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Knowledge Sharing in Organizations - Annotated Bibliography Example

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 The paper contains the annotated bibliography of articles about the  importance of knowledge sharing within the organizations such as "The impact of knowledge sharing on organizational learning and effectiveness" and "Knowledge sharing and firm innovation capability: an empirical study"…
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Knowledge Sharing in Organizations
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Knowledge Sharing in Organizations Annotated Bibliography The current annotated bibliography discusses five research studies which all contribute to understanding the importance of knowledge sharing within the organizations. The first study that is reviewed is that of Yang (2007) who provides empirical evidence for the positive relationship between knowledge sharing, organizational learning and organizational effectiveness. Lin (2007) – the second study discussed – proposes a framework for the enablers of knowledge sharing, the knowledge sharing process and their contribution to the innovative capacity of the organizations. The third research study reviewed in this paper is that of Perez-Araos et al. (2007), which builds upon a software based KM tool for practical implementation of knowledge sharing. The two remaining studies by Goh and Hooper (2009) and Parirokh et al. (2008) depart from the focus on the business organizations with regards to knowledge management and explore how knowledge sharing is processed in other environments. Goh and Hooper (2009) study the subject of knowledge sharing in ‘closed – information’ environments such as military forces (particularly the New Zealand Defence Force), while Parirokh et al. (2008) study the status of knowledge sharing practices in academic libraries. Title and reference of article Yang, J. (2007), ‘The impact of knowledge sharing on organizational learning and effectiveness’, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 83-90 Type of article Research Paper Aim/purpose of article The purpose of the research paper is to provide empirical evidence for the positive relationship between knowledge sharing as a practice and organizational effectiveness. The author claims that the research undertaken in the particular field is non substantial, and for this reason the study contributes to understanding how knowledge sharing contributes to organizational learning and how both knowledge sharing and organizational learning contribute to organizational effectiveness sample, location, method of data collection and analysis [methodology] Method: The researcher’s objective was to test the two hypotheses set: a. knowledge sharing leads to organizational learning b. knowledge sharing and organizational learning improve organizational effectiveness The research strategy used was survey through structured questionnaires. Sample: The sample consisted of 1200 hotel employees. With a response rate of 41.6% eventually the usable responses were narrowed to 499. Location: The participants were all drawn from nine hotel establishments in Taiwan Analysis: Descriptive statistics were used in order to generate the profile of the respondents and Regression analysis was used in order to test the two hypotheses in terms of the three variables (dependent: organizational effectiveness and independent: knowledge sharing and organizational learning) Findings Firstly, the findings with regards to the relationship between knowledge sharing and organizational learning suggest that: knowledge sharing is positively linked to organizational learning but this relationship should be mediated by proper collection and integration of the ‘knowledge’ in order to be meaningful to the organizational learning. Knowledge sharing proceeds with the interpretation of knowledge; only when this is integrated into the organizational systems can lead to effective organizational learning. In simple words, the integration of knowledge after ‘sharing’ contributes to the minimization of knowledge depreciation. Secondly, the findings with regards to the relationship between knowledge sharing and organizational learning on the one hand and organizational effectiveness on the other hand, suggest that: the two independent variables are significantly and positively linked to the dependent variable (organizational effectiveness). Through knowledge sharing and organizational learning, firms become more responsive and flexible to the environment and increase their competitiveness. Significance of article in relation to: other articles, your topic OR prior research The significance of this research study lies in the premise that although the relationships might appear to be explicit, the absence of previous research on the practical interactivity between the three variables (dependent: organizational effectiveness and independent: knowledge sharing and organizational learning), makes the specific study an important source of understanding and realizing the critical role of knowledge sharing and organizational learning in the competitiveness of firms. In addition to that the study reveals that knowledge sharing should be accompanied by the organizational ability to integrate and ‘store’ the knowledge created in order to transform this into organizational learning. Limitations of article, e.g. location, industry, focus The study was implemented in Taiwan and to this respect the findings’ generalisability (the ability to apply to the results to the entire population; what is found to be true for the sample is also true for the population) is not well established. Strength/s of article The research study provides understanding of the relationship between the variables and contributes to the realization that knowledge created from sharing needs to be integrated and ‘incorporated’ in order to yield positive results for organizational learning. Weakness/es of article The research study does not provide practical evidence on the relationships between the three variables. Theoretical findings are presented but there is no reference to practical applications of the findings. Additionally, the researcher does not thoroughly explain the development of the questionnaire (there is no questionnaire in the appendix) and the reader cannot fully understand the measurements. Title and reference of article Lin, H.F. (2007), ‘Knowledge sharing and firm innovation capability: an empirical study’, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 28, No. 3/4, pp. 315-332 Type of article Research Paper Aim/purpose of article The purpose of the research study is to explore the relationship between the enablers of knowledge sharing, the knowledge sharing process and the organizational capacity to innovate. In more details, the researcher seeks to propose a model for understanding how the enablers of knowledge sharing (individual, organizational and technological enablers) contribute to the process of knowledge sharing (donating and collecting knowledge) and ultimately how both these contribute to the innovative capacity of organizations. The aim of the study is to provide recommendations and suggestions to organizational management with regards to the factors that influence all three areas. sample, location, method of data collection and analysis [methodology] Method: The researcher has set seven hypotheses which explore the relations between knowledge sharing enablers and knowledge sharing process, and between knowledge sharing process and innovation capacity. The study uses the survey strategy to collect information that either verify or reject the hypothesis. Through the use of structured questionnaires which feature Likert scale answers, the researcher eventually gathers the data for addressing the hypotheses. Sample: The sample consists of 172 respondents from 50 different organizations in Taiwan. Initially the questionnaires were sent to 500 participants but only 172 responded. Location: All fifty organizations were located in Taiwan Analysis: The analysis of the data was implemented through Structural Equation Modelling in order to test each of the seven hypotheses that were set. The measures for each of the hypotheses were individually explored. Findings The most important findings from the research study are: a. Individual factors such as knowledge efficacy and enjoyment in helping others have a positive effect on the individuals’ engagement to donating and collecting knowledge (knowledge sharing process) b. Top management support has a positive effect in the donation and collection of knowledge c. Reward is not strongly related to donation and collection of knowledge. It is only a temporary incentive for knowledge sharing but not an enabler of knowledge sharing d. ICT technologies are enablers of collection of knowledge but are not facilitators of donation of knowledge e. Knowledge sharing process (both donation and collection of knowledge) contribute to the organizational innovation capacity Significance of article in relation to: other articles, your topic OR prior research The significance of the particular research study lies in the fact that it reveals that individual factors are very critical for the willingness of the people to both donate and collect knowledge. In addition to that it reveals that reward (which has been highly credited by other studies as an enabler of knowledge sharing) is not directly contributing to knowledge sharing. Finally, it reveals that ICTs facilitate collection but not donation of knowledge. All these findings are very important for organizational management as they suggest practical approach to managing knowledge – sharing organizational cultures. Limitations of article, e.g. location, industry, focus The basic limitation of the study is that it focuses on a limited number of enablers (individual, organizational and technological) from a pool of many theoretical approaches to the enablers. This eventually has limitations on the holistic approach to the knowledge transfer as the research study neglects many other enablers which are proposed in other studies. Another limitation is that the study focuses on Taiwanese companies and this may be subject to specific cultural structures which do not apply to all business environments. Finally, although the study explores individual factors as enablers it neglects the personality characteristics, which are suggested by many researchers as important enablers of knowledge sharing. Strength/s of article The strength of the research study is that it is very well structured and easily understood by the reader. Also the study contributes to further understanding of how management can create and develop knowledge –sharing enhancing organizational culture. Weakness/es of article The weakness of the article is that it focuses on a narrowed perspective of the knowledge sharing enablers. Title and reference of article Perez-Araos, A., Barber, K.D., Munive-Hernandez, E. and Eldridge, S. (2007), ‘Designing a knowledge management tool to support knowledge sharing networks’, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 153-168 Type of article Research Paper Aim/purpose of article The purpose of the research paper is to develop and present a Knowledge Management software tool that can be effectively used by SMEs within the framework of Knowledge Sharing Networks (KSNs). The authors state that IT based KM tools are inefficient for SMEs (due to the high costs), while KM tools at the same time are reported to be extremely useful to SMEs. These two combined facts have led the researchers to develop a software based KM tool to facilitate knowledge sharing amongst organizations especially in the area of Managerial Excellence best practices. In simple words, SMEs lack the necessary capital to invest to sophisticated IT based KM tools, at the same time SMEs are found to be positively influenced by KSNs and this the tool proposed by the researchers comes to fill this gap. sample, location, method of data collection and analysis [methodology] Method: The researchers’ objective was to identify the areas of Managerial Excellence (ME) that SMEs have no access to knowledge. Through studying manufacturing SMEs, the study concluded that the majority of the participating firms although were aware of Best practices in ME, lacked practical understanding and practical knowledge on these best practices. Therefore the ultimate objective was to create a KM tool that would facilitate knowledge sharing amongst SMEs in order to enhance learning, information sharing on areas of improvement. Sample: The sample consisted of 24 manufacturing organizations based in UK. Instrument: Internet based Questionnaire Analysis: Statistics were used in order to identify first the number of SMEs which lacked practical knowledge on ME best practices and second the areas of ME best practices that were the most important in improvement projects. Findings The findings need to be divided into two categories: The first category involves the findings from the survey while the second category involves the outcome of the development of the software based KM tool. Findings from the Survey: a. SMEs lack knowledge on ME best practices and need KSNs in order to improve competitiveness b. The most important barrier to the ME practices implementation is the lack of knowledge sharing Findings from the development of the tool: a. The software based KM tool has been piloted and has been validated b. The tool can increase knowledge sharing and can transform tacit knowledge to explicit and vice versa Significance of article in relation to: other articles, your topic OR prior research The significance of this research study is that if practically develops and proposes a specific KM tool that can be used by manufacturing (and not only) SMEs especially in the area of improvement of projects. The reader gets a ‘practical’ view of the KM tool and the processes by which the organizations can engage into the KSNs as well as the procedures of learning and knowledge sharing. Limitations of article, e.g. location, industry, focus The limitations of this study stem from two issues: the first one is that the study involves manufacturing SMEs and thus it is focused on this industry only (however the authors suggest that possible benefits of the tool can be leveraged potentially in other industries as well). The second one is that the study is based on UK firms only and thus the issue of generalisability is not established. Strength/s of article The fundamental strength of the study is that the authors present a detailed analysis of the software KM tool as well as detailed analysis on the processes of knowledge sharing and learning so that the reader easily and fully understands it. Weakness/es of article The only weakness found in this research study is that it does not provide any details for the survey on the UK firms. However, it should be stressed that the objective was not to present the findings but to develop a KM tool on the basis of the findings. Title and reference of article Goh, C.H.T. and Hooper, V. (2009), ‘Knowledge and information sharing in a closed information environment’, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 21 – 34 Type of article Research Paper Aim/purpose of article The purpose of the research study is to generate evidence on the status of knowledge sharing and the barriers to sharing in organizations which are underpinned by a closed – information environment. The focus is being placed on the New Zealand Defence Force as an indicative case of a closed –information environment. The authors aim at providing a framework for understanding how such closed – information environments facilitate or inhibit knowledge sharing and identifying the main barriers. On the basis of this identification, the authors seek to propose suggestions and recommendations. sample, location, method of data collection and analysis [methodology] Method: The authors use the quantitative approach to researching the subject. Through survey, the researchers have developed a questionnaire which comprised both open – ended questions and closed -ended questions. All questions were drawn from the review of literature and addressed three main areas: current practices and policies, information communication technology and current level of knowledge sharing and organizational culture Sample: The sample consisted of 70 participants from different departments of the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF). Initially 97 participants were approached but only 70 responses were usable. Analysis: The analysis used by the authors in order to present the results is that of descriptive statistics in the case of the closed ended questions, and decoding and grouping in terms of the open ended questions. Findings The most important findings of the research study suggest that the main barriers to effective knowledge and information sharing in a closed – information environment (in the case of NZDF) are: lack of training for proper knowledge sharing, overly emphasized need for security (which refrains organizational members from engaging into knowledge sharing), lack of promotion of the policies regarding knowledge sharing (although policies existed there was inefficient promotion of these policies), lack of a culture which emphasizes and facilitates knowledge sharing, absence of rewards and finally lack of top management support. Significance of article in relation to: other articles, your topic OR prior research The significance of this article lies in the fact that the vast majority of research undertaken in the field of knowledge management focuses on business organizational frameworks. This study seeks to provide evidence on a different organizational environment which is underpinned by increased need for security and which is highlighted by the ‘closed –information’ characteristic. The closed –information environment can also be found in the business world and therefore this study has made some very important recommendations and suggestions in overcoming knowledge sharing barriers. Limitations of article, e.g. location, industry, focus The basic limitation of the research study is the issue of generalisability. The NZDF is an organizational environment is a distinctive case for studying knowledge sharing but the findings are far from applying to the ‘normal business world’. Another limitation of the study is that in terms of the suggestions for removal of the barriers to knowledge sharing, the authors have based their arguments on the actual recommendations of the participants. But the participants are based on their perception and not on the objective interpretation of the current status of the knowledge sharing culture and environment in the NZDF. Strength/s of article The authors present the findings from the research in a detailed manner and analyse the responses on point by point. Weakness/es of article The authors do not identify particular limitations of their study and appear to believe that what was found in the NZDF holds true for business organizations in closed-information environment as well. Title and reference of article Parirokh, M., Daneshgar, F. and Fattahi, R. (2008), ‘Identifying knowledge-sharing requirements in academic libraries’, Library Review, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 107 - 122 Type of article Research Paper Aim/purpose of article The research study aims at identifying knowledge sharing practices currently used in academic libraries in order to assess the requirements of librarians for knowledge sharing and the knowledge management processes that need to be in place so that knowledge sharing can become effective. sample, location, method of data collection and analysis [methodology] Method: The particular study undertakes three stages in its methodological approach of the research problem. At the first stage the authors use the existing model to conceptualize an adapted model for the References and Information Services processes. This was implemented through the use of a focus group. At the second stage the authors again through focus groups developed the particular questionnaire that would be addressed to the participants. At the third stage the questionnaire was addressed to academic librarians. Sample: The sample consisted of 30 participants (academic librarians) from different American Universities. The participants fulfilled an electronic questionnaire which was published on the RUSA Electronic Discussion Group Analysis: The analysis is based on statistical description of the responses of the librarians. Findings The findings of the research study undertaken by the authors point to the following results: a. academic librarians place emphasis on the knowledge sharing as an important source of acquiring information and fulfilling library tasks b. librarians use predominantly informal processes (such as face to face interaction) in acquiring information about the users’ needs c. in the majority of the libraries reviewed there was absence of institutionalized knowledge – management and knowledge sharing processes d. although information technologies were in place, the majority of librarians continue to use face to face communication (which jeopardizes validation and credibility of information and minimizes the prospects for sharing knowledge) e. knowledge sharing amongst librarians is highly dependent on the personal characteristics and personal interests of the librarians themselves Significance of article in relation to: other articles, your topic OR prior research The research study does not only limit to the interpretation of the research findings but goes into detailed recommendations for improvement of the knowledge sharing process amongst academic librarians. Another issue is that this study focuses on knowledge sharing in a purely ‘information related’ environment. Limitations of article, e.g. location, industry, focus The study focuses only on the Reference Information Service process and neglects all other knowledge –sharing potential tasks that are implemented within libraries. Strength/s of article The study is well presented and the authors engage into detailed discussion of recommendations for the knowledge management processes that can improve knowledge sharing in libraries. Weakness/es of article The authors engage into an extensive discussion of the model used in order to identify the requirements of librarians. But this was not the purpose of the study. Conclusions Knowledge sharing is a highly researched subject within the literature of knowledge management. The above annotated bibliography has presented five different studies which all have one thing in common; the recognition that knowledge sharing is central to the organizational effectiveness. Knowledge sharing is a critical factor that contributes to the effectiveness of the organizations and their innovative capacity. Both Lin (2007) and Yang (2007) agree knowledge sharing improves flexibility, adaptability and reflectivity of organizations. Yang (2007) proposes that knowledge sharing contributes to organizational effectiveness and in similar manner Lin (2007) proposes that knowledge sharing contributes to the innovativeness of organizations. Additionally Goh and Hooper (2009) and Parirokh et al. (2008) prove that knowledge sharing is essential even in non- business related organizations (military forces and academic libraries respectively). A very interesting issue that is raided by both Lin (2007) and Parirokh et al. (2008) is that knowledge sharing is very much pertinent to the individual factors that enable the sharing process. Lin (2007) has found that efficacy and enjoyment in helping others facilitate knowledge sharing and Parikokh et al. (2008) have also found that personal interest and the characteristics of the individuals’ personalities are enablers of knowledge sharing. These are compatible with the findings of Bock and Young-Gul (2002), who found that the most important factors that motivate knowledge sharing amongst people are the individual factors. Sodergaard et al. (2007) also contribute to the findings which support the important influence of the individual factors by committing in a case study focusing on an organizational setting and exploring the particular motivations of individuals with regards to knowledge sharing. However, organizational factors (such as culture, KM processes, management support) are also important and this issue is stressed by Goh and Hooper (2009), Lin (2007) and Parirokh et al. (2008). Similarly, Christensen (2007) argues that the organizational culture and all the interactivities and processes within the firm are important indicators of effective knowledge sharing. Finally, another very critical finding which is addressed by Perez-Araos et al. (2007) is the contribution of technology and ICTs in knowledge sharing. This view is also shared by Lin (2007) who also found that the technological factors are critical in the effectiveness of knowledge sharing. Sohail and Daud (2009) agree to that respect and conclude that technologies can improve the interaction and communication between individuals and can facilitate the knowledge sharing process. References Bock, G.W. and Young-Gul, K. (2002), ‘Breaking the myths of rewards: An exploratory study of attitudes about knowledge sharing’, Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 14-21 Christensen, P.H. (2007), ‘Knowledge sharing: moving away from the obsession with best practices’, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 36-47 Goh, C.H.T. and Hooper, V. (2009), ‘Knowledge and information sharing in a closed information environment’, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 21 – 34 Lin, H.F. (2007), ‘Knowledge sharing and firm innovation capability: an empirical study’, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 28, No. 3/4, pp. 315-332 Parirokh, M., Daneshgar, F. and Fattahi, R. (2008), ‘Identifying knowledge-sharing requirements in academic libraries’, Library Review, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 107 – 122 Perez-Araos, A., Barber, K.D., Munive-Hernandez, E. and Eldridge, S. (2007), ‘Designing a knowledge management tool to support knowledge sharing networks’, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 153-168 Sohail, M.S. and Daud, S. (2009), ‘Knowledge sharing in higher education institutions: Perspectives from Malaysia’, VINE: The journal of information and knowledge management systems, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 125-142 Sondergaard, S., Kerr, M. and Clegg, C. (2007), ‘Sharing knowledge: contextualising socio-technical thinking and practice’, The Learning Organization, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 423-435 Yang, J. (2007), ‘The impact of knowledge sharing on organizational learning and effectiveness’, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 83-90 Read More
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