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Examining the Sustainable Procurement Practices in the Public Sector - Annotated Bibliography Example

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(2010) Global Trade and Environmental Impact Study of the EU Biofuels Mandate, Final Draft Report Submitted to the Directorate General for Trade, European Commission
On their report, Al-Riffai et al. (2010) illustrate that the global…
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Examining the Sustainable Procurement Practices in the Public Sector
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Annotated Bibliography: Examining the Sustainable Procurement Practices in the Public Sector Al-Riffai, P., Dimaranan, D., & Laborde D. (2010) Global Trade and Environmental Impact Study of the EU Biofuels Mandate, Final Draft Report Submitted to the Directorate General for Trade, European Commission On their report, Al-Riffai et al. (2010) illustrate that the global demand for Biofuels has been increasing sharply in the last decade, mainly because oil price hikes and also need for improved energy security. Perrihan Al-Riffai who is senior research Analyst with IFPRI says that this has called for need for Support measures in order to control risks that may result due to Biofuels developments. Arrowsmith, S. (2005).The Law of Public and Utilities Procurement, 2nd edition, Sweet & Maxwell: London. Arrowsmith (2005) in her book explains how European nations have been able to technologies public procurement by introducing e-procurement which is a more reliable system and easy to monitor. The author who is an Achilles professor of public procurement law and policy; director, public procurement research group, faculty of social sciences says that one of the most significant segments within the EU system of public procurement is the execution of electronic auctions. Association of Southeast Asian Nations Legal Instruments [Online]. Available: The Agreement has been used to illustrate how Nations from the South East Nations shall conduct their business in relation to the Indonesian government. The agreement sets out guideline on how the Indonesian government will carry out procurement activities in relation to these nations. The guidelines safeguard the interest of Indonesia as a sovereign nation. Barbose, G., Darghouth, N., & Wiser, R. (2010) Tracking the sun III: The installed cost of photovoltaic’s in the United States from 1998-2009, Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Barbose et al. (2010) illustrates how governments can lose a millions of money in making procurements. In the book, they analyze how the US government has improved its public procurement system in order to reduce losses. Galen L. Barbose who is a Research Scientist in the Electricity Markets and Policy Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory says that much of the emphasis is given to the structures within the procurement departments other than the general structure of the government. Bloomberg (2014) Saudi gas reserves up as Aramco taps new shale deposits [Online]. Available: The report from Bloomberg (2014) illustrates how Aramco intends to use shale gas for domestic energy purposes leaving diesel and crude oil for export to other countries in the world. The report says that the gas will be very vital because of the domestic demand for energy which has been increasing in the recent years. Bouet, A., & Laborde, D (2010) Eight years of Doha trade talks: Where do we stand [Online]. Available: Bouet & Laborde (2010) carried out a research analyzing the ongoing negotiations between the World Trade Organization with the Arabian countries and what benefits this might mean. Both parties are focused on creating sustainable and reliable trade ties. Antoine Bouet who is a senior researcher with the IFPRI says that this is done through creating market access, reducing export subsidies. Branker, K., Pathak, J, M., & Pearce, J. 2011 “Review of solar photovoltaic liveliest cost of electricity,” Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 15(1): 4470-4482. In their review, Branker et al (2011) analyze the state of energy consumption in the USA in relation to electivity and some of the factors that might have contributed to the level zed cost of electricity. From the journal, Kadra Branker who is a Project Engineer/Thermal Energy (EIT) at Hatch says that economic feasibility is increasingly put into evaluation through level zed cost of electricity (LCOE) generation so as to be compared some other technologies of electricity generation. Carter, R., Ellram, M., & Ready, J. (1998) Environmental purchasing: Benchmarking our German counterparts, International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, Vol. 34, no. 4, 28-39 In their article, Carter & Ready (1998) analyze the benefits that can be achieved by setting up policies that govern the operations in terms of purchasing in the energy industry. Craig R. Carter is engaged in a commercial real estate practice says that the policies should be developed in such a way that they can protect both the stakeholders and the environment in general. These policies should be used in appraising the suppliers to work with. Carter, C, & Rogers, S. (2008). A framework of sustainable supply chain management: Moving toward new theory, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 38, no. 5, 360-87. Carter & Rogers (2008) write an article regarding the supply chain where suppliers, manufacturers and consumers of particular goods and services can access them through proper frameworks that ensure sustainability. Craig Carter who is an adjunct Professor of Real Estate Transactions Queens Law School and Osgoode Hall Law School says that says that the end product reaching the consumer goes through a system that can be considered to be reliable and sustainable. Citino, J. (2002).From Arab Nationalism to OPEC: Eisenhower, King Saʻūd, and the making of U.S-Saudi relations, Indian University Press, New Delhi. In his book, Citino (2002) gives a review of the relationship between the west and particularly the USA with the Saudi government and how the two nations work together to ensure steady supply of oil to the world and making it available in the global market. Nathan J. Citino is an associate professor of history at Colorado State University says that Saudi Arabia is a strategic global partner to the oil industry and should therefore be in the front line in ensuring that the industry is not manipulated. Commission for Environmental Cooperation (2006) About the CEC [Online] Available: The information from their website, The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (2006) plays the role of collaborating with states as well as enhancing public participation to advance conservation, enhancement and protection of the North American environment with the aim of benefiting the current and the future generations. States in collaboration with this commission are Mexico, Canada and the United States. Commission for Environmental Cooperation (2008) Operational Plan for the CEC [Online] Available: The strategic operational plan for Commission of Environmental Corporation (2008) outlines the plan to protect the North American Environment by ensuring improving Trade and the Enforcement of Environmental Law, enhancing the North American Air Quality Management, Sound Management of Chemicals, Monitoring and Assessing Pollutants across North America, Tracking Pollutant Releases and Transfers in North America. Council of the European Union (2008) Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Promotion of the Use of Energy from Renewable Sources [Online] Available: The Council of the European Union (2008) wrote a proposal to the European parliament and the council making recommendations on the best steps to take in regard to switching to use of renewable energy as a way of reducing the greenhouse gas emission. The proposal outlines sustainability criteria in regard to Biofuels and bioliquids need to match up the standards in order to be considered towards the targets in the Directive as well as qualify for inclusion in public support schemes. Darbra, M., & Casal, J. (2004) Historical analysis of accidents in seaports, Safety Science, Vol. 42, No. 2, 85-98. In the journal, Darbra & Casal (2004) write an article that analyses the effects that can result to industrial pollution and degradation of the environment. Sonia Darbra who is an Assistant Professor Autonomous University of Barcelona says that industrial activities like mining and extraction natural resources have very negative impact to the environment and specifically the sea. Davidson, P. (2008). Start-up: Affordable solar power possible in a year, USA [Online]. Available: From the above article, Davidson (2008) talks about solar power as an alternative source of energy to other sources that have much greater effect on the environment. Paul Davidson a Tech. reporter with USA Today sees solar energy as the way to go as it is cheaper and readily available. Solar energy is also termed as being environment friendly. Drumwright, M E. (1994) Socially responsible organizational buying: environmental concern as a noneconomic buying criterion, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 58, no. 3, 1-19. Drumwright (1994) explains in an article regarding the corporate social responsibility of companies involved in manufacturing and production of energy. The journal insists that the companies have a greater role than just making profits in ensuring that they protect the environment and ensure they develop more sustainable means of producing the energy. Environmental Protection Agency (2009) Chapter I: Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act [Online]. Available: In its charter, the Environmental Protection Agency (2009) states that the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can be anticipated both to risk public health and to endanger public welfare. The effects of air pollution are also seen as to generate both long-term and short term implications. The green houses gases are said to be a mix of some of the toxic gases that combine in the atmosphere to create more damage. Goulielmos, M. (2000) European policy on port environmental protection, Global Nest: the Int. J, Vol. 2, No. 2, 189-97 In the journal, Goulielmos (2000) writes an article with deep insight into what the European Union and the European states have been doing to ensure the protection of the environment in the seas. Alexander Markos Goulielmos who is a professor at University of Piraeus, Department of Maritime Studies finds some loop holes that have been used by global corporations to work above the set policies and legislations. Europa European Union (2006) Renewable Energy Roadmap, [Online] Available: The European Union (2006) developed a Renewable Energy Road Map aiming to evaluate the portion of renewable energy in the energy mix as well as the development and progress made in this area. The strategy also entails the target of producing 20% of all EU energy consumption through renewable energy by the year 2020. European Council (2009) Directive 2009/30/Eke of the European Parliament and of the Council [Online] Available: The journal from European Council (2009) gives a directive in regards to the specification of petrol, diesel and gas-oil and introducing a mechanism to monitor and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and amending Council Directive 1999/32/EC as regards the specification of fuel used by inland waterway vessels and repealing Directive 93/12/EEC European Commission Joint Research Centre (2009) New JRC study on Liquefied Natural Gas: advantages and drawbacks [Online]. Available: The European Commission Joint Research Centre (2009) through its study gives the advantages as well as the disadvantages that come with use of natural gases. The research concludes that the disadvantages are relatively minimal compared to other sources of energy like petrol and diesel. Global Climate & Energy Project (2006) an assessment of solar energy conversion technologies and research opportunities, Stanford University, California. This study report by the Global Climate & Energy Project (2006) explores the different opportunities within solar energy technology. The study shows that exploitation of the solar energy is yet to be fully realized as majority of states have not invested in the field. Goodall, C. (2007) How to Live a Low-carbon Life, London: Earth scan. In his book, Good all (2007) reviews the diverse ways through which environment hazards can be reduced by ensuring that policies have been set to control the energy and fuel industry. Jane C Goodall who is professor at University of Cambridge, Cambridge in department of Immunology gives alternative sources of energy like the solar energy which to him has the least effect on the environment. Groom bridge, B, & Jenkins, D. (2002) World Atlas of Biodiversity, Berkeley: University of California Press. Groom Bridge & Jenkins (2002) exploit the global capabilities in fuel production by analyzing the effect each industry causes to the environment. Brian Groombridge who is a Senior Program Officer, Forests, Drylands and Freshwater Program of UNEP-WCMC goes ahead to give recommendations on how the fuel related environmental pollution can be reduced as the implications are very extreme and cannot be reversed if they reach some levels. Gross, R, Heptonstall, P, Anderson, D, Green, T, Leach, M, & Skea, J. (2006). The Costs and Impacts of Intermittency: An assessment of the evidence on the costs and impacts of intermittent generation on the British electricity network [Online]. Available: In the report, Gross et al (2006) gives a deep insight on the financial implications of generation of intermittent in the British electricity network. Robert Gross who works with UK Energy Research Centre analyzes how much the power producer’s loss in the network and the effect it has on the economy. The authors also look at the implication of these losses to the general environment. Gulf Oiland (2003). Saudi Aramco Ranked As No. 1 Oil Company, Gulf Oil and Gas E-Marketplace [Online]. Available: The report form Gulf Oiland (2003) looks at Armco’s success an operation in the oil industry. In the report, the company is said to have been able to place itself as a global leader in the oil production by ensuring that they are not only meeting the needs of their customers but also work towards environmental sustainability. Gupta, S (2012). Advantages and Disadvantages of Natural Gas, [Online]. Available: The article by Gupta (2012) outlines some of the shortcomings of using the natural gas. Sourabh Gupta who is a writer with says that natural gas plays a role in increasing the harzodoues and toxic gases to the environment making it less of a reliable solution to the global need for a more reliable and sustainable source of energy. Hack, T., Moldan, B, & Dahl, A. (2007).Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment, Island Press, London. Hak et al. (2007) give a scientific perspective and solutions to the global need for a sustainable source of energy. Tomas Hak who leads the unit of sustainable development indicators at the Charles University Environment Center analyses different sources of energy and giving their shortcomings in relation to the environmental pollution and degradation. The book also gives more reliable solutions some of which have not yet been implemented in the markets. Hassall, A. (2000).The Biochemistry and Uses of Pesticides, Macmillan, London. In his book, Hassall (2000) explains how the use of pesticides can lead to environmental pollution. The contents of pesticides are transferred into the atmosphere and through this; they combine with other gases to create very toxic gases. Dr. Kenneth Hassall who is Senior Lecturer in the Chemistry of Pesticides at the University of Reading suggests that companies dealing with pesticides need to develop mechanisms to control this. Hausberger, S, Rexeis, M, Zallinger, M, & Luz, R (2009). Emission Factors from the Model PHEM for the HBEFA Version 3. [Online]. Available: The report by Hausberger et al. (2009) shows the effects of gas emissions from cars and other strong machines that use petrol or diesel for their functioning. Stefan Hausberger is Assistant Professor and Head of the section “Emissions” at the Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics at University of Technology Graz indicates that car manufacturers need to develop motor vehicles that are more efficient in terms of fuel consumption in order to reduce these emissions. Larder, S., R, Gray, N., D, Sherry, A., Adams, J, Aitkin, C., M, & Rolling, M. (2010) Hydrocarbon degradation in petroleum reservoirs, in Handbook of hydrocarbon and lipid microbiology (pp. 3097-3109), Springer, Berlin. Larder et al. (2010) gave a report regarding the degradation of the hydrocarbon molecules in the atmosphere due to the gases released during production of petrol and other related energies. Raima Larter who works with National Institute of Science indicates that hydrocarbon is slowly being degraded with the advances within the energy sector. International Energy Agency. (2004). World Energy Outlook 2004, Paris: International Energy Agency. The report by the International Energy Agency (2004) gives the state of the fuel production in the world and indicates that though more and more companies are competing to getting the biggest market share, their continued activities means more implications to the environment. The competition should be shifted towards sustainability. International Energy Agency. (2004). Renewable Energy: RD&D Priorities [Online]. Available: The International Energy Agency. (2004) gives an illustration to show the need for renewable energy as they have no much effect to the environment and that they can easily be transformed into sustainable sources of energy. Renewable energy is not only economic but very viable in terms of reliability and sustainability. Johansson, Thomas B. & ‎Nebojša Nakićenović. 2013. Global Energy Assessment: Toward a Sustainable Future. New York: Sage Publications. Johansson et al. (2013) use their book to assess the state of the global energy trends. The books give an alarming analysis regarding the extent of the impacts of the fuel production in the oil industry. Thomas B. Johansson who works with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis says the industry is leading in creating environmental degradation. Kavalov, B., Petric, H., and Georgakaki, A. (2009). Liquefied Natural Gas for Europe – Some Important Issues for Consideration, JRC Reference Reports [Online]. Available at: Kavalov et al. (2009) write a report to the European Union regarding the use of liquidities natural gases. Boyan Kavalov who works as the Project Manager at European Commission, Joint Research Centre says that the use of natural gases is no doubt a more sustainable source of energy compared to other sources of energy. Nonetheless, there is need to advance research in use of natural gases as source of energy. Khennas, S., Dunnett, S, & Piggott, H. (2003).Small Wind Systems for Rural Energy Services, London: ITDG Publishing. Khennas et al. (2003) list several alternative sources of energy that are renewable and can be used in places of hazardous sources. Dr Smail Khennas who holds a PhD in Energy Economics from the Energy Institute of Economics and Energy Policy of Grenoble University, France uses this book to explain how the use of the wind systems can be used to create energy in a more efficient and sustainable way. Larder, R. (2003). Biological activity in the deep subsurface and the origin of heavy oil. Nature, Vol. 426, 344–52 Larder (2003) writes an article explaining the formation of fossils that are consequently responsible for the formation of crude oil. In the analysis Raima Larter who works with National Institute of Science is able to explain the ingredients of crude oil and what effect they have to the environment if not take care of accordingly. Lee, T, & Kashmanian, R. (2013). Supply Chain Sustainability Compliance- and Performance Based Tools. Environmental Quality Management. Lee & Kashmanian (2013) illustrate the role of the supply chain companies in regards to ensuring sustainability in the energy sector. Terry Lee who is a professor at School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University Book shows how operations of the companies involved cause the effects to the environment. The transport and also the cleaning of the products all lead to a negative implication to the environment. Mahdi, W. (2014). Saudi gas reserves up as Aramco taps new shale deposits, [Online]. Available: The Mahdi (2014) writes a report on Bloomberg explaining how Aramco has been able to help the Saudi government in ensuring reliability and steady supply of energy by discovering and focusing on shale gaze. Wael Mahdi who is writer with Bloomberg Business says the use of shale gas means that the government is able to meet the domestic needs as they focus on expanding busies to the other nations. Mielisch, A. (2000). Green Procurement at the Municipal Level - the Local and the European Dimension, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives [Online]. Available: Mielisch (2000) writes articles that review the need to have well structure procurement processes especially in the energy sector. Arndt Mielisch who has PhD in Energy Economics from the Energy Institute of Economics and Energy Policy the process needs to be more managed and governed by parties that have no interest in the industry but rather the interest of environmental conservation. Office of the Federal Environmental Executive. (2001).   Implementing Executive Order 13101 [Online]. Available: The US government through Office of the Federal Environmental Executive. (2001) gives an outline of policies and regulations set forth to ensure the protection and safe guarding to the environment. Both the production of fuel and its transportation have been tackled. Ochoa, A, & Erdmenger, C. (2003). Study contract to survey the state of play of green public procurement in the European Union [Online]. Available:  Ochoa & Erdmenger (2003) carried out a research which found that the European Union has made significant steps in ensuring public procurement in relation to green energy is successful betas expected, there have been challenges here and there but the organization has been able to overcome the most extreme challenges. Okiongbo, S., Aplin, C., & Larder, R. (2005) Changes in type II kerogen density as a function of maturity: Evidence from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation, Energy & Fuels, Vol. 19, No. 6, 2495-2499. Okiongbo et al (2005) in the journal indicate the advancements being made to try change the contents of the fuel used in the market. Kenneth S. Okiongbo who is a professor at Niger Delta University, Amassoma says that by restricting the fuel contents, it would be easily to deal with the toxic contents and retain the pure only. Pacheco, J E, Vant-Hull, L. (2003). Final results and operating experience of the Solar-Two project, Advances in Solar Energy, American Solar Energy Society Inc., Boulder (CO). The report by Pacheco & Vant-Hull (2003) gives an analysis of performance of the solar energy and the extent to which the technology is viable in different parts of the world. J. E Pacheco J.E. who is a Principal Member of Tech Staff Sandia National Laboratories says that solar energy is seen as one of the most reliable and sustainable energy source. Pagell, M & Shevchenko, a (2014). Why research in sustainable supply chain management should have no future, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 50, no. 1. Pagell & Shevchenko (2014) say in their article that sustainable supply chain in the energy sector is faced with global challenges. Mark Pagell who holds a Chair in Global Leadership and is a Professor of Sustainable Supply Chain Management says that corporate world has slowly being indulged into working in ignorance with considering effect that may be caused by their actions. Pew Research Center on Global Climate Change. (2009).Clean Development Mechanism Backgrounder, Status Report. The report from Pew Research Center on Global Climate Change. (2009)indicates that the global climate change is rising at a high rate currently due to the high toxic and harmful gas release into the atmosphere especially from the industries and motor vehicles. The effects may turn out to be greater than estimated. Practical Action. (2012). Wind energy generation [Online]. Available: The article from Practical Action (2012) gives a detailed analysis of how wind energy can be used to create energy and electricity in large scale. The illustration makes a comparison of use of wind in terms of cost with the rest of energy sources like the petroleum. This gives use of wind a more advantage over all the sources of energy. Rexeis, M., Kies, A, & Hausberger, S. (2011) Reduction and testing of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Heavy Duty Vehicles, Development and testing of a certification procedure for CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of HDV; DG CLIMA Contract N° 070307/2009/548300/SER/C3; TU Graz. Rexeis et al. (2011) give a report that explains how heavy duty vehicles lead to the emission of the green house gases into the atmosphere. The contents of the gases have a negative impact to the environment. Martin Rexis who is Senior Researcher, Vice Head of Department "Emissions" Graz University of Technology says that impacts may not be realized currently but they are definitive going to change a lot about the globe. Rothman, H, Fournier, P., French, K, L, Alm, E, J, Boyle, EA, Cao, C, & Summons, R., E. (2014).Methanogenic burst in the end-Permian carbon cycle PNAS. Rothman et al. (2014) explain the effects caused by the carbon cycle caused by human activities. Daniel H. Rothman, a theoretical geophysicist who has contributed widely to the understanding of the dynamical organization of the natural environment says that the human activities lead to more emission of carbon gas into the atmosphere making the carbon concentration of carbon in the environment to be more than required. Russel, T. (1998).Greener Purchasing: Opportunities and Innovations. Greenleaf Publishing., Sheffield. Russel (1998) in his book explains that there are endless opportunities for opportunities in the energy sector for people to come up with more improved and reliable ways of producing and distributing energy. Trevor Russel who is a researcher in the energy sustainability uses the book illustrate how each fuel producer invests in marketing and image creation. If the same commitment is to be out into innovations, then the industry would benefit a lot. Saudi Embassy (2013). Oil [Online]. Available: The information from Saudi Embassy (2013) explains how much the Saudi government has invested in the production of oil fragmenting the global market other than focusing on domestic market. The Saudi government is committed to ensuring environmental conservation as well ensuring that they have created a more sustainable system for the industry in general and consumers. Schemer, Hermann. 2013. The solar economy: Renewable energy for a sustainble future. London: Cengage Learning. Schemer (2013) write the book about the economic implication of using renewable as a means of creating sustainability. Cost effectiveness is one of the ways that sustainability can be achieved. Hermann Scheer who is the President of EUROSOLAR says the use of solar energy has been described as one of the most reliable and economic favorable technology. Seuring, S., & Muller, M. (2008). From a literature review to a conceptual framework for sustainable supply chain management. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 16. Seuring & Muller (2008) write their article to describe how more research needs to be done regarding sustainable supply chain management. Stefan Seuring who is a Professor of Supply Chain Management, University of Kassel says that other than spending time to speculate on ideas and concepts, proper frame works and structures need to start being implemented. Shah, A V, Bailat, J, & Vallat-Sauvain, E. (2005). Microcrystalline and Micromorph solar cells and modules: status and potential. 31st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, Lake Buena Vista (Florida), USA. Shah et al. (2005) write in their book that the potential and capabilities of solar energy are limitless and if given much focus and attention needs, it could single handedly meet the global need for fuel and energy. A. V. Shah who is a professor at Institute of Micro technology (IMT) University of Neuchâtel Switzerland says the use of solar energy is largely limited to the willingness and interest to utilize it. The Delphi Group. (1996). Development of Criteria for Green Procurement, National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, Ottawa. The Delphi Group (1996) in its report makes a point on the need to develop criteria that will be used for green procurement. The report puts much of the emphasis of government structures and policies being used to formulate frameworks that other stakeholders can operate from. U.S. Department of Energy (2012).Monthly Energy Review, Department of Energy, Report No.: DOE/EIA-003, Washington, and D.C: U.S. Department of Energy. The US Department of Energy (2012) gives its report and indicates that the energy consumption is the country has largely been creating a negative impact on the environment. The high number of motor vehicles within the country is one of the leading consumers of the energy and fuel. United National Environmental Programmed. (2014). Sustainability of supply chains and sustainable public procurement: a pre study, UNEP, Sweden. The study by the United Nations Environmental Program (2014) indicates that there is a risk for a global crisis in relation to the effect caused on the environment because of human activities. The greenhouse gas effect will bring a global crisis and not based in one country. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. (2011). Kyoto Protocol, Geneva: UNFCCC. The United nations through United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. (2011) developed the Kyoto protocol that main aim was to come up with both legal and corporate frameworks that will help protect the environment from harmful and pollution due to human activities related to petroleum production. Vaaland, T., & Heide, M. (2007). Can the SME survive the supply chain challenges? Supply Chain management: an international Journal, Vol. 12, 20-31. Vaaland & Heide (2007) uses the article to describe the role of SMEs in ensuring and developing sustainable supply chain management. Terje I. Vaaland from the Department of Business Administration, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway says that as a stakeholder in their industry, SMEs equally have the role of monitoring and criticizing the corporate world regarding such issues related to sustainability. Van der Grijp, N. (1998). The Greening of Public Procurement in the Netherlands, in Russel, T Green Purchasing: Opportunities and Innovations. Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield. Van der Grijp (1998) describes how Netherland has been able to develop legal frameworks that can be used to regulate public procurement and at the same time not affecting the operations within the industry. The framework has created more opportunities that have economic value to the companies. World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987).Our Common Future, (Brundtlandrapporten), WCED. World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987) describe the plan to create a safer and risk free environment for all people. This can be achieved by all stakeholders playing a positive role in protecting the environment. By putting sanctions and penalties, the protection of the environment can also be realized. Zadek, S, Lingayah, S, & Forstater, M. (1998).Selling Ethics: Understanding How Social Labels Work, New Economics Foundation, London.   Zadek et al. (1998) use their book to explain how business ethics can be used to improve and ensure protection of the environment. Simon Zadek who is a Co-Director of the UNEP Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System says that as part of corporate social responsibility, each company has the duty to protect the environment from where they operate. References Al-Riffai, P., Dimaranan, D., & Laborde D. (2010). Global Trade and Environmental Impact Study of the EU Biofuels Mandate, Final Draft Report Submitted to the Directorate General for Trade, European Commission [Online]. Available: Arrowsmith, S. (2005).The Law of Public and Utilities Procurement, 2nd edition, Sweet & Maxwell: London. Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Legal Instruments [Online]. Available: Barbose, G., Darghouth, N., & Wiser, R. (2010) Tracking the sun III: The installed cost of photovoltaic’s in the United States from 1998-2009, Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Bloomberg. (2014). Saudi gas reserves up as Aramco taps new shale deposits [Online]. Available: Bouet, A., & Laborde, D (2010). Eight years of Doha trade talks: Where do we stand [Online]. Available: Branker, K., Pathak, J, M., & Pearce, J. 2011. “Review of solar photovoltaic liveliest cost of electricity,” Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 15(1): 4470-4482. Carter, R., Ellram, M., & Ready, J. (1998). Environmental purchasing: Benchmarking our German counterparts, International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, Vol. 34, no. 4, 28-39. Carter, C, & Rogers, S. (2008). A framework of sustainable supply chain management: Moving toward new theory, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 38, no. 5, 360-87. Citino, J. (2002).From Arab Nationalism to OPEC: Eisenhower, King Saʻūd, and the making of U.S-Saudi relations, Indian University Press, New Delhi. Commission for Environmental Cooperation (2006). About the CEC [Online]. Available: Commission for Environmental Cooperation. (2008). Operational Plan for the CEC [Online]. Available: Council of the European Union (2008). Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Promotion of the Use of Energy from Renewable Sources [Online]. Available: Darbra, M., & Casal, J. (2004). Historical analysis of accidents in seaports, Safety Science, Vol. 42, No. 2, 85-98. 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Procurement in the UK Public Sector

This dissertation "Procurement in the UK public sector" discusses the United Kingdom's Procurement Law of 2006 that has been in operation for only five years.... nfluenced by the Egan and Latham reports, the United Kingdom public sector Procurement lists three routes that will deliver a project to completion; Private Finance Initiative, Prime Contracting, and Design and Build (Office of Government Commerce, 2007).... On March 15, 2005, or during the time the procurement law of 2006 is being deliberated in parliament the National Audit Office published its report entitled 'Improving public Service through better construction (Comptroller and Auditor General, National Accounting Office)....
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Fourth, the UK government would like new commitments on sustainable procurement in the public sector.... This paper discusses the sustainable development strategy launched by the government of the United Kingdom through Securing the Future: Delivering UK Sustainable Development Strategy (2005).... Focusing on food consumption and production with respect to sustainability, the paper incorporates two reports that were included in the information base of the sustainable Development Commission. ...
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Improvement in the UK Construction Industry

The government, including public sector organizations such as local authorities and health authorities, should become a best practice client.... The principles of the report should be implemented with true spirit while critically examining the requirement of the industry.... The manufacturing industries' practices must be adapted in order to commensurate the requirement of the construction industry.... Clients should remain at the center of the procurement process and work together to bring value in their projects and promote excellence in design....
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Sustainable Procurement Practices in the Public Sector: ARAMCO

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Aramco - Sustainable Procurement Practices in the Public Sector

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