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Operation Management - Essay Example

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This essay talks about Markeaton Park which is one of the most visited parks of the Derby. The number of the visitors is very high in the park, as a matter of fact; the park enjoys the distinction of being one of the most visited parks in the area of the East Midlands. …
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Operation Management
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? Contents BACKGROUND OF THE CASE 2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 3 DELIVERABLE 4 INCREASE THE RANGE OF THE AUDIENCES 4 PROPOSAL 4 DELIVERABLE 2 7 THE CONSERVATION OF THE HERITAGE VALUE OF THE PARK 7 THE PROPOSAL 7 DELIVERABLE 3 9 INCREASE OF THE VOLUNTEERS OF THE PARK 9 THE PROPOSAL 9 DELIVERABLE 4 11 SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE IMPROVEMENT ABOUT PARKS BY TRAINING 11 THE PROPOSAL 11 DELIVERABLE 5 11 THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT 11 THE PROPOSAL 11 CONCLUSION 13 REFERENCES 14 BACKGROUND OF THE CASE Markeaton Park is one of the most visited parks of the Derby. The number of the visitors is very high in the park, as a matter of fact; the park enjoys the distinction of being one of the most visited parks in the area of the East Midlands. It has a very wide range of recreational facilities and a huge number of the attractions. The use of the services has been one of the primary points of the attraction of the park. The delivery of this kind of the services has impacted the growth of the park. The park has been steadily using on the number of the visitors due to the lack of the proper kind of the facilities being accorded by the club. This has led to the growth of the services of the firm to a great extent. The new kind of the facilities needs to be developed for the growth of the park. There is a need for the over haul of the amenities of the park. There is a need to look at all the basic kind of the facilities of the park. The development of the facilities shall play an important part in the reclaiming of the lost audience. There are a number of problems that are being faced by the club. They are as follows: 1. The lesser number of the visitors at the play centre in Mundy. This can be attributed to the lack of the facilities of the club. The other factor is the lack of the willingness of the visitors to pay for services that are below-park. 2. The opening hours of the park are not constant, having a number of visitors to be unsure about the timings of the park. 3. The amount of the budgets seems to be on the decline. This has led to decreased operational ability of the form. The number of the employees is also reducing. This has led to the reduction of the resources of the park. 4. The quality of the horticulture has been declining to a great extent. This has led t the decrease of the herbaceous borders. 5. The experience of the visitors is very poor, especially about the entrance from one of the sides of the park. 6. The size of the park and the amount of the amenities of the park is not being exploited. This may be due to the lack of the availability of complete idea of the park. 7. The size of the park is a great reason for the tagging of a number of the private events in the area; include the display of the fireworks. This leads to a great degree of the pressure. 8. The decrease of the amount of the space also plays a part in the lack of the services. There is the lessening of the space of the park that can be considered of any artistic value. These are the various kinds of the issues that are being faced by the park. The decrease in a number of the green areas has an important impetus on the services of the park in a significant manner. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The park has been facing a period of the distress in a number of the areas. The study aims to provide with a comprehensive plan to improve all the areas. The objectives have been developed in conjunction with the proposed outcomes. They are as follows: The stopping of the decline of the number of the visits of the park by the restoration of the value of the park. The increase of the number of the visitors in the park. The subsequent increase of the income of the park. The spreading of the natural value of the park by the use of the different kinds of the mechanisms. The proliferation of the audiences of the park into a number of new age groups. The increase of the number of the volunteers of the park. The improvement of the basic levels of the skills and learning of the different constituents of the park. This can involve the use of the different kinds of the training or the improvement of the workforce. The improvement of the maintenance facilities of the park. These are the various kinds of the objectives that have been decided after the observation of the case. There is the formulation of an operations strategy for the implementation of the new strategy. DELIVERABLE 1 INCREASE THE RANGE OF THE AUDIENCES PROPOSAL The primary deliverables of the park involves strategy is the increase of the number of the audience that visits the park. There is also the need to increase the range of the audiences of the firm. The basal part of the strategy is to increase the reach of the park. This is the strategy that has been outlined for the firm. SERVICE The park has been suffering due to the lack of the branding. All the parks in the area in the area have been at the forefront in the area have number of the facilities, which they provide. The level of the branding is very high. The concept of the park as a popular place to hang-out has to be re-enforced in the mind of the consumers. This can be done increasing the number of the promotional activities that surround the park. This shall help in the development of the ideas that need to be taken into the consideration. Advertising: There is the need for the promoting of the park. This shall involve the advertisement about the different features of the park. This can be done by a number of the methods. They are the use of the radio advertisements, the television advertisements, the billboards and the display boards in the shops. The retailers of the area can be roped as part of this initiative to raise revenues by increasing the amount of the visit in the park. Sales promotion technique: This is one of the best kind of the methods that can be used in the selling of the idea of the park as a hotspot. The park can hold a number of competitions among the local community (Allaway, Black & Mason, 1988). There can be the introduction of the different kinds of the sweepstakes, contest, and the promotion of the park during the annual fire shows and holding fairs espousing the heritage of the park. Public relations: The large part of the population that comes in the park, generally comes for the activities in the park. This can be used as an opportunity for increasing the number of the visitors of the park. They can be used as a medium for increasing the amount of the sales of the entries of the park. There can be the use of the different kinds of the newspaper articles, the TV and the presentation on the radio, the presentation on the different kinds of the platforms, and other presentation area can be used as the means for the development of the different kinds of the methods form popularising of the park. Direct marketing: The different methods of the direct marketing like the use of promotions on the grounds of the park can be used to spread the message about the park. Corporate image: There is the need for the development of a corporate image of the management of the park. This shall allow the proper functioning of the formalized and appropriate use of the resources. PRICE The pricing of the tickets of the park is one of the other ways of incurring the traffic of the park. Let us discuss certain kind of the strategies that can be used in the increase of the traffic. The basal method that can be used in the development of the pricing strategy of the park is the use of the appropriate kinds of the mechanism. The paper is having fall in the number o the visitors. The parks can do two things in the arena of the pricing. The pricing can be decrease (penetration pricing needs to be followed). There is the need to introduce more bulk offers. The introduction of special discounts on the bulk entries and the use of the different kinds of the methods like free entries for the increase of the traffic can be promulgated. DELIVERABLE 2 THE CONSERVATION OF THE HERITAGE VALUE OF THE PARK THE PROPOSAL The conservation of the heritage value of the park should be one of the priorities of the plan. This is one of the biggest parks in the area. It has very long heritage in terms of the number of the people that it serves. It can also be used as a differentiator in the market. There are various methods that can be used as the potential means of the differentiation. There is the need for the development of comprehensive forum about the historical value of the park. The articles about the park can be written in the journals, in newspapers, local publications and the other relevant avenues .The use of the television and the radio a means for spreading the massage about the park should be espoused (Alton, 2009). Dedicated PR (Public Relations) machinery should work for the purpose of building the base of the campaign. The local channels should be roped in to ensure the spread of the message. There is as a need to educate the local people about the value of the park. This shall lead to the development a very good platform for the development of the park. The lack of the different kinds of the amenities is leading to a loss of the cover of the herbs. There is the urgent need to attain the services of eminent horticulturists of the area to ensure the survival of the flora of the garden. This can be attained by the through research on the composition of the soil. There are a number of areas of that can be taken into the perspective. The parking area in the A38 entrance is sore thumb in the whole park. This needs to be rectified. The analysis of the day shows a number of the interesting points. A large section of the visiting population come to the park by foot. The foot and the cycle form the other means of the arrival need are also very high on the data. The largest section of the visitors arrives by car. This is one area of the park that needs to be addressed immediately. The entrance points at the A 38 have been a major point in co-relation of the information. The use of the pathways also needs to be improved. The portion of the travellers coming for the purpose of the cycling is also very large. All of these points need to be taken into the consideration in designing the improvement plan for the park. The pathways of the arrival to the park need to be improved. The amount of the foliage also needs to be made better. This shall boost the number of the visitors. The development of the ambience of the park by the renovation of the facilities needs to be focus point. There is the need to look at all the avenues for nth development of the facilities of the park. The largest chunk of the visitors of the park consists of the visitors with the family and the friends. The development of the different kinds of the avenues would foster the visit of new customers. DELIVERABLE 3 INCREASE OF THE VOLUNTEERS OF THE PARK THE PROPOSAL The increase of the number of volunteers in the Markeaton Park needs a lot of efforts from all the involved personnel .The strategy of the hiring of the volunteers should flowed in manner that helps in the filing up of the posts at the earliest. The development of the idea of the hiring needs to take the realities of the ground into the perspective. This includes the use of the facilities by the public. The hiring of the volunteers can take place from a number of the sources. The analysis of the different kinds of the sources would help us comprehend the different pools of the recruitment. The primary method of the hiring of the volunteers can take place by the help of the putting the advertisings in the newspaper. The use of the different elements of the sources shall hello in the faster process of the hiring. The other source of the volunteers is the use of the high schools and the colleges. This is an important part of the functional element of the hiring (Bryson, 1996). The students may be explained about the significance of the mark and the importance of the volunteering process on the park. The schools and the colleges may be taking on board as a part of this process. They may be told to be asked about the inclusion of the hiring as a mandatory part of the extracurricular activities. This should also carry some sort of weight age in the complete marking. The colleges may be asked to include this program as part of their system of the marking scheme. They may be asked to volunteer in the park as a summer activity. In fact, the park may be made a part of their project work the local newspaper sand the radio should also actively canvass for the hiring of the volunteers. There are the various kinds of the processes that may be used to increase the number of the volunteers. DELIVERABLE 4 SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE IMPROVEMENT ABOUT PARKS BY TRAINING THE PROPOSAL The training is one of the most important parts of the knowledge improvement of the parks. This can be done by a number of the methods. A manual may be developed at the beginning of the induction of the volunteers .This may be helpful in giving the initial information of the park (Cooke, 2002). This shall form an essential part of the process of the information about the park. There are other methods that may be followed for the purpose of the training. One of the methods of the training that is really important in the transfer of the knowledge in the non-codified regimes is the use of the different kinds of the OJT (On Job Trainings). This leads pot the development of the competencies for the job. The different forms of the on job training are the use of the mentoring, shadowing, following the senior on the job and the transfer of knowledge on the job. The new recruits may also be given training by the hiring of an external institute to give then at the adequate level of the training in different areas. This shall also help in the development of the competencies in the long run. DELIVERABLE 5 THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT THE PROPOSAL The improvement of the management is one of the other areas that needs to be taken into the consideration. The development of the appropriate kinds of management is one of the needs of the process. There is the need of the development of the different types of the organizational mechanisms for the organizational structure. The organizational structure shall help in the development of a chain of the command in the park authorities. There are a lot of problems with the placement of the timings. There have been cases, where the timing of the opening of the park seems to be very random (Slevin, 2009). This is a feature of the park that needs to be corrected at the earliest to address all the relevant type of the problems. The application of the formats of the management is needed pt bring in added amount of the accountability in the system. The management needs to look at the relevant points of interest to the park and address those problems. The structure of the organization needs to be formalized. In these kinds of the systems, where the number of the departments is very less; the matrix type of the structure is the most at. It would allow in the flow of the information, avoid the conflicts in the functioning, the duplication of the commands and the redundancy in the functional parts. All of these elements are the primal kind of the necessity in the formation of the different kinds of the mechanism of the management. There is the need to appoint a Project Manager to overlook the different kinds of the changes that need to take place in the organization. This would also require the proper kind of the allocation of the work. One of the fundamental methods of the allocation of the work is by the use of the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure). This is very important in the proper dimension of the work. The other functional element is the use of the Performance Management Systems. This would help in the proper allocation of all the functionalities. The use of this kind of the systems would allow a lot of the work to be monitored. In addition to this, the different elements of the project need pt be evaluated by the help of the balanced score arc method. This would allow a practical evaluation of all the functional elements to take place. The assembly of these different functionalities is fundamental to the success of the project. CONCLUSION The Markeaton Park and the Mundy play centre have been having a number of problems. There are the problems with the lack of the funds, the mismanagement, the timing of the park and the other factor. There is an attempt to understand the different kinds of the problems being faced and the development of a comprehensible kind of mechanism for the redress of those. There is a need to submit the report to the Heritage Lottery Fund for the approval of the fins worth 2.4 million pounds to a project costing 3 million. This is fundamental part of the decision making process (Curran, 1996). The report has aimed at answering some of the most basic problems being faced by the park. The different parts of the proposal talk about the promotional methods. This includes the use of the traditional and the television advertisements. There is the need to a look at the different elements of the decision making machinery, by restructuring the organizational structure. The matrix structure has been identified as the most basic structure (March, 2003). This shall help in the alleviation of all the different kinds of the communication problems in the park. There has been the recommendation of splitting the shifts into the groups. This shall allow a great level of the efficiency. The different avenues of the hiring have been discussed .The allotment of the work has been explored by the help of the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure). This shall allow a better degree of functionality in the project. These are some of the elements that have been analyzed in the report. This shall play an integral part in the plans for the approval of the grants. REFERENCES Allaway, A., Black, W. and Mason, B. (1988). “Marketing Strategies and the Business Cycle,” Journal of General Management, 13, 3, 52-66. Allen, F. and Gale, D. (2008) .Understanding Financial Crises. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Allen, R. & Snyder, D. (2009). “New thinking on the financial crisis.” Critical Perspectives on. International Business, 5, 36-55. Altany, D. (1991a). “Survival lessons.” Industry Week, 240(3), 57?65. Altany, D. (1991b). “Jump Start the Recovery.” Industry Week, 240(11), 29?44. Bryson, J.R. (1996). “Small business service firms and the 1990s recession in the United Kingdom: Implications for local economic development.” Local Economy Journal, 11, pp. 221-236. Cooke, H. (2002). “Survival strategies for corporate real estate in uncertain times.” Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 4(4), pp. 365-74. Covin, J. and Slevin, D. (1989). “Strategic Management of Small Firms in Hostile and Benign Environments.” Strategic Management Journal, 10(11), pp. 75-87. Curran, J. (1996). “Small Business Strategy.” International Encyclopaedia of Business and Management, Vol 5, (ed.) Warner, M. London, Routledge. Read More
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