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Internaional intercultural manangement - Essay Example

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Name: Course: Date: International intercultural management Table of Contents International intercultural management Introduction The inter-cultural dinner involved two countries, namely China and Nigeria. Different countries in the world are defined by different cultures, based on the region from where the countries are situated, as well as the political, social and economic situations of the countries…
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Internaional intercultural manangement
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Therefore, it is through culture that the world is organized into different spectrums, since culture comprises of diverse societal aspects, such as language, fashion, food and cuisines, religion, festivities and celebrations, and political-economic issues (Davis, 2004 p102). Additionally, it is through culture, that the understanding of values, assumptions, beliefs, customs and norms are defined, while also shaping the nature of institutions that are operable in the country and region. Simply put, the world is a chaotic place where there are several conflicting systems that renders the world prone to conflicts, and it is only through culture that order in the world can be established (LeBaron, 2003 n.p.).

In the business realm, culture defines the nature of leadership within organisations, through stipulating what is expected of the leaders and their subordinates, what the leaders and their subordinates can and cannot do, and the nature of the influences that the leaders may have within organisations (Hall, 1990 p55). . Culture of Nigeria The fundamental aspect that shape and define the Nigerian culture is the multiplicity of ethnic groups and subsequent dialects, with the country having over 50 languages that are commonly spoken, and above 250 dialects (Kwittesential, 2013 n.p.).

However, the largest ethnic groups in the country are the Igbo, the Yoruba and the Hausa-Fulani, each of which occupies a different region of the country, with the Igbo occupying the southeast, the Yoruba occupying the southwest, while the Hausa-Fulani occupies the north region of the country (Kwittesential, 2013 n.p.). The rest of the small communities are distributed throughout the country, but mostly placed within the central region, with all the ethnic groups in the country consisting of a total population of 170,123,740, according to the estimates of July 2010, with the Hausa-Fulani accounting for 29% of the total population, Yoruba 21% and the Igbo 18%, while the other 47 ethnic groups form the rest of the 42% of the country’s population (Kwittesential, 2013 n.p.).

The country has many dialects and languages that are currently spoken, while some have subsequently been absorbed by others and eventually become extinct. However, the major language that defines Nigeria is English, which is laced with dialectical lexicon of pidgin forming an Anglo-African language that is characteristic of the Nigerian culture, a language that is not shared by many other countries, except for some few countries who are in the West African region of Africa, and who neighbours Nigeria (Osakwe, 2012 p7).

In terms of religion, Nigeria has two major religions, with Muslim accounting for the majority of the population in the country, with close to half of the Nigerian

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