Greed is Not Good: Teaching Ethics to Professionals Essay.
Greed Is Not Good: Teaching Ethics to Professionals Essay.
Therefore, Freidman’s stand concerning the idea of free-market can be useful in a capitalist country. Those businesses that pride themselves in an ethical way tend to thrive. The companies tend to achieve growth in their profits and enhance shareholders' value. Their esteemed customers also become more willing to pay and utilize the company’s product. The government can then finance its budget by obtaining funds indirectly from the public as suggested by Friedman. Based on his contemporary economic theory, under the appropriate conditions, a decentralized market economy is the best of all possible worlds.
(Freidman, 1962) Gordon Gekko openly declares that greed is good. By him saying that he is a liberator of companies rather than a destroyer. Leveraged buyout in the real sense destroys the growing companies. Destroying poorly performing companies leads to monopoly, lack of competency and can lead to poor services and products. Furthermore, the employees of such firms do not have successful conclusions as they end up losing their jobs.
The act of leveraging other small companies only explains the individualism theory. According to Gordon, it is only about 10% of the population owns others and has the freedom to enrich themselves neglecting the rest of the society (Howard, 1996). I would advocate for the incubation of developing entrepreneurial processes to enhance growth and reduce unemployment.
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