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Advertising Manager in an Advertising Firm - Assignment Example

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This research paper “Advertising Manager in an Advertising Firm” shall provide a background and a discussion on the responsibilities of the chosen career, which is Advertising Manager in an Advertising firm. A managerial job in the field of advertising entails a bachelor’s degree and sufficient training…
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Advertising Manager in an Advertising Firm
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  Advertising Manager in an Advertising Firm EXECUTIVE SUMMARY   This research paper shall provide a background and a discussion on the responsibilities of the chosen career, which is Advertising Manager in an Advertising firm. Basing from the research made, a managerial job in the field of advertising entails a bachelor’s degree and sufficient training to succeed in the industry. There must also be some amount of passion for the craft to continuously be competitive in this career path. The job may be considered rewarding due to the compensation it promises to bring. Although, the job pays a little less than managerial jobs for sales and marketing, advertising, on its own, has perks and rewarding challenges to offer.   As such, for someone to succeed in this craft, one must possess the right attitude, skills and experience. On a personal note, I have discovered that I have what it takes to follow this career path due to my personal passion and the experiences I have o far gathered as a marketing student.   With all these, I am satisfied with the outcome of my research and conclude that I have chosen the right career path for me, and with focus and determination, I can achieve my goals about 5 years from now.    PROBLEM This report describes research concerning a career as Advertising Manager in the advertising industry. The research shall focus on the required credentials to attain this position, the basic responsibilities of an Advertising Manager and the areas of expertise which the person needs to improve on to be able to move further to the next position in the same industry. SCOPE The research for this report was limited due to the following factors: 1. Time constraints – As it only took me a few days to accomplish this paper, I had limited time to conduct further research and perhaps talk to people holding the same position in other different industries. 2. Reference concerns – I was only able to gather information from three sources from three different industries (advertising, telecommunications and food). Although this may be sufficient as points of comparison, it would have been more helpful to get perspectives from other diverse groups. MY START I have always been interested in Advertising. As a child, I have always watched TV advertisements with utmost interest. These ads influenced me when I was younger, in a sense that those that are appealing to me affected my choices in products. Of course, as a child, things like this happen subconsciously. But years later, I learned that advertisements must have a sense of recall to be able to capture the target audience. Once the viewers get hooked, then it is most likely that the product being advertised would sell as well. Moving on, I took Marketing as my major because I thought I wanted to learn more about handling and running a business. Marketing is one vital discipline in Business Administration and it encompasses a lot of areas in business management so it seemed fitting for me to take this course. More so, I thought Marketing would allow me to strike a balance between my interest in the arts and in business. This is because of other fields to learn in Public Relations and of course, Advertising, in which both visual and linguistic skills would be maximized. Having spent three years in college, taking up Marketing, I got further immersed in the processes involved in advertising. I thought it was a good decision to trudge this career path because the course and subjects have consistently kept my interest and each time a new concept is introduced, I felt pretty sure that I really wanted to learn more and eventually be called an expert on the field. I also believe that I could excel in the advertising field due to my personal passion for the job. I am inclined to communicate in an artistic way, and I guess, I could utilize this to further pursue the career that I am inclined to do. Lastly, with my interviews with different people from the same field of expertise, I was able to learn so much about the field that further encouraged me to continue pursuing my degree. I discovered that even though at some point, these persons admitted to the disadvantages to the job, there are a lot of things that are positive which I am looking forward to learn and experience when it’s my time to go on board in the field of advertising. BACKGROUND Advertising is a mode of communication aimed at promoting to target clients particular products and services for it to gain more popularity and consequently sell. Every business needs advertising to be successful. A good advertising strategy propels a business and a brand to success. Without this form of communication, the market would not be able to know that certain are products are being sold and are available in the market. Advertising is crucial in the success of a business because it basically sells a brand. Before actual sales people knock at your doorsteps or make available in the stores these products, they announce first the existence of these goods or offerings. Because even if these items are already out there being sold, if people do not have information regarding their availability, chances are the products will not sell. Advertising introduces to the people the desired product positioning and the good qualities that the said items possess to make it marketable. It describes to people in a very precise manner the good qualities and the advantages that these products offer. It influences people to do actual purchase. Advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of products and services through creating and reinforcing brand image and brand loyalty. The channels being used are television, radio and print materials such as newspapers, magazines and newsletters. Other forms include merchandising materials and the Internet. These materials are both factual and persuasive. METHODOLOGY To complete this research, the writer searched for facts and figures from various Internet sources and conducted interviews with people who have careers in Advertising in diverse industries. The websites found contained descriptive discussion regarding the career preferred and also provided factual details on the requirements on how to trudge this particular career path. Interviewees, on the other hands, have ample experience on the subject matter to provide insights and share their knowledge to the researcher. Experiences are first-hand and are very useful to this paper. The interviewees were able to convince the researcher on the privileges and advantages of mastering this field of study. FINDINGS Overview Marketing is a broad discipline that touches various aspects in business administration and management. The Marketing course entails the student to learn and be immersed in numerous fields, which include advertising, basic accounting, and marketing management. With marketing management, students must undergo training on developing Marketing Plans, doing Market Research, analyzing quantitative marketing surveys and producing brand and product ideas that suit the brand. With these fields of expertise, marketing graduates may choose from among the following fields: Advertising and Public Relations, Market Research, Non-profit Business Management, Product Management and Retailing (Careers in Marketing 2008). As these fields are intertwined, some corporate departments perform more than one of these fields at the same time. To be able to come up with a Marketing Communications and Advertising Plan, a Market Research is needed. Product Management and actual product selling go hand in hand to be able achieve each of their objectives. These disciplines are interrelated and it is important that a person desiring to master the Marketing field learn the basics of each aspect. Duties and Responsibilities An Advertising Manager holds crucial responsibilities in an organization. As discussed in, an Advertising Manager in the one who develops, implements, and manages a company’s advertising strategy, both from a business, sales and technical point of view. He is responsible to initiate and manage discussion and sales with sponsors and agencies ( Marketing 2008). The US Department of Labor further describes the job as highly coveted, thus keen competition is expected. Advertising Managers supervise advertising and promotions group members. In small organizations, Advertising Managers usually are liaisons between the firm and the advertising and promotion agency to which many advertising and promotional functions are sourced out. In larger groups, the advertising head usually holds a higher rank and manages directions for overall advertising, marketing, promotions, sales and public relations policies (Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, Public Relations and Sales Managers 2008). Companies hire Advertising Managers basically to publicize their goods or services. They usually work close with Marketing Heads to identify their company’s target market, to list down goals and set budgets for advertising campaigns. The key result area of an Advertising Manager is to come up with the most effective means of informing customers about the company’s products and services. It is usually a repetitive process which the Advertising Manager tackles every advertising season. For an existing product or service, the Brand or Product Management Team usually comes up with new innovations that aim to enhance the item’s market image and value. Once the directions are firmed up, the job of the Advertising Manager is to plot a plan to introduce this development to the market. He then conducts researches on the best and effective channels to introduce and advertise this new product. After which, he recommends the media channels (is it via television, radio or print?), the merchandising materials (is it via billboards, leaflets, banners and streamers?) and most importantly develops the content and message, in coordination with an outsourced ad agency or an in-house creative team. Plotting the Advertising Plan entails the manager to determine the costs each advertising vehicle will require. This is crucial to the project because it is highly important the person responsible will be able to budget well to avoid over sending or under budgeting. Each cent spent also has a corresponding accountability towards company sales, and it is always important to conduct a profit and loss analysis for every project to prevent causing a large dent in the company’s advertising and promotions and budget. One of the biggest challenges in this work cycle is how to effectively present the concept to approving officers or clients. The advertising team usually works long hours planning out for this purpose, creating mock ups of the actual advertisements, to the point of producing sample TV and radio advertisements. And it is not enough for the creative team to be able to present just one concept. There should be alternatives and choices in the creative materials for the audience to appreciate and comment on. During the presentation process, it is the Advertising Manager who usually defends the concepts and proposed materials. The next crucial step is the implementation process, in which the roll out of the materials must adhere closely to the approved plans. Attention is given to every diminutive detail. Even the color and layout of the merchandising materials must be given careful consideration as this contributes much to the overall success of the project. To close the advertising cycle, further studies must be initiated to determine the level of success of the project. This is also important because the best parts must be retained and used in further projects, while the non-effective ones must be further developed to gain better performance in the next advertising campaigns. Each aspect of the cycle proves to be interesting because it would require person holding the position to be both creative and logical in his decisions. For the planning part, much analysis is needed to be able to determine the right media channels to be used. To do this, the person must be highly analytical, observant and critical of the people’s feedbacks on the various advertising channels. This idea appeals to me, being a media person who spends much time tuned in to the television, radio and magazines. The job speaks of my basic interests and to toss in some analysis and studies would be very easy because I like what I am handling. My creativity would be challenged further due to the fact that I would be working with a creative team in coming up with designs and concepts fit for the product that I am tasked to promote. This means I have to learn to effectively communicate, not only in words, but also in visuals, the product positioning that I wish to share to the target audience. The job is highly appealing to me because it will take me very minimal effort to accomplish the tasks listed above. As previously mentioned, my interest level is very high and in my opinion, this personal trait, along with my degree and my plans, would equip me to take on the job in the future. Salary and Benefits As featured in, the average annual salary of an Advertising Manager from the US is pegged at $ 74,046. According to this page, half of the people on this job earn between $ 63,395 and $ 86,538 (Job Valuation Report 2008). This converts to approximately $ 6,250 per month. This figure may be considered competitive compared to annual wages of same-level positions in other fields, although admittedly, it falls the lowest compared to sales management and marketing position who averages at $ 94,760 and $ 79,350 respectively. For the additional compensation, an Advertising Manager receives an average of $ 3,208 worth of bonuses, healthcare worth $ 5,328 and time off worth $ 10,080 (Salary Wizard 2008). Advertising Managers vary in benefits and bonuses depending on the industry and the company. In-house Advertising Managers usually just receive their basic salary and outlined additional compensation since they work solely for the products and services of the company they are employed with. Since they are the ones who manage the advertising demands of their own company, they receive competitive salary to prevent them from being pirated or from transferring, most especially if they have proven track record in this field. Advertising Managers or Account Managers who work for an agency, on the other hand, usually receives commissions and additional bonuses for every project handled. These employees handle more than two accounts at the same time and provide service to companies who outsource their advertising needs.  Education and Experience To be an Advertising Manager, one has to be a degree holder of any business-related course, preferably in Advertising, Marketing or Mass Communications. These courses give a student the necessary knowledge and provide the concepts needed for the job. An Advertising Manager usually has two to four years experience in the same field to be considered effective for the job. This experience, meanwhile, firms up the person’s classroom knowledge and gives him a real life idea of what it is like in the industry and in the market. Most entry-level positions in advertising start in the high teens or lower 20s. During this period, the person gathers all necessary experience to be considered proficient in the craft. An Advertising Manager is usually highly personable, with superior interpersonal skills as he would be required to be constantly interfacing with various management levels and perhaps, ad agencies. He must also be highly creative, with great interest in the mass media and the arts. Of course, he must have above average oral and writing skills and must be able to communicate ideas effectively. Moreover, since the position would require the person to manage a team, he must have had experience in such, with the ability to make a diverse team of highly creative people deliver results for the company. Organizational Structure The Advertising Manager usually reports to an Assistant Vice President or Vice President for Marketing. The Manager interfaces with same-level managers handling product management and marketing research. Under the Advertising Manager are direct reports handling creative designs, coordinators, copywriters and advertising specialists handling documentation and liaison with internal parties and outsourced groups such as agencies and suppliers.  Advantages and Disadvantages  Advertising Managers are required to be creative and updated on the trends both in Marketing and Advertising. This may be one of the positions that require dynamism and constant innovation for the company to be able to compete in the industry, which they belong to. According to one interviewee, the biggest challenge is not to run out of new ideas. It’s easy to burn out in this industry, that’s why it is necessary for an Advertising Manager to continue to research, study and be immersed in society. For individuals who really love the challenge and are up to the task, the advertising industry provides endless possibilities as far as the career is concerned. Moreover, an Advertising Manager must be able to bear the stress of handling revision requests, harsh comments and dissatisfied clients. Advertising Managers’ salaries are competitive, but relatively lower than Marketing Managers and Sales Managers. An in-house Advertising Manager doesn’t usually receive commissions the way Advertising Manager or Account Manager for an Advertising Agency does. However, both industries provide this position with good connections and plenty of opportunities to switch agencies or industries in the future. The career called advertising would never go stale. This will always be a basic requirement of any company to be able to market its products and services. Advertising agencies will always have clients no matter what state of economy there is. As long as consumerism and commercialism is present, which is virtually forever, advertising will always be in demand and will play a role in the society. Those who have a degree in advertising or those who want to pursue this career will always have options in this field. Despite the drawbacks presented compared to careers of similar nature, the Advertising Manager’s advantage is that the position promises creative growth and at the same time, enhances an individual’s business sense. In the process of creating an advertising plan, the Advertising Manager enhances his various skills doing Market Research and Surveys, analyzing consumer habits, conceptualizing media strategy and contents and implementing the whole plan to achieve corporate objectives. The idea of being able to do all these prompts me even more to trudge this career path. RECOMMENDATIONS This particular career entails preparations from the individual who wishes to achieve this feat. As stated above, a degree majoring in similar fields is necessary, and for someone to really be competitive, he must have had above-average grades in college. For an individual to be able to prepare for a career in advertising and reach the Advertising Manager status, he should be able to achieve the following in the next five years: Complete his bachelor’s degree and gain above-average grades. Take advantage of the college internship program. This would give the individual a real-life experience in advertising, and have something to add up to his resume/ portfolio once he begins looking for a real job. Gain start-up experience in any company as Advertising Assistant or Specialist, to gain the necessary know-how in the processes involved Learn the trends in both Marketing and Advertising by attending related forums and seminars that would equip him with the necessary skills to conceptualize for marketing communications or advertising plan. Be market and product-savvy to be able to communicate well the desired perception to the target market Develop patience, perseverance and the love for the industry. The Advertising Manager position is an attractive career for people who are fascinated in the mass media and at the same time, want to be business-oriented. Advertising is a marriage of both disciplines, in which the individual must be both “left-brained” and “right-brained” to deliver well. Knowledge in market and consumer habits enables the Advertising Manager to come up with the most effective campaigns. Effective Advertising Campaigns result in the desired results for the company. Basing from the facts listed above, the following steps would help an individual to have a career in advertising: Do on-the-job trainings or internship – the experience will definitely be a plus. Apply for an entry-level position – this will jumpstart your career in a particular company Do freelance jobs – the experience will enhance your portfolio Do your own versions of a commercial ad – again, this will add up to your portfolio Establish contacts with the media and ad industry along the way. This would provide more opportunities for you in the future. CONCLUSION This report has described the preparations and realities of becoming an Advertising Manager in the Advertising Industry.  This research also compared this job to other similar jobs to highlight the pros and cons to the reader. Please contact me if you have any questions.   REFERENCES   Careers in Marketing. April 3, 2008. Available from Advertising Manager. April 3, 2008. Available from Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, Public Relations and Sales Managers. US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. April 3, 2008. Available from Job Valuation Report. Salary.Com. April 3, 2008. Available from Salary Wizard. April 4, 2008. Available from Read More
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