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Leadership Style of Steve Jobs - Coursework Example

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The paper “Leadership Style of Steve Jobs” states that democratic leadership manner of the creator of iPad, iPod, iPhone, iTunes, Cloud Computing is worthy of study and adoption by many companies that seek to enhance effective employee motivation and significant workplace performance.
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Leadership Style of Steve Jobs
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Leadership Table of Contents Introduction 2 Discussion 3 Leadership Traits 4 Leadership Skill Approaches 5 Behavioural Leadership Style 6 Leadership Contingency and Post-Modern Theory 9 Several Possible Reasons behind Dispute 12 Conclusion 12 References 14 Introduction It is highly important for each and every organization to adopt and implement effective leadership style in order to motivate and guide an entire team towards develop goals and objectives. It is true that each and every individual requires and expects effective leadership style from their managers or leaders in different sectors or fields in order to achieve success in both personal and professional life. Leadership can be defined as the process of social influence within a particular institution or an organization that helps an entire team to meet the developed corporate and individual goals and objectives. Steve Jobs can be considered as one of the most popular and charismatic public figures among the individuals within the world of technology. Steve Jobs was the co-founder of Apple Computer and several Apple technological tools. His long-term vision, innovation and high integrity helped him to become popular among the people in this world. Steve Jobs generally known as a magician among the people in this globe due to his ability to integrate innovation and creativity with several types of technological tools and appliances. Today, Apple Inc. has become one of the leading and prestigious organizations in this world due to the charismatic and visionary leadership style of Steve Jobs. This particular essay will discuss about the characteristics, traits and behaviour of the leadership style of Steve Jobs that helped him to become an effective leader. Moreover, the study will discuss about the contingency and postmodern theories of leadership to understand the adopted and applied leadership style of Steve Jobs. Discussion Global business environment is becoming highly competitive as several leading domestic and multinational organizations are trying to implement unique strategies in the business operation processes in order to gain potential competitive advantages over their competitors. Each and every industry in this world is becoming highly competitive thanks to globalization and technological advancement. Global technological industry is becoming saturated as well as potential due to increase in number of potential organizations and growing market demand for high quality and differentiated technological products. In addition to this, this demand started to increase slowly and gradually right after the Second World War due to the instruction of Globalization. Each and every individual started to expect advanced technological tools and products from the organizations in order to meet the level of needs and satisfaction. On the other hand, technological tools developing and distributing organizations also started to manufacture and distribute products with the integration of advanced technology to the customers and business clients in order to meet the market demand and gain potential competitive advantages. Therefore, it is quite difficult for the organizations to offer high quality, innovative and differentiated products to the customers on daily basis (Bratton, Grint and Nelson, 2004, p.19). Microsoft and Apple are the two major rivals within the global technological industry. Both of these organizations have created specific benchmarks within this industry. But, it is the constant integration of innovation and creativity in the products and services that helped the products of Apple to differentiate from other competitors that are competing in the market place. It is true that Apple faced several workplace challenges in previous years that affected the overall business performance of the organization. On the other hand, Microsoft was achieving a strong growth rate in this global market place (Northouse, 1997, p.11). Therefore, it was highly important for the management of Apple Inc. to do some innovative activities in order to grab the market share of Microsoft Corporation. Steve Jobs was the co-founder of Apple Inc. His visionary and charismatic leadership style helped Apple to overcome its internal workplace related issues and ensure a positive research outcome (Yukl, 1998, p.45). It is highly important for the readers to determine the adopted leadership traits and leadership skill approaches of the applied leadership style of Steve Jobs in order to justify his adopted and implemented charismatic and visionary leadership style (Grint, 1997, p.29). Leadership Traits A leader can adopt and follow several traits in his or her leadership style in order to attain successful and positive project or business outcome. Steve Jobs always tries to maintain a good relationship with his co-workers and sub-ordinates. His ability to integrate innovation and creativity helped the employees to be motivated (Grint, 2001, p.32). It helped the organization to ensure conflict free and dedicated workplace environment. Intelligence, self-confidence and self-assurance are the major leadership traits that can be identified in the adopted and applied leadership style of Steve Jobs. He knew that the demand for high quality, differentiated and advanced technological tools will be emerged in next decades. In addition to this, he had the vision to attract each and every people around the globe by his innovation and creativity. It is true that Steve jobs had several personality traits that helped him to become one of the most successful leaders and entrepreneurs in this century (Krause, 1995, p.109). Imagination can be considered as the first most important personality trait of Steve Jobs. Strong degree of intelligence and self-confidence about his imagination and creation helped him to become one of the successful entrepreneurs within the global technology industry. He always had the ability to perceive the needs for activities and actions. In addition to this, he had the urge to do these works. He always believed in others’ competency. He had the ability to rise above the specifics and particulars to foresee the grand and visionary picture (Ledeen, 1999, p.65). According to the five-factor leadership personality model, openness and conscientiousness are the major personality traits that can be identified in the leadership style of Steve Jobs. It has been discussed earlier that Steve Jobs tried to maintain effective relationship with his sub-ordinates. In addition to this, he always had the tendency to inform his important stakeholders about his creativity and innovation thanks to his extrovert behaviourism. Customers and employees were his major stakeholders (Pareto, 1996, p.39). He always believed that these stakeholders are important to his business growth. On the other hand, high degree of extraversion helped him to communicate effectively with his important external and internal stakeholders. Now-a-days, each and every employee of Apple Inc is proud to be an important part of the prestigious Apple Inc. Leadership Skill Approaches Steve Jobs always believed in three skill leadership approaches in his leadership style, such as technical skill, human skill and conceptual skill. However, he had the competence and knowledge in particular work activity that enhanced his technical skill approach (bass and Avolio, 1994, p.16). Moreover, this technical skill approach was highly relevant with respect to his organization. On the other hand, his ability to work collaboratively with employees and sub-ordinates enhanced his human skills. It helped Apple Inc. to overcome several workplace related issues. It is true that managing a diverse workforce can be considered as one of the toughest jobs for a leader in this competitive and complex business environment. Effective collaborative work performance helped Steve Jobs to maintain an effective workplace environment within the organization (Bryman, 1992, p.98). Last but not the least; the ability to generate new and innovative ideas and implement those in work enhanced Steve Job’s conceptual leadership approach. Constant introduction of several innovative products, such as iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac book and cloud computing are the major examples of the application of conceptual skills in the leadership style (Conger, 1989, p.91). He succeeded to handle the top, middle and supervisory management level through the integration of all three leadership approaches in his leadership style. Behavioural Leadership Style According to the behavioural theory, leadership can be divided into two major structures, such as initiating structure and consideration structure. Initiating leadership structure can be termed as autocratic leadership style. On the other hand, consideration leadership structure can be termed as democratic leadership style. It has mentioned earlier that Steve Jobs believed in collaborative work performance and effective motivation of each and every team member. Therefore, the leadership structure of Steve Jobs’ leadership style can be considered as consideration leadership structure (Geertz, 1983, p.87). His leadership style can be termed as democratic leadership style based on this consideration leadership structure of his leadership process. It is true that he was always supportive to his employees and sub-ordinate throughout his professional life. Concern for people, employee centred and social sensitive is the major characteristics of democratic leadership style (Foucault, 1980, p.42). However, all of these characteristics were present in the adopted and implemented leadership style of Steve Jobs. He always tried to take care of the personal and professional needs of the employees. It is true that each and every employee expects high level of motivation and self-confidence in order to ensure effective workplace performance. Rewards, promotion, effective performance appraisal and significant social recognition in the workplace are the major motivation drivers for the employees (Latour, 1988, p.54). Steve Jobs had the vision that Apple Inc. should create a benchmark within the industry. He believed that employees are the real assets of an organization. Therefore, it is highly important to take care of their needs and satisfaction level in order to ensure effective business performance. This understanding level helped him to become the favourite leader of his employees. Through these leadership activities, Steve Jobs maintained a strong relationship with his employees. Employee centric strategies and decision making processes enhanced effective and conflict free collaborative workplace performance (Law, 1991, p.93). Social sensitive and concern for people are other two leadership behavioural characteristics of Steve Job’s leadership process. He believed that strong relationship with customers and employees can help an organization to become one of the successful organizations within a particular industry. He tried to develop both employee and customer centric strategies in the business operation processes in order to maintain effective relationship with the stakeholders. Steve Jobs was well concerned about the current market needs and demand of common people. Technological advancement and globalization motivated several organizations within the global technology industry to introduce advanced technological products and services in order to meet market demand and customer satisfaction level (Lukes, 1974, p.74). Steve Jobs understood this current and emerging market trend. His creation of iPad, iPod, iPhone and several unique software applications helped Apple Inc. to meet the demand of the target customers. In addition to this, these developments helped the organization to become one of the leading market players within the global technological industry (Nye, 2004, p.79). Orientation towards customer and employee interaction is another characteristic of the leadership style of Steve Jobs. In terms of employees, he used to believe in the ability, knowledge, self-confidence and skills of employees. Steve Jobs implemented decentralization in the decision making process in order to involve effective employees and team members in the decision making process. It actually helped him to nurture effective knowledge, skills and creativity within the organization. Involvement of competent employees in the decision making process helped Steve Jobs to develop more creative and innovative business operation strategies. On the other hand, this decentralized decision making process helped Steve Jobs to motivate the employees to perform effectively within the organization. This process enhanced social interaction between the top level management and low level hierarchy. In addition to this, implementation of this significant change management process in the business process and organization behaviour helped Apple Inc. as well as Steve Jobs to overcome several types of ongoing workplace issues and conflicts. On the other hand, Steve Jobs believed in effective interaction with the customers in order to enhance positive business growth. It is true that, he tried to communicate with people in several ways. Market campaigning for newly developed products helped Apple Inc. to communicate with people and several target customers quite effectively. In addition to this, his unique innovation always creates suspense and surprise among the target customers for next product launch (Coopey and Hartley, 1991, p.17). These types of leadership activities and characteristics can justify his democratic leadership style. Leadership Contingency and Post-Modern Theory The leadership style and leadership process of Steve Jobs can be described through the contingency theory of leadership. Contingency theory approach of leadership generally emphasis that the effectiveness of a leader is not independent from the situational aspects and factors that can influence the tasks that needs to be done. According to this contingency theory of leadership, an effective leader always implements change management strategies and processes in his or her leadership style based on the demand of different situations and aspects. Steve Jobs believed that there is no one best leadership approach that should be implemented. He understood that effective leadership always demand several optional approaches based on different types of situations (McCabe, 2007, pp.243-266). However, it is true that he was always supportive to his sub-ordinates and employees. It helped him to communicate with the employees quite effectively and motivate them to perform quite effectively. Contingency theory of leadership can be categorized into three types, such as Fielder’s contingency theory, Hersey and Blanchard’s situational contingency theory and path-goal contingency theory. It is clear from above discussed facts and aspects that the behavioural leadership style of Steve Jobs is based on the characteristics of democratic leadership style. Therefore, his leadership style can be discussed through path-goal contingency theory of leadership. In this contingency theory of leadership, a leader always clarifies his goal. In addition to this, the leader always shows acceptable pathways for achievement to the sub-ordinates or followers. Most importantly, leader always provides rewards to the followers or sub-ordinates once the goal is reached. This leadership theory involves both the relationship, behavioural and task support. However, Steve Jobs had all these characteristics in his leadership style. Therefore, it can be stated that he followed path-goal leadership mentality in his leadership process. It is true that Apple Inc. faced several types of obstacles in the business operation process due to growing workplace issues and conflicts. It affected collaborative work performance and overall business performance of Apple. First of all, Steve Jobs tried to enhance team work, employee motivation and effective collaborative work performance through his adopted and implemented democratic leadership style. He set examples in front of his sub-ordinates and employees through his ability to innovate and creative developments of concepts and ideas. He always tried to develop and define goals quite effectively in order to make the employees understand about the developed goals and objectives quite easily. In addition to this, he always ensured obstacle and conflict free work environment to enhance collaborative work performance. Several individuals within the organization effectively followed his developed pathways in order to meet the goals and objectives. Ability to motivate employees helped Steve Jobs to meet the business and corporate objectives and enhance effective business productivity. Directive, participative and supportive are the major approaches that were integrated in the leadership style of Steve Jobs. It helped him to clarify goals to his employees. On the other hand, supportive leadership approach under this path-goal leadership theory helped him to become concern for the psychological needs of employees in his organization. Last but not the least; decentralized decision making process enhanced his participative leadership approach. Therefore, it can be stated that effective adoption and implementation of path-goal contingency leadership aspect helped Steve Jobs to become one of the greatest entrepreneurial leaders of all time. It is clear from above discussion that Apple Inc adopted and implemented several unique strategies in the business operation process in order to gain potential competitive advantages in this competitive global business environment. These competitive advantages helped Apple Inc. top maintain its leading position in this competitive global business environment. In this modern era of globalization and technological advancement, each and every organization tries to integrate advanced technology in products and services in order to meet market demand. Now-a-days, people are trying to gain high quality and differentiated technological gadgets, tools and processes. Steve Jobs understood this and applied unique strategies in the business operation processes in order to introduced differentiated and high quality products, such as iPad, iPod and iPhone. These products created a benchmark within the global telecommunication and technology industry. Most importantly, Steve Jobs succeeded to meet the satisfaction level and needs of target customers in this post-modern era. Effective relationship with both employees and target customers helped him to become successful entrepreneur. In addition to this, integration of creativity, imagination, inspiration and innovation can become effective example of post-modern leadership in-front of recent energetic entrepreneurs and businessmen (Proctor and Mueller, 2000, p.88). Several Possible Reasons behind Dispute It is true that the above mentioned views can be disputed by several critiques due to several factors. Everybody can say that he failed to control the pricing of products and failed to offer products in competitive price comparing to other rivals. It is true that the management of the organization should have thought to reduce the price of the products based on recent economic downturns. But, in response to these critical thoughts, it can be stated and justified that competitive price war may have affected the brand image of Apple Inc. Differentiation business level strategy and cost-based pricing strategy should be justified through these mentioned justifications. Conclusion It is clear from above discussion that the leadership style of Steve Jobs can be considered as effective leadership style and this leadership style adopted by Steve Jobs needs to be learned by young generation in order to gain success in both personal and professional life. His charismatic and visionary leadership style motivated each and every employee of his organization to perform effectively. In addition to this, he was known as magician among the people around the globe due to his innovative creations, such as iPad, iPod, iPhone, iTunes, Cloud Computing, Macintosh and Mac-Book. Now, he is no more among the people but his creations will always be remembered by each and every individual in this world. He always tried to maintain effective relationship with his employees in order to enhance effective employee motivation and significant workplace performance. His decentralized decision making process helped Apple Inc. to enhance effective strategy development process as Steve Jobs believed in knowledge sharing during the strategy development process. Integration of effective and competent employees in decision making process helped Steve Jobs to introduce several innovative and advanced technological products and meet the recent market demand and satisfaction level of the target customers. His democratic leadership style and path-goal contingency approach in his leadership style helped him t6o understand psychological and physiological needs of employees. Effective performance appraisal, reward distribution and clear definition of developed goals helped him to become favourite employer for his employees and sub-ordinates. Most importantly, His democratic leadership style and path-goal leadership approach helped Steve Jobs to maintain effective relationship with both employees and customers. References Bass, B. M., and Avolio, B. J., 1994. Improving Organizational Effectiveness through Transformational Leadership. London: Sage. Bratton, J., Grint, K., and Nelson, D., 2004, Organizational Leadership, London: Thomson/ South-western Press. Bryman, A., 1992. Charisma and Leadership in Organizations. London: Sage. Conger, J. A., 1989 The Charismatic Leader: Behind the Mystique of Exceptional Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Coopey, J., and Hartley, J., 1991. “Reconsidering the case for Organizational Commitment”. Human Resource Journal, 1(3), p.17. Foucault, M., 1980. Power/Knowledge. Brighton: Harvester. Geertz, C., 1983. ‘Centers, kings and charisma: reflections on the symbols of power’ in Geertz, C., Local Knowledge. New York: Basic Books. Grint, K., 1997. Leadership: Classical, Contemporary and Critical Approaches. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Grint, K., 2001. The Arts of Leadership. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Krause, D. G., 1995. Sun Tzu, The Art of War for Executives London: Nicholas Brealey. Latour, B., 1988 ‘The prince for machines as well as machinations’ in Elliott, Technology and Social Process. Edinburgh: EUP. Law, J.,1991. A Sociology of Monsters: Essays on Power, Technology and Domination. London: Routledge. Ledeen, M. A., 1999. Machiavelli on Modern Leadership. New York: Truman Talley. Lukes, S., 1974. Power: A Radical View. London: Macmillan. McCabe, D., 2007. “Individualization at Work?: Subjectivity”. Team working and Anti-Unionism’ Organization, 14(2), pp. 243-266.  Northouse, P.G., 1997. Leadership: Theory and Practice. London: Sage. Nye, J. S., 2004. Power in the Global Information Age. London: Routledge. Pareto, V., 1966. Sociological Writings. London: Pall Mall Press. Proctor, S., and Mueller, F., 2000. Team working. London: Macmillan Yukl, G., 1998. Leadership in Organizations. London: Prentice Hall International. Read More
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