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Team Reflection - Assignment Example

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This assignment "Team Reflection" presents the whole period of the project that has been very educative about how to relate to other members in the workplace or in a team. To mention, this project helped me to understand the importance of setting out the objectives and goals of any project…
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Team Reflection
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? Team Reflection Department: Part I Introduction In accordance to the challenges that emerged from the training project for the firm “Enterprise Rent-A-Car”, the importance of management tool availed itself. As such, this project was conducted through two open source management tool namely; ‘Microsoft Project’ and Redmine. Largely, the results of both these open source tool will be evaluated in this part of the paper. Microsoft Project Microsoft Project is a management tool software that allows users to set representative objectives for a project team(s) and clients by generating schedules, distributing resources and managing budgets. In essence, the user(s) gains control over their project tasks and they are helped by the Project guide to create projects, trail tasks, and report outcomes. Finally, Microsoft Project software package is installed with a customizable mechanism that takes the user(s) through the process of a project creation- starting from assigning their tasks and resources to reporting and evaluating the ending outcomes (Kennemer , 2002). Redmine This is an Open Source project management tool with a big base of user friendly scheming features. This is the chief and dominant characteristic of this open source tool. In addition, Redmine does not put the user to the need to move from page-to-page or back-and-forth surfing for simple operations, rather it displays all the information and the Gantt chart very conveniently (Redmine, 2013). Microsoft Project has over the years evolved and current version allows for the projects to be viewed through tabulated graphs and elaborative Gantt chart display. In addition, the information is presented in a format that the user is able to analyze and understand. However, unlike other open source management tools, Microsoft Project uses the .mpp format. The project management tool has the ability to analyze the project and display that information graphically or through scheduled figures. Accordingly, it is best since it matches and works well with other Microsoft applications since it is owned by the same company. On the contrary, Redmine has been equipped with a simpler display function, and largely uses the .xlm format. The software has the potential to graphically present and display the generated information. Accordingly, Redmine has the ability of approximating the most probable completion time for a project. For instance, on the Microsoft Project, it is easy to locate the task say Task 21 on the graphical representation, and equally follow the arrows on the Gantt chart to link the association with other tasks in the project. On the contrary, if the same task (21) is analyzed through Redmine all on has to do is click on the task and all relationships and information about the task is revealed. Thus, on this note, Redmine is easier to read information and schedule from than is the case with Microsoft project. From projects in the Microsoft Project tool, the manager has not been allowed the chance to analyze the probability of completing the project on time, rather, this software has mainly emphasized on the dates of start and completion. However, based on the fact that the tool allows for dependency, it has the option of allowing the incorporation of an overlapping tasks by defining a “Lead time” for the successor task. Equally, in case a task is delayed and the predecessor task ought to start this software allowed for enter by defining a “Lag time”. These features were very significant because the tool was able to allow for an overlap of numerous tasks. On the other hand, Redmine was equally equipped with this option but the option is covered through its ability to handle multiple tasks and through its time tracking ability. The Microsoft Project’s default view in is the Gantt chart view option. This is so since, through it, users are able to see task information as both text and bar graphics. Accordingly, the Gantt chart is displayed on a window that is split into two sections. The left side columns includes the tool’s Microsoft Project field. These columns were helpful when modifying the task names, durations, start and finish dates, just to mention a few. Likewise, the right side of this view shows the Gantt chart. Similarly, through the Redmine open source tool, the default vie is the Gantt chart and the calendar. As such, the project manager was able to create custom statuses consequently defining the issues types, and the subsequent writing of protocols for each task. Indeed, through the graphic presentation both individuals and teams were able to better envision their workflow and have an accurate view of the projects facts. Further, Microsoft Project help the team to include recurrent tasks such as evaluation and meetings. The open source management tool was very helpful since all on needed was to schedule such a task and on the Gantt chart, view one was either need to use the +/- sign toggle to show each meeting individually or group all the meetings as one task. Likewise, Redmine is equipped with similar options and hence it is capable of scheduling such recurring tasks but, on the Gantt chart it reflected as a task rather than as showing each meeting individually. On this platform then, it is of importance to note that the two management tool may have dissimilar operation mechanisms but, their function is very similar. Results generated are of almost similar weight since they fully help the manager of the project to predict outcomes. Lastly, as it was noted from the usage of both software, the easiness and appropriateness highly depends on the users taste and preference but not on the capability of the software in comparison. Introduction Like for any team either for work or charity jobs, the main reinforcements for its survival is unity, resolving conflicts promptly, communication, and trust among the members. Accordingly, a team is always strengthened if it works together towards a common goal. From definition most scholars have defined a team through these principles and thus it does not matter where the team is made from one gender, mixed or is multicultural. The primary driving force of a team is the ability to bring together varying minds with an aim of generating better results from this diversity. Accordingly, the roles and undertakings of any team will in many cases define or determine how the members adjust. Thus, on this platform, this part describes and reflects on a team that I have worked with over a period of two and a half week. The purpose of forming this team was to complete an assignment of evaluation a training program in a firm “Enterprise Rent-A-Car” Members and Team Composition This team is made up of four members, of whom two are Nigeria, a Chinese and myself. The aim of the team was to conduct a training program for the firm “Enterprise-Rent-A-Car”. For this task the team was needed to work for a common objective of overseeing a successful completion of a training program of the firm. On its inception, the members immediately met and had a warming catchup with members introducing themselves. During this memorable initial meeting, which I clearly remember because communication was hard since we came from different cultural backgrounds. According to Deeks (2004) people from dissimilar cultural upbringings are expected to have diverse attitudes towards hierarchy, uncertainty, achievement-orientation, time and working with others, thus our team was no exception (Deek , 2004). The basic objectives were for orientation purposes including, exchanging of e-mails, phone numbers and residential numbers. This was aimed at helping members to know how they would in future contact one another. In addition, due to the time constraint for the project (two and a half weeks) the team resolved to draw up a time table so that members would know when they were required to meet and how the project would be planned to avoid last minute rush. As it is commonly known, not all people are focused and this was greatly demonstrated in this meeting. Some members were not for the idea of starting on the project immediately but they preferred that that this day was generally for social purpose. Accordingly, the members were freer to those members that they shared common culture. For instance, the two Nigerians were close and they would largely consult in their native language and this dwindled my hope for the team working and completing the task together. However, after debating, the members agreed to at least schedule the plan for the two and a half weeks. Accordingly, the next meeting was set for the meeting and this day was meant for the formal start of that project. In addition, it was passed that meeting would be held after ever two days and in the afternoons. The first agenda for the second meeting was to choose the team leader and the allocation of role for every member. This was done to ensure that there was no duplication of tasks since the members were to work by themselves and report their achievements during the brief meetings. Subsequently, in the second meeting I was elected as the leader of the team since the members felt that I would not favor based on cultural affiliations. Accordingly, planning proves to be a good measure of ensuring that the project move on without hiccups. Conflict Resolution During the period of the project, there were numerous conflicts that arose. Most of the conflicts arose mainly due to misunderstandings and miscommunication factors. Being the leader of the team, my main goal; was not only to oversee the smooth running of the project but it was equally to resolve conflicts. I tried to be as fair as possible and I solved conflicts immediately and without favor. In essence, I made the extra mile of mediating and making follow-up through the emails and the cell phones. Further, during this experience, I noticed that most of the conflicts were not personal but they arose due to work related issues ( Halverson & Tirmizi, 2008). For example, on one occasion a members felt demoralized because they did not deliver their assignment as required and the other members felt that he was not serious about the team’s undertakings. However, after the meeting I motivated him and explained to him that he needed to be active and that he should not hold grudge. I equally explained that such a misfortune can happen to anyone hence they should take courage and forge ahead. On this light, motivation of team members is a key aspect to its success and strength. According to a report published in the Journal of Product Innovation Management, motivation is a very important obligation for the management and it renders directly into productivity and team efficiency (Sarin & O’Connor , 2009). More so, conflicts arose based on laxity of some members. I clearly remember on incidence that one member failed to attend to a meeting and equally failed to deliver their task. This created a lot of tension sine it was around the end of the project. For that reason, members proposed that the whole afternoon was to be spent working on that part of the assignment and that the member should be dropped from the group. However, as the team leader I felt that this was too harsh for the member yet we had not listened to their side of the story. I promised to visit the member in their place of residence and inform the members of what had transpired. After communicating with the member I found out that he had lost his laptop and it contained the information for his part of the assignment. He was however apologetic and promised not to repeat the mistake again. On this light, I informed all the members about it and they in fact felt sorry for the member and promised to help him get a new laptop. The resolution of conflicts according to Cheng (2008), should be conducted in a manner that is considerate for bot side such that it mediated rather than disintegrates the team (Cheng, 2008). Communication Being a mixed cultured team, verbal communication was somewhat hard because of the different pronunciations that members had. However, on the general level and definition of communication in a team or organization- keeping a constant line of exchange of ideas and thought about the project, members were very positive (Sarin & McDermott, 2003). The means of communication was mainly through phone calls and through emails. Members had in the past resolved to discuss through charts about their daily progress on the assignment and this equally acted as a means of motivation. Likewise, the team members were allowed to share their problems to other without fear of victimization since that team had come to embrace one another as being part of a ‘family’. This resonated with Balsom, et al. (2009) who confers that effective communicators simplify or acknowledge the reception of information. They listen to the other team members and share understanding of others and teamwork (Balsom, et al., 2009). After the initial days, tension had significantly reduced and the initially noted segregation based on cultural affiliations declined and members interacted normally. In fact, I remember times when the two Nigerians would not get into close talks and opted to share with the rest accordingly the team grew strong and we all became one. This proved that communication is very important and it creates bounds (Ferrazzi, 2012). Moreover, during the task, when a member had an idea, and they did not know how to explain that idea it was allowed that body language would be used so that the point would be understood. Equally, we introduced a board during meetings so that the member presenting their tasks or explaining a point had the liberty to write in case verbal communication failed. This closely related to Rizvi (2010:144) deduction that, “communication is one of the significant and challenging skills and denotes to the process used to convey a message from one individual to another.” Because of varied cultures, poor communication, the member I included, always felt that they fell behind. Equally, Huszczo (2010:101) conferred that good communication is crucial for all members of a team to ensure that they work together to realize the projects goals (Rizvi, 2010) ( Huszczo, 2010). Conclusion The whole period of the project has been very educative not only about the project but about how to relate to other members in the work place or in a team. To mention, this project helped me to understand the importance of setting out the objectives and goals of any projects. This process helps in the continuity and smooth flow and ensure that there is minimal loss of time. Equally, planning is important to the time as it give the team the guidelines and timeframes that they have to match so that the project is completed in time. Further, during this assignment I was able to understand the meaning of conflict management since I was given the chance to be the team leader and thus I was mandated to handle such issues. It is through this role that I learnt the difference between a leader and a facilitator. It has been noted that leadership is an undertaking one does to a team, while facilitation is something done by the leader with the team. Lastly, over the period of the project I had the chance to appreciate the role communication plays in a team. Thus, I attest that this project was a success and a learning platform to all members in my group. References Halverson, C. B. & Tirmizi, . S. A., 2008. Effective Multicultural Teams: Theory and Practice: theory and practice. New York: Springer. Huszczo, G. E., 2010. 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Ferrazzi, K., 2012. How to Manage Conflict in Virtual Teams. harvard Busines Review, p. n.p. Kennemer , B., 2002. Define and schedule tasks in Microsoft Project. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 December 2013]. Leonard, M., Graham, S. & Bonacum, >., 2004. The Human factor: the Critical Importance of Efeectiv Teamwork and Communication in Providing Safe Care. International Journal of Healthcare Improvement, 13(1), pp. 85-90. Marsella, . A. J., 2005. Culture and conflict: Understanding, negotiating, and reconciling conflicting constructions of reality. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 29(6), pp. 651-673. Redmine, 2013. Planio. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 December 2013]. Rizvi, 2010. Communication For Retail Professionals. Mumbai: Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Sarin , . S. & McDermott, C., 2003. The Effect of Team Leadership on the Learning and Performance of Cross-Functional Product Development Teams. Decision Sciences , 34 (4). Sarin, S. & O’Connor , G. C., 2009. First Among Equals: The Effect of Team Leader Characteristics on the Internal Dynamics of Cross-Functional Product Development Teams. Journal of Product Innovation Management, pp. 5-15. Read More
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