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Leadership Discussion - Essay Example

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Through it, growth, adaptation, and change become evident. Haeccity streamlines every action to the set standards because leaders have the capacity to orchestrate plans for effective and maximum utilization of…
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Leadership Discussion
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Leadership Challenge Introduction Challenge the process holds unique credentials of any organization. Through it, growth, adaptation, and change become evident. Haeccity streamlines every action to the set standards because leaders have the capacity to orchestrate plans for effective and maximum utilization of resources. To prove commitment to the process, leaders must whole heartedly search for new opportunities and take risks. Andriopoulos & Lowe (2010) are of the opinion that innovation starts with challenging the process.

While fully aware that there are existing processes in an organization, a leader can challenge the process by first diagnosing all possible causes of a known process problem so that the same does not hinder success of new ones. Banks always use business analysts to help capture the current processes in the banks and what the external environment feels about them. With such audits, it is pretty easy to make actionable conclusions on whether to make modifications on the existing process of coming up with a new one.

In challenging the process, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, a leader must understand the interrelations and integration that exist among all the data documents. This is critical in the challenging process because it provides tangible information on the patterns and the necessity for change. Success demands first hand involvement, and that is why most experts say, “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” Being involved is a sure roadmap to freedom because decisions are made depending on the situations, capabilities, expertise, and objectives.

However, as a leader, it is admirable if you empower employees to handle tasks under little or no supervision. To make it a success, however, leaders must be willing to help the subordinates in cases where procedures are complex or decision making is critical.Conclusion Being a leader requires a will more than being a manager. Challenging processes give room for creativity, detachment from the old fashion norms, and keeps the organization streamlined to the mission, vision, and goals. However, to make it a success, leaders must be involved in ensuring everything done is as per the requirements.

Direct interaction with subordinates, getting involved in the processes, and making tangible decisions is a sure way to overcome failure.ReferencesAndriopoulos, C., & Lowe, A. (2010). Enhancing Organizational Creativity: the Process of Perpetual Challenging. Management Decision, 38(10), 734-742.

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