion. The person is so capable of doings day to day task efficiently. An individual with high intelligence quotient but less emotional intelligence cannot attain victory easily. Higher the emotional intelligence easier it becomes to attain success. A real great difference is seen in the attitude and communication capability of people with high emotional intelligence. It really makes easy for a person to interact on the social platform (Rodgers, 2016). This is seen to be beneficial in the business field as it expands the business. Emotional intelligence plays a more weighted role in the success of any organization as compared to intelligence quotient. The leadership skills and motivation gives a positive impact on the work place. Leadership especially is polished of the person with high emotional intelligence. The importance of intelligence quotient cannot be ignored. But if analysis is done with respect to emotional intelligence it is pretty less. Emotional intelligence is much wide spread and broader concept. Intelligence quotient is just not enough for the person to attain any goal (Smith, 2009). Aspects of emotional intelligence: Majorly the work of Mayer and Salovey along with corporation of Goleman puts forward different aspects of emotional intelligence. Their works depicts the correct picture of emotional intelligence. They have proposed a model and along with that they have described different aspects of emotional intelligence. The model explains that there are two parts of emotional intelligence (Salovey, 1990). Both of these further explain the emotions and the linkage between the brain and emotions. The two parts are Experiential: It is the capacity to interact and react towards the emotions one individual may get without getting to know them. Strategic: It is the capacity to know the emotions along with managing them, and not showing any reflex after understanding the emotions. These two concepts give rise to different aspects of emotional intelligence. These aspects are listed as (Salovey, 1995): Emotional perception Emotional assimilation Emotional understanding Emotional management Firstly the first most aspect that is emotional perception expands that it is the capability of an individual to be fully informed of self-emotions and how they need to be delivered in the environment towards others. It is necessary to understand the emotion whether they are good or not and then how to react towards it. Correct indication cannot be known without properly knowledge. Correct conclusion cannot be drawn if an individual is unable to recognize its emotions. If proper recognition is done only then path to success can be visible. Second aspect of emotional intelligence that is emotional assimilation depicts get to knowing the emotions, controlling and managing them. Reactions are also incorporated here. Thirdly is the emotional understanding. This is basically the capability to get to know and understand the multiple emotions. Multiple or complex emotions are those that come more than one at a time. So emotional understanding incorporates the understanding of different emotions at a time and link with one another. Last one is emotion management this is the capability to manage the emotions. How to express the emotion in a situation and whether to show emotion or not is incorporated in this last aspect. It is important that all the aspects are practiced. Emotional intelligence and organization The pattern of the system of organizations has changed to a great extent for the past few years. In every angle of life emotional intelligence is found. If one looks in organization emotional intelligence is found in every corner. It is believed that if an organization or any other business wants to excel then the association or link between the members of that place should be at its best. This is where emotional intelligence comes in the organization. There is a great number of individual in any organization. The bond between them is quite important. Not only this is where emotional intelligence is but also the interaction or association of members of organization and its customers, shareholders and other outsiders also make up emotional intelligence at organization. Correspondence is very important among the members of the staff. They should have leading qualities and a collective teamwork spirit. If they lack such kind of skills it becomes difficult for the organization to move upward (Marchant, 2013). It is said to have weak emotionally intelligence. Practices and strategies are adopted by organizations that evoke team effort and better communication skills among the members. In this way the members become more efficient. The essence of emotional intelligence is polished to a great extent. It’s not only the relationship between the staff and that with the outsider that makeup emotional intelligence in the system in fact more complex and extensive conditionality occurs. In application of emotional intelligence it is important to know in what way individuals interact and what mechanism needs to be adopted in order to comprehend and create relationship. It is also important that effective leadership qualities are present in the leaders. Leadership is pretty important in this regard (Cherniss, 2000). In an organization the management is required to incorporate an effective management system that makes the employees work effectively. The employees should be flexible enough so that if any new or innovative step is taken they can mold themselves according to that. The leader of the system is obliges to have efficient control and effective emotional intelligence so that it becomes easy to make the staff and members of the organization have healthy relationship in and outside the organization (Yadav, 2014). Emotional intelligence contributes outstandingly in decoding the issues among the workers in an organization. If teamwork is incorporated with proper management of leader the issues among them can end to a great extent. Spending more time can actually help the workers to develop strong communication among them. Emotional intelligence really works in this regard in organization. Other than this training and educating the employees about emotional intelligence can result to be very useful for the excellence of the organization. Having self-awareness can build confidence in the worker. Training and educating regarding emotional intelligence makes the negative emotions decrease to a great extent. Along with this the factor of jealousy towards any employee can also diminish if emotional intelligence is properly applied. All of this turns towards the head or leader of the organization. Leadership plays the role (Davies, 1998). Leader with strong emotional intelligence can make the organization towards success. It should be notes that it is not a matter of night or two to develop emotional intelligence among the workers of the organization. It takes ample of time. So patience is required to attain positive results for the excellence of the organization. Negative emotions at workplace: Emotions are not something over which individuals have control. The situations that may occur make up the emotions. Sometime situation occurs when negative emotions come. Negative emotions like anger and jealousy. Such emotions are sometimes impossible to control but if the person has a greater level of emotional intelligence these emotions can be managed to a great extent. An individual should be capable to distract himself in order to overcome negative emotions. In an organization where different people interact negative emotions are likely to occur. Lack of emotional intelligence decreases the communication among the members of organization at workplace. This gives rise to hatred or jealousy among the staff. Envy, jealousy and resentment are usually the negative emotions that are usually found at workplace. These three emotions are having pretty similar situations. Envy is an emotion that is when someone wishes to attain what the person next to him has. The attainment of that particular thing or rank can make that individual crazy for it which is completely not ok. Jealousy is similar to the situation just described. It is natural to occur and can’t be controlled (David DeSteno, 2006). Resentment is the highest peak of envy and jealousy. These can lead to physiological disorders in extreme cases. All these occur when the employees are less motivated and more compared with each other. If there is coaching of emotional intelligence these matters can be controlled to some extent making the environment of workplace free from negative emotions to some extent. Emotional intelligence can help in avoiding the negative emotions and making terms between the staff better and healthy (Altman, 2011). It depends upon the management of the organization that how they control these factors by taking help of emotional intelligence. Importance of emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence has a very vital importance in defining prosperity in individual’s life. Its makes person more fecund is all course of life. Interacting and transforming thoughts in to actions can reduce many problems and help in an effective successful life. Emotions that are not expressed or conveyed properly can form a hurdle and effect life resulting to be difficult. Different factors and aspects come under consideration while discussing importance of emotional intelligence. Physical and mental conditionality of person is an important factor determining the emotional intelligence. Bodily fitness: The best condition of body tends to good emotional intelligence. A person having less of strain and depression has a better capability to work its thoughts and emotions. The entire condition of wellbeing has a deep effect of the intelligence. A body should be capable enough to deal out the anxiety that may occur and deal with expressing thought easily simultaneously and work out all the flaws that may occur. Mind fitness: Basically the most cohesive relation of emotional intelligence is with the nervous system, brain. The day to day problems cause much of a pressure of brain. A good health of brain can help overcoming all of these (David, 2005). Emotional intelligence helps in producing positive emotions and helps to sustain a good positive life. Relationship: An individual can only react in a better way if the emotions are properly understood. Emotional intelligence is a useful tool in better knowing and reacting to our emotions. In this way an individual can better interpret and interact with others present in the surrounding. Emotional intelligence thus leads to better fulfillment of needs of communicating with others in a healthier way (Brackett, 2006). Problem decision: When the emotions and thoughts of an individual is easy to understand and perceive then it becomes easy to provide that person the right context of solution that may solve the dispute or any issue. All this is possible if the emotions are understandable and interpretable. High level of emotional intelligence serves purpose here and makes the person capable enough to meet the end. Triumph and prosperity: Intellectual intelligence cannot serve the support to success. Lack of emotional intelligence can lead to fall and keep individual away from path of success. Emotional intelligence with intellectual intelligence can help in making up the support system. High leadership skills and motivation can lead to better prosperity (Rivers, 2010). A person with high level of emotional intelligence creates better understanding of what the goal is and how to achieve it. So the importance of emotional intelligence cannot be ignored. With intellectual intelligence it increases the capability of an individual. It is applicable in every part of day to day life. Motivation and leadership qualities enhance the performance of the person. And communication with people around can help in making powerful bond. In short emotional intelligence plays a vital role. Conclusion Concept of emotional intelligence has not yet stopped. Now days still the work and research is happening to more elaborate the concept. Different domains and aspects have been incorporated in the concept of emotional intelligence. Lack of communication and unable to understand each other emotion gives rise to many disputes. Emotional intelligence can be helpful in solving this point to a great extent. Until and unless the emotions are not properly understood and practiced success cannot be attained (Malouff, 1998). The concept of emotional intelligence is explained in this paper along with its application. The importance of emotional intelligence is also expanded. Emotional intelligence results to be a valuable tool in every course of life. Aims and goals can be easily attained if intellectual intelligence is maintained with emotional intelligence. Better understanding of different processes that are happening in our surrounding can be better absorbed if the level of emotional intelligence is high. Bibliography Altman, L., 2011. Envy, Jealousy, Resentment – The “Comparison” Emotions at Work. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2016]. Brackett, 2006. Emotional intelligence, relationship quality, and partner selection. 5 ed. s.l.:s.n. Cherniss, C., 2000. Emotional Intelligence: What it is and Why it Matters. Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations , pp. 4-8. 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S., 1998. Emotional intelligence scale scores predict counselor performance. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society. Marchant, J., 2013. Emotional intelligence At workplace. s.l.:s.n. Peter Salovey, M. A. B. J. D. M., 2004. Emotional Intelligence: Key Readings on the Mayer and Salovey Model. s.l.:National Professional Resources Inc./Dude Publishing. Peter, S., 1990. Emotional Intelligence Imagination Cognition and Personality. s.l.:s.n. Rivers, B. R. M. R. M. J. D., 2010. Emotional intelligence. UK ed. s.l.:Sage Publishers. Rodgers, G., 2016. Emotional Intelligence — IQ vs. EQ. [Online] Available at: Salovey, P. &. M., 1990. Emotional intelligence. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality. 9 ed. s.l.:s.n. Salovey, P. M. J. G. S. T. C. &. P. T., 1995. Emotional attention, clarity, and repair: exploring emotional intelligence using the Trait Meta-Mood Scale. s.l.:New York: Basic Books. Scuderi, R., 2014. Emotional Intelligence — Why is it Important?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed november 2016]. Smith, L., 2009. Emotional Intelligence: EQ vs. IQ. [Online] Available at: Yadav, S., 2014. The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Organization Development. The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management, Volume XII. Read More
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