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Public Service Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Non-profit Organizations - Coursework Example

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The paper "Public Service Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Non-profit Organizations" is a great example of management coursework. Job satisfaction and motivation of the employees are two important things that are considered by every organization. Both of these things contribute a lot to the growth and development of organizations…
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Public Service Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Non-profit Organizations
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Public Service Motivation and Job satisfaction in Nonprofit Organizations Introduction Job satisfaction and motivation of the employees are two important things which are considered by every organization. Both of these things contribute a lot in the growth and development of the organizations. Motivation encourages the organizational members in delivering effective performances. A fully motivated employee has strong commitment towards the organization. It helps to improve productivity of the company. Rules and policies of the company play a vital role in motivating employees. Different organizational member are motivated by various factors. Motivation and job satisfaction are strongly related to each other. If an organizational member is satisfied with his job then he will get motivated to perform that work in a better way which will benefit the company in enhancing its performance. Job is assigned to the employees according to their skills and capabilities. If an individual is happy with his job then it can be expected that his job satisfaction level is high which motivates the individual in delivering best performance. Job satisfaction depends on various factors like work environment, organizational culture, salary, recognition job designation and profile etc. Motivation of an employee is mainly associated with satisfying his different needs which are related with his work and living. This paper will highlight the role of public service motivation and job satisfaction in Non Profit Organization. In Non Profit Organizations employees need to be highly motivated for performing nonprofit activities and functions. Job satisfaction level requires being high for people working in the nonprofit companies. Body Public Service Motivation Public service motivation is an attribute of the NGO employees and the employees of the government organizations that gives them the desire to serve the public. PSM explains the fact as to why some people like a career in government and non government organizations despite the fact that there exists more financially rewarding careers that exists for them in the public sector. The most common definition of public service motivation that exists in the body of literature is credited to the works of Perry and Wise. They defined public service motivation as the predisposition by an individual to respond to the motives that are based on public institutions and organizations (Mann, 2006). The profession that is related to public administration is a field that is often viewed as a special calling. Those who answer the call are seen as different from those who do not answer the call. This is the difference that is normally characterized as public service motivation. The factors that are part of this public service motivation are related to commitment towards the interest of the public, service that is provided to the others and sacrifice of the self. Where as it is normally found that PSM is an internal factor and characteristic of the individual it is found that PSM is more prominently found in the employees of the public sector. This is primarily attributed to the environment and the constraints that define these organizations. It is also stated that public service motivation should be more prevalent in the activities that require levels of self service that are considered as great. Research indicates the fact that public employees are found to talk the talk however the question that remains is that whether the public employees also walk the walk or not. The analysis have examined whether behavioral implication of public service motivation are in studying the self-reported giving of blood, time and money for charity. Engagement in the charitable acts is found to be consistent with theories that are related to public service motivation. It is not properly explained by the rational choice theory that is related to motivation (Houston, 2006). It is also found that public employees engage in charity or the acts of donating blood. These findings support the fact that Public service motivation is more prominent amongst the employees of the public organizations than in the employees of the private organization. The theory of the public service motivation is found to have significant implications for the public administration. It is also suggested by the research that the motivational tools that are common in the private organizations are not as effective in the public organizations. Reward systems in the Private sectors are built typically around the primacy of the extrinsic reward system and might overcome the intrinsic reward system that motivate the employees in the public sector employees. The finding of the PSM also suggests the fact that selecting the individuals having characteristics that are consistent with the norms of PSM is important for enhancing the performance of public sector enterprise. This thing can be achieved through the process of recruiting through the process of graduate programs. This is helpful as it helps in identifying the employees who have values that are consistent with the public service. Second is through the process of increasing contacts with all the future employees early of on their academic carriers either through the process of hosting them as interns or through the process of serving as guest speakers in the classroom to expose the students to the benefits of working in the public service domain. Another process is through aggressively engage in touting for the success of public programs and rewards that is achieved through public service. It is shown through studies that have been conducted in this field that Public service motivation of the employees is not only a result of the individual socio-historical background of the employees but is also a factor of the organizational environment in which the employees work. The results of the research by different scholars provide supporting evidence for the fact that organizational institutions are equally important to PSM. If one recognizes the fact that the organizational factors are equally responsible for Public Service motivational factors then it is important take note of the accompanying set of the organizational responsibilities that needs to be counted for. One of the practical benefits of the PSM that is perceived is the fact that both helps in recruiting individuals in the public sectors and strengthens the ties of the employees with the organizations. It also helps in order to act a basis for the providing of the loyalty, commitment and motivation which is far more effective that the use of money as an incentive. It is found that if the public organizations reduce red tapes and takes incentives to undergo reforms which classifies the goals of the employees and empowers them can have a positive effect on the PSM of the employees. Researches also shows that if the employees are shown that they are contributing meaningfully to the organization and helping the organization achieve its goals then it is found that it helps in reducing the frustration of the employees and increases their commitment. The fact that is commonly found is that if the employees are made to believe that they are contributing and adding value to the organization and there are no unnecessary restrictions or control on the behavior of the employees of such an organization which is engaged in providing a valuable service to the public then it is found that their PMS is enhanced (Matei & Cornea, 2013). It is also important to communicate to the employees of the organization about the centrality of their roles within the context of the organization and the benefits that is happening in real terms to the society by their contribution within the organization. It is found through research that there are a series of external factors that are significant in a public organization which can have an effect on the motivation of the public servants and either consolidate the PSM of the employees or diminish the same. Thus it is found that although PSM is considered as an intrinsic factor it does not mean that it is not immutable (Moynihan & Pandey, 2007). PSM can be lost in the lack of extrinsic motivation factors. It is found that the public servants can lose their PSM in the lack of the extrinsic motivational factors. The factors which might have an effect are salary, structural changes in the organization, promotion, disregard of the manager for law etc. It is found that if one compares PSM with other factors of the Maslow’s hierarchy model then we find that PSM comes at the top of the model in the self actualization segment. This segment is attempted or seen as the motivating factors only of lower motivation levels are satisfied. In terms of the Herzberg’s theory it is seen that whereas PSM can be seen as motivating factors other factors of salary, promotion etc are to be seen as hygiene factors. So, what happens is that when the hygiene factors are present employees are not motivated but their absence de-motivates the employees of the organization. Where is it is found that the presence of motivating factors like the presence PSM is what acts as the motivational factor for the employees of the public service organization. Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction is determined as the level of commitment and connection which an employee feels about his work. Satisfaction in work influences the employees in performing his duties and responsibilities perfectly. Job satisfaction is different to different person. It highly depends on the way the company treats its employees. Measuring job satisfaction of employees sometimes become difficult for the organizations. By measuring the job satisfaction level of the employees the companies improve their organizational processes. In nonprofit organizations most of the employees work without financial gains. Therefore high level of job satisfaction is present among the employees which influence them in performing social works easily. By doing social services the organizational members of nonprofit institution gain a sense of fulfillment (Borzaga, & Tortia, 2006). Serving common public in their needs create a different level of satisfaction among the employees. The nonprofit organizations provide different types of facilities and benefits to the employees for satisfying them. In the present scenario the nonprofit institutions are very much concerned about satisfaction level of the employees for retaining them. Employee retention is a very important thing for nonprofit organizations. This type of organization requires highly dedicated employees who are interested to work for the benefit of society and people. Getting highly committed employees for doing social services is very tough for nonprofit institutions. For this reason the organizations develop its rules and regulations in such a way which facilitate them in making the employees satisfied (Bright, 2008). Job security, salary, physical surroundings, safety and security issues helps to increase the satisfaction level of the employees. Various motivational tools facilitate to satisfy different types organizational members. The managers or the senior level people of nonprofit organizations provide high quality of training to the employees for understanding their job role, responsibilities and duties. The managers communicate with the employees in such a way which influence the employees in thinking positive things about their service and company. By this process a positive attitude towards work is developed and it contributes a lot in increasing their level of commitment toward the organization (Benz, 2005). The nonprofit organizations implement Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory for satisfying its employees. With the help of this theory the companies try to meet the needs to the employees and which influence their satisfaction level. Job satisfaction is connected with psychological mindset of the people. For working in nonprofit organizations the employees need to do many things without getting any benefits. For this reasons these institutions try to provide different facilities to the organizational members for keeping them involved in performing social activities. According to the Maslow’s theory every individual has different types of needs which an organization needs to fulfill for motivating and satisfying the employees. Figure 1: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Physiological needs of the employees are fulfilled by the nonprofit organizations by providing them salary. This helps the staffs in getting food, water and different other basic things of life. The organizations have many safety and security measures which protects the employees from different types of problems. Sometimes they also give shelter to its staffs. A friendly atmosphere is created within the nonprofit organizations which help the employees in communicating easily with different members. By this process friendship among the organizational members is developed which create good working environment. The persons associated with social service needs to perform hard work for helping people in different situations. For satisfying these efficient people the nonprofit organizations provide recognitions to them and give them rewards for delivering good service. Sometimes good service of the social workers is highlighted by the common people and they get recognition in the society for helping needy people (Boezeman & Ellemers, 2009). The benefits which common people get from their service contribute a lot in providing job satisfaction to them. Personal growth of the employees working in nonprofit organizations is enhanced by providing training guidance to them. By this process the nonprofit organizations support the social workers in helping people for noble cause. The self actualization needs of the social workers are fulfilled by nonprofit organization and also by the people whom they are helping. If the people are truly benefited by the service of social workers then the self actualization needs of employees are fulfilled. The nonprofit organizations focus on their workplace environment. By establishing good workplace environment the institutions encourage the social workers for benefiting the society. Friendly workplace environment facilitates the social workers to interact more with the management members and developing new ways to benefit the society. The process helps the employees to improve their work quality by which they are able to utilize their talents and capacities in benefiting the society. Now a day the nonprofit organizations are establishing new ways for improving the society and the condition of people. The organization encourage its employees in participating in the decision making process of the organization. In many nonprofit institutions the social workers contribute a lot in establishing new plans and process for the welfare of the society. This helps to increase the job satisfaction level of the employees. By encouraging employees in participating in the decision making process of the intuitions, the organizations make the social workers feel that they are their important resource. The organizations communicate that contribution of the employees plays a vital role in the growth and development of their growth and development which influence the employees to feel special. In the present times satisfying the employees has become tough for the nonprofit organizations. This is because with the change of time the demands of the social workers are increasing day by day. Their satisfaction level is not only limited to their type of service they are providing. The job satisfaction level of the social workers is highly dependent on the internal factors of the organization. Communication is one of the important factors in job satisfaction. When the nonprofit organizations support the social workers in doing proper communication or improve their communication process then the employees feel satisfied in performing their job and duties toward the society efficiently. Communication is vital for the social workers. In performing social activities they need to communicate properly with different people for benefiting the society. Job satisfaction level varies as per the mindset of the social workers. Team work influences the social workers benefiting the society and doing their work efficiently. By benefiting the people at the maximum level the social workers feel more committed toward their work. This improves the performance level of the social workers. Effective team work motivates the employees in providing service to maximum number of people. This is very important for the social workers in creating a better society. For this reason the nonprofit organizations encourage team work for utilizing the social workers efficiently. The team work not only increases the potentialities of the social workers but make them feel satisfying by facilitating them in doing their job actively. The nonprofit organizations try to treat all its employees equally without doing any partiality. This helps theses organizations in gaining the trust of the social workers and it facilitates them in retaining the employees. Summary It is found that although public service motivation is considered as a product of internal motivating factor it is seen that the organizational factors are also important in this case. This relates to the fact that the external factors that is related to the organization are important factors that is related to the PSM in the employees and the absence of these factors leads to the fact that PSM is absent amongst the employees. It is also seen that PSM in itself can act as a motivating factor and helps the employees to bond with the organization and acts as a strong motivating factor for the employees of the organization. Job satisfaction of organizational members is one of the vital things for every institution or company. It also plays a significant role in the growth and development of the nonprofit organizations. Providing satisfaction to the employees regarding job is one of the toughest challenge for these organization. Nonprofit organizations are run by different charitable trusts. The people who are interested to serve the society join these organizations as social workers. They spend maximum amount of time in the welfare of the society and people. For this reason the nonprofit organizations put huge effort in satisfying their social workers by providing them many benefits and facilities. The job satisfaction of the social workers also depends on the happiness of the people which is resulted from their service. Conclusion Over the course of the above paper the effects of the motivating factors on the motivation of the employees in a nonprofit organization is studied. It is found that the factors such as that which are related to the factors like salary of the employees, promotion of the employees of the organization, and regards of the manager in the organization for the law acts as the motivation factors for the employees of the organization. It is found that if the organization does not have enough external motivating factors then the organization will not be able to motivate the employees of the organization and not let the employees of the organization exhibit PSM. It is found that PSM is considered as another motivating factor of the employees of the organization and is found as a much more motivational factor of the employees of the organization than the factors like the monetary benefit. References Benz, M. (2005). Not for the Profit, but for the Satisfaction?–Evidence on Worker Well‐Being in Non‐Profit Firms. Kyklos, 58(2), 155-176. Boezeman, E. J., & Ellemers, N. (2009). Intrinsic need satisfaction and the job attitudes of volunteers versus employees working in a charitable volunteer organization. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82(4), 897-914. Borzaga, C., & Tortia, E. (2006). Worker motivations, job satisfaction, and loyalty in public and nonprofit social services. Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly, 35(2), 225-248. Bright, L. (2008). Does public service motivation really make a difference on the job satisfaction and turnover intentions of public employees?. The American Review of Public Administration, 38(2), 149-166. Houston, D. J. (2006). “Walking the walk” of public service motivation: Public employees and charitable gifts of time, blood, and money. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 16(1), 67-86. Mann, G. A. (2006). A motive to serve: Public service motivation in human resource management and the role of PSM in the nonprofit sector. Public Personnel Management, 35(1), 33-48. Matei, L., & Cornea, C. I. (2013). Organizational context and factors affecting public service motivation. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(2), 44-48. Moynihan, D. P., & Pandey, S. K. (2007). The role of organizations in fostering public service motivation. Public administration review, 67(1), 40-53. Read More
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