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Was the Inside Contract System Too Generous to Craft Workers - Essay Example

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The paper "Was the Inside Contract System Too Generous to Craft Workers" is a good example of a management essay. The craft workers are skilled workers who have comprehensive knowledge about the work they perform. The craft workers are also known as knowledge workers or skilled workers…
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Was the Inside Contract System Too Generous to Craft Workers
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Was the Inside Contract System Too Generous To Craft Workers? Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Nature Of Organisational System 3 Decision Pertaining To Craft Workers 5 Tabular representation of Advantages and Disadvantages Of Inside Contract System 8 Conclusion 8 References 10 Introduction The craft workers are the skill workers who have comprehensive knowledge about the work they perform. The craft workers are also known as knowledge workers or skilled workers. The skills that possessed by these workers are developed through on-the-job training or other formal training programs. The craft workers play a vital role in the construction industry wherein their development witnessed by implementing wide range activities, policies and programs. The inside contract system was incorporated within the settings in order to enhance the overall system of management related with the operations of the crafts workers. According to the inside contract system, the crafts workers has to perform their operations within the owner’s factory (Clawson, n.d.). The essay has been structured to describe the nature of organisational system prevalent for the craft workers. Moreover, the paper elaborates on the prevalent practices within the domain of skilled workers. Specifications have been provided based on the need of decision making in terms of the generous practices towards the craft workers. Nature Of Organisational System The nature of the organisational system depends upon the skill that the craft workers posses. Based on the skills and abilities the craft workers posses help in developing their demand for conducting the specific job. According to the job, the workers perform the craft workers are divided into various groups such as skilled craft workers, semiskilled, unskilled workers and agricultural workers among others. With the developed amount of skill sets the demand for the skilled labours are much more than other labours. The nature of the contract system that is developed for the craft workers depends upon the functional design of the organisation (Englander, 2001). The craft workers need to have a clear idea of responsibilities that is being provided to them. The inside contract system has made a relevant approach towards the developing the different notions related with the responsibilities that the craft workers perform within the organisation. The workers or the employees are required to specialise in the specific sections in which they are allotted within the organisation. It is the duty of the worker to ensure a good environment in the workplace (Hoxie, 1915). As for the organisation to develop a steady workforce, it should focus on the talent, skill and ability of the skilled workers while recruiting them in the organisation. The recruitment process of the employees should be conducted by identifying the value needs of the consumers. This must also be noted that the consumer satisfaction is the utmost need of the organisation to sustain in the global domain. The organisation needs to change its operational procedure based on the dynamic competitive requirement of the environment they are providing business (Hoxie, 1915). Correspondingly, the strategic development of the organisation could only be ascertained by providing the skilled workers autonomous power within the organisation. The inside contract is noted to be developing the underlined phenomenon related with the responsibilities of the skilled workers operating within the business. The contract was framed to enhance the ability of the worker to perform and develop their individual skills to meet with the different needs of the organisation. The skilled or the craft workers have independence of work because of their knowledge about the job they are likely to perform this gives them an added advantage to perform and develop their ability to sustain in the organisation. However, it is evident that autonomy of workers has never been granted by organisation at the functional level of management (Clawson, n.d.). It is noted that by providing autonomy collective performance of the employees in the organisation could be ensured largely. Based on the needs of the organisations skilled workers often work at different shifts. To ensure that work is completed in time and quality of the job is ensured good skills of the worker is one of the most important factors. Furthermore, all other organisations motivation of employees to perform is evident among the crafts workers as well (Hoxie, 1915). However, the contract system has imposed a serried of guidelines that are important to be followed by the craft workers while performing their tasks. It can thus, be argues that there was a negative impact of the different clause that were put up under the insider contract. Due to a free flow of authority among the crafts, workers there were chances that the decorum of the workplace is hampered largely. On a positive note, the free flow of operations would enhance the ability of the workers to perform (Englander, 2001). Decision Pertaining To Craft Workers Several issues are identifiable with the contract system. The inside contract system has initiated the development of the different obligations of the workers within the domain of operations but failed to provide a detailed support for the different services related with the innovative domain. The innovations that the crafts workers often develop while working are noted to be having a direct impact on the market. The employees are required to focus on their work so that the work or their artefacts are likely to enhance the level of consumer satisfaction within the domain of organisational as well as global development. This focus can establish a system wherein production and innovation ensured at a parallel domain within the work environment of the craft workers (Bendix, n.d.). The inside contract system is too generous to the craft workers based on the amount of autonomy the contract provides to the workers. This can even lead to negotiation of quality of job and affect the overall attribute of consumer satisfaction. Training provided to the contractors as well as skilled workers are quiet similar and is often dependent on their work performance in the organisation (Englander, 2001). The inside contract provides the craft workers with an authority of collective bargaining and enhances their ability to get adequate amount for the value of work they perform. With the increased amount of integration of skilled workers, the ability of the workers to negotiate is going to develop the overall ability of the organisation to perform. This increased amount of authority of the craft workers is even likely to affect the relationship of the workers with the managers. Furthermore, the decentralisation of authority as provided under the different sections of the inside contract is even likely to affect the bureaucratic relationship that exist between the workers and employer. With decentralisation of the work system, there are high chances that there will be a certain amount of compromise related with the quality of work (Bendix, n.d.). This is going to affect the overall performances of the workers and affect their ability to perform and produce quality products. Owing to the lack of proper knowledge about the process of production, the management while managing the organisation and its employees faces several problems (Pollard, n.d.). Thus, to ensure a proper management of the organisation the management started dividing the employees to ensure proper management of the system. The organisation operating with crafts workers are noted to deal with its employees generously with special concerns about the relative terms of income. With the implementation of the contract system innovation and production has increased its pace to ensure control over the deals that has taken place within the organisational domain (Stewart, n.d.). The contract system has implemented a series of modification and has in turn increased the sustainability of the performances of the employees within the organisational domain. Conversely, at the organisational domain even when the employees are working hard the work they perform often fails to gain importance from the contractors. The effective performances of the employees operating as crafts workers are noted to be based on the professional skills that they gain through the effective management of their innovative domain. Specifically, with the development of the different concepts there are huge chances of controversies that are related with the needs the overall system of operations that are prominent within the system (Witt, 1998). Based on the different needs of management several researchers have made justification about the reasons behind the controversy between the contractors and the skilled workers. With the effective management of the synthesis of their individual skills, the skilled workers have made an impact in the development of the organisation (Witt, 1998). There are chances of huge impact which is likely to be created as an effect of the inside contract related with the decision pertaining to the craft workers. The craft workers operating within the system are highly professional and skilled thus autonomy of operation can make certain impact on the overall system of operation. thus, the autonomy of the system as well as the collective bargaining abilities of the workers are likely to affect the overall system of operations that is prevalent within the organisational system as per the inside contract terms (Englander, 2001). Tabular representation of Advantages and Disadvantages Of Inside Contract System Advantages Disadvantages Increased level of flexibility and nurture of skills within the workplace The payroll cost is less as compared to the skill of workers Increased amount of productivity within the organisation Due to free obligations and less level of control the quality of work gets hampered Innovativeness and creativeness of the workers could be ensured Lack of centralised control Enhancing proper flow of innovativeness Improper management of end consumers’ needs Table 1: Advantages and Disadvantages (Source: Englander, 2001) Conclusion The fact that the craft workers play an important role in framing the organisations they are often treated very generously. Irrespective of the fact that the innovation and creativity of the workers are the sole requisite of the organisations to prosper and sustain in the global domain these workers often fails to get adequate recognition. This is even noted that the contractors treats these workers in a generous way and even hinders their ability of performances. The decentralisation of the working system as provided by the inside contract has come up with a series of advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, the different needs of development of the workers could be effectively ensured with the development of a free work environment, on the other, this would be leading to the ineffective management of quality of work. This development is likely to enhance the ability of the employees to perform and enhance the overall quality of the organisation. This generosity provided with the contract system has been affecting the overall quality of operation and creating a negative impact on the work environment. Due to a free flow of operation and a lack of a centralised control, the overall work process could even be hampered. Thus, it could be concluded that the inside contract system was noted to be generous to the craft workers. References Bendix, R., No Date. Work and Authority in Industry. Ideologies of Management In The Course Of Industrialization, pp. 274-281. Clawson, D., No Date. Bureaucracy and the Labour Process. The Transformation of U.S. industry, 1860-1920, pp. 70-125. Englander, E. J., 2001. The Inside Contract System of Production and Organization: A Neglected Aspect of the History of the Firm. The Inside, pp. 429-446. Hoxie, R. F., 1915. Scientific Management and Labour. D. Appleton And Company New York and London 1920, pp. 1-302. Pollard, S., No Date. A Study of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain. The genesis Of Modern Management, pp. 160-175. Stewart, M., No Date. The Management Myth. Debunking Modern Business Philosophy, pp. 46-80. Witt, J. F., 1998. The Transformation of Work and the Law of Workplace Accidents. The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 107, No. 5, pp. 1467-1502. Read More
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Was the Inside Contract System Too Generous to Craft Workers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 Words.
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