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Management Theory and Practice - Annotated Bibliography Example

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With the rise of globalization, there is an increase in the competition and hence the strategy needs to be prepared accordingly. The First Assignment is a discussion of the four articles which have been…
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Management Theory and Practice
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Management Theory and Practice Table of Contents Introduction 3 Part 3 Comparison and Contrast 8 Reflection 9 Part 2 11 Reflective ment 15 References 17 Introduction Strategic Management is an important topic for study in the business world. With the rise of globalization, there is an increase in the competition and hence the strategy needs to be prepared accordingly. The First Assignment is a discussion of the four articles which have been featured below. Part 1 Ghoshal, S. (2005). Bad Management Theories Are Destroying Good Management Practices. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 4(1), pp.75-91. The first article is about how the bad management theories are becoming a reason behind the destruction of the good management practices. In this article, the author starts the discussion with the corporate scandals that have taken place in the US and how these scandals can be linked to the bad management practices prevalent in these organizations. He expresses that business schools have been a real piece of making circumstances like Enron, basically on the grounds that some of these ruinous hypotheses have picked up a ton of their force in the classrooms. Ghoshal accepts that business schools have taught their understudies that supervisors cant be trusted on the grounds that their advantage are straightforwardly in accordance with those of the shareholders, that observing and firmly controlling individuals is the most ideal approach to run an association from an expense stance, and that organizations should rival their rivals as well as with their suppliers, clients, workers, and controllers also. Generally, Ghoshal accepts that scholarly research identified with the behaviour of business and management has had some extremely huge and negative impacts on the act of management, and that business schools, particularly, have liberated their understudies from any feeling of good obligation. The article concentrates on two noteworthy reasons for this marvel: the misrepresentation of learning and the belief system based miserable vision. The falsification of learning is the logical methodology of attempting to find examples and laws that have supplanted all thoughts of human plans with a firm conviction that past events can clarify all parts of corporate executives. Essentially, this means business is a science that is controlled by the financial, social, and mental laws that shape individuals activities. Ghoshal contends that this pattern takes away any moral or good level headed discussions that may emerge when a choice must be made. This particularly relates choices made by CEOs. They at times need to settle on choices just to fulfil the shareholders and couldnt care less about the situation of alternate stakeholders included. He accepts that business ought not to be dealt with as a science and that we ought to utilize more practical judgment skills that joins data on "what is" with the creative energy of “what should be" to create an understanding of what corporate administration and choice making speaks to. Brocklehurst, M., Grey, C. and Sturdy, A. (2009). Management: The work that dares not speak its name. Management Learning, 41(1), pp.7-19. This article talks about the differences that have been created between the Management and the managers over the years and how the level of quality is degrading gradually. The author starts the discussion with an example of how the management of an organization differs from one region to another because of the reason of the cultural aspects. The same has been portrayed by Hofstede in his cultural differences. Keeping in mind the end goal to start to comprehend whether and how such a movement is happening, we begin with a diagram understanding of the way of the status of management as an occupation. Nevertheless, obviously, word related status is shown at an individual level regarding individual character and this is the place our article has a specific commitment to make. We present an investigation of managers undertaking an Executive MBA project to investigate how they grappled with the expression "manager" in portraying their own individual character. In the wake of depicting and giving a justification to our study, we display our discoveries, which show that "management" has got to be both an omnipresent and debased term, and consequently to be stayed away from. In the last primary area of the article, we talk about and break down these discoveries to uncover how the respondents understand their part and character inside their specific hierarchical connection while at the same time denying they are managers. We finish up by considering the ramifications of our examination for management instruction and learning. The contention conveys conceivably genuine ramifications both for management instructors and for the order of management studies. In past work, there is a presumption that being a manager is a positive name; even work that takes a basic stance has generally underestimated that managers are agreeable with that personality, yet our study recommends this supposition might now be unwarranted or more delicate. Our decisions additionally cast new light on other longstanding open deliberations. For instance, the levelheaded discussion about the importance of management instruction when all is said is done and the MBA specifically expects rather less essential in the event that they are controlled towards a personality, which numerous reject. Endeavours have been made to enhance managerial execution and revitalize the order through such foundations as the Advanced Institute of Management and messages, for example, The Exceptional Manager may need to be re-articulated if no one needs to be assigned as a manager. Mesney, A. (2009). What Do ‘We’ Know That ‘They’ Don’t? Sociologists’ versus Nonsociologists’ Knowledge. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 34(3). This article is an argument between the sociologists and the non-sociologists and their belief about social science at large. There have always been differences when it comes to proving sociological theories from the sociological point of view and general point of view. The knowledge of sociologists and lay people is quite different and to understand this difference, it is crucial to look at both the point of views. The differences between the knowledge of sociologists’ learning and lay people’s learning is elaborated through four positions that are ‘superiority’, ‘homology’, ‘complementarity’ and ‘circularity’. Superiority position can be explained as sociologists’ superiority over lay people in terms of accuracy, impartiality and spontaneity about the social world represented through the works and understanding of sociologists. Homology position can be described as parallelism that can be constructed between the theoretical work of lay people and sociologists, which shows that sometimes, the work of lay people and that of sociologists, matches. Complementarity position can be described as when the work of lay people such as their theories work as a complement for sociologists and the same goes for the sociologists’ theories working for lay people’s work. Therefore, when lay people’s theories can be used for learning, enriching and modifying sociological theories, they are complementary for sociologists’ work. Circularity position can be discussed as formation of a spiral relationship between the works of sociologists and lay people. Sociologists make use of commonsensical knowledge that is drawn from laymen’s work while laymen’s work is also drawn from scientific knowledge, so they are interrelated and supply each other with fruitful knowledge serving for the purpose of other. The discussion and rift between sociologists and non-sociologists can be better understood by evaluating all the different types of positions regarding the knowledge of social world. This notion cannot be undermined that sociological knowledge and lay people’s knowledge about the social world is interrelated. The writer elaborates on the point of sociologists’ superiority that if we categorize the knowledge of sociologists as superior, then the circularity of work and complementary work would be totally disregarded. Therefore, when we attain knowledge, we have to be both reflective and accepting. We have to share our knowledge, reflect on it and accept new knowledge. In addition, sociological knowledge is always public and there is always room for public sociology described through the linkage between sociologists and non-sociologists. Alvesson, M. and Willmott, H. (2002) ‘Identity Regulation as Organizational Control – Producing the Appropriate Individual’, Journal of Management Studies 39(5): 619–44. To examine the control of an organization, the regulation of identity plays a crucial role. Identity regulation gives attention to construction of self-images and employment orientations of employees that are regarded harmonious to the managerial objectives and aims. Managers intentionally or unintentionally construct operations for the employees that make the employees to have self-identities that are logical, individualized and obligatory. Ways of control such as incentives or rewards, leadership, distribution of work, chain of command and others measures of control cannot be categorized as separated from individual’s self-identity. In reality, these controls interrelate and combine together to shape the self-identity of employees. The regulation of identity is connected with organizational control. Therefore, as per the authors, Alvesson and Willmont, the construction of identity comes under the arena of organizational control. Discourses linked with managerial operations play a crucial role in defining and constructing the self-identity. Managerial curiosity towards regulation of employees has gone manifold, which is put across through these discourses. The regulation of employees includes construction of their self-image, feelings and recognitions. The employee can be regarded as an “identity worker” who works towards creation of new managerial discourses taking into consideration diverse narratives of self-identity. Regulation of identity becomes possible when such operations and discourses are employed that intentionally or unintentionally target the insides of employees. All organizational practices that are regulatory or controlling target the employees for exercising control on construction of self-identity of employees. Overall, identity regulation is targeted by various ways of organizational control. Self-identity, identity work and identity regulation are interrelated to one another and are the outcome of organizational control. The regulation of identity can be best understood if we understand the significance of identity work and analyze organizational control in terms of its categorization of identity. The organizations at higher level are busy in constructing and designing regulatory interventions for enjoining self-identity of employees. However, for this construction and designing, the organizational leaders require certain means of identity regulations that are possible through targeting, identifying and controlling the employees to make them as per the needs of the organizations. Comparison and Contrast After having discussed the four articles above, it is now time to look into the core matters discussed in each of them and how there are different or similar to each other. The concepts and theories that we learn through the given four articles are about bad management theories, fluctuations about the term manager, decline in the status of management, getting management degrees and their impacts on our learning in practical world, differences between sociologists’ learning and non-sociologists’ learning and the concept of public sociology and regulation of identity through organizational control. All of these articles have some similarities and some comparisons. All of them inform about management and education related to management. They discuss theories and related concepts about management and learning. The bad management practices can ruin a business due to its non-ethical behaviour and also because the Financials are getting hammered at the same time. It is amazing how much the relationship between a manager and a specialist influences the labourers employment execution. Terrible management practices empty worker’s resolve, reason stretch that brings about frequently genuine wellbeing issues, and expense the organization more than simply the expense of high turnover. Displeased and misused workers quit thinking about how well they perform their employments and are more inclined to request more cash for additional assignments, and may even damage the organization by means of burglary. Managers who are poor communicators befuddle their specialists. A few managers are in a rush and cant be tried to take the time to give careful directions, while others might just not be talented at providing guidance. Notwithstanding, when representatives need to think about what they should do, they will probably get it wrong, which brings about poor work execution. An incompetent manager will then accuse the representative for his perplexity, bringing about hatred and indignation. An angry, furious representative is more averse to put the greater part of his vitality into his occupation, and may even search for an alternate employment. Managers design and construct control strategies for regulating the identities of their employees. If they were good managers, they would target the employees to form identities that are more related to work. The article discussing bad management theories that result in teaching wrong practices destructive for the organizations and decline of status of management are somewhat related because they inform about problems related to management, its identification and recognition among people and how bad management can result in destructive outcomes. The article discussing identity regulation of employees by the management is again related because it discusses about how managers exercise their control and show leadership qualities by regulating the self-images of their workers in the interest of their organizations. The article that discusses about the differences existent between learning of sociologists is quite different from the other articles, but it also sheds lights on theoretical framework in relation of sociologists who acquire knowledge from specialized sources and reflect on it. In this manner, this article is also related to the other three because it illustrates about knowledge acquisition and its outcomes. Reflection The articles that I have read were quite informative and diverse. They informed me about management practices, theories about management, bad theories, which can result in destructive practices if learners in a practical set up, practice them. The reading exercise was also informative as I was able to know about the downfall about the concept of management, how management underwent fluctuations in its understanding of meaning and how getting specialized degrees of management affected the roles of managers. I was able to know about sociological learning and non-sociological learning and how both of them are connected and disconnected. I also gained knowledge about how organizational control can affect the identities of employees and how managers play their part in regulation of the employees’ self-identities in the interests of the organizations. Researching academic content is not an easy job as the readings are required to be read repeatedly till one can draw the meanings given in them. The authors give specialized as well as general information, but keep themselves to their thesis and main points highlighted in the works. For proving their thesis and claims, they make use of reference work from authorial resources that are themselves properly referenced. To research the reading material, to go through the content and gain understanding about it is quite complicated, but when one starts writing about the articles and understood concepts, that again becomes challenging. The authorial works are complete in themselves as they are successful in delivering the information to the readers if they are read with interest, but the readers are required to highlight main points and before writing about them, a checkpoint list needs to be generated. First, we were asked to summarize the articles and after summarizing, they were required to be compared and analyzed. All this exercise was quite beneficial as it allowed us not only to extract meaning out of the writing, but also draw comparisons and connections between the works. This knowledge can be further employed in analyzing more articles. This learning can be applied on academic works, as reading, researching, evaluating and writing are part of our study and can be further used in reading and analyzing other pieces of work. Part 2 The competition between organizations all over the world has been increasing and each and every organisation is trying to come up with its unique strategies to win the market share in the competition. The management theories discussed by several scholars give us a holistic approach to designing strategies for our organisations. However, when we try to apply the same in the real world scenario, several problems crop up and become a hindrance in the successful operation of these strategies. This study will adopt a detailed approach to the management theories and how they can be utilised to bridge the gap between the theory and practice. The linkage between theory and practice of management has undergone significant transformation nowadays. Genuinely, straightforwardness has been developed around theory and practice in the management work. In any case, this is still some crevice exhibit in the management theory and practice because of the social distinction inside the organizations. The relationship between the theory and practice is differentiated into the training theory and real management practice in the genuine corporate world. The gap that is existent between the management’s theory and practice is because of cultural diversifications between organizations working in different parts of the world. In addition, the management in books and literary world is quite disconnected to the management in the real world because good management theories are not applied in the real corporate world. This gap can be constructed if good management knowledge is applied on real corporate world (Alvesson and Willmott, 2003). Stakeholders are strongly related to all the professions and this can be comprehended by practicing management in reality. The crevice between theory and practice of management cannot be crossed, but this vacuum can be filled with the passage of time and with constant efforts. The instructors in educational set up are working towards bridging this gap by including case studies about real management situations in the classrooms and by supporting the students to perform their expected roles and understand the real time problems faced by managers. The inclusion of case studies is quite beneficial for the students who face similar challenges when they get into the real management world. At present, the management schools are accentuating on the real management practice through detailed analysis examinations in the classrooms. Since prior when the management schools were giving just the hypothetical instruction, there have been enormous disarray in the organizations where recently created troughs were not able to take care of the genuine management issue because of the crevice between theory and practice (Gray and Willmott, 2005). These administrators could correspond to the genuine management issue with the hypothetical angle. With the provision of only the management theoretical knowledge, the new managers were not capable to sort out the issues they faced in the real management world as they lacked practical knowledge (Alvesson and Willmott, 2003). However, with proper theoretical and practical knowledge, the crevice between theory and practice can be built. Students of management require to learn about theory as well as practice to learn effectively and efficiently. Management in reality is quite transformed from that of the educational theoretical knowledge. In this way, with a specific end goal to build this gap, it is vital to give the genuine learning through exchange identified with real management issue and detailed analysis talk. Separated from this, the workshops organized for students of management address the business staff and visit to the organizations additionally to help the recently creating administrators to cross over any barrier between the theory and practice (Alvesson and Willmott, 2003). The supervisors would have the capacity to catch the understanding and learning about the management and taking care of the issues inside the organizations. It will be a discriminating advancement between the management hypotheses and management issues to determination of the management issues in the real management world. There must be some important advancement needed to plainly comprehend the contrast between theory into practice and practice into theory. It is vital that they make some suitable applications agreeing about their business and organization related subjects and learning of management in educational set ups. There have been verifiable development of the devices and accessories for the primary aim of organization related exploration and detailed data about training, which completely depends and makes a decent assemblage of social information. If there should be an occurrence of producing better data about organization functionalities, the strategies and institutional framework are the ideal way and these instruments are likewise depicted as the administering body besides these devices created by them in an equivalent timeframe. The management’s operations in collaboration with the theoretical framework and futuristic demands requires assistance and support from the real managerial world as well as the theoretical world (Bruce and Pepitone, 1999). There must be a newly organized system of demand and supply. As indicated by Rafaeli and Revelle (2006), for lessening the gap between practice and theory successfully, they have to apply the accompanying two methods. In the first technique, they must attempt to create the information level just and in the second system, they must attempt to present the announcement of the relevance for settling the practice of related issues (Fields and Blum, 1997). This demonstrates that this issue is convincing in nature and this issue is identified with clear hush and top organization diaries for the regulatory claims. This, likewise, demonstrates all the arrangement about the working issues, practice, time and the nature of theory and practice (Gray and Willmott, 2005). There is a profound relationship between the identity of an individual and particular information. The identity of the base is rising up out of the quality of the human, who is encoded into the quality furthermore, it is hard to change. Then again, few scrutinize expressed that the identity is dynamic and adaptable in nature notwithstanding being these are encoded in the human qualities. The identity can be changed at sought level over a time of time, however the identity can built the gap and take the shape through the lifetime knowledge of the single person (Jawahar, 2006). As per Mcauley, Duberley and Johnson (2007), the identity of an individual is produced through the nature and surroundings, however the mental representation of the individual is reflected in its conduct. A portion of the scholar accepts that the human advancement of identity is acclaimed by the conviction and the conduct of the individual, however these components are discriminating to study and thus hard to get it. A few discoveries of creators show that an example and nature, conduct incorporates the typical behaviour and significantly greatly improves the situation with the perspective towards the identity. In against the above discovery, Jack Block who is a scholar portrays this, the self-relationship related model and framework for portraying yourself has an incredible part in discovering the all important identity issues. This can likewise be changed by utilizing the terms, for example, arranging, motivation and information about existing characterizing on the grounds that these terms have a critical part if there should be an occurrence of identity improvement. This is essential in the event of identity advancement that they must fix into the arrangements, models, and affirmation framework and inside models from their insight about social life. Identity is the vital piece of the association because it makes the individuals in the association as per the hierarchical qualities, feeling, way, push, capacity and persuasion (Pearson, 2012). The perspective of association, Blanchar and Onton (2005) depicted that the term motivation comprises reason, points and qualities identified with association and this is an key part of motivation. Also incorporation of these elements with motivation effectively meets expectations for the association emphatically and this can help association to build its working effectiveness. Nevertheless, some of the time this is extremely troublesome for them if there should be an occurrence of performing this activity effectively, lastly the result is that motivation makes hindrances in the method for development of the association. On account of management of human asset, motivation assumes the paramount part and dealing with the individuals’ needs in the association is the key part of the HR (Human Resource) branch of that association, the level of fulfilment about occupation, and employee motivation and employee engagement in all the association forms. The motivation of the employees totally associated with the authoritative objectives and targets. Therefore, if the association needs to expand the working productivity level of their kin, they must attempt to build their motivation level (Bruce and Pepitone, 1999). This commitment from the organization to their employee executes as an enticement and understanding, and this likewise is depicted by the X and Y theory of the motivation. Thomas (2003) contended that motivation expanding strategies have incredible degree of utilization and this completely relies upon the learning of the labourer and exceedingly paramount estimations of the association. The term motivation run by the labourer and the management of that association aided this term from various perspectives. Motivation is the exceptionally key thing for hierarchical execution. In the event that the employees are effectively propelled in the association at exactly that point, they work with more effectiveness towards expanding the profit in the business. The association cannot take work from his workers as a machine. Giving cash and motivators are not living up to expectations all the times adequately, in some cases organization does something new in the event of persuades its employees. They attempt to improve greatly the situation associated with their employees and give them better meeting expectations condition (Bruce and Pepitone, 1999). Reflective Statement While conducting the study, I came across several theories that can be utilised in order to improve the strategies and hence, improve the motivation level and the work environment. One of the vital issues that was highlighted in the article by Ghosal was the case of bad management practices that can ruin the operations in the management and defame the organisations. Having feeble, incapable managers in the work environment have numerous harming consequences for employees and the firm overall. Organizations with poor directors quite often perform underneath desires. What qualities do insufficient administrators have in like manner? There are three primary ones: absence of vision, inadequate understanding of business money, and poor interpersonal relational abilities. Having an absence of vision damages organizations in a manner in which they cannot rival others. GM is an extraordinary illustration of a firm with administrators who needed vision. Japanese and Korean automakers had the capacity to adjust the changing market and produce effective fuel-productive half-breed autos. GM was not able to do likewise due in huge part to insufficient chiefs. Having administrators with a poor understanding of business funds is additionally harming to firms. Knowing how to handle the money stream is a fundamental piece of maintaining a business. Firms whose business in occasional, for example, resort groups in Miami Beach and the Hamptons must have supervisors who know how to deal with their money stream. On the off chance that they have incapable supervisors, the expanded incomes made amid top seasons may not keep going longer and make it outlandish for the firm to work effectively in the off-seasons. Troughs with poor relational abilities are inadequate. A great employee motivation and confidence depend generally on the relational abilities of the administrator. Likewise, maintaining long haul associations with clients and suppliers is almost difficult to do if an associations directors have poor relational abilities. The managers that need great interpersonal relational abilities contrarily affect their organization. Obviously, poor directors are harmful to employees and the organization itself. Insufficient chiefs need vision, a sufficient understanding of business accounts, and great relational abilities. By perceiving if these attributes are available in administrators of their organizations, organizations can roll out the vital improvements so as to counteract any disappointments. References Alvesson, M. and Willmott, H. (2003). Studying management critically. London: Sage Publications. Blanchar, C., & Onton, J. (2005). Performance measures in times of change. Employment Relations Today , 32(1): 25-34. Bruce, A. and Pepitone, J. (1999). Motivating employees. New York: McGraw-Hill. Fields, D., & Blum, T. C. (1997). Employee satisfaction in work groups with different gender composition.Journal of Organizational Behavior, 18, 181-196. Grey, C. and Willmott, H. (2005). Critical management studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Huczynski, A. (1993). Management gurus. London: Routledge. Jawahar, I. M. (2006). An investigation of potential consequences of satisfaction with appraisal feedback. Journal of Leadership & Organizational, 13(2):14-28. McAuley, J., Duberley, J. and Johnson, P. (2007). Organization theory. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall/Financial Times. Pearson, G. (2012). The rise and fall of management. Farnham, England: Gower. Thomas, A. (2003). Controversies in management. London: Routledge. Read More
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