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Workplace Discrimination - Assignment Example

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Mankind is reaching new horizons of development through innovations in science and technology, the world today has changed due to the hard work and effort of our race; we live today in a sophisticated platform that promises to provide solutions to key issues in life…
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Workplace Discrimination
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?Running Header: Research Work in Workplace Discrimination Module Workplace Discrimination Mankind is reaching new horizons of development through innovations in science and technology, the world today has changed due to the hard work and effort of our race; we live today in a sophisticated platform that promises to provide solutions to key issues in life. However, even after the promises and despite various efforts the human race still indulges in the act of “Racism (Lima, 2008). According to Aronsom, racial discrimination comes from the word “race” that implies one takes advantage owing to their own prejudice or stereotype of their supremacy. In taking advantage; they may harm the person from a different race in various ways. Many conclude this discrimination in the words “The fight between blacks and whites” – excluding the brown race. This may be a result of some negative past experiences or some stereotypes formed from the beginning. Many strongly belief it is due to lack of education that adds to this problem of Racial Discrimination (2001). This Racial Discrimination can be seen all around the society; streets, schools, colleges, public places and professional organizations. Fryer states that racial Discrimination at workplace is a problem that is growing over the time span (1993); it not only creates problems within the organization but poses hazard to governments and other stakeholders of that organization. Racial discrimination is seen as a reason for the collapse of many organizations and it stands out today as a major problem owing to which many theories and strategies have been adopted by many organizations to prevent them from the turmoil of racism. As a result, the committee on the elimination of racial discrimination has laid great emphasis on the topic (High Commission for Human Rights, 20000). Quinn notes that a workplace is a safe environment where by workers are motivated to work and perform their best to give maximum efficiency for a company; theories laid out by Elton Mayo, F.W Tayor, Maslow or Herzberg all signify the important of a motivated workforce for efficiency at workplace. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs, a worker needs social safety to get to “Self Esteem” level followed by the “Self Actualization” level whereby he/she would perform their best. In order for such motivation to take place, it is crucial to avoid conflicts, especially racial conflicts as these once ignited, are difficult to stop. Such was the case in the recent riots of United Kingdom (2011). If we are to follow the process of efficiency for corporate entities, motivation is the key element that will lead to success as stated by the above figures who have each given out a different theory for motivation of workers (example: F.W Taylor’s Piece rate policy) (Stimpson, 2010) Racial Discrimination acts as a hindrance for many employees to be motivated and work efficiently; this racial discrimination has its roots either through past experiences or certain stereotypes inbuilt since a long time. Hindrance in work can jeopardize the whole operation of a corporation. It can start off with very minuet exposure and result in violence and chaos for the world to see (example 2011 UK riots) (Regrosa, 2011). There are various ways in which racial discrimination can take place at organizations; it can start off from the phase when an employee has not even secured a job with the company. Discrimination on basis of ethnicity or race during interviews is a common problem in many workplaces, therefore, with racial discriminatory Human Resource personnels; inefficiency in the “hiring process” should be no surprise. In fact some journals go to the extent of verifying that fact that African-Americans (blacks) at times have to work harder for the same job when competing with whites in the United States of America (Mottley, 1993). Asking a black person tougher questions, trying to embarrass a black, putting behind tougher situations or degrading a black while a professional interviews are just some of the ways through which personal prejudice of Human Resource’s professionals intervening with their moral and professional duties. This discrimination has started even before a black enters an organization and can go on to torture him/her to the point whereby one decides to adapt pessimist behavior techniques to cope up. The discrimination can be based on the simplest of reasons, following are the reasons, some may sound childlike however, as a matter of fact, and this is also a social reality in our society: Scolding more when not needed Giving shorter deadlines for work Discouraging use of privileges enjoyed by others (whites) Placement in poor condition workplaces/departments on purpose Exposure to most inferior equipment available in the organization Insulting in front of all staff members even when not needed Openly degrading the race out of rage and aggression in front of the staff Humiliation and no appreciation even after an excellent performance Slower promotions Favoring one race when key issues like ”analysis based opinions” are submitted Grouping (a major problem, may make one feel left out and lonely) As stated above, these problems can start off with the simplest of things and may result in turmoil within the organization. A closer observation at these points indicate that they might be small parameters to be demoralized, however when added together and jumbled upon one specific person in an organization, that person would have no incentive to work. A person would only work and give out his hundred percent if he loves what he does; love in this situation is a farfetched element. Exposed to the points mentioned above, one would either leave the job or react in an undesirable manner. In the world today, whereby unemployment is on the rise (BBC, 2011), the second option seems to have practicality. However, the result may turn out to be catastrophic; a black when exposed to situations mentioned above may get aggressive emotionally and physically. In the western societies, blacks are seen as violent people indulging in criminal acts; comprehensive research done by some psychologists reveals that it is the exposure given by the white race that leads to such conclusions – “No one is a born thief”. After such exposure, violent aggression may include physical or verbal abuses within workplaces, psychical fights leading to damage of expensive equipment or more ever, even police involvement that may jeopardize the company’s reputation amongst its stake holders. Tulanes comments that there are various experiments conducted to prove that racial discrimination has become a common phenomenon in the west. A study by students at Loyola University at New Orleans revealed that it is a subtle process but has great impacts in the longer run. It starts off by the basic everyday exposure to racial discrimination at the workplace against blacks; they found evidence in their research of this taking place in organizations (2005). It would seem the above situation may be in small scale companies; however, two points are important to note. Small scale industries are the engine of an economy and are vital for economic growth (Madigaan, 2010). Secondly, the situation prevails not only in small companies but in organizations well known all around the world. Who imagined that some blacks in Hollywood filmmaking industry would feel they are not given enough importance or racially discriminated? Such is the case of “Sarah Lane” who performed lead dances in the Hollywood blockbuster “Black Swan”, claimed in an interview with Wall Street that she is definitely not given the credit she deserves for her work and that the credit enjoyed by others is not fair; she claimed she could quantify her efforts with Portman. Hollywood is considered the best movie making industry and it has dominated world movie markets for over decades; the industry works effectively and efficiently and such incidents put the reputation of the years old company at stake. Hollywood itself has contributed to resolve the issue on racial discrimination (the blockbuster “Crash” depicts the reality of racism at different situations) therefore this incident got media’s attention immediately and was worked upon. Even the most sophisticated or well organized institutions of the world can be burdened with the problem of racial discrimination at workplace owing to human nature. (Christopher, 2011) Another example of racial discrimination is at an organization that is suppose to resolve conflicts; the police department. The analysis based upon 5 years of data collected from internal affairs that suggested that senior officials and supervisors lodge complaints that are over exaggerated against the ethnic minority officers in the police; this proves their personal prejudice coming in between executive decisions. (Rojek, 2009) Racial discrimination at an organization causes trouble for itself; however, an organization has many stakeholders. It is these stakeholders that are affected as well; government being one of a major stakeholder therefore ensures policies and procedures for organizations to follow. Racial discrimination at workplace may cause a company’s reputation in front of its suppliers and customers to go down the drain; it may also cause an organization to lose many potential customers (the customers belonging to the race discriminated against). “Divorce between ownership and control” is a major problem in organizations till date (Stimpson, 2009); Managers and shareholders might share different views when it comes to racism, the managers might wants to hire the blacks and give them fair stakes in the company but the shareholders may have some prejudice against blacks. This complicates the operations of a company whereby the managers and shareholders have different approaches for the organization and thus conflicts may arise. The examples of racial discrimination at workplace are a serious threat to economies; the recent turmoil of 2011 in London started off when police officers shot dead a black without sufficient evidence – many claim this to be racial discrimination at workplace that started a serious issue that the world watched in with terrified views. Shops and stores were looted and certain areas in cities within United Kingdom were closed down for a few days causing economic loss to the whole Nation. This is one of the main reasons why governments consider racial discrimination as a key element that has to overcome for efficiency of not only the organization, but the economy as a whole. As a result of the seriousness of the threat of racial discrimination, there have been various efforts by various organizations to counter it and provide a safer and healthier environment to work within. The following are a list of some of the official documents that highlight the importance on the issue of racial discrimination and prove that governments have been working since a long time to eradicate the problem for the economy (United Nations, 2001): Vienna Declaration adopted by World Conference on Human rights (1993) – Called for comprehensive elimination of all forms of racism and racial discrimination Commission on Human Rights resolution 1997/74 convening of the world conference against racism and racial discrimination Two world conferences to counter Racial Discrimination – Geneva 1978 and 1983 A report claimed that African Americans are earning 25 percent less than white men with the same level of education (Cha, 2007). With such reports coming in, many seeking job give up even before putting in effort. In a study at Teachers College Columbia University, Mr. Robert talked about stresses endured as a result of this racial discrimination at professional institutes (Carter, 2007); these people go through financial constraints alongside job problems followed by family issues. All add up to give a traumatizing life to an individual who has no other option but to adapt wrong approaches to life and become a pessimist. These experiences are enough to shape a personality. As a result, steps are being taken by western Nations to counter this negative phenomenon. There are different ways to look and deal with the situation, perhaps one of the most important aspects in life today is education. Awareness and education programs are required at this stage to bring in changes in people; however, resistance to change at higher levels is a greater issue within itself and different psychologists have given different theories to counter resistance to change. Never the less, the importance of education and awareness programs cannot be neglected or over looked, it was an awareness program that got President Obama elected by the majority of people of America – awareness of change, “Yes we can!”. A major problem arises when ethnic groups because of their complexes do not even give their efforts at work places; a research has shown owing to many speculations of racism against the blacks in the construction industry in great Britain, many blacks did not even bother to apply for jobs in the industry even if they specialized in it. Such a problem has to be countered in schooling years only (when the personality is developing). According to the report that stated this problem, a solution for this problem is effective education at schooling. The awareness programs have to talk about future prospects and growths of the industry followed by success stories of individuals that aspire. Another strategy to make this education program more effective would be to include more people from ethnic minorities to give out the lectures of the awareness programs so that the ethnic minority students can feel motivated to pursue a career in a field that has been stereotyped as “Unreachable” for them. (Caplan,2009) Major breakthroughs in technological advancements have given way to easy accessibility of these educational programs through social websites and networks; however the negative side is also highlighted in such networks that may demoralize people. Human Resource department in organizations has gained tremendous popularity, the company’s success rests on their shoulders; the work it undergoes has crucial effects on an organization. Therefore, it is essential to hire an efficient Human Resource department that caters to fair demands of employees and indulges in regular activities that provide incentives to work together with different ethnic groups for more exposure and to reduce hatred that is present in some individuals for years. It is also the sole duty of the human resource department in an organization to draw out different plans for compensation, benefits, training and effective work by employees. It should have efficient departments within the Human Resource departments under the supervision of an HR director who should be carefully appointed by either the C.E.O or the shareholders of the company who have personal interest in the well being of the company to avoid racial discrimination at their organization. An efficient Human Resource department should have a flow chart similar to the one below: For a successful solution to this racial discrimination problem, the Human Resource department would have to devise a model that ensures accessibility for each employee to communicate their problems to top level officials who look for the greatest interest of the organization. This can be done using the use of technology through effective employee feedback systems inbuilt in various ERP systems on board many professional organizations. Even small organizations can adopt the policy by using “drop box” facility to make sure the environment is secure and safe from racism. The U.S Equal employment opportunity commission has worked to a large extent to solve this problem; it has motivated many firms to adapt policies and procedures that encourage education and effective feedback systems as to promote fair competition between employees for maximum efficiency not only for an organization but the economy as a whole19. Their objective is simple: it is an open competition that leads to a win-win situation. The job to eradicate racial discrimination from the workplace may require challenges by the organization (i.e. change of structure/policies etc) but its benefits are likely to outweigh the costs in the long run, as the success of a company comes from efficiency of its labor and the efficiency is followed by effective policies and procedures adapted by the company to eradicate hurdles that may demoralize employees and compromise on performance. Racial discrimination is an not just an ethnic or moral issue but has tremendous economic costs associated with it therefore it is the duty of governments followed by NGO’s and corporate entities to sit together and devise plans for a safer environment for the whole Nation. (Pierre, 2002) References: 1. Lima, Orlando; (March 2008), “The Observer”, Arab News 2. Aronsom,E., Wilson, T.D and Akert, R.M. (2001). Social Psychology (4th edition). Upper Saddle River, NH: Prentice Hall 3. Fryer, P, Aspects of British Black History (1993 Index Books) 4. High Commission for Human Rights, Recommendation #24 – Discrimination against Roma. Gen Rec XXVII. 2000 5. Quinn, Ben. “The Whites have become Blacks”. (2011 August) – The Guardian 6. Peter, Stimpsons and Alastair, Farquharson. (2010). Unit 2- “People in Organization”. Business Studies 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press, Edinburgh Building, Cambridge. 7. Regrosa, S(2011 – august). “UK Riots”. The Guardian 8. Mottley, Tony. (1993). Documenting Detroit and American History from African American perspectives. American Black Journal, 9. U.K Unemployment total rises further. 2011, January. BBC business News 10. Tulanes. A.B., William.B & Evelyn. (2005) “The existence and impact of everyday racial discrimination at workplace” –Human Relations. Sage Journal 11. Madigaan, Kathleen. (September, 2010) Real Time Economics. The Wall Street Journal 12. Christopher, J. (MARCH 2011). Speak Easy. The Wall Street Journal 13. Jeff Rojek and Scott H. Decker. (Dec. 2009). “Examining Racial Disparity in the Police Disipline process”. Police Quarterly Journal 14. Peter, Stimpsons and Alastair, Farquharson. (2010). Unit 2- “Business and its Environment”. Business Studies 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press, Edinburgh Building, Cambridge. 15. The United Nations World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. (2001) – American Psychological Association. Durban, South Africa 16. J.MIJIN.CHA. (May 2007), “Overcoming Racial Discrimination”, Stateside Dispatch. 17. Robert, T. Carter. (2007). Racism Psychological and Emotional injury. The Counseling Psychologist Journal 18. Andrew, Caplan. Amir, Aujla. Shelag, Prosser and June, Jackson. (2009) – Report # 23. Race Discrimination in the construction industry. Equality Research and Consulting Ltd. Equality and Human Rights commission 19. Cynthia G. Pierre (2002) – Discrimination free workplace should be the goal. BIRMINGHAM BUSINESS JOURNAL Other References: 1. Hazel M. Prelow, Catherine E. Mosher and Marwalla A. Bowman. (2006).“Perceived Racial Discrimination, Social Support and Psychological Adjustment”. The Journal of Black Psychology 2. Anthony H.Pascal, (2008). Racial Discrimination in Economic Life Read More
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