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Risk Planning Management - Essay Example

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The essay "Risk Planning Management" aims to carry out a critical reflection regarding the interconnection among the construction industry, risk planning management and fire and rescue operations. This is significant as it affords new insights regarding the connection of construction industry…
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Risk Planning Management
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A CRITICAL REFLECTION Mohammed Debaib Mohammed ALDarei Module: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank all the people who have helped me realising this work. Without their continued support and understanding, this work will not be what it is. As such, I would like to thank, (please right the name of the persons that you would like to thank and why) ABSTRACT Risk has always been part of human existence. In the contemporary period, the construction industry is considered as a very complex industry. Part of the complexity of the construction industry is the numerous risks that it faces. As such, the role of risk planning management in construction is integral if loss is to be minimised. One of the risks encountered in construction is fire risk. In this regard, the intertwined relation of construction industry, risk planning management and fire and rescue operations opens a deeper understanding of the complexity of its relations. For this study, a critical reflection on the interconnection of construction industry, risk planning management and fire and rescue operations has been performed. It has been found out that teamwork necessary for the success of fire fighters is one of the most viable tools in facing risks. And this is true in all levels of human interaction. Contents 1.0.introduction 5 Contents 4 1.2. METHODOLOGY 6 3.0. DISCUSSIONS 8 3.1. THE SIGNIFICANCE AND EVALUATION 8 4.0. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMNEDATIONS 13 4.1. REFLECTION 13 LIST OF FIGURES FIG 1 7 FIG 2 12 1.0. INTRODUCTION Risk has always been part of human existence. As such, in response to risk, human beings have created and developed mechanisms with which they can avoid, prevent and minimise risk. This reaction stems from the fact that risk is considered as the probability that something could happen which can produce loss, injury or even death. Contextualising risk, the contemporary period has created a scheme in approaching risk – risk planning management. In effect risk planning management is protecting people, protecting companies. This notion of risk planning management is made more concrete in the intertwined relation among the construction industry, risk planning management and fire and rescue operations. In this regard, the study will undertake a critical reflection pertaining to the intertwined relation among the construction industry, risk planning management and fire and rescue operations. 1.1.OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY This study aims to carry out a critical reflection regarding the interconnection among the construction industry, risk planning management and fire and rescue operations. This is significant as it affords new insights regarding the connection of construction industry, risk planning management and fire and rescue operations in the contemporary period. 1.2. METHODOLOGY For this study, a critical reflection on theories as well as on the experiences of the researcher has been employed. Critical reflection not only leads to deep learning but it also opens new insights and ways of looking and appreciating old values and ideas. In this regard, through critical reflection a person gains deep learning that enhances not only personal knowledge but also professional skills and decision-making. 2.0 RESULTS/FINDINGS 2.1. THE THEORY Construction is a very complex industry (Koskela, 2004). A construction project involves the interrelationship of various factors which include the specific place or location of the project, the uniqueness of the project, the working together of various specialists like engineers, architects, marketing specialists, technical experts and other members of the team, the importance of costs, time and delivery and progress elaboration (Gary and Larson 2008; Gardiner 2005). In this regard, the importance of the harmonious interrelationship and the synchronise and synergistic implementation of all the plans and works necessary for the success of the construction project is of paramount importance. However, recognising the inherent complexity of the construction industry, risk management is part of the construction planning. This is necessary not only for the successful completion of the project but is also significant in avoiding loss, waste, unnecessary costs and waste of time. Since, if the risks in construction projects are left unattended, then significant loss will be incurred by the construction company. In lieu with this, one of the most important risks that the construction company faces is fire risk. This is very important since fire risk involves not only destruction and loss of properties and profit but may also lead to loss of lives. Being such, the penultimate principle that governs fire and rescue service is protecting people, protecting properties. This scenario becomes more significant as we look into the current phase of construction projects in United Arab Emirates today. There is a rapid growth of the construction industry in UAE (Al-Kaabi & Hadipriono, 2003) and relegating in the periphery the importance of fire risk in the construction industry may result into loss of properties even lives. As such, the importance of understanding the interrelationship among construction, risk management and fire and rescue service is essential. Fig. 1 Other risks Organisational risk Construction industry Financial risk Safety and health risk Environmental risk design assumption risk Fire risk Response fire & rescue service This figure shows how complex the construction industry is in terms of the many risks that it confronts. Moreover, it presents the idea that fire risk is one of the safety and health risk that construction project faces. Furthermore, this shows that since the construction industry is plagued by many risks, it becomes necessary for risk management planning to be a constant part of construction planning. And fire and rescue service to be adapted as one of the responses in terms of fire risk. 3.0. DISCUSSIONS 3.1. THE SIGNIFICANCE AND EVALUATION For me, this theory is very significant since it concretely manifested the intertwined relationship of construction industry, construction project, risks, fire risk and fire and rescue service. This whole gamut of relationship opened to me the interconnected responsibility that a member of the fire and rescue service entails. Of course, in the day-to-day activity of being a fire fighter I have always appreciated the vast responsibilities that are entailed and part of the function of being a fire fighter. However, looking at it not only from my own personal point view and from the perspective of the meso-level, of the institution where I belong provided a wider perspective and a bigger challenge. Seeing it from the macro level in terms of the relation of fire and rescue service with the other sectors of the society, it opens the paradigm of the interdependence of the various sectors of the society as we try to face contemporary risks. At the macro-level, one can clearly perceive the necessity of cooperation among various segments of the society in order address risks. Undeniably, risks are part of human existence. However, the complexity of risks in the contemporary period necessitates not only the response of some people but it requires the concerted effort of all the stakeholders. What does this mean? Risks are perceived as suffering from lost, harm or danger. Gallati (2003) that the terms peril, jeopardy, hazard and danger are interchangeably used with risk since all these terms connotes loss or harm. Although, it is claimed that peril is more often used to refer to natural disasters or natural phenomenon. However, what cuts across as a common theme to all these terms is the notion of suffering from loss or harm. In this sense it can be impugned, that as avoiding harm is a natural human tendency, then the inception of risk management planning becomes a natural response in the face of the humongous and multifaceted risks that human persons, organisations and sectors of the society deal with. Moreover, I have re-learned the importance of teamwork. Working as a fire fighter, it is important that I protect not only myself but also my buddy. This is a very important dynamics of fire fighting. It shows that in order to fight fire I have to recognise that I am working with somebody. I am not just by myself, that it is not a one-man show. Fire fighting in the micro level thrives because of the importance of teamwork; the reality of being responsible for each other is made crystal clear. This fact is not only true among fire fighters but also, as mentioned above, the integral role of social cooperation, social interdependence in the society is necessary in the face of contemporary risks. Moreover, this truism is experienced in the construction industry. This is important since previously, I thought that the notion of teamwork is only perceptible in fire and rescue operations. But now I have seen that the whole concept of teamwork and cooperation permeates society as it is concretely experienced in the construction industry. Construction industry is plagued by many risks and fire risk is one them. If fire safety is not recognised in the building construction, one can right away predict the danger of fire emanating. In this regard, fire safety aspects of buildings are of extreme importance for the health and safety of the employees and other persons in and around the buildings. As such, various codes and laws have been implemented in order to secure that the construction project is done and performed safely, efficiently, promptly and in accordance with the rules, regulations and procedures in order to protect the lives of the people who are inhabiting the building and those around the vicinity as well as protecting the property. Moreover, it should be noted that the fire and rescue service is only one of the possible responses in the face of fire risk. In fact, in construction there are many fire safety management adapted. These include the integration of sprinklers, the inclusion of external escape routes, clear and practical evacuation plan in case of fire, use materials that are less dangerous and if possible non-flammable, and elements of structure should continue to function even when there is fire. Elements of structure are parts of the design of the building such as beams, columns, load bearing wall or floors that supports other floors. It is important that the element s of structure should withstand fire in order to minimise the risk to the occupants of the building or structure, to reduce the risk to fire fighters who are engaged in fire or rescue operations, to prevent the collapse and destruction of the property and to prevent the transfer of excessive heat to other buildings or structures (Furness & Muckett, 2007). Furthermore, measures for the fire risk reduction strategy include fire safety training for the company’s employees and the proper management of flammable waste materials. On the other hand, long-term measures include securing electrical wiring of the building, installation of effective fire control mechanisms, installing fire security alarms, designing the escape routes to be used in case of fire, and replacement of hazardous materials. However, it should be noted that as a form of protection the fire and rescue service looks into the design plan of the buildings in order to ensure whether it follows the rules and regulations pertinent to building structures and at the same time, they frequently check buildings for fire safety compliance. In this sense, it opens the synchronize and symbiotic relation between construction industry and fire and rescue service. Their relation is not only during actual fire. But that their relationship starts and is maintained in the entire life of the structure since the fire and rescue service are the people who are tasks to protect people and properties from fire. In addition, the most effective means of combating fire is through prevention. And as a member of the fire and rescue service fully see and appreciate the importance of following structural design that is not only aesthetically good but more significantly is structurally sound and watertight. 3.2. THE INTEGRATION OF THEORY AND PRACTISE Risks is part of human existence and understanding the risks that we are going face may hopefully minimise the impact of the risk in our lives. In going over some of the theoretical underpinnings of risk management through the analysis of the some scholarly works, I have seen how integral and necessary risk management planning in the construction industry in particular and in the society in general. Risk planning management in construction industry especially in terms of fire risk definitely means protecting lives and protecting properties. Fire and rescue service is one of the instruments with which fire risk is mitigated. I claim this because I acknowledge that there are other segments and sectors of the society who are also helping in addressing fire risk. However, at the same time, I do recognise the primordial importance of the role of fire and rescue service in dealing with fire risk. They take the lead. How? This we seldom see in the books. But this is what we experience as fire-fighters. As a fire fighter, I literally face fire. But as I have mentioned earlier, it is not a one man show. As I trust myself, I also trust my buddy and all the other fire-fighters who are in the team working with me. The success of the operation relies not solely on individual skills but more on the teamwork of the fire fighters. Moreover, the experiences that I have as a fire fighter have taught me the significance of working with a team. This shows that teamwork can be adapted as one of the surest way with which risk can be addressed and risk-planning management can be implemented. In the same manner, in the construction industry teamwork is integral if the success of the project is to be achieved. Moreover, in the larger picture, in the society, social cooperation and social interdependence is necessary step towards addressing the risks that we are facing. Fig 2 This figure shows how teamwork as applied and integrated in the fire fighting techniques can become one of the viable means with which risks can be faced. I claim this supposition primarily because I have learned from my experiences as a fire fighter, in the face of risk, you just do not trust yourself. You face it with the team, with the others who are with you. There may be other viable alternatives that are offered and will be offered in the face of risk, teamwork surely minimises risk if not wholly preventing it. 4.0. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMNEDATIONS 4.1. REFLECTION Looking into the vast and interconnected responsibilities that fire fighters like me have causes churning in my stomach. It creates doubt and fear whether I can really do it. I know that for my part, I still have to learn a lot, experience a lot and be exposed to the various debacles that my field have. However, to be honest, sometimes I cannot help but wonder when I will be really and be fully equipped as a fire fighter. Perhaps, it will take a lifetime. I really do not know. In the midst of these numerous responsibilities, I see the need of furthering my skills, and knowledge in fire and rescue operations. The stake is high. And I honestly think that it demands more knowledge and more training on my part. Moreover, I think that because of the huge responsibility that now I have realised as entailed not only in my relation with other fire fighters but also with the fire and rescue services, our integral role in the construction industry and our significant part in the society, I feel that it is necessary that I continue to improve my craft. However, more than that, I have learned to further uphold the value of teamwork. In fact, I feel the need for further developing myself because not only this is necessary but also because I think that in this way I can contribute more to the team. This is not to aggrandise myself. But to further strengthen the team. Moreover, this understanding is important to me as a learner and as a fire fighter because it has made clear to me that really no man is an island. And that in the face of risk, teamwork is a powerful tool. In the same manner, this knowledge is useful to me since it serves as a challenged to learn more and never to bask on my own laurels for success as a fire fighter comes not only because of individual skills but also because of the teamwork concretely practised in fire and rescue operations. Furthermore, I have come to realise that as fire risk is a constant danger that can take life, destroy properties and cause injuries, the integration of the community in risk planning management, especially in fire risk, is of essential necessity. The participation of the community cannot be relegated in the periphery and treated as insignificant. Since, it is only in knowing what they really need can an authentic service be provided to them. 4.2. RECOMMNEDATIONS In the face of the knowledge that I have gained and of the new insights that I have acquired I am proffering the following recommendations in order to further improve the practise. First, there should be an active involvement of the community in fire risk/safety management. This is important because in this way we can learn what they really need. Through this, we can create the appropriate response to their needs. Second, as risk is an accepted part of human existence and risk planning management is the contemporary way of preventing, minimising and handling risk, it becomes necessary that all the stakeholders of fire risk be given the opportunity to be heard, to be trained and to be provided service if necessary. Third, increasing the level of competence of fire fighters should be continually undertaken. Fourth, the training of people inhabiting buildings, of workers of companies occupying buildings and the entire community should be religiously undertaken. Moreover, escape plans should be clear and practical. Fifth, utilise developments in technology in the construction of structures. Sixth, age-old adage prevention is better than cure is applicable to fire risk. There is a need in raising the awareness of the people regarding the hazards and dangers of fire. 4.3. CONCLUSION Fire risk is a danger that can destroy properties, cause injuries and even take lives. As a fire fighter, indeed, the risks and dangers of the job is simply immense. However, the services that we can provide to those who are in need of our services, makes this difficult profession a very worthy one. In the end, I have come to realise that despite the inherent risks and dangers in fire fighting, it is a noble job. References: Al-Kaabi, N., & Hadipriono, F.C. (2003). “Construction safety performance in the United Arab Emirates”, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, Vol. 20, No. 3, 197–212. Furness, A., & Muckett, M. (2007). Introduction to Fire Safety Mangement. Oxford, UK: Elsevier. Gallati, R., 2003. Risk management and capital adequacy. New York: McGraw Hill Publishing, Inc. Gardiner. P. D. (2005). Project Management, a strategic planning approach. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. p.1-5. Gary,C.F & Larson, E.W. (2008). Project Management, the Managerial Process 4e, 4th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. p.5-9 Koskela, L. (2004) “Moving on – beyond lean thinking”, Lean Construction Journal, Vol. 1, No 1, 24 – 35. Retrieved from Accessed on 9 October 2010. Read More
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