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Change mangement in Qantas - Essay Example

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Change Models and Strategies Used Qantas organization did not provide us with the model of change that they utilized to launch their change program. However, it is our view that they used general principles of project management. The idea behind this model is to find the best choice possible, rather than a perfect solution with the basis on achieving outcomes with as little negative consequences as possible…
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Change mangement in Qantas
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This section will illustrate the specific principles through the application of the KT approach of project management. This approach will split the project into three basic areas, in which communication occurs over all levels as shown below; The KT process will help Qantas in the analysis of implementation of goals via a systematic process of decision-making. It will apply in this case because it aids in achievement of improved satisfaction of customers, increasing sales, and the elimination of problems in sales (Biech, 2010: p44).

The first step is analysis, where they will come up with rough goals to improve business like marketing of new products to clients. The management team will collect information from market data, databases, competitors, and customer surveys and sort through it to collect information accurately since this data forms assumptions on which all KT steps in the future will be undertaken. The second step is the strategy where Qantas, using all relevant data will have its management craft cost effective plans that accomplish the goals.

They will take into consideration all barriers that may hinder the objectives, scope and types of products and services offered, new business sources, how to attain competitive advantage, as well as goal timeframes (Biech, 2010: p45). Following the strategy creation, a project design will be created and presented to the owner. In the third step, Qantas will consider the designs presented by the managers, as well as have the managers pitch strategies in the strategy session. Qantas, using the management team, will select the best strategy and come up with a master plan.

This will include the project’s purpose, its schedule, project stages, and resources that are needed to meet the objectives (Biech, 2010: p45). Following this, the next phase is the implementation of the master plan through assigning various tasks and training the management in the fulfillment of roles. The KT process is emphatic on hands-off approach, which requires little interference where managers and employees only get required skills needed to complete objectives in the plan. Qantas should also ensure that the employees are constantly informed on the progress of the plan, only becoming active in the plan implementation when deadlines are not met.

The final step is review, where Qantas while using the KT process need to review whether the plan is working after it is implemented since the plans are not necessarily considerate of all relevant variables in meeting the goals of the business (Biech, 2010: p47). As the project concludes, they should update the master plan to improve on the results. Should the project fail because of inaccurate research, the plan should be scrapped altogether and more time focused on the KT process’ analysis step.

It is also opined that that Qantas used the popular Kotter’s 8 steps model as it is displayed in figure 2: Figure 2 steps to successful change The first step they would take would be creating a sense of urgency since everyone at Qantas will have to be behind the change and believe in it. They should identify potential threats with concurrent scenarios of possibilities in the future (Cameron & Green, 2012:

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