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Analysis Assignment - Essay Example

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Baeten, Dochy, & Struyven (494- 496) ascertained this in their study that investigated different effects of lectures, case-based learning, and an integrated approach on learning outcomes and noted that…
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Analysis Assignment
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Analysis assignment Learning environment is one of the factors to successful learning outcomes. Baeten, Dochy, & Struyven (494- 496) ascertained thisin their study that investigated different effects of lectures, case-based learning, and an integrated approach on learning outcomes and noted that an integrated approach that gradually introduced students to case-based learning was the most effective. Attitude towards learning environment is another factor (Khalid & Khatib 64, 64) to effectiveness of learning.

The literature suggests that environment and approaches yield different results and this discussion aims to test difference in effectiveness of classroom, CD and video and on-the-job training environment. The following hypothesis is tested.HO: µ­1= µ­2= µ­3, There is no significant difference in results from the training methods HA: Any of the means is different, there is a significant difference in results from the training methods Single factor ANOVA is used in the test, at 0.05 level of significance.

The following are the excel output for the results.Table 1: Summary statisticsSUMMARYGroupsCountSumAverageVarianceClassroom632554.1666710.34267CD and Video6334.855.86.136On-the-job6361.660.266674.926667The averages suggest a difference in the scores with highest scores from on-the-job training. Table 2: ANOVA tableANOVASource of VariationSSdfMSFP-valueF critBetween Groups119.6578259.828898.3851380.0035943.68232Within Groups107.0267157.135111Total226.684417    The test is significant (p= 0.

00359, F= 8.385). this means that the null hypothesis is rejected to the effect that a significant difference exist between results from the training methods. On-the-job training is therefore the most effective method because it offers the highest average score. The figure below shows distribution of scores by training method. Figure 1: Scores by training methodApplied training method, therefore, influences scores and on-the-job training is the best approach, and CD AND and video, and classroom follow respectively.

Works citedBaeten, Marlies, Dochy, Filip, & Struyven, Katrien. “The effects of different learning environments on students’ motivation for learning and their achievement.” British Journal of Educational Psychology 83.3 (2013): 481-501. Print. Khalid, Ahmad & Khatib, Ahmad. “Students’ perception of the learning environment in business education in Kuwait: A comparative study between private and public universities.” Journal of Business Studies Quarterly 5.3 (2014): 59-68. Print.

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