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Management Theories in the Film Made in Dagenham - Movie Review Example

The paper "Management Theories in the Film Made in Dagenham " is a perfect example of a management movie review. Made in Dagenham is a 2010 film directed by Nigel Cole and is a dramatization of the 1968 strike by female employees in the car manufacturing firm; Ford Dagenham…
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Management Theories in the Film Made in Dagenham
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Management theories in the film Made in Dagenham Introduction Made in Dagenham is a 2010 film directed by Nigel Cole and is a dramatization of the 1968 strike by female employees in the car manufacturing firm; Ford Dagenham. The over 150 female machinists in the company located in east London were complaining against sexual discrimination in which their male colleagues were favored in grading. The employees’ task was to sew seat covers in a construction site where the roof leaked (Barber 2010). The main issue was that whereas the male employees were graded as semi-skilled, the female ones were graded as unskilled though they performed the same task and none had special qualification. The strike was led by Rita OGrady who appears fearless both to the management as well as to the union leadership in the company. She gets adequate support from some of her colleagues including Sandra, Eileen, Brenda and Connie and the union representatives in fighting for equal rights for all the employees. Though the management tries to fight off the determined workers, Rita and her colleagues are eventual winners. The film exhibits several concepts and theories of management from the management of the company, the trade union leadership as well as from Rita who becomes the unofficial leader of the strike (Tralala 2012). This paper aims at critically analyzing these concepts and theories. Some of the concepts and theories portrayed in the film include the functions of management, management theories and management levels. Functions of management The film reveals management functions as exhibited by both the management of Ford as well as the trade union leaders especially Albert. Rita and her team also show a number of management functions in the course of their struggle. Management is viewed as that function that is involved with coordinating the efforts of people in order to meet the set goals and objectives of the organization. Management is defined as "the art of getting things done through people" (Barret 2003). The various functions of management including planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding and controlling are all exhibited in the film. Planning The planning function involves planning and having action plan. The management of Ford displayed this function in various places within the film. The grading of employees into semi-skilled and unskilled is part of planning and the efforts to end the strike by the management are part of planning. Rita and her colleagues’ efforts to start the strike is also par of planning. Planning paves way for the smooth running of the organization. It may call for involving all the management levels in the organization. Involving all the levels of management means that all are aware of what is happening and what ought to be done in the organization to achieve its aims and objectives. Rita had to make proper plans to ensure all the female workers joined her in her efforts to fight sexual discrimination (Cole 2004). Organizing Organizing entails putting in place both the human and non-human resources. Ford’s management was well organized especially in the distribution of tasks. Rita and her colleagues were assigned the tasks of sewing seat covers because they were not skilled. The skilled workers were assigned complex tasks such as making vehicle body parts like engines. Both the human and non human resources are necessary for the activities of the organization. As such in the Ford’s management designates tasks and responsibilities to the employees accordingly. The tasks are allocated depending on skills that are required to perform a certain task. The skills should therefore be matched with the tasks that one is expected to perform. This function also develops organizational structure. Rita and the other workmates were well organized and that is why they were able to move very fast in fighting for their rights (Grunig & Hunt 2004). Coordinating Coordination is revealed in several scenes within the film. Coordinating means organizing the different parts of the organization to ensure that that are all operating on the same level in terms of accomplishing the organizational goals and objectives. Rita works hand-in-hand with Sandra, Eileen, Brenda and Connie in their struggle. Albert also assists them in their strike for equal recognition. These could not be possible in the absence of proper coordination. The management also coordinates well in its efforts to divide the employees and weaken their solidarity. This however fails and the workers eventually achieve their objective. Coordination involves communication between all the parties involved being sure that all are aware of what is happening, where the organization wants to go and where it is. This is live with both the management as well as the leaders of the strike and the union heads (Cole 2004). Commanding Commanding means responding to a situation by determining what should be done in a given situation. Decisions made are dictated by the situation at hand and hence calls for thinking on the sport. The management of Ford is in command as evidenced by their ability to grade employees in various levels. The management is also able to discipline the striking workers and the union officials as part of their efforts to avert a strike. Rita and Albert are able to command the attention and support of other workers into going for a strike. All this is the commanding function of management (Cole 2004). Controlling Controlling entails looking at the progress against the plans. It therefore involves putting all the functions in place and ensuring that they are operating efficiently and effectively hence successful. In order to assess the operations, there is a need to establish a performance standard in order to be able to evaluate the output of the employees. Ford graded the workers in terms of their performance and efficiency. Though the workers performed the same tasks, the management characterized the female workers as less effective in the task and were thus awarded a lower grade; unskilled. A performance standard helps to set a benchmark against which the performance will be measured. With a set standard, it is possible to identify the gap. That is the present performance and the expected performance. If they are not satisfactory, then problems can be identified as to why there is a discrepancy (Franklin et al 2009). Management Theories The film further reveals management theories. The management of Ford and Rita’s team portrays management theories in their operations within the film. Management has existed for a long time with many contributing to modern management theories (Lin 2011). Management theories try to give a prescription as to how management should be done. The various theories that are presented have their own explanation as to why they think management should be done in one way and not the other. Management theories have evolved over the last century due to the changing roles of leaders in the organizations. As time goes by management is moving from extreme authority and high handedness to being participative largely. This means that, leaders have to set an example for others to be motivated and therefore follow suit. Management is about accomplishing the goals and objectives of the organization; hence, employees have to be motivated to perform to achieve the production. Some of the approaches revealed by the players in the film include: Scientific Management Approach The scientific management is one of the early theories advanced by Fredrick Taylor (1856 – 1915). According to him, he believed that it was the responsibility of the management design jobs. Ford management designed various positions within the organization and placed workers into positions according to their abilities. The management has designed the tasks properly and makes efforts to have workers motivated to attain higher production. It does this through grading to ensure that higher grades are well paid. The management however fails in the application of this approach after making uninformed grading of workers in Rita’s department. The Bureaucratic Approach This approach is exhibited where the management was able to punish striking workers in an effort to divide them and end the strike. The Bureaucratic approach was advocated by Max Weber (1864 – 1920). His approach focused on organizational structure. The organization was divided into hierarchies drawing clear lines of authority and control. This is the case with Ford Dagenham as the firm is organized into distinct hierarchical structure. This implied that the managers had legal authority due to the position that they held in the organizational structure, which was to enforce the rules and the policy of the organization (Smit & Cronje 2002). Rita and her workmates were however lucky in that the Albert was on their side. He resisted the efforts by other trade union officials to abandon the striking workers. Contingency theory The management of Ford applied this approach in their operation. The theory holds the view that there is no one way of making decisions. Managers therefore are expected to assess the situation at hand and then make appropriated decisions. This implies that the decision made is dictated by the current situation. The made the decision of grading the workers in Rita’s department without consultation or clear guidelines. This would cost them of valuable time after the workers went on strike. This implies that the contingency approach is not the best for any management team and should be avoided. Managers should thus have clear guidelines to assist them in decision making to avoid making risky and expensive decisions (Smit & Cronje 2002). Theory X and Theory Y Theory X and theory Y hold opposite views. These theories contend that the manager will act according to the attitude that they have about the workers. The managers that believe that worker do not like work and have therefore to be coerced in order to work are the ones who use theory X. Managers who believe that workers enjoy their work naturally and therefore they are responsible of their work and need not be pushed are the ones who believe in theory Y. Ford management believes in Theory X as evidenced by their efforts to thwart the efforts of the striking workers and compel them to abandon their striking intents and return to work. This however fails because Rita and her colleagues are determined to achieve their aim (Smit & Cronje 2002). Management Functions and Management Theories The film shows integration between management theories and management functions. The management functions spell out the various aspects that the managers are expected to do in order to ensure that the organization succeeds in its endeavors. The management theories propose how the functions to be done in order to achieve the organizational goals. Looking at the management functions and the management theories, the two are almost the same with a very thin line drawing a difference. They overlap to a large extent that one may not be able to clearly separate the two. They are dependent to a certain degree. Management levels There are three management levels in most of the organizations. The film clearly presents the three management levels. The three management levels include the first level, second level and the p levels managers. According to the film, three levels of management in the Ford Dagenham firm have specific tasks. The ranking of the managers Ford Dagenham in the firm is according to the hierarchy of authority. This is done perfectly when the producer of the film clearly explains the hierarchy of authority in the storyline of the film. The film mainly emphasizes on the management level of the Ford Dagenham firm, where the top-level management is responsible for controlling and overseeing the entire activities of the firm. The top-level management in the film comprises of the president, board of directors and vice presidents of the firms. In the case of the Ford Dagenham film, the top-level management is responsible for the developing of the strategic plan of the firm. The strategic plan helps the firm to choose the direction in which the business may follow. The top-level management is accountable to both the public and the shareholders. This vast responsibility of the top-level managers expects them to poses skills that enable them cope and comprehend the dynamics of the market and the competition in the industry. In the case of the Made in Dagenham film, the top-level management is supposed to take up the responsibility of the formulating of policies and overseeing the implementation process. (Kleiman 2011). Middle Level Managers The middle level managers are also present in the Ford Dagenham, whereby this portrays the second level of top-level management as stated in various management theories. The middle level managers in the Ford Dagenham firm included the general managers, department managers and branch managers. The middle level managers in the Ford Dagenham firm in the film were answerable to the top-level management. The top-level management of the Ford Dagenham firm made sure that the middle level managers carry out organizational plans to sustain the policies of the company and any other objective of the top management. In the film, the middle level managers were used by the top-level managers to pass vital information to the lower ranked employees of the firm. Furthermore, the middle level managers were also responsible for giving inspiration to the lower managers and at the same time guide them to perform better. Unfortunately, the middle level managers only fulfilled this role discriminatory in the basis of gender. The storyline of the film ensures that the Ford Dagenham firm meets the criteria of management. This is evident when the when the firm contains foremen and supervisors. The responsibilities of both the foremen and supervisors are to guide and supervise the employees’ daily work schedules. The main objective of supervising and guiding employees is to ensure that there is quality and quantity production in the firm. The supervising and guiding should be in line with effectiveness and efficiency, which is a core aspect in the management. Furthermore, the first level managers are expected to be the role models of the employees. However, in the Made in Dagenham film the first level managers in the Ford Dagenham firm abstain from their duties of motivating the female employees therefore leading to the strike of the female employees. Managerial Skills In order for management to be successful, managers in the firm should pose managerial skills. The managerial skills help managers to carry out their respective roles in the firm. In the Made in Dagenham, film the managers in the Ford Dagenham firm seem to poses the skills but they do not utilize them to the benefit of the workers to work in a favorable environment without discrimination. The vital managerial skills required by managers include conceptual, political, interpersonal, technical and diagnostic skills. The interpersonal skills among managers assist in motivating, communication and mentoring. Communication is an important any firm or organization. It takes communication for one to understand what is expected of him of her. Incase there are communication barriers, there will always be so many misunderstandings within the firm. Misunderstandings in any organization will only lead to chaos and hence the organizational goals will not be attained (Juneja 2011). This is evident in the film when the management of the Ford Dagenham firm did not have an effective communication process, which would help address the needs of the female workers. If the management utilized the interpersonal skills amongst themselves, the female workers would not have caused chaos in the firm. Political skills among managers assist in building a power base and enable to establish connections. Conceptual Skills The conceptual skills among managers assist in analyzing situations that are complex. This skill is effective when there are various rapid changes that make the environment in which firms are operating complex. This calls for the managers to be alert and on the lookout not to be overtaken by events (Kamau 2009). In the case of the chaos in the Ford Dagenham firm, the managers were responsible for solving the cause of the chaos even before the chaos started by interacting with the employees at a regular manner. The conceptual skills enable the manager to handle situations as they arise. Diagnostic Skills The diagnostic skill among managers is vital in identifying suitable responses to situations arising within a firm. Incase of the emergencies in the market the skills assists the managers to be proactive rather than reactive in nature whereby the management can respond to a situation before hand meaning that they are not caught unaware. This skill seems not to be utilized in the Made in Dagenham film whereby the managers of the Ford Dagenham firm seem not to enforce the skill in their duties. Technical Skills The technical skills among managers reveal expertise one needs in a certain functional area. Expertise in a certain area of task performance is very vital because one is assured of maximum production that is the very as to why firms exists. In the Ford Dagenham firm, the management failed to handle the working conditions of the workers. This leads to the emergence of chaos between the management and the female workers (Phillips 2006). Conclusion The paper has analyzed several management concepts and theories as depicted in the film Ford Dagenham. It has outlined the management concepts portrayed by the management Ford, trade union leaders as well as Rita and her team. These are leaders and therefore managers in their respective areas and all have shown various management concepts and functions. The management of Ford has applied unsuitable approaches in their operations some of which have led to a rebellion by the works. A good example is the application of the contingency approach in decision making that is seen to flop leading to a strike by the workers. All the teams have proper planning, control coordination, organization and command as justified by their achievements of their objectives. Management and management theories are vehicles through which the organizational goals and objectives are achieved. An organization that does not achieve its goals and objectives is as good as not being in existence at all. Media management shares in the general aspects of management and there expected to act diligently in order to achieve their goals and objectives. The theories are there to guide the management and there the management should not die for one specific theory but rather integrate them (Gomez et al 2008). Bibliography Barber, N. (2010). Made In Dagenham, Nigel Cole, 117 mins (15). Available at: entertainment/films/reviews/made-in-dagenham- nigel- cole-117-mins-15brburied-rodrigo-cortes-94-mins- 15brthe-secret-of-kells- tomm-moore-78-mins-pg-2096052.html. (Accessed on 25 April 2014) Barrett, R. (2003). Vocational Business: Training, Developing and Motivating People by - Journal of Business & Economics 24 (4)51 Cole, G. (2004). Management Theory and practice. 6th edi. London:Thomston Fayol, H. (2007), Administration industrielle et générale; prévoyance, organisation, commandement, coordination, controle (in French), Paris, H. Dunod et E. 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