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Bowen and Ostroffs HRM System Strength Model - Essay Example

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This research is being carried out to evaluate and present the HRM system strength model presented by Bowen and Ostroff. The researcher states that this model is one of the most crucial measures for the purpose of understanding different aspects of the HRM…
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Bowen and Ostroffs HRM System Strength Model
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Critical Evaluation of Bowen and Ostroff’s HRM system strength model Introduction Human Resource employed within the organization is known as one of the most important resources of the organization. All the efficiency, effectiveness and productivity of the organization directly depend upon the skills and competencies of employees. In this regard, proper and effective management of this resource is the utmost requirement of the business organization. This requirement is the basic reasons behind the emergence of a number of different HR related theories and framework. Nowadays the landscape of the HRM Practices has been changed quite significantly (Kleiman, 2003). In existing highly competitive and dynamic business environment no business organization can be succeeded without intensive support of its employees. In this regard, business organizations have started to be more concentrated on the making its Human Resource Management system more effective and strong. For this purpose, different theories and frameworks have been articulated towards making the HRM systems of business organization more effective strong (Mondy, 2008). In direction to the discussion made above, the essay is aimed to reflect the HRM system strength model presented by Bowen and Ostroff. This model is one of the most crucial measures for the purpose of understanding different aspects of the HRM, which are quite essential in order to develop an efficient and highly competent Human capital within the organization. In this regard, the paper explains the some crucial aspects of this HRM system strength model. Moreover, the essay also discusses some positive as well as negative aspects of the model so that an effective critical evaluation of the system can be presented in the most effective manner. Bowen and Ostroff’s HRM system strength model For the purpose of explaining the disposition of HRM in existing period of time there are a number of different theoretical perspective. Among such HR related theories, HRM system strength model articulated by Bowen and Ostroff (2004) can be considered quite crucial and effective model. This model is based on the attribution theory of Kelley (1967), which states that the degree of distinctiveness, consistency, and consensus are prime factors associated with situation, which directs people to change their attribute. The Bowen and Ostroff’s HRM system strength model can be considered as an extension of attribute theory. The scholars further classified the attributes, i.e. distinctiveness, consistency, and consensus, as illustrated in the Attribute theory of Kelley (Bowen & Ostroff, 2004). As per the model, a HR process and strategy undertaken by the business organization can be attributed with nine different and unique factors. These factors can be presented as below: Distinctiveness In the context of the organization, distinctiveness can be defined as the attribute which makes the situation more differentiated and attention seeking. Higher the distinctiveness of the situation, more intensive and directed actions and strategic initiatives are required. There are four crucial attributes which can be associated with the distinctiveness of the HR practices Visibility Visibility is the attribute, which makes the HR practices and strategies of the organization more transparent, observable and salient. Understandability The understandability attributes defines the capacity of the employees and workers employed within the organization to categorize different information delivered to them regarding the new HR policy. Higher the understandability, easier will be for the management to implement new policies and strategies (Hurmelinna-Laukkanen & Gomes, 2012). Legitimacy of Authority This attribute reflect the position of the HRM within the organization. The perceived power and authorities adhered by the top level HR managers is degree of the Legitimacy of Authority prevailing within the organization. Relevance Relevance attribute explores the positive relationship between the existing HR practices and goal of the organization. Success of any new HR policy depends upon its capabilities to attain long term goals and objectives of the organization. Consistency Another crucial aspect of the HRM of the organization is the constancy, which is aimed to reflect the relationship among time, people and contexts. As per this aspect, the HR manager of the organization should employ right person at the right time for the purpose of resolving any critical issue (Meyer, Dalal & Bonaccio, 2009). The consistency aspects can be composed of three different and unique attributes illustrated as below: Instrumentality This attributes defines a cause-effect relationship between rewards and personal behavior shown by people within the organization. As per this attribute, it is a task of HRM within the organization to provide effective rewards which leads the employee to show positive behavior towards the organization. Validity Validity attribute defines the effectiveness of the reward system to get expected outcomes from the side of the employee. The viability of the reward system design is measured with the help of this attribute. Consistent HR messages This attribute refers to the degree to which, the organizational system is able to spread and convey similar message across different hierarchy level within the organization. Higher the degree of this consistency in the HR messages, higher will be coordination within employees at different level within the organization (Schneider & Bowen, 2009). Consensus The final aspect of HRM is consensus, which reflects the degree to which all the employees remain in the mutual agreement within the organization. There are two prime attributes that define this aspect in the most effective manner. Agreement among principal HR decision makers This attribute refers to the degree to which employees or workers are agreed with the decisions made by the top HR managers within the organization. Higher the strength of this attribute, higher will be acceptability of new HR policies within the organization. Fairness The last attribute defined in the model is Fairness. This attribute reflects the perceived justice in the use of HRM practices and policies without any discrimination within the organization (Karsh, 2009). In this way, the model of Bowen and Ostroff has illustrated some of the crucial aspects and attributes that are quite required for the purpose of making the HRM of the organization more effective and strong. Contribution of the model in understanding of HRM The model presented by Bowen and Ostroff (2004) can be considered quite effective and useful for business organizations as it is quite comprehensive and explored. The model reflects some of the crucial aspects and attributes through which, the HRM of the organization can be made more effective and capable enough to address different HR related issues within the organization. The management of the organization is required to pay some significant attention over enhancing distinctiveness, Consistency and Consensus of its HR policies and strategies for the purpose of enhancing the strength and usability of the HRM of the organization. In direction to this, the model contributes in exploring the measures for the purpose of enhancing the intensity of such crucial HR aspects (Burke & Cooper, 2008) The model reveals that Distinctiveness, consistency, and consensus are the important parts of communication framework within the organization which enables the two way communication between HR department and employees within the organization. It allows the management to reflect what it wants from the employee. From the perspective of employee, these aspects of HRM can also be proved helpful in making management aware of the issues and problems faced by employees. This effective communications between these two different but important entities contributes in the improvement in the core as well as innovative performance of the organization (Schultz, 2008). For instance, the categorization of the distinctiveness of HRM policies of the organization in four different factors allows the HR managers to reveal different measures through which, he can make organization’s HRM policies more distinguished and effective. For this purpose, it is quite crucial for the organization to enhance the level of visibility and understandability of the system among employees and worker as it direct them to be aligned with the new HRM framework within the organization. In addition to this high degree of Legitimacy of authority leads to develop a feeling of discipline and respect towards the high level of authorities in employees can be generated, which can be proved quite effective in making HR system of the organization more effective and strong. In addition to this, for the HR manager of the organization it is also quite essential to make it’s all the actions and HR practices aligned with the organizational goals and objectives (Kleiman, 2003). In the same manner, the second main HRM aspects considered within the model is consistency which deals with the maintaining the consistency within organizational efforts and its goals so that the long term organizational objectives can be retrieved. With the help of different crucial attributes under this category the HR mangers can be able to enhance the competencies of its human resource. In this direction to this, Instrumentality drives the organization to develop an effective reward system for the purpose motivating its employees and get maximum output from them. Along with this, validity attribute reflects on enhancing the value and validity of different rewards systems. This will allow the HR department of the organization to have the most effective reward system. In addition to this, another crucial attribute in this category is consistency of HR message. For the organization it is quite crucial for spreading similar type of HR massages of across the entire organization. In this way, accomplishing of this attribute will enable the management of the organization to handle different HR related issues prevailing within the organization (Karsh, 2009). The third crucial HR aspect of this model is Consensus which directed the organization to establish a positive agreement between origination’s HR management and employees. The Model also stated that for the purpose making the different HR related strategies successful and effective within the organization, it is quite essential for the organization to have intensive amount agreement between management and its employee (Schultz, 2008). In the views of Bowem and Ostoff (2004), when there is high degree of distinctiveness, consistency, and consensus prevailing in the HR system, a strong organizational situation is created which is helpful in accomplishing the entire HR process in the effective and efficient manner. Along with this, different recommendations provided by the model can be proved quite helpful for the long term orientation of the business organization as it directs to change the HRM disposition within the organization. Proper implication of this model will be proved quite helpful for the HR managers to understand different important and essential aspects of the HRM policies which will lead the organization towards long term success and sustainability (Bowem & Ostoff, 2004). Limitation of the model Although the HRM strength Model provided by Bowem and Ostoff (2004) can be considered as one of the most crucial method from the perspective of HRM strengths and competencies, yet there are certain aspects on which, the span of the model becomes quite restrictive. There are some critical limitations of the Model that are needed to be taken into account while adopting the model. For instance, the model only indicates towards the factors which are required to make the HRM strong. There is no discussion on the input settings for these attribute done in the theory. In other words, the theory only suggests that what is to be done, but it does not state that how it can be possible. There is no any specific measure is recommended in the model which can be proved helpful for HR manager to make the attributes, discussed in the model, strong and effective (Bowem & Ostoff, 2004). In addition to this, second crucial limitation for this model is that the model provides proactive approach for resolving the HR issues. It means by implying this model the occurrence of some unwanted issued can be prevented. However, the model does not provide any information regarding any mitigation strategy for resolving any existing issue within the organization. For an effective HR manager it is quite crucial to have both proactive as well as reactive approach for the purpose of addressing different crucial HR issues that can be arose in the daily routine practices within the organization (Mondy, 2008). Another critical shortcoming of this model is that the model is quite diversified. Rather than focusing on some important and crucial as HR related aspect, the model focuses on a number of various different factors which can diversify the focus of the HR manager. This diversification some time prevents the HR manager to take any crucial action for solving any specific issues with full of intensity (Schultz, 2008). Critical evaluation of the model On the basis of discussion made in the above sections of the paper, the critical evaluation of the applicability of the model in the real life scenario can be taken into account. There are a number of different positive as well as negative aspects of the model. For the HR manager of a business organization it is quite crucial to undertake different strategic steps to make the HR framework within the organization quite strong and effective. In direction to this, he has to indentify some of the crucial and potential areas in which, he is to work. These all the areas contain some intensive attributes which are quite crucial in shaping the HR framework for the organization. From the critical point of view it can also be stated that for the purpose of undertaking any effective and crucial HR related strategy, it is quite crucial for the HR manager to keep his focus on specific area (Meyer, Dalal & Bonaccio, 2009). The HRM strength Model of Bowmen and Ostroff (2004) has revealed some of the potential attributes of the HRM for a business organization that should be focused by the top level management for the purpose of enhancing the competencies of the HR framework. This model also provides some of the crucial directions for the higher authorities of the organization to keep the workforce informed and satisfied. This high level of satisfaction directly leads towards the enhancement of the efficiency and effectiveness of the human resource of the organization (Bowem & Ostoff, 2004). Owing to this reason, it is quite crucial for the organization to have some intensive amount of attention over recommendations provided by HRM Strength Model. Although there are some shortcomings associated with the model yet still there are some intensive amount of benefits availed by the organization from the effective implication of this model for the organization. Conclusion The paper has discussed about both positive and negative aspects of HRM strength Model proposed by Bowmen and Ostroff (2004) in the context of the long term success and sustainability of the HRM framework of the organization. On the basis of the critical review of the article presented in the paper it can be concluded that from the perspective of success of an organization in existing highly competitive and tough business environment, there is a need of intensive amount of support from the side of employees. In this context, proper involvement and satisfaction of the employee becomes quite essential phenomena for the management of the organization. For the management it is quite essential to adopt different HR related strategies. In this regard, there is a need of some intensive focus. For the HR manager, adoption of HRM strength Model will define some of the specific attributes on which he needs to work with high degree of attention and focus. Although, the adoption of this theory is not easy for the management as there are some limitations associated with the theory, yet still intensive benefits provided by the theory recommends it adoption. References Bowen, D.E. & Ostroff, C. (2004). 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Service Science, 1(3): pp. 154-168. Schultz, M.L. (2008). Occupational Well-being: The Development of a Theory and a Measure. ProQuest. Read More
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