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Leading and Managing Change - Essay Example

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The author of the paper under the title "Leading and Managing Change" argues in a well-organized manner that according to the leadership initiatives, communication, and cross-cultural understanding do not always result in a positive outcome…
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Leading and Managing Change
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The hard approach takes into account the four main factors: defined time duration of the project; performance integrity which emphasizes the capabilities of a team member; commitment towards goals; and extra effort that employees must make to adopt changes. They believe that the progress of projects needs to be monitored regularly to identify bottlenecks for early corrective measures. The article corroborates with the viewpoints of Kotter who believes that regular monitoring of projects ensures that changes are better accepted as part of work routine and consolidates them within the organizational culture.

          Haddad’s article, on the other hand, promotes the integration of technology within organizational processes. I agree with the author who contends that technology helps to improve efficiency for higher productivity. The strategic partnership approach of the author validates the use of technology as it promotes organizational goals for a successful outcome. Kotter’s strategy establishes eight key stages for implementing change: the sense of urgency; guiding coalition; creating a vision; communicating vision; empowering short-term goals; consolidating change; institutionalize a new approach (Kotter, 1998). These are critical parameters that reaffirm Haddad’s strategic partnership to embrace technology for optimal performance.  (words; 253)

          The article, ‘Why Change Programs Don’t Produce change’ by Beer et al., has raised the critical issue of change that must start from the bottom and needs to be supported by the top management to make changes effective and long-lasting. They assert that often the change is initiated by the top management without input from the employees and therefore fails to become effective. Employees’ participation is vital to make changes effective. Employees’ participation becomes a key success factor when change is effectively communicated with a defined vision. People become committed to goals when they understand change and accept responsibility for their role to implement them. This is one of the most important elements that ensure flexibility in approach so that changes can be incorporated successfully within the work culture for improved performance outcomes.

          Kotter asserts that change must be communicated effectively so that the workforce understands the need to change and accepts them as part of the work culture to ensure the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. I also believe that adapting to changes needs to be inculcated within the organizational culture. It is a vital part of continuous learning that encourages flexibility of approach and innovative input to meet the challenges of time. The various environmental factors like technology, globalization, socio-economic issues, environment, laws, etc are major ingredients that impact organizational performance and therefore require creativity and an indigenous approach to ensure that business goals and performance are not adversely impacted. (words: 238)

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