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Development of Knowledge and Skills at Work - Essay Example

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The author of this essay "Development of Knowledge and Skills at Work" comments on the idea of learning through work. It is mentioned that learning is most effective when a student is provided with an opportunity to engage in real workplace activity…
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Development of Knowledge and Skills at Work
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Learning Through Work s Learning through work has been found to very crucial to the development of a person. Learning is most effective when a student is provided with an opportunity to engage in real workplace activity (McKillip, 2008, p.16). Learning through placement enables one to identify, develop, and record. Between February 2013 and 2014, I did a one year full time placement at Chisou Nights Bridge which is a Japanese restaurant. During my placement what I did there was being a head waitress, answering phone calls, and greeting customers, as well as working in the kitchen as a pass managing the food orders. Besides that, during my placement at Chisou Nights Bridge I also worked at the bar when the bartender was off; the restaurant was short of bar staff. I was able to observe and perform various things that were happening at the restaurant giving me practical experience. Chisou Nights Bridge offers authentic Japanese cuisine. Some of the foods served at the restaurant include Ankimo Ponzu, avocado and sashimi salad, seafood marinated in traditional Japanese vinaigrette, chicken teriyaki, beef teriyaki, blue fin fatty tuna, age gyoza, ebi tempura, egg custard, spicy miso and topped with a raw quails, flying fish roe, butter fish, braised eel, blue fin fattest tuna, and cold fresh tofu served with ginger, among others (Chisou, 2015). Reflection on experience Eraut (2006, p.54) affirms that work placements offer contexts that are different for learning than those provided within colleges and universities. People learn in various ways. At the workplaces learning is informal and occurs as a by-product of engaging in work processes as well as activities. Proceeding further, Eraut et al. (2010, p.45) assert that work experience assists you to clarify the type of work that best suits you, provide you with new knowledge and skills, boost your resume, enhance your confidence, provide you with experience which you can refer to in a job interview, increase the number of people who can assist you secure a bob in the future, and may also lead to an employment offer at the end of the work experience placement. One fine afternoon while doing my duty as the head waitress, I headed to the kitchen so as to manage the food orders since lunch time was rush hour. Four gentlemen and one lady all of Japanese origin entered the hotel and ordered their foods. Since it was lunch time, I figured out that all of them would order for sushi. One of them ordered for boiled spinach rolls that were seasoned with light soy sauce sprinkled with bonito flakes. The other two gentlemen ordered for deep fried soft shell crab to be served with an authentic ponzu dip. Lastly, the lady ordered for delicately salted boiled green soy beans. It did not write down their orders since I trusted my memory. I quickly informed Chey Ryota Tsuji who is the head chef at Chisou Nights Bridge restaurant. He responded with a smile that everything will be okay in a short while. However, I did not know the customers were contractors repairing the sewerage system for a local high school and they had just come for a quick lunch. I also did not inform them that the food they had ordered will take time to be ready. They kept asking why the food was taking long to be prepared and I kept assuring them that it was coming. They started to demand an audience with the hotel manager and that is when they lost their temper. They argued that they were starving and required urgent attention. Their shouting drew a great deal of attention from the other customers. I went and offered them some juice and talked them down. I explained to them informatively what it took for the meals to be prepared. After 10 minutes, my colleagues joined the conversation and called the hotel manager as requested by them. They stayed calm and asked the customers how they can be helped as they listened actively. They offered choices to the customers how the problem could be resolved. I did not inform the customers of the amount time that their meals would take so as to be ready. When they ordered for their foods, I only passed the information to the head chef besides knowing that what they had ordered would take time. I was stressed and upset with myself that I did not talk the customers that their food would take time and may be request a meal which is quickly prepared. I feel that I did a very good job calming them down. Even after the food was delivered, when the customers asked if the food was good it was self-defeating. My confidence levels had reduced. Learning from experience Verbal communication: I am supposed to communicate better and respond promptly. I did not inform the customers that their meals would take time. I would like to be better at comprehending as well as Problem solving: It came to my knowledge that I need to find solutions to any workplace problems. According to a view shared by Davenport, Sikka, and Beers (2010, p.54), an employee can be better at problem-solving if they have the ability to determine if a customer is not happy or unsatisfied and proceed to handle the situation before it escalates to unmanageable levels. I will improve in the manner in which I address difficult situations. Teamwork: I should work confidently within a group. Through teamwork, we were able to handle the situation to manageable levels since every person had different skills. Moss (2011, p.23) affirms that in teamwork personal prominence is subordinated to the efficiency of the whole. In a professional kitchen there are very many people who need to work collaboratively to attain their goals. I would encourage my fellow staff members to collaborate in everything we do at Chisou Nights Bridge restaurant. In future, this would also enhance problem solving skills, cohesion, effort, and mutual support (Larson & LaFasto, 2009, p.78). Time management: I was stressed because I did not have an idea of the amount of time the meals would take so as to be ready. I should have asked the head chef, Chey Ryota Tsuji of time to prepare the ordered meals. Ogbeide (2012) points out that the quicker ones finishes work, the more time he or she would have to do other activities. In this regard, I should have carried a notebook to record all the meals that were requested by the Japanese customers. To that effect, their time of preparation would have reduced, thus less arguments on delay. Planning and organization: Cathy and Powers (2007, p.32) note that planning and organization entails managing timelines along with prioritization. I would allocate and coordinate tasks both for myself and others to avoid delay. Self-management: Operating independently and taking responsibility for my actions, being aware of my own weaknesses and strengths, and have the ability to communicate with other in an effective way. Learning: Putting time and effort to learn new skills, for instance, negotiation skills. I also learnt to maintain a pleasant personality and smile are prerequisite in a chaotic and unorganized atmosphere. I was able to note that the customers were extremely fussy in relation to their perfectly-good food. I would like to improve my negotiation skills and ability to engage in and promote mutual learning. Decision-making: I am supposed to improve my decision-making skills, I did not establish that I was to record the customers’ requests. I need to focus more on improving the quality of my decisions to enable me make quality assessments. Flexibility: Moving from the reception to the head waitress means working in different environments. I had to adapt successfully to the changing situations. I need to be adaptable to various learning environments including on and off the job. Drive: Even when the customer were outraged, there was need to calm them down since they had raised a great of attention from the other customers. According to Rao (2009, p. 32), I would ensure that make things happen and constantly search for better ways of carrying out things. Stress tolerance and integrity: No matter how annoyed the customer the employee should always adhere to the code of practice and control his or her temper. In the same way, it came to my knowledge that I should always maintain effective performance under pressure as well as deceasing from inappropriate behavior. Action plan for future development Stress tolerance and integrity: Training is defined by Kaufman and Fenwick (2010, p.13) as a planned effort by an organization to facilitate the learning of job-related competencies by the employees. Training is conducted for better performance (Thomas, 2010, p.78), to enhance the employee’s skills (Winter & Jackson, 2011, p.21), allows the firm to gain competitive advantage, attract, motivate, and retain talented staff. I will attend training programs stress tolerance and integrity so as to improve customer service management. Verbal communication: I have talked to my supervisor and she agreed that she will train me in the manner in which to respond effectively to complaints as well as handle a request help from her if in case I experience any difficulties. Self-management: To act on feedback as well as address the gaps in knowledge and skills required at Chisou restaurant. As the head waitress, I need to have genuinely taken care of all aspects of my job, from welcoming the customers to when food is relayed on the table. Moreover, since I had duties in the kitchen, bar, and reception; I will be organized in a way that I am able to work cleanly and efficiently. Time management: In a restaurant, it considered to be very vital for the employees to work fast since most of the customers are usually impatient. Kidd, Hirsh, and Jackson (2011, p.32) notes that to manage time ones needs to prioritise tasks and also be able to work on deadlines. Planning and organisation: To anticipate such impatient customers in the future. Besides that, I must also plan activities and carry them through effectively. Decision-making: I would be creative in determining and developing options. In a restaurant kitchen, if one cannot finish the task at hand on time, it is good to say sorry and decide to ask for help. I also plan to continue with my hard work since I have been able to move form a waitress to the head waitress. This indicates that with my determination, purposefulness, optimism and flexibility I would be able to develop in the hotel industry. Combine tasks more effectively and make decisions under pressure. Achievements of smart objectives Gain experience in front office management. I was trained on front office management when I was placed to welcome customers and respond to phone calls. In any hotel, the front office department is considered as the nerve centre and the hub of the hotel operations (OFallon & Rutherfor, 2010, p.34). The front office personnel often have more contact with guests than staffs who are in the other departments (Walker, 2010, p.67). Furthermore, I was also trained on customer service management. Learn how to work collaboratively with others. In this regard, I not only strengthened improved my socialization skills, but also multitask under pressure. To be trained on new skills. I may require some training on dealing with difficult people. I was able to note that one requires situational understanding since most customers are different. The situation that I experienced at Chisou Nights Bridge requires a problem solving approach. I also need to learn the true meaning of respect. Communication is key is a workplace environment (Schon, 2011, p.3). I was also able to communicate effectively with members of staff and customers. The experience made realize that if a customer requests for something I need to know every element of its appearance together with composition To be given more responsibility in addition to being trusted at the hotel. However, I need to expand a range of situations where I can perform competently. This would enable me view situations holistically other than in terms of aspects. Finally, in a restaurant teamwork is very crucial. This is because there are numerous functions to be carried in the restaurant. I assist others either to do the task or a portion of the task Job Review I met with my supervisor and discussed my performance during the placement. I informed my supervisor that while working at Chisou Nights Bridge restaurant, I provided the right knowledge and skills that can be applied in the hospitality industry. In the coming year, I plan to finish up my studies and volunteer at the local restaurant so as to sharpen my skills and knowledge in the hospitality industry. Due to my hardworking attributes and determination in my placement, I was promoted and offered more responsibilities. This shows that employees are rewarded and recognized based on their efforts (Eraut, Alderton, Cole, & Senker, 2012, 121). Being recognized and promoted can be utilized as a retention strategy due to the fact they enhance the morale and productivity of the employee. I was treated as if had worked in the hotel industry for over a decade. When the restaurant was busy, I was called to help especially shifting duties from the head waitress to the kitchen to manage food orders. For Chisou Nights Bridge restaurant to improve its services to customers, it may provide each customer with a comment card, or inquiring from each customer with regard to their experience with the hotel on their past visits. The hotel has done well in offering differentiated products and services to its customers. Besides that, the internship programs at the firm reduces employee turnover. I am also a team player, determined, focused, open-minded, and proactive. I will encourage my team to work collaboratively to attain organizational goals. Restaurants can instill all the values of good management and respect as well as teamwork. (KINDLY INSERT YOUR CV AFTER THIS SECTION) References Bandura, A. (2009). Self-efficacy in Changing Societies, New York: Cambridge University Press. Cathy, H. C., & Powers, T. (2007). Marketing Hospitality, New York: John Wiley & Sons. Chisou. (2015). Chisou menu, Retrieved January 15, 2015, from Davenport, T., Sikka, J., & Beers, M. (2010). Improving knowledge work processes. Sloan Management Review, 3(1): 53-65. Eraut ,M, Alderton, J., Cole, G., & Senker, P. (2012). Development of Knowledge and Skills at Work, In F Coffield (Ed) Differing Visions of a Learning Society, Bristol: The Policy Press. Eraut, M. (2006). Developing Professional Knowledge and Competence, London: Falmer Press. Eraut ,M, Maillardet, F, Miller, C, Steadman, S,Ali, A., Blackman, C. & Furner, J. (2010). What Is Learned In The Workplace And How?: Typologies And Results From A Cross-Professional Longitudinal Study, EARLI Biannual Conference, Nicosia. Kaufman, R., & Fenwick W. (2010). Needs assessment: Concept and application, London: Prentice Hall. Kidd, J, M., Hirsh, W. & Jackson, C. (2011). “Straight Talking: The nature of effective career discussion at work,” Journal of Career Development, 30(4): 231-245 Larson, C., & LaFasto, F. (2009). Teamwork: What Must Go Right, What Can Go Wrong. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. Moss, D. H. (2011). Employability skills. London: Prentice Hall. McKillip, J. (2008). Needs Analysis: Tools for the human services and education, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. OFallon, M. J., & Rutherfor, D. G. (2010). Hotel Management and Operations. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Ogbeide, G. (2012). Employability skills and students self-percived. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Rao, M. S. (2009). Soft Skills: Enhancing Employability : Connecting Campus with Corporate. London: I. K. International Pvt Ltd. Schon, D. (2011). The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action, New York, Basic Books Thomas, K., W. (2010). Intrinsic motivation at work: Building energy and commitment, San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler. Walker, J. (2010). Introduction to Hospitality Management. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education. Winter, J. & Jackson, C. (2011). The Conversation Gap, Oxford: Career Innovation Group. Read More
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