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Change of Leadership in Globalized Businesses - Essay Example

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The paper “Change of Leadership in Globalized Businesses” is a worthy example of the essay on management. Change of leadership in globalized businesses Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Change of leadership in globalized businesses Introduction Leadership is the act of social influence in which someone holding a high position acquires the aid…
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Change of leadership in globalized businesses Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Change of leadership in globalized businesses Change of leadership in globalized businesses Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Change of leadership in globalized businesses Introduction Leadership is the act of social influence in which someone holding a high position acquires the aid and support of their juniors to accomplish various goals and objectives. In this perspective, a leader is entitled to organize the rest of the staff to work towards achieving a unique organizational objective. Various activities have been conducted by managers for purposes of attaining adequate participation of all employees. This aspect has made it able for many organizations to experience growth and expansion in their line of enterprise operations. In today’s world, various issues have emerged calling for proper and stable leadership practices which can steer organizations towards arriving at their success. Due to these changes, the traditional practices which were used in the past cannot be of any use any more. Issues like situational interaction, power; vision and charisma have in a great way influenced the actions taken by people holding leadership positions (Kühlmann, Mendenhall & Stahl, 2001). These aspects have in a great way influenced the mode of leadership as the business environment has also been a dynamic one. The traditional leadership practices cannot be of any benefit to leaders as the business environment has become very competitive. These emerging changes have forced all leaders to come up with better methods of guiding their businesses so as to achieve organizational growth and expansion. As a matter of fact, it is the dream and desire of every person holding a leadership position to steer their firm towards enjoying the available economies of scale. One such factor which has contributed to the change in leadership practices is globalization. This aspect requires efficient and effective handling so that businesses can be able to fit perfectly in international business. In this case, globalization has made it possible for leaders to equip themselves appropriately with skills and resources that promise growth and development. The current state of globalized businesses does not leave any chance for traditional leadership practices. Changing the face of leadership Globalization is a practice which advocates for the integration of international business ventures resulting to potential benefits for some. For instance, firms which have experienced globalization are able to benefit from a number of benefits visible only in the business environment (DOH & Stumpf, 2005). These advantages include a reliable presence of cheaper resources, as well as expanded markets. In order to sustain and keep enjoying these business friendly aspects, business leaders have been forced to change their leadership tactics so as to fit perfectly with the business environment. From this perspective, globalization can be said to be the development of strong ties in international business operations, also referred to as bilateral trade. Due to the international interaction and participation involved in globalized businesses, leaders have been forced to equip themselves fully. A good example, is the use of modern technology, in addition to transportation infrastructure for purposes of conducting effective business operations. The use of science and technology has enabled business leaders to link business operations without them having to travel physically. There is also the adoption of a modern state of transport infrastructure aimed at enabling an easy transportation of goods and services. In this perspective, all globalized companies are able to sell or purchase services without any complication. A stable transport infrastructure has also made it possible for import and export operations to be conducted easily. All these factors have been acquired by all leaders who aim at achieving the highest growth and development. These international business operations have been made possible by the ease of communication and technological interactions. Globalization has also come up with the use of fiber technology, which allows the use of electronic media and other forms of communication networks. Based on this aspect, all leaders operating in global business operations have adopted the use of technology to interact with their trade partners. A constant interaction and conducting of business operations has made it possible for many organizations to expand tremendously. Business leaders have also been subjected to seeking higher and relevant information regarding to appropriate leadership practices. As a matter of fact, leaders need to be updated with the current business operations for purposes of delivering quality results. The act of thinking globally has enabled business managers to develop their institutions to the extent of achieving growth and development. Based on this aspect, many leaders have been able to steer their organizations to globalization by acquiring all the available market opportunities. This international participation has made firms enjoy extra economies of scale especially in places where there is no threat of competition. In regards to leadership practices changes, managers have been forced to develop global standard protocols. The main reason for doing this is to ensure that a specific channel is followed in conducting business operations. As a matter of fact, it is important to ensure that clearly stated channels and procedures are employed to avoid cases of failures and under performance. In order to conduct global businesses successfully, leaders have to engage in constant communication so as to lay all strategies in the most appropriate ways. In every business operation, communication is vital for purposes of coordinating all factors contributing to the success of the operation (Canals, 2013). For purposes of effectiveness and responsibility, many leaders have transferred their employees to international business operation joints. As a result of this, business leaders have employed the art of using reliable communication to ensure that programs are well coordinated within all the new branches. There has also been the responsibility of ensuring that employees’ needs are well catered for in the new areas of relocation. Employees' needs have to be well catered for because of the relocation procedures, and setting up involved. In this case, managers invest heavily in ensuring that the welfare of their employees is well catered for. Due to globalization, business leaders have to equip themselves adequately in regards to applying all competitive practices. The presence of several firms offering similar services in the same country enhances competition. Usually, this is based on the mode of production, and the after sales services applied. Business leaders have been presented with a challenge of conducting thorough market research. The business with a competitive advantage over others is able to expand tremendously, hence being able to set up its operations in other nations. Operating in a competitive field presents business with numerous opportunities as the market is wide, and many customers can be reached without strain. Studying the status of the market has become the order of the day so that business leaders can make wise decisions in regards to production and marketing. This aspect can be well realized if a globalized business compares its current status with the previous one; that is before globalization. In order to be globalized, business managers have to equip themselves with competitive practices so as to serve the wide market appropriately. In addition, many leaders leading multinational organizations have been subjected to understanding global operating cultures. Multinational cultures are important in that they equip the participating leaders with the appropriate knowledge. In this case, the appropriate corporate culture is useful in ensuring businesses achieve all stated goals and objectives. Solving the emerging In regards to operation ability and effectiveness, globalization has equipped leaders with appropriate methods of solving errors in the workplace. As a business leader, it is always important to have resources ready to handle any situations that get out of hand. Managers have improved their problem solving techniques by studying problems that are more likely to occur. This has been made possible by laying strategic plans that can be applied to solve any form of crisis. It is important to note that this planning is essential in identifying the expected effort and resources able to solve the crisis. This aspect has enabled managers to solve any emerging complications with ease and in a very short time. As a result of this, time and resources have been saved in the event of solving issues that have affected operations of a business entity. Business leaders have been able to identify any errors that can occur easily, as well as the most applicable ways of ensuring that the same does not happen. In this case, specific teams and departments have been employed to curb the occurrence of crisis situations and their dissolution whenever they occur (Brown, 2007). The idea of planning towards solving complications is very effective as it enables leaders to coordinate all resources available, for the benefit of the organization. For purposes of effectiveness, one major resource used in planning for crisis situations is the creation of a crisis team. Disaster preparedness is a practice which has been encouraged by globalization because an occurrence of any error can be very costly to business organizations. In the event of a certain crisis taking place, the crisis squad responds by determining the most appropriate technique. Leaders, thus advocate for a strategic way of handling crisis situations so as to prevent the global organizations from being unproductive. Continuous performance of any organization is vital as failure in operation can cost the organization heavily. Teamwork Another important aspect that has been adopted by business leaders is the use of teamwork in the undertaking of business operations. For the success of an organization to be realized in global businesses, teamwork is essential. The coordination of the present task force enables an organization to achieve huge units of production within a very short period of time. Another importance of teamwork is that the quality of services and good produces is usually high, hence creating a good name for the respective company. The use and emphasis on teamwork have enabled many globalized businesses to produce better results, and thus resulting in their growth and expansion. Another importance of teamwork is that in case problems affect the business operation, appropriate solutions are easy to find. Business leaders have been able to improve the confidence and self-esteem in managing. It has been noted that globalization requires the participation of every employee in the organization to be successful. In this perspective, business managers have clearly understood the importance of teamwork. The unity and bonding practiced by leaders makes it possible for businesses to deliver the best possible results. In addition to that, leaders have acquired situational leadership skills for purposes of managing global business ventures. For instance, teams are given different responsibilities depending on the ones they serve best. In this type of leadership, leaders have adopted the art of coordinating both the task force and communication practices. This engagement ensures that multinational companies can operate any form of business, hence achieving the estimated growth and objectives. Public relations Business leaders operating in globalized businesses have adopted new public relations techniques in regards to solving issues. In this case, all factors that promote better public relations have been addressed as they are necessary for globalized businesses. One nature of globalization is that all the business ventures involved are able to operate in different countries, where cultural practices may be different (Cohen, 2007). Therefore, business leaders have accommodated new and appropriate public relations practices. In regard to solving the crisis, every aspect of the situation at hand is communicated to the concerned staffs to make the necessary corrections. The impact of the issue is estimated so that the necessary action to be taken can be determined. The aspect of practicing better public relations services ensures that businesses can operate in every country. Developing a management plan In order to organize a global business effectively, managers have developed processes that are vital for the management. This aspect has enabled many businesses to arrange and execute all managerial duties with ease. To begin with, leaders are able to prioritize all undertakings in regards to the most important ones, after prioritizing the issues are analyzed and an organizational position is recommended (Marković, 2012). This step ensures that only the right and skilled Taskforce are able to deliver a certain task because of the knowledge they have. All these aspects have been accommodated by leaders to enable them manage globalized businesses effectively. Organizational effectiveness Globalization of businesses has enabled business leaders to acquire various leadership traits suitable for effective management. One leadership trait is direction and personal drive, which enables them to run their business organizations towards success. The desire to lead with confidence is a factor which has enabled all corporate leaders to lead globalized businesses towards achieving success (AACSB International, 2011). There is also the issue to do with acquiring the appropriate knowledge regarding business processes. In addition to this, business leaders operating in globalized businesses have acquired outside orientation. External orientation has enabled leaders to have a clear understanding of all external constituents. Moreover, leaders have become globally minded, as a result of operating complex businesses which require a high rate of professionalism. The acquired global understanding has ensured that globalized business operations can be conducted in the most effective way. As a matter of fact, well equipped and willing to learn managers have steered their organizations towards realizing their stated goals and objectives. Global leadership Leadership operations have managed to change tremendously in the recent past due to the need of conducting business ventures in complex environments. Based on this aspect, managers have gained persistence and courage for purposes of attaining business goals and objectives (Parker, 2005). In order to create trust and international relationships, business leaders have acquired emotional intelligence. This aspect has made it possible for business managers to keep close ties with all the relevant units necessary in making only the most appropriate decisions. In addition to that, it has been possible to create a balance between life and work. Working in a very dynamic field like in global businesses requires one to be flexible. The main reason for this assumption is to ensure that one can cope with the emerging situations without any complications. Another major requirement for business leaders is to ensure that they develop resilience to stress in the workplace. To be precise, globalization has presented business operations which are very complex in nature presenting various challenges to managers. A good manager operating in a globalized business enterprise is the one who can avoid stress by balancing all the appropriate issues and making right decisions. Transactional For purposes of organizational success and prosperity, business managers operating in globalized businesses, leaders have acquired transactional leadership traits. This aspect has enabled leaders to exchange information and share ideas with their counterparts for purposes of delivering quality work to their businesses. Transactional leadership traits have been exposed by completion of the production phase until the product reaches the customer. This step has enabled leaders to offer the best possible services for purposes of arriving at organizational growth and expansion (Gundling, Hogan & Cvitkovich, 2011). In addition to that, global business leaders have managed to transform their business organizations to the most suitable form. In this perspective, many businesses have improved their statuses for the better due to the presence of visionary leaders. This ability is attained by the manager’s use of emerging issues in business likely to enhance business expansion. The main importance of operating a business is to expand and enjoy all available economies of scale. Many leaders have become visionaries by predicting the state of their organizations in the future hence laying down the appropriate decisions. From this perspective, all people holding managerial positions have developed strong and reliable cultures able to steer the global businesses towards achieving success. In regards to the present complexity in business operations, managers have developed a strong sense of vision and mission statements of their respective companies. This aspect has enabled them to drive their businesses towards achieving global success and expansion. In order to serve well in global businesses, managers have developed a sense of responsibility for purposes of meeting the satisfaction of customers being served (Fernando, 2009). The most important aspect about engaging in business is to be able to create a good name for the business. This can only be achieved by offering high quality services leading to customer satisfaction. In most cases, satisfied customers enable the growth of companies by increasing their purchases. This is the most appropriate way for businesses to make profits especially in a global perspective. Many global leaders have qualified to be transformational leaders by acquiring specific traits enabling them to drive their organizations to success (Smith & Cockburn, 2013). In this perspective, staff leadership has been practiced by ensuring that leaders are observant and persuasive. All these factors are meant to help business managers act as examples to their junior staffs. The acquired stewardship and empathy has enabled leaders to deliver quality services to their organizations, hence arriving at the desired results. For the purpose of offering high quality services, globalization has enabled managers to develop various strategies. For instance, current leaders have developed a sense of direction, which is well communicated to all employees (Homann, Koslowski & Luetge, 2007). Competence is also necessary so that leaders can set good examples for the other employees to follow, for purposes of fulfilling all the company vision and mission statements. In order to steer globalized businesses to success, motivation has been conducted to by leaders to ensure that employees can deliver recommendable results. Preparation for change The current business world has been faced with numerous changes, with some threatening the existence of various businesses. In this case, managers have developed necessary actions to help them prepare for any possible changes occurring in their lines of operation. These counteractive measures have been applied to ensure that any occurring changes do not challenge the existence of globalized businesses (Persaud, Kumar & Kumar, 2002). In order to develop an adaptive way of coping with changing situations, business leaders have developed a learning atmosphere in the respective organizations. The creation of a learning environment in every organization enables employees to develop professionally by improving their competency. Another important effect of globalization is the mode of power distribution conducted by business leaders. This is done for purposes of ensuring that all operations are undertaken with ease. With a stable management of globalized businesses, the stated organizational goals and objectives will be attained within the shortest time possible. Vision and mission development Many global organizations have managers who have contributed to the development of strong historical background. Business leaders have managed to do this by developing strong vision and mission statements (McGrew & Poku, 2007). As a matter of fact, these business aspirations improve the status and functionality of a global business. Developing a strong and positive history has enabled many business leaders to act as role models to upcoming companies. Globalization of business organizations has enabled leaders to equip themselves fully with the necessary knowledge and resources for growth. In this case, leaders have developed better guidance techniques by inspiring employees to deliver good results. Having set good example, global business leaders have been able to create a good impression of business leadership traits. As a result of globalization, numerous business ventures have been able to achieve growth and development because appropriate business traits are applied. Conclusion In conclusion, business leaders have portrayed highly rewarding leadership skills, which are necessary for expanding business institutions. Based on this knowledge, many managers have steered their organizations towards success, hence posing themselves as role models in the business field. As a result of the new opportunities produced by globalization, multinational companies have operated successfully by utilizing all the available economic resources. As a matter of fact, globalized businesses are more profitable as they are subjected to numerous opportunities that local businesses cannot access. The leadership practices portrayed by a global leader are quite different from those conducted by a local business manager. The difference is brought about by the scope of operations conducted in globalized business operations. In this case, it is important to recognize the importance of globalization both to the community and the business organizations. The knowledge gained by business leaders in regards to globalization is very vital towards enhancing productivity and growth of businesses. References AACSB International. (2011). Globalization Of Management Education: Changing International Structures, Adaptive Strategies, and the Impact On Institutions : report of the AACSB International Globalization of Management Education Task Force. Tampa, Fla: AACSB International. Brown, J. F. (2007). The Global Business Leader: Practical Advice for successin a Transcultural Market Place. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Cohen, E. (2007). Leadership without Borders: Successful strategies from world-class leaders. Singapore: John Wiley & Sons Canals, J. (2013). Leadership Development for a Global World: The role of companies and business schools. (Leadership development for a global world.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Doh, J., & Stumpf, S. (2005). Handbook on Responsible Leadership and Governance in Global Business. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub. Fernando, A. C. (2009). Business Ethics: An Indian Perspective. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Gundling, E., Hogan, T., & Cvitkovich, K. (2011). What is Global Leadership?: 10 key behaviors that define great global leaders. Boston, MA: Intercultural Press/Nicholas Brealey Pub. Homann, K., Koslowski, P., & Luetge, C. (2007). Globalisation and Business Ethics. Aldershot, England: Ashgate. Kühlmann, T. M., Mendenhall, M. E., & Stahl, G. K. (2001). Developing Global Business Leaders: Policies, processes, and innovations. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. McGrew, A. G., & Poku, N. (2007). Globalization, Development and Human Security. Cambridge, UK: Polity. Marković, M. R. (2012). Impact of Globalization On Organizational Culture, Behavior and Gender Roles. Charlotte: Information Age Pub. Parker, B. (2005). Introduction to Globalization And Business: Relationships and Responsibilities. London: SAGE. Persaud, A., Kumar, V., & Kumar, U. (2002). Managing Synergistic Innovations Through Corporate Global R&D. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. Smith, P. A. C., & Cockburn, T. (2013). Dynamic Leadership Models for Global Business: Enhancing digitally connected environments. Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference Read More
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