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The Components of Human Subject - Essay Example

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This essay "The Components of Human Subject" focuses on the components of the human subject that are detailed by Foucault and have pivotal links with the theoretical perspectives of Foucault. The major components are the key determinants of an individual to increase the power of visibility. …
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The Components of Human Subject
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Managing Module Assignment Essay He who is ed to a field of visibility he inscribes in himself the power relation in which hesimultaneously plays both roles [the prisoner and the guard – M.I.]; he becomes the principle of his own subjection.” (Foucault, 1977: 202-203). Source: Foucault, M. (1977) Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Harmondsworth:Penguin. Consider and explain Foucault’s claim by focusing on managerial work and management power/roles. By: Nida f j Azhari In keeping with the changing purview of the present day business scenario, the roles of proper management along with resources within the workplace are deemed to be quite crucial. In every workplace, the proper use of power towards meeting the objectives is crucial. To have a better comprehension in this context, theories and understandings gained from the study of Michel Foucault would be vital to be taken into consideration. Foucault was a philosopher from French whose ideas and knowledge along with the statements were highly acclaimed. His work can be identified in the domain of power and knowledge, which has been widely practiced in the present day context. As per the study of the author, knowledge and power are identified to move hand-in-hand in an organisation. They are inseparable aspects to a greater extent. People who are levied with enormous power will also need to have proper grasp over knowledge in order to execute effective decision-making (Plunkett & et. al., 2012). Institutions holding enormous power will be able to create as well as normalise the society with the help of knowledge and truth (Clegg & Handy, 1999). In this context, the particular essay intends to focus on depicting the importance of power relations with regard to the statement made by Foucault (2007). The study focuses on obtaining required insight on subjectification, discourse and discipline through understanding gained from secondary studies. Literature will be explored to achieve the aim of the essay and to support Foucault theories.. According to Foucault (2007), power has least resemblance with ethics. Ethics is a moral philosophy, which is least practiced or adhered in the domain of power within businesses or any other sectors. Practices and power relationship are aligned with one another. Subsequently, the author noted that power could be seen in various domains of the society including decision making of the government, operations of business units in different parts of the world and in the political domain among others. Power is considered by Foucault (2007) to be both intelligible as well as acceptable (Izak, 2015). Power is regarded as the ability or the authority of any individual to influence people to work efficiently and meet the desired objectives and goals of the concern. It is also being stretched by Foucault (2007) that power of an individual often deceives the thought process and behavior of others. Power also influences dependence and behaviour of individuals owing to the power under which people are operating. Rulers in the past often tend to depict behaviours to control others and dominate them with the use of their power and grandeur. For example within the business domain, one with the power intends to guide other and their thought process towards a planned direction in order to accomplish the desired results. The philosopher holds the perception that power is directly or indirectly related to knowledge. Their power was often adjudged on the basis of the strength of their contemporaries (Basselink, 2008). Henceforth, the statement of Foucault described the role and the importance of the management in the present day scenario. The statement primarily depicted the importance of how managers take dual roles in business domain where they act as both prisoners as well as the guard. Foucault has extensively discussed the practice of power within the studies. It is evident that every individual has their own perception regarding power and the importance of visibility in the same. Visibility can be considered relevant to transparency in the domain of power relations (Izak, 2015). Leaders who have the power to create and implement any particular rule should also have the courage to follow the same. Foucault study depicted that there are considerable thinking involved in the work processes of people including the leaders. Correspondingly, ensuring visibility in the approaches and norms developed by leaders will certainly lead to better execution of power towards meeting the goals and the objectives of a business. The philosopher clearly identified that power is directly dependent on the aspect of visibility. The relationship amid the two is mostly dialectical, which makes both the components aligned to one another. Visibility depicts proper practices of power by people. It also ensures the accomplishment of the tasks in hand in the most efficient manner altogether. The impact of power on visibility can also be ascertained from the fact that power mostly influence individual to depict a strict or autocratic approach, which one way or the other impact transparency and visibility of the decisions made. As per the theory of discourse of Foucault, certain key impacts of the aspect of power on visibility can be presented. The philosopher identified that during different periods of history, different approaches such as application or execution of power, alignment of power with knowledge and proper use of power with regard to knowledge were taken into consideration to depict the aspect of visibility in power relation practices. While using power one can clearly ascertain that everyone is equal in any particular domain and hence the execution of power should also correspond to the same. Nevertheless, Foucault was unable to identify the discourse of personal power and its utilisation. The theory clearly identified the approaches of the present day individuals where people work under the power of others. The aspects of behavior, language and social presence have been regarded as crucial elements in this particular context. Power relations in the present day scenario are also relevant to the concept of personal as well as institutional relationship amid people in any particular dimension (Foucault, 2007). Stretching more on the aspect of power relations and its associations with visibility, the theory of Foucault affirmed that people compile their knowledge and understandings together to execute their power in a visible manner. The fact that power and knowledge are inseparable within the theory of Foucault further ensures the importance of visibility (Basselink, 2008). It is evident that human subject is less connected to knowledge, since people not usually depict what they think. There are numerous components of human subject, which have pivotal links with the theories and perspectives of Foucault. Subsequently, three means with which subject can be changed into object are identified. These aspects include dividing practices, scientific classification and subjectification among others. Each of these aspects or means of Subjectivism is directly linked with prisoner-guard situation/relationship presented by Foucault. The statement provided by Foucault clearly depicts the importance of leaders or rulers to follow and adhere to their own principles in order to motivate others to follow the same. This aspect can further be aligned with the concept that in power relation, maker of any power is not only the guard of it, but at the same time, he/she is also the prisoner of it. These particular understandings can be aligned with the modes of changing human subjects to objects. The subject of dividing practices relates to the process of separating an individual from his/her own-self or from others. Through this particular aspect, people need to change their social and personal identity (Plunkett & et. al., 2012). Dividing practices involve manipulation with the assistance of science and psychology. This aspect further relates to the conceptual theory presented by Foucault with regard to prisoner-guard situation/relationship. Notably, in power relation, an individual needs to change behavior and attitude in order to ensure proper execution of their set norms and principles and at the same time, inbuilt the same behaviour within their own-self (Crampton & Elden, 2007) This aspect relates to the concept of objectification of dividing practices. The objectivity of scientific relation includes attaining internal autonomy and coherence (Smart, 2002). For example, managers in past is believed to use to adopt strict approaches towards ensuring improvement and reforms in the workplace, which can be regarded as their characteristics. This aspect has significantly changed in the recent times (Escobar, 1988). Subjectification is another vital concept that is associated with prisoner-guard situation/relationship of Foucault. It is a particular term used as a part of subjectifying any particular aspect. For example with subjectification one can be able to comprehend the nature of relation amid power, responsibility and knowledge, which closely resembles with prisoner-guard situation/relationship of Foucault. In power relations, people are often regarded as subjects to conduct and manage their works and tasks in an efficient manner. Notably, in each of the three means of subjectification including dividing practices, interpretivism and reality, a person is recognised to change from subject to object. This means people can often be seen as objects, which can be used for various purposes including managing and executing power relations among others .On the contrary, several facts can be presented including relation between power and knowledge, and power execution that may ignite problems with regard to the acceptance of relation amid prisoner and guard theory by Foucault. In this regard, it can be stated that in the present day context, power could be exercised externally or it could not be imposed to others. Power is a particular prospect that can only be transferred within the behaviour of an individual (Izak, 2015). It has been determined that both dividing practices as well as scientific classification are dominant aspects of human subjects. In both the aspects, humans are treated as passive objects. In contrast, subjectification presents a different aspect of subject changing into object amid human. It is the process that ensures self-formation of an individual. In such process, a person rather remains active throughout the process (Cooper, 1989). Notably, the process of operations in this particular domain is linked with the souls, bodies and thoughts of individuals. It must be also mentioned that in subjectification, an external agent that includes a confessor in most of the scenario only conducts the operations of executing the change process (Smart, 2002). Subjectification during the past days was often related to self-understanding of people (Thompson, 2013). This can be also comprehended from the sexual practices of the people. Correspondingly, people owing to certain misconceptions considered their sexual practices to be a mode change in attitude and self-concepts, which can be considered as vague since attitude and behaviroal changes is largely a result of change in human mindset (Cooper, 1989). Hence, it can be ascertained that subjectification is indeed an important part of human development and understanding towards developing themselves as managers with due regard to power relations. From various aspects relevant to the study of Foucault and concepts of objectivism, several key facts and understandings relevant to the subject matter have been gathered. However, it is evident that the norms and the principles discussed earlier in the essay can be considered to have close resemblance with management and organisational significance in the present day scenario (Izak, 2015). Notably, business processes and approaches have changed significantly with the advent of globalisation. In business sector, power relation is deemed to be quite crucial, as it helps in the management of a business in an efficient manner altogether. Contextually, the study of Foucault depicted the relation between power and knowledge, which is quite apparent in the present day business environment. For example in the present day organizations, managers often use their knowledge as a power to delegate and execute work process and activities in a considerable manner. This can be justified from the example of Steve Jobs of Apple Incorporation who was known for using his power efficiently to accomplish the desires organisational objectives successfully. In order to succeed in enhancing business operations on a continuous basis, business units have the need to ensure the transformation of their knowledge into power execution (Gini, 2015). Similarly, the concept of subjectification depicts the perception of people regarding their behaviour and benefit that can be accomplished by executing activities as instructed. This aspect further relates to the organisational practices where one needs to shape his/her own behaviours and practices in accordance with the desire of the organisation (Marouf, 2008). The study of Cooper & Burrell (1988) deliberated the performance of any organization in general. Their study discussed the dynamic process of an organisation with regard to management culture and business activities in alignment with the objectives of a business. This can be aligned with the theoretical contribution of Foucault where it was clearly defined that constant change in human behaviour is vital to ensure the development of power and its visible practices (Celikates, 2015). The study of Cooper & Burrell (1988) apparently highlighted the importance of managing efficiently in order to attain better business performance. This aspect is also prevalent in the policies and norms presented within the theory of Foucault. Again, the study of Kostera & Kozminski (2001) depicted the importance of management in ensuring proper workplace environment. The study clearly attributed that management theories are directly aligned with human subjectivity. Various literatures have been discussed in the context of the aspect of themes of power, discourse, subjectification and visibility. As per the study of Kostera & Kozminski (2001), fitter and happier workforce is deemed to be more productive as compared to others. The study also highlighted the fact that through proper governing, people can be managed efficiently with positive results. These aspects can be considered relevant to the concept of subjectification. According to the study of Sewell (1998), organisational surveillance is conducted with the intention of ensuring effective disciplines within an organisation. Disciplines within the workplace can ensure both negative and positive results depending on the extent to which the employees or the teams in the workplace are forced to obey the norms. This study of Sewell (1998) can be regarded as relevant to the power study of Foucault, which clearly ascertained that power should be exercised in a proper manner. The management of a company is intending to use power of surveillance to control the approaches of the workforce further ensuring the deliverance of quality operational results. It also depicted the importance of sense making and spirituality that is aligned with workplace operations. The study of Sewell (1998) emphasised the fact that organisations often seek to use their higher power to control the approaches of the people to obtain the desired business results.. Hence, it can be affirmed that the study of Foucault along with the norms and the theories presented by him are quite appropriate with the present organisational management. For example, the studies of Foucault are deemed to have considerable resemblance with the modern day practices of human resource management. The organizing principles that were coined by Foucault are extensively used in the present day business domain (Townley, 1990). As per the study of Fox (1989), power and knowledge deemed to have significant relationship within themselves, which can be affirmed as per the study of Foucault. It has been noted that both power and knowledge is prevalent in HRM and organizational management practices in present day organizations (Fox, 1989). In this context, Alvesson & Karreman (2002) depicted about the importance of knowledge management in the contemporary workplace. It helps the managers to maintain learning environment within the workplace, which further influences the productivity and the collective performance in a positive manner altogether. This aspect also depicts the amalgamation amid knowledge and power. With due consideration to the statement, the principle of own subjection has been critically portrayed by the authors in the context of liabilities of the managers in an organisation in the recent competitive business environment. In relation to a critical understanding of the statement, the author has portrayed clear reflection of the liabilities that is preserved by the managers while engaging in a particular set of practices in the organisations. According to Foucault (2007), the power of visibility in the roles and responsibilities of the managers underlies the knowledge gained by an individual in his/her different stages in the business processes. Moreover, the decisions that are being undertaken by the managers significantly denote the power of visibility of the managers in the organisations. According to the above analysis, it has been ascertained that the components of human subject that are detailed by Foucault have pivotal links with theoretical perspectives of Foucault. The major components such as dividing practices, scientific classification and subjectification are the key determinants of an individual to increase the power of visibility and provide a wider path for the followers to achieve their predetermined goals and objectives. In addition, the author has made the claim that continuous learning from the experiences is also essential for the leaders in terms of tailoring the way of operations performed by the followers in an organisation. Therefore, the statement of becoming the principle of own subjection is a relevant and justifiable claim and is essential to streamline managerial and strategic operations of the leaders towards organisations’ efficiency. References Alvesson, M. & Karreman, D., 2002. Odd Couple: Making Sense of the Curious Concept of Knowledge Management. Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 995-1018. Basselink, T., 2008. Two Faces of Authority. European University institute. Home. [Online] Available at: [Accessed January 08, 2015]. Celikates, R., 2015. Power, Subjectification and Autonomy in Foucault. Academia, pp. 1-16. Crampton, J. W. & Elden, S., 2007. Space, Knowledge and Power. Ashgate, pp. 1-369. Clegg, S. R. & Handy, C., 1999. Organizational Theorizing: A Historically Contested Terrain. Studying Organization: Theory and Method, pp. 25-50. Cooper, R. & Burrell, G., 1988. Modernism, Post Modernism and Organizational Analysis 3. An Introduction, pp. 91-112. Cooper, R., 1989. Modernism, Post Modernism and Organizational Analysis 3: The Contribution of Jacques Derrida. Organizational Studies, pp. 479-502. Escobar, A., 1988. Power and Visibility: Development and the Invention and Management of the Third World. Blackwell Publishing, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 428-443. Fox, S., 1989. The Panopticon: From Benthams Obsession to the Revolution in Management Learning. Research Gate, pp. 717-739. Foucault, M., 2007. Docile Bodies. University of Lincoln, pp. 135-169. Gini, A., 2015. Moral Leadership and Business. Ethics: The heart of Leadership, pp. 25-43. Izak, M., 2015. Managing. MGT3021M. Lecture Notes Kostera, M. & Kozminski, A. K., 2001. Four Theatres: Moral Discourses in Polish Management. Management Learning, pp. 321-343. Marouf, F. E., 2008. The Emerging Importance of "Social Visibility" in Defining a Particular Social Group and Its Potential Impact on Asylum Claims Related to Sexual Orientation and Gender. Scholarly Commons, pp. 1-61. Plunkett, W. R. & et. al., 2012. Management. Cengage Learning. Smart, B., 2002. Michel Foucault. Psychology Press. Sewell, G., 1998. The Discipline of Teams: The Control of Team Based industrial Work through Electronic and Peer Surveillance. Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 397-428. Townley, B., 1990. Foucault. Power/Knowledge and its Relevance for Human Resource Management. Academy of Management Review, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 518-545. Thompson, J. B., 2013. Political Scandal: Power and Visibility in the Media Age. Wiley. Read More
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