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Work and Non-work - Coursework Example

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When one thinks of ‘work’ there are many definitions that come in mind depending on the society in which one live and upon individual’s experiences. In fact, work for several individuals is an…
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Work and Non-work
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WORK AND NON-WORK Introduction Definition of work and non-work (leisure) Time in memorial work has played an important role inshaping people’s lives. When one thinks of ‘work’ there are many definitions that come in mind depending on the society in which one live and upon individual’s experiences. In fact, work for several individuals is an integral part of everyday lives and forms an essential element of the values system. In Western societies, most important type of work is paid employment this is due to various individuals considerations (Bull et al., 2003). Work is socially defined as needs to be understood or comprehended in particular contexts. In general terms, work offers an individual with income, status, and self-identity. However, the nature of work has evolved over a period in our societies. For instance, in traditional and subsistence societies, work ensured survival. This was more often than not based on the division of labor and gender segregation. It also depended upon individuals working co-operatively. With time work became specialized and individuals, had to depend upon each other. Later, the Industrial Revolution transferred the location of work to factories and cities from the traditional notion of home; individuals thus moved from the rural to the urban regions looking for work. The main feature of this entire process was the application of machinery and reliance upon technology (Stranks, 2005). Work was observed differently and attitudes and behaviors to work changed with the introduction of managers and management in work and work supervision. On the other hand, leisure can be viewed as activities that individuals engage in during their free time. They are activities that are never work oriented or those that do not encompass life maintenance tasks such as sleeping or housecleaning. Leisure as activity involves the activities that individuals engage in for reasons as wide-ranging as relaxation, competition, or even growth and may require reading for pleasure, painting, meditating and participating in sports. This meaning gives no heed to how an individual feels while conducting the activity; it just states that certain activities qualify as leisure since they take place during period away from work and are never engaged in for existence. Moreover, as has been argued by many, it is really difficult to draw a list of activities that all agrees represents leisure to a group, an activity may be a leisure activity and to some it might not necessarily qualify to be a leisure activity. Hence, with this description the line between work and recreation is never clear in that what is considered leisure to few may be work to some and vice versa. There is a significant relationship between the kind of work a person does and the way they spend own leisure time. Leisure has thus become a commodity to be purchased, and this led to the exclusion of some groups or individuals in society. Market forces may exclude the unemployed, the elderly and the poor from participation. There are various literatures available that have tried giving the relationship between work and non-work (leisure). For instance, according to Parkers theory leisure is period free from work and other responsibilities, it also involves activities that are characterized by a feeling or sense of comparative freedom (Langhamer, 2000). In reviewing studies by Parker (1976) on work and leisure, it can be concluded most societies are not leisure centered. Parker argues cogently for enhancing the quality of both work and leisure. In his analysis of theoretical and empirical studies of the relationship between work and leisure, he noted that the two are becoming more and more integrated or fused and those individuals seeking work and leisure being more polarized and lived out differently, should know that their evidence concern occupational-cum cultural and subculture level, as opposed to whole societal patterns and truth, exist in both positions. Parker also noted that ideologies linked with work and leisure in those individuals are becoming a leisure centered group, lack consistency with the amount of free time individuals have and how these people should spend it. Conclusion arrived at by Parker emphasizes the diversity of experience and enforcing various relationship between work and leisure it is also stressed by other scholars in their work. Furthermore, Parker stress that while each has received some empirical support no one has gotten unequivocal support hence need to study different work and leisure patterns. One thorny problem in a recent past has been “Work-home balance” and it has become a key concern to policy makers in Western developed societies, this is especially with regard extension/spillover issues. The spillover notion point out that the nature of individuals work experiences, job satisfaction and working conditions will impact on their attitudes and personal life beyond the domain of work (Groover, 2007). People, who are satisfied with their working conditions and their jobs, are predicted to be much better at managing individual leisure time. These individuals always feel more accomplished in their non-work lives. This attributed to the fact that there exist a close relationship between leisure and work. In reality, the amount of time spared for leisure is the period not taken up by other various activities –importantly by work. In this view factors like the employment rate, the probability of overtime, the statutory working week, the availability of part-time paid employment and the time taken on housework all add up to the variation in leisure hours. For instance, the structure of time set for the whole population of a nation is also largely affected by the age composition of that country’s population. Nations with a higher proportion of older individuals tend to have relatively long leisure hours because only a fraction of the older group is employed (Austin, 2002). This is different to the compensation model which holds that there are compensatory systems operating within the scope of work and that of non-work domain. Precisely, those individuals who are dissatisfied with own working lives are believed to be more probable to prefer activities outside the sphere of work than are those individuals are happy with their work and those with well-paid jobs and even good working conditions. It is also of important to examine the work of Meissener concerning relationship between work and leisure. Meissener attempted to develop a realistic conceptual framework relating work to non- work. He added more insight into the compensatory hypothesis suggesting that workers with less discretion in the decisions over individual work routines would in all ways engage in more discretionary leisure activities. Thus, workers with a key orientation at workplace would compensate by engaging even more actively in expressive leisure activities. While, on the other hand, workers would compensate for greater social interaction for social isolation. In his submission and analysis of his theory it points to the assumption that leisure is dependent on work and Meissener’s rationale for this unidirectional hypothesis was that it is easier to choose individual’s leisure activities than it is to change organization or employer of work (Hurd et al., 20080. Additionally, each person was believed to be in a position to balance their experiences in these dimensions. But assume ones preferences were met at work, and the opportunity was seen where the individual would engage in leisure activities giving more and more of that dimension. In contemporary world, the views of Meissener are evident in individual’s choices and explain various attitudes that management have dealt with in the past. For a fact, workers, who are satisfied with their working conditions and their jobs, are predicted to be much better at managing individual leisure time. These individuals always feel more accomplished in their non-work lives. This attributed to the fact that there exist a close relationship between leisure and work. Haywood observed recurring concepts in the conceptions of leisure. These themes of conception are classified into as follows: Leisure as residual time Non-work is seen only occurring in the period when obligations for survival have enough been attended to. Haywood claims that this is specifically prevalent in developed societies, where individual only engaged in non-work activities after having done personal duties and time at work. Moreover, this conception never takes into consideration the unauthorized obligatory tasks in the home or social environment that needs equal if not more attention, for example, babysitting children, visiting relatives, and laundry. Non –work or leisure as activities Mainly refers to activities that always bring about pleasure and fun. It assumes that leisure always fun and pleasurable. This conception according to Haywood is closely linked with the first as it implies that leisure is contrary to work. Freely chosen instead of obligatory. Hence, it is also an indicator that leisure cannot occur within the work. In consequence, this view discounts the existence or importance of non-work mind states. Leisure as functional This concept according to Haywood sees the leisure as an instrument that is important for an individual or society as a whole. In the words of Haywood, leisure is "a way of achieving socially desired and approved ends. This view provides a broader view of non-work, as it never over long the subject as an activity or anything that is conducted outside work. But, the conception sees the leisure as something that provides an avenue to attaining desires and social recognition. Leisure as freedom Here, the conception refers to leisure non-work as something that determines ones freedom to engage in whatever one chooses. Therefore, decision is the central component of this form of leisure construct. Despite this fact, freedom in modernity is not fully determined by a person alone, particularly in a highly structured environment. Thus, the notion of total freedom of choice in non-work is questionable. Haywood went on to argue that it is simple to identify leisure as a construct that revolves around such dimensions of time and work; function and freedom and activity. Most importantly, these leisure themes, according to Haywood, tend to point to social origins and their clear values within society. Hence, understanding non-work is highly dependent on the diversity of influences societal groups are subjected to within society (Rossman, et al., 2008). Thus, to reiterate, non-work equates to various things to different people, and it is not practical to have a one universally applicable definition. Work-life balance in society has always been a concern of those individuals interested in its relation to wider quality of life and the quality of working life. Various issues have been of importance such as issues of gender, technology, management role, government policies, and organizational culture among others. In the historical days of the industrial revolution in Europe (and currently in some parts of the developing nations), the main concern was with the impact of these aspects in balancing work and leisure. Work-Life balance has become to the forefront in contemporary debates widely due to in affluent groups the excessive demands of work are seen to present a distinctive subject that require to be addressed. Specifically, gender has been an issue when it comes to work and balance. One thorny problem and issues contributing to the persistence of gender inequality is the fact that many women today throughout the world despite their entry into the paid jobs still carry a domestic work than men. This has in many organizations limiting their capability to perform on a same footing with the management. Women have been left to tackle domestic work and end up having very less time for leisure. Scientific and technological improvements have driven a change to a piece of knowledge or information -based economy that has reduced work hours and raise leisure and entertainment time, especially in the developed nations (Roberts, 2006). Information technology and energy technologies have shaped this change, comparable in scope to the industrial revolutions and agricultural. The change accelerated with the emergence of the personal computer in 1980 in homes and continued modernly. More leisure and less work in the knowledge economy did not come at first. It accrued as the superstructure of global massive communications, transportation, environmental and financial monitoring networks took center stage and individuals adapted to applying them. This has shaped the balance of work and leisure. Information technology has allowed distributed work to become common modernly. Workers today can use an array of technologies like personal communicators, laptop computers, palmtop, networking, and Video conferencing. At the same period information technology has reconfigured management to flat, team-based and networked structures. It has frequently opened the management to the outside clients, competitors, and regulators across the world. It is a main training tool as well. Information technology has permeated non-work and entertainment. Individuals at home place have obtained new tastes in information as it became more fun (Fisher et al., 2006). Because the entertainment is information-intensive by all aspects, information technology has made non-work activities more interactive, apart from in cases where individuals just want to relax. Government policies can also help shape the balance of work and leisure and work by ensuring incentives and policies are friendly to both work and leisure. Government can help achieve this through sound regulations that policies in its entire sector. Lowering of the public deficit is an essential policy of all the government can put in place both in the developing and developed nations to enhance work and paid employment increase its levels in their countries. However, many governments have been accused of strategizing to cut the deficit quicker and deeper than is actually needed at the time for ideological basis in order to reduce the working hours of the State, which they considers to be inefficient (Addleson, 2011). The cuts include the removal of the Future Jobs Fund. It is important though for the government to understand that some of the policies may go a long way in making some group not to be satisfied with their jobs. People, who are satisfied with their working conditions and their jobs, are predicted to be much better at managing individual leisure time. These individuals always feel more accomplished in their non-work lives. Thus, workers with a key orientation at workplace would compensate by engaging even more actively in expressive leisure activities. While, on the other hand, workers would compensate for greater social interaction for social isolation. This attributed to the fact that there exist a close relationship between leisure and work. Fairness and flexibility work policies are cornerstones in balance of work and non- work even at home. For many decades, the government has been pinning its hopes on the expansion of private sector creating growth. Which ignores the woes of domestic workers and various gender-based discriminations at work particularly with developing nations (Caselli et al., 2001). Despite this management, too has a role to play in its quest to balance work and non –work activities. Work and non-work balance are about developing and maintaining continuously supportive and healthy work conditions, which will allow workers to have balance between work and individual responsibilities and hence strengthen employee productivity and loyalty. Of entire job factors that affect work-life conflict, the time spent at work is the most consistent and strongest predictor. The higher rates of work-to-family conflict always reported by managers or professionals always are a function of employees longer work hours. Other reasons may be: support from one’s supervisor, job security, support from co-workers, work-role conflict, work demands or overload, work-role ambiguity, job environment dissatisfaction, and extensive application of communication technology that blurs the boundaries between home and work. Today’s workers have several competing obligations such as work, housework, volunteering, children, spouse, families and the communities in which they reside all stress (Aguiar et al., 2007). Work and leisure conflict is a serious challenge that impacts workers, their managers and communities. All indications seems to suggest that this problem is rising over time due to high rates of female labor force participation, high rates of single parent, the previlence of the dual-earner family and new trends such as elder care. It is furthermore exasperated with globalization, an aging population, and traditionally low unemployment. Management should become increasingly be aware of the cost implications related to over-worked employees such as productivity and operating costs, punctuality, commitment performance and absenteeism. There practices that can be used by management to help workers achieve work-life balance. It is essential to note that some work and non- work balance programs assists employees handle stress and hence cope more effectively and other programs by management help to minimize the absolute stress rates by rebalancing work life (Beaven, 2005). Managements should accommodate workers need for work and leisure balance, by reducing the amount of work given to each worker. To accomplish this, management can hire new individuals, allow for job sharing, reduce time taken in job-related travel or reevaluate the work and how it is structured and arranged with work procedures improvements or re-engineering of work itself. In conclusion, it is significant to point out to the fact that a significant relationship exist between leisure and work. . Work is socially defined as needs to be understood or comprehended in particular contexts. In general terms, work offers an individual with income, status, and self-identity. However, the nature of work has evolved over a period in our societies. While leisure is activities involves the activities that individuals engage in for reasons as wide-ranging as relaxation, competition, or even growth and may involve reading for pleasure, painting, meditating and participating in sports. This meaning gives no heed to how an individual feels while conducting the activity; it just states that certain activities qualify as leisure since they take place during period away from work and are never engaged in for existence. It is also evident that morale at work goes a long way in balancing work and non-work activities. . People, who are satisfied with their working conditions and their jobs, are predicted to be much better at managing individual leisure time. These individuals always feel more accomplished in their non-work lives. Thus, workers with a key orientation at workplace would compensate by engaging even more actively in expressive leisure activities. While, on the other hand, workers would compensate for greater social interaction for social isolation. Despite this action, is taken by various players such as government and management have a role in shaping balances between labor and non-work activities (Hurd et al., 2008). References Addleson, M. (2011). Beyond Management: Taking Charge at Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Aguiar, Mark, & Erik Hurst. (2007). “Measuring Trends in Leisure: The Allocation of Time over Five Decades.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(3): 969–1006. Austin, D. M. (2002). Human services management: Organizational leadership in social work practice. New York: Columbia University Press. Beaven, B. (2005). Leisure, citizenship and working-class men in Britain, 1850-1945. Manchester: Manchester university press. Bull, C., Hoose, J., & Weed, M. (2003). An introduction to leisure studies. Harlow: Prentice Hall. Caselli, Francesco., & Wilbur John Coleman, II. (2001). “The US Structural Transformation and Regional Convergence: A Reinterpretation.” Journal of Political Economy, 109(3): 584–616. Chang, C. M. (2005). Engineering management: Challenges in the new millennium. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Prentice Hall. Fisher, Kimberly, Muriel Egerton, &Jonathan Gershuny. (2006). American Heritage Time Use Survey. Groover, M. P. (2007). Work systems and the methods, measurement, and management of work. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Prentice Hall. Hurd, A. R., Barcelona, R. J., & Meldrum, J. T. (2008). Leisure services management. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Langhamer, C. (2000). Womens leisure in England, 1920 - 60. Manchester [u.a.: Manchester University Press. Roberts, K. (2006). Leisure in contemporary society. Wallingford, Oxfordshire [u.a.: CABI. Rojek, C. (1995). Decentring leisure: Rethinking leisure theory. London [u.a.: Sage. Rossman, J. R., & Schlatter, B. E. (2008). Recreation programming: Designing leisure experiences. Champaign: Sagamore Publishing. Stranks, J. W. (2005). Stress at work: Management and prevention. Amsterdam: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. Read More
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