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"James Lasdun’s Characters: Why they Reach the Demonic Stage" paper learns about the characters of the love stories of James Lasdun. The paper explains how characters in the love stories of James Lasdun reach the demonic state. Under the circumstance, they went astray? What desires did they have?…
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Michael Jordon Prof. Suzanne Smith (presented to) Marketing Management 10th October James Lasdun’s Characters: Why they Reach the Demonic Stage?
This research based paper aims at analyzing the story and characters of James Lasdun. A sound research study has been conducted to analyze this author’s story. Research on its characters allow us to answer the question that how the characters in these stories gone mad. How do characters in James Lasduns "love stories" reach the demonic stage? The characters of all these stories who reached to demonic, insane or mad-like stage were deprived of what they wanted to achieve. Be it love or something else of these characters, after getting defeated in their futile efforts, the characters gone astray. They tried to achieve their loved ones anyway. They made Faustian Bargains. They sold their souls to devils. Then devils used them for their ulterior motives. These characters tried to use unfair means to get what they had craved for, but in this process they obliterate themselves. So the later part of the paper would focus on these issues Faustian Bargain, settling, eternal adolescence. To analyze these issues, I have selected some love stories of Jamer Lasdun. T he Half Sisters, Peter Khan’s Third Wife and The Natural Order or studied to complete this study.
In this paper you will learn about the characters of the love stories of James Lasdun. It has been tried to answer, how do characters in love stories of James Lasdun reach the demonic state? Under circumstance they went astray? What desires did they have? For this to answer the stories, “The Half Sister," "The Natural Order," and "Peter Khans Third Wife" have been used as base study. These love stories portray how love and desires of one person have severe affects on the persons whose lives are associated with that person. Driven by comfort, safety, lust and security, man often do not turn even a deaf ear to the call of couscous. Its has been shown in theses stories that people who were not even interested in love. They were driven by their desires. They wanted to alleviate their frustration and tried to follow the path of lust. But they used the name of love to have Due to lack of rational orientation of the world, they became demonic. The table below enlists the main roles of The Half Sister," "The Natural Order," and "Peter Khans Third Wife. Following are some brief findings of the study of these love stories.
Table 1: Names of Main Characters of The Half Sister, The Natural Order, and Peter Khans Third Wife
Sr. #
Story Name
Names of Main Characters
The Half Sister
Chamian, Martin
The Natural Order
Abel, Stewert
Peter Khans Third Wife
The Half Sister
In this interesting story the writer nicely portrayed the roles of characters. It is a love story that starts with a love affair but ends in a fiasco. The writer did the poetic justice and gave the devil its due. We often run before shadows of chimera. In this story The Half Sister, Charmian is a lonely Priestess. Her loneliness takes her closer to Martin, a guitar player. Rich father of Charmian helps Martin. Martin may be do not like Charmian. It is one sided love. This story is a love story and a story about settlement and chimera. When we go for chimera we go for Faustian Bargain. The characters of this story reached to demonic stage by virtue of chimera and Faustian Bargain. This story ended up in fiasco (Its beginning to hurt lessons).
The Natural Order
In this interesting story, too, the writer nicely portrayed the roles of characters. It is also a love story that ended up in a complete disaster. In “The Natural Order” Abel faces a dilemma situation. He cannot decide to move with current marriage or not. He thinks that he deserves more good life than he currently has. This story is about boredom of persons who try to get away with it by hooks or by crooks. Some desires end up in moral crisis. These desires take us to blind alleys and/or sometimes to point of no return. This story is about hedonistic approach and eternal youth desire of people. Here devil tries to make people against each other. These desires make Abel think that this married life and being a father is not a good thing. At the end of the story, Abel commits adultery. Like Martin of The Half Sister, Abel also suffers from double minded condition. When we go for chimera we go for Faustian Bargain. The characters of this story reached to demonic stage by virtue of chimera and Faustian Bargain. This story too did not have a happy ending.
Peter Khans Third Wife
In this interesting story, too, the writer nicely portrayed the roles of characters. In “Peter Khan’s Three Wives” Claire is shown as a married woman. But she is not a happily married woman. She wants to do away with this abusive marriage. She also has dreams which she want come true. She wants to find a true love to escape her all worries. She, in other words, tries to disappear into a chimera. It is not a love story. It is a story indeed but it is a story about sufferings and gradual madness of Claire. She gradually gets mad due to sufferings at the hands of husband. So this story is an example of chimera and Faustian Bargain. When we go for chimera we go for Faustian Bargain. The characters of this story reached to demonic stage by virtue of chimera and Faustian Bargain. This story as well ended up in disaster.
At the end, after seeing the crux of the stories of The Half Sister, The Natural Order and Peter Khan’s Third Wife, we can conclude that, love always descends into madness. Love takes us to point of no return. Most of the time, we give our desires in other person the name of love. And do whatever it takes to achieve our loved one. One the way to achieve someone, these selfish persons do not consider the reprieves of other loved ones. We often go to fulfill our material desires. Often we have to make Faustian Bargain to fulfill our desires. Sometimes run before shadows and chimeras. But when we go for chimera we go for Faustian Bargain. And when we go for Faustian Bargain, we enter into blind alley. We lose control of our lives and start playing as a puppet in the hands of devil. The characters of all these stories reached to demonic stage by virtue of chimera and Faustian Bargain. These characters were not happily married. They wanted and tried to get pleasures and satisfactions outside of marriage. But all efforts of all of them proved fruitless. Thus these relations broke up after ruining a lot of lives.
Works Cited
Book Lasdun, James. Its Beginning to Hurt: Stories. Macmillan, 2010
Its beginning to hurt lessons. "Critical Thinker: Its Beginning to Hurt Lessons." Herculodge. herculodge.typepad.com, 4 Oct. 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.
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11 Pages(2750 words)Essay
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