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The paper "Managerial Efficiency - Management System and Processes" highlights the proper software selection seems to be the key feature of the project's success. After the project selection process, Roberge could effectively anticipate future challenges that might threaten project success…
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Management System and Processes (IMSP Case Study Part A Evidently, the proposed Integrated Management System and Processes (IMSP) project in the given scenario has a series of potential strengths and challenges. The project is planned to implement according to a vanilla implementation strategy by which minimum changes are applied to the software package and new ABS entity process standardization. As per the basic project framework, it would be delivered in three phases: “12 months for the finance, accounting and auditing module; 18 months for the human resource module; and 24 months for the sales and distribution module” (Bernier, Roy and Brunelle,.4). In the opinion of Jean Roberge, the IMSP project would be capable of assisting the company to effectively integrate the information systems and technologies at ABS Canada and this feature in turn would enable all management levels to track the financial as well as marketing progress of the company whenever it is necessary. Roberge also opines that the adoption of this new project would cause changes in the direction of the IT department and this situation may raise several new challenges to the company. He also believes that absence of an efficient and skillful project leader may reduce the scope of the designed IMSP project as he cannot effectively manage the project single-handedly. Finally, Roberge predicts that the new project implementation would be a challenging task for him as it demands ‘flexible and rapid delivery of technological software solutions’ (Bernier, Roy and Brunelle).
2. In my opinion, the proposed IMSP project has several other potential challenges that Roberge did not identify. The existing ABC Canada employees may not be well knowledgeable regarding features of the new project as the ABC management has not considered a change management program yet. Hence, the implementation of the IMSP project would create some sorts of functional issues in the company. In addition, the framed IMSP project includes the application a high level information technology, and probably the company needs the service of skilled operators to run the program smoothly after its implementation. Similarly, the project manager recruitment also seems to be a cumbersome task for the company as the project manager must have mastered the ABC software package and have excellent knowledge of the existing systems in practice along with enough experience in managing such large scale projects.
Part B
1. Although the presentations made by the consultants were detailed, it lacks some essential points and the presentation structure is not very much helpful for Jean Roberge to choose a project manager from the given three curriculum vitae. In my opinion, the key points in the consultant’s presentation must be the candidates’ efficiency and experience in the ABC project development. In addition, the presentations have to be emphasized on the candidates’ carrier achievements and details regarding their previous employers. The first session clearly states that the ABS management wishes to appoint a project manager who can stay within forecasted budgets and predetermined schedules. Therefore, key points should also focus on the cost effectiveness, speed, and accuracy of candidates in completing an ABC project. In short, the presentation has to be more specific in terms of an ABC project requirements rather than detailing the carrier history of the candidates.
2. The candidate A’s curriculum vitae reveal that he has attained a range of skills in different areas including “IT, operations, quality assurance, continuous process improvement, and labor relations” from his 12 years of working experience (Bernier, Roy and Brunelle, 9). Although the Candidate A has been the project manager for several ABC development and implementation projects over the last eight years, his CV does not provide any information that indicate his excellence in ABC project management. In the case of candidate B, he possesses more organizational and human management skill rather than project implementation and monitoring skills. In addition, his CV does not highlight any of his significant achievements related to ABC project development and implementation. Finally, the candidate C’s CV reflects that she has attained in-depth expertise in ERP implementation and process analysis from her last eight years’ industrial experience. From several ABC software implementation projects, she has “developed her methodological approach and her extensive knowledge of Oracle applications” (Bernier, Roy and Brunelle, 14). Since Roberge gives first priority to the candidate’s technical expertise rather than his/her organizational potency, the candidate C seems to be apt to the ABS Canada’s project manager post.
Interview questions
What would be your strategy in integrating the three incorporated companies’ information?
What may be the potential challenges to ABC implementation process in ABS Canada?
How will you use your technical expertise to improve efficacy of ABC development and implementation project in ABS Canada?
Part C
1. Project manger’s thoughtless activities are the main causes that led the project to severe difficulties. Although, the project manager had deep technical expertise in ABC implementation, he/she was a total failure in managing and organizing different project elements. From the case study, it seems that the project manager has lack of team relation skills that he/she could not convince even his team members about the potentiality of her strategies. In addition, his/her team members were totally discouraged as they had been forced to deal with monotonous work tasks. Similarly, the project manager did not consider the users’ business interests. It seems that the project manager only focused on the technical implementation of the ABC and his/her personal financial interests instead of considering the users’ needs. Finally, the project manager engaged in organizational politics with the aim of achieving unfair personal advantages.
2. Project termination is one of the best available options for Roberge. When there is little significance of continuing a project, senior executives have the power to stop it. By terminating the ABC implementation project, the ABS Canada management can retain its loyalty and thereby its users. In addition, this strategy may assist the company to resolve the current difficulties. Moreover, this policy may be advisable for Roberge to motivate the employees who are discouraged with the project work. On the other hand, project cancellation would lead ABS Canada to a huge financial loss as the company has already gone far with the project. Additionally, such practice may adversely affect the company’s market repute.
Termination of the project manager is another recommendable solution for Roberge. The applicability of this option depends on the agreement terms that bind the project manager with the ABS Canada. This strategy may aid the ABS to reinforce the ABC implementation polices and thereby to get rid of the current troubles. However, if the replaced project manager is not capable of catching the previously completed tasks it may worsen the project implementation process.
Part D
Synthesis report
With regard to the ABS project success, the managerial efficiency of Jean Roberge played an inevitable role in the project success. Firstly, the proper software selection seems to be the key feature of the project success. After the project selection process, Roberge could effectively anticipate future challenges that might threaten the project success. He was also well aware of the each stage in the project progress and this aptitude assisted Roberge to identify the issues associated with the project development process. When the initially appointed project manager failed to meet his tasks, Roberge replaced him with Andre Gagne. Finally, the company management granted Gagne the requested budget to “offer future users intensive information sessions on the potential and features of ABC” (Bernier, Roy and Brunelle.19).
Works Cited
Bernier, Carmen, Roy, Vital & Brunelle, Eric. “An ERP story: Background (A).” International Journal of Case Studies in Management. 4.(1). (2006).
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