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DISCUSSION: LYSISTRATA by Aristophanes Literature Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
One finds the part of the play where Kinesias was shown with a full erection and pleading his wife, Myrrhine for sex, funny. One’s favorite character in the play is Lysistrata. She exemplifies the
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Geraldo No Last Name and A Rose for Emily Literature Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Cisneros’s story has a short poetic plot that tells of how a young girl Marin met Geraldo in a dance. There was only a brief introduction after their meeting and all Marin remembered was the name. Tragedy befell Geraldo shortly after their meeting. Geraldo’s involvement in an accident changed plans for them.
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Ideas, values, and themes of modernist authors Literature Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Mainly, modernists utilized fiction and America as their works’ setting despite the then flourishing economy; to reveal its worst side in drowning numerous youths’ goals. This is apparent in Scott Fitzgerald’s works
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The Tone of Christopher Columbus in His Letter Literature Essay
1 pages (350 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Another aspect of optimism is portrayed at the very beginning of the where he says that people will be at the ultimate triumph which God has bestowed upon his voyage (Baym, 2007). In addition, his optimism is also shown in the Island’s flora and fauna. He also mentions that in that land there are different types of birds and honey from bees. 
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The Passionate Shepherd to His Love by Christopher Marlowe Literature Research Paper
9 pages (2220 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The story and essay believe that Marlowe wants readers to think about their lives and the reality of love and innocence. Innocence is imagined, as well as love, for unless it is returned, love can be bitter and angry. The shepherd of Marlowe is in a daydream, suspended in his thoughts of what life and love should be, and not what they actually are.
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Othellos Jealousy into Play by William Shakespeare Literature Research Paper
6 pages (1653 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Shakespeare used emotions like love, hate, happiness, melancholy, and jealousy to paint a glorious picture. It was an important emotion in the drama of the English Renaissance. As Katharine Maus explains, “In English drama, jealousy dominates the lots of many plays.”Othello syndrome is the delusional belief in the infidelity of a spouse.
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50th Anniversary of the March on Washington Literature Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that the whole speech reminded people of the color blind nation that Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamt of.  Hence, Obama called for all the Americans to step forward and contribute towards the racial equality and economic opportunity for the whole nation. The other half of the speech ranged with the deficiency of the country.
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Women's Rights in Shakespeare's Works Literature Essay
4 pages (1075 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Charlotte would call Shakespeare a 'proto-feminist. ' But some would argue against that, as most of the time, these women would never beat the system and meet their ends at the hands of men. But, his plays seem to be a constant source of inspiration for feminist interpretations.
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Zora Neale Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God Literature Admission/Application Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Admission/Application Essay
Finding love in an unlikely and younger character in Tea Cake shows the less fantasized and mature definition of love. A storm and a canine mishap causes the demise of Janie’s third husband, Tea Cake.
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Henry James The Turn of the Screw Literature Essay
2 pages (721 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author emphasizes the ghost story genre provoking on the reader, the fear of the unknown through the anxiety in the novel. The ghost story genre in the novel presents a unique form of the genre as it makes use of real experiences to create the ghosts. The engagement of the daughter of the person to be a governess to two angelic children.
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How Is Jesus Characterized in the Book of the New Testament in the Bible Literature Research Paper
5 pages (1363 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Jesus fits into Israel, and His story began a long time ago, and that He is related to those who were at the most central moments of that history. By highlighting persons like Abraham and David, Matthew draws attention to the promises of God, promises that faithful Jews were yearning to see fulfilled, hence Mathew’s frequent use of the phrase so that the scriptures might be fulfilled.
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Articulating Sound Effects for Thematic Enhancement in Death and the Maiden Literature Essay
6 pages (1535 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the primary characteristics differentiating drama from written literature is the articulate use of sound effects to promote or enhance different themes in the author’s work. Indeed, the play Death and the Maiden by Dorfman is one epic example of a play that has significantly used sound as a theme enhancing feature.
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Oedipus the King by Sophocles King Lear by William Shakespeare Literature Essay
2 pages (797 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Through this approach, people will stop wasting their lives contemplating the reality of hell and heaven and, instead focus on their current life. At the end of the reading, the poem demonstrates that endless happiness and suffering can be achieved here on earth and it is dependent on our attitude toward life.
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The Adherence To Principles Shown by Oedipus and Antigone Literature Literature review
6 pages (1565 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Sophocles’s Oedipus the King and Anouilh’s Antigone are both tragedies in the Aristotelian sense; as such, the protagonists have character traits that precipitate their downfall: both demonstrate pride, and a certain stubbornness in their adherence to moral principles. Oedipus refuses to go back on the curse he issued at the start of the play, even though he discovers that he is the object of that curse.
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Comparison of Two Poems: I Hear America Singing by Walt Whitman and I, Too by Langston Hughes Literature Essay
5 pages (1376 words) , Download 7 , Essay
Walt Whitman is a legendary, American writer, but is specifically remembered as a poet. He embraced humanistic values and helped to usher in the bridge between transcendence and realism. Whitman is acknowledged in the American canon and is often referred to as the father of “free verse”. The writer Langston Hughes has become a poetic legend.
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Comparison and Contrast Literature Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
For example the article of Elspeth Probyn tend to rely more on the recent studies however with reference to the Darwin whereas the article by Wilson is relying on the different type of studies conducted by the Freud and his contemporaries.
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Discerner of Hearts: An Afro-Caribbean Discourse Literature Essay
11 pages (2916 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Living up to this adage is a writer who professed that she is devoting her life to represent the Caribbean people as genuine people, with aspirations, anticipations, fears, and audacity, just like any other group of people across cultures. Olive Senior wrote one of her literary masterpieces entitled Discerner of Hearts to prove her established reputation as an advocate of the Diaspora of the Caribbean culture. 
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Frankie And The Weddings Literature Book Report/Review
11 pages (3023 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
 It is only then that Frankie becomes satisfied enough about herself that her obsessions with leaving the town abate and she finally accepts her position of exactly where she is at  - not in the past, nor the future, but the present. Thus the lesson is that, in order to be satisfied with one’s identity, it is necessary to live in the present and accept life as it is.
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Blake, Songs of Innocence Literature Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is followed by a series of similar questions that ask the lamb who gave him life, fed and clothed him, presented him with a beautiful voice. These rhetorical inquiries make up the first part of the poem. They represent a lamb as a lovely and innocent
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Journal for Herman Melville, Billy Budd, the Sailor Literature Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Budd who was caught in the midst of jealousy and abhorrence garners the support from the ship crew even to those thought to be resolute. Budd is fallaciously accused of planning a rebellion by the then resentful masters-at-arm Claggart (Melville, 4). Budd haves a
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The Feminine Mystique chapter 5-The sexual solipsism of sigmund Freud. by Betty Friedan Literature Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Book Report/Review
The mystique is difficult to the modern women to question the old prejudices; this is because mystique is broadcast by agents of education and social sciences which are
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Siddhartha Journey Literature Essay
2 pages (584 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In this book, understanding becomes the better option to unravel reality and get enlightenment. Siddhartha's journey, as crafted by the author, shows how understanding is attained. It cannot be attained through mind-dependent, scholastic methods or by dipping oneself in worldly carnal pleasures and pains of Samsara.
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To Any Would-Be Terrorists Literature Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 16 , Essay
She persuades would be terrorists to stop their terrible acts, which had the consequences of claiming lives in the other countries attacked but also in the Middle East itself. She wishes to erase the concept that all Arabs
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Analysis on Shakespearean Sonnets to Reveal the Relationship among the Same and Narrative Continuity Literature Essay
5 pages (1465 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One can easily identify that Shakespeare made use of the main theme of ‘complex human relationships as the core element of his sonnets. This is important because Shakespeare’s sonnets revolve around this main theme. Still, some of the sonnets can be considered as secret windows to the problems faced by Shakespeare in his personal life.
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The Story of Adam and Eve Literature Essay
1 pages (336 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In the common biblical sense which the majority are aware of, the Adam and Eve story has typically been known to be an account referring to the fall of man or the first time that man committed sin against God through disobedience on eating from the ‘tree of knowledge of good and evil’ in the paradise.
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Huston's Reflection on Her Personal Evolving Literature Book Report/Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Huston’s organization of the essay into 4 parts creates a flow of information from one stage to the other. It also indicates her transformation from one stage of life to the other. It helps in analyzing her thoughts in all four stages and how she grows from a humble background and thoughts to become a person who can make her own decisions in life.  
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Crocodile Tear by Anthony Horowitz Literature Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The author states that there is always something unexpected happening and reader gets more and more interest as much he read. This book can read by any age man from young to the old man. The story starts from a nuclear technician which plants a bomb in a nuclear power station. The setting of this novel takes several places.
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Politics and William Shakespeare Literature Research Paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
emes of love, romance and were also satirical in nature hence are able to be performed and interpreted in diverse cultures and political situations in the world over. William Shakespeare lived in the Elizabethan era which was an era under the ruler ship of the great queen
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King's letter from Biminghm Jail Literature Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The latter was quite evident with the then white church leaders who chose not to involve themselves in “unlawful” demonstrations (Luther 5). Based on Luther’s arguments, these leaders were ignorant and in most cases
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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Style Analysis Literature Essay
2 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Henry Longfellow was among the best boys in school. This statement was written to his parents informing them about his good grammar and spelling comprehensions in English. This letter was just a tip of the iceberg about Longfellow who has ended up to be one of the most ancient and top writer in the history of Europe.
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Father-Son Relations and the Cycle and Rhythms of Life Literature Literature review
8 pages (2165 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
The form of “My Papa's Waltz” shows waltz as a symbol for the dance of life that has “fear” and “joy” in it, according to Bobby Fong (78). The young boy is terrified of his father, but he loves him passionately still. Roethke appreciates the hard work of his father but is terrified of being himself, the writer self, who must look vulnerable to a working-class man.
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Factors affecting Foreign Development Investments Literature Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For instance, today Mercedes Company has faced a sharp decline in the proportions of market share it commands. This has been brought about by a myriad of factors. Mercedes has for long been dependent on a monotonous design of model. This has been static over the
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The Mentality of Rich People Literature Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A rich middle-aged girl insults Yank to be a “filthy beast” showing his hate and fear because he was a worker, his origin is also different from hers. This leaves Yank a devastated man, wondering why he had to be in the working class, they do not have any education or honour. He says, “I’m a busted Ingersoll, that's what.
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The Villains in The Cask of Amontillado and Draculas Guest Literature Book Report/Review
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The author of the paper states that both characters illustrate deceitful tendencies. They use friendship and kindness to lure their victims. Montressor carefully tricks Fortunato into thinking that he has the best wine for him knowing very well that Fortunato happens to have a weakness for the drink.
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Everything flows by Vasily Grossman Literature Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Ivan decides to meet his cousin Nikolary Andreyevich, a successful scientist. In writing the words, "In the beginning was the word... That is truly so" Grossman Vasily
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The article about Misery Literature Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
He was saved by a nurse Annie Wilkes, who turned out to be his admirer. However, Annie did not call for help despite great wounds which made Paul suspicious. He ends up being estranged in one house with torture from
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Reading response Literature Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Thesis statement: The poet attempts to prove that how historical power politics within ancient Chinese context marginalized womenfolk and how they withstood the same with courage. First of all, the author unveils
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Reading response Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie Literature Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Also, he has a cute brother called Jeffery and parents who constantly annoy him. The story gives an account of his life and that of his family in a colorful and most convincing style (Sonnenblick). Steven is displayed as a compelling and amusing narrator. I was
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Shifting Functions of the American Woman Literature Essay
1 pages (326 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Many women were nurses and there was a women's auxiliary fire service. Women were also ARP wardens. In the mid-20th century, most married women did not work outside the home (except in wartime). However, in the 1950s and 1960s, it became much more common for them to do so – at least part-time.
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Guns in Learning Institutions Literature Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The teachers should have firearms for the protection of themselves and the students. Security in learning institutions is crucial, and the nation cannot continue losing students and staff due to the rampant shootings. Arming the teachers will augment the work of the security agents by ensuring everyone in the schools has maximum protection.
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Arthur and Mark and the Romance Birth in the Medieval Era Literature Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As the paper, Arthur and Mark and the Romance Birth in the Medieval Era, highlights Being partially based on the Ancient Greek and Rome literature traditions, the literature of the Medieval Ages was originated from the myths to some extent. In addition to this, the numerous topics and genres used to occur.
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Collision of Ancient and Modern in Fantasy Literature Literature Essay
9 pages (2354 words) , Download 3 , Essay
While the humans believe in the power of God, at the same time they don’t rule out the potentiality of harm from evil sources that they don’t know about. Thus, humans basically don’t expect God to resolve all their problems. The primaeval fear inhabiting the human conscience instigates in him a threat perception towards the unknown. 
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One Word for Love in the English Language Literature Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that Gregor Samsa must work to support his family at a job he hates and for a boss, he can’t stand. He does all this because he is the only person that can support his family. Gregor obviously loves his family, otherwise, there would be no reason for him to put himself through this.
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The Analysis of the poem Friendships Mysteries, to my Dearest Lucasia Literature Book Report/Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 7 , Book Report/Review
Philips most famous poem is called “Friendship’s Mysteries, to my Dearest Lucasia.” It could be said to be the first published lesbian love poem. When she writes “To the dull angry world let’s prove / There’s a Religion in our Love” it could be said she is using a traditional male technique of poetry—an ode to a loved one—and manipulating and taking a huge innovative step.
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Lolita vs. Frankenstein Analysis Literature Essay
8 pages (2068 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Shelly’s Frankenstein is a science fiction novel, infused with elements of both gothic horror and romance. She tries to find out the truth of the basic law of human nature on her masterpiece work. The impact of the novel was so powerful that it received widespread acceptance all over the world and became a trendsetter of the same genre stories and films.
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Men of Royalty Literature Book Report/Review
4 pages (1028 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The author believes that Hamlet is a man that shows his love rather than tells of it. He started to change after his encounter with the ghost. His actions upon seeing Ophelia right after the ghost story tells that he is leaving her as described by Ophelia. His actions show him giving bidding Ophelia farewell.
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Double Bind by Plautus and Terence, and Henry V Literature Book Report/Review
2 pages (621 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The main idea here is to unite two distinct households in the context of the setting of the play. The play intrigues the divergent views of having united households. For instance, Diddley and Demea are for the uniting of broken households to make the social life characteristic of the households better. Clueless and Pamphila are totally against the idea.
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Gabriel Garcia Marquez Literature Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
For centuries the world has been blessed with numerous writers and story tellers who have the talent to influence the world through their unique and straight forward writings. These bold and straight forward story tellers always use their pen as a weapon to target authorities or any political idea which stands against the basic human rights.
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Critical analysis of a poem Literature Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 18 , Essay
The poet has used different elements of a poem to create a strong feeling of bonding with the nature through his poetic diction, meter, personification and narration. The poem holds a simple plot which is based on poet’s
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Twelfth Night Literature Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The vengeance in Maria causes her to resent against arrogance and unlikely turbulence. These issues results to an undermined state of the comedy due to conflicting impulses in the play. The play’s
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