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The Sorrows of Young Werther - Essay Example

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This essay "The Sorrows of Young Werther" discusses Goethe's ‘The Sorrows of Young Werther’ that exhibits the need for each individual to avoid conformity and false consistency and to follow their own instinct. Sorrows and feelings are reflected through emotional intensity and effusion…
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The Sorrows of Young Werther
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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a German whose works span the fields of poetry, drama, literature, theology, humanism and science. 28th August 1749 saw the birth of this, in the words of George Eliot “Germany’s greatest man of letters………and the last true polymath to walk the earth”. (Maertz, 2004). The Sorrows of young Werther written in 1774 was an epistolary novel- a novel written as a series of documents in the form of letters. The Sorrows of young Werther reports an unhappy romantic fascination which ends in suicide. The opening lines in the May 4th letter, “HOW happy I am that I am gone! My dear friend, what a thing is the heart of man!” sets the mood and tone of melancholy and freedom from the daily toils of man. “Have not other attachments been specially appointed by fate to torment a head like mine?” this line forms the crux of Werther whole future life for eventually his fate will end in oppression due to the poignant feelings and the attachment of the heart. (Goethe, 1774) “Solitude in this terrestrial paradise is a genial balm to my mind, and the young spring cheers with its bounteous promises my oftentimes misgiving heart. Every tree, every bush, is full of flowers; and one might wish himself transformed into a butterfly, to float about in this ocean of perfume, and find his whole existence in it.”. The element of romanticism is evident as Werther gives vent to his inner most feelings of happiness and ‘the self’ is recreated with charm. The words ‘solitude’, ‘paradise’, ‘genial’, ‘spring’, all contributes to romanticism wherein the innocence of nature is exemplified with life. ‘Butterfly’ personified with freedom to find the meaning and truth of ‘his whole existence in it’. One can also state that the romance between Werther and nature is also exhibited. (Goethe, 1774) The letters of May 10th and May 12th express total bliss and serenity with the self. Romanticism reaches the highest point for Werther not only expresses his serenity with his inner self but his union with nature and God thus creating the total conformity with the world as such. “A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine”. (Goethe, 1774). “… my soul is the mirror of the infinite God!”, a sense of justification for the current state. But as man is sinful and is born with sin, man soul being the mirror of God- a sinful satire. Overwhelming bliss to sudden pessimism! What a sudden shift which causes a frightful stir for the reader. May 17th letter, “I have made all sorts of acquaintances, but have as yet found no society. I knew not what attraction I possess for the people, so many of them like me, and attach themselves to me; and then I feel sorry when the road we pursue together goes only a short distance. If you inquire what the people are like here, I must answer, “The same as everywhere.” (Goethe, 1774) The human race is but a monotonous affair.” Narcissism so evident for Werther feels that everyone because they are not like him, he describes humanity as ‘the same as everywhere-monotonous’. So the only perfect being on the planet is Werther. What a chauvinist character? Having established this notion of perfection Werther contradicts himself-“But they are a right good sort of people…take part in the innocent pleasures…and enjoy myself, for instance, with genuine freedom and sincerity… many other qualities which moulder uselessly, and which I am obliged to keep carefully concealed”. (Goethe, 1774) What a sense of confusion and muddle up in the mind of Werther. At his stage the reader is made to use the mind as a tool in trying to perceive Werther. On the other hand, solipsism can also be evident for Werther can imply that his mind and thoughts are the perfect and true feelings and all other knowledge is unjustified. Or is Goethe trying to imply using Werther that his ideas and foresight and philosophy are the absolute truth when compared to other philosophers. The letter of May 22 précis’s the mere existence of life combined with feeling and state of emotions which govern and control ones actions in the world. “When I consider the narrow limits within which our active and inquiring faculties are confined; when I see how all our energies are wasted in providing for mere necessities, which again have no further end than to prolong a wretched existence; and then that all our satisfaction concerning certain subjects of investigation ends in nothing better than a passive resignation….. and find there a world, but a world rather of imagination and dim desires, than of distinctness and living power. Then everything swims before my senses……” (Goethe, 1774) The Sturm and Drang movement can be manifested for Werther explores his individual subjectivity, freedom of expressing his extreme emotions against rationalism. His explicit sentimentalism, his anti-personal characterization thus expresses the troubling personal emotions and his perspective of reality. Sturm and Drang counter acted the Enlightenment movement where associated with rationalism and universalism. Therefore reality as portrayed by Werther is not an adequate reflection of human experience; instead reality consisted of personal motivations which stroked a balance between pure and impure. Finally one is introduced to Werther friend or rather his pen-pal-Wilhelm. So reality for Werther is “a world rather of imagination and dim desires, than of distinctness and living power. Then everything swims before my senses…..” (Goethe, 1774) When reading these letters one develops a personal relationship between Werther and the reader or Goethe and the reader. On reading Goethe letters one can attain the self like Wilhelm and such advice is reflected in ones life actions. Werther life’s encounters combined with his inner emotional conflicts act as a guide and introspection for the reader. Everyone is faced with diverse challenges in life and the techniques implemented would determine ones successful pathway to a true and meaningful life. Love and human relationships and matters pertaining to ones heart have always become an issue for life. For the heart is considered to be the force of the mind and soul. The opening lines of the Aug 18th letter “Must it ever be thus,—that the source of our happiness must also be the fountain of our misery?” (Goethe, 1774) I guess this question stands as a life threatening question for mostly everyone. A sense of narcissism to an extent for this is Werther statement of happiness transforming into misery. The psychological aspect requires a reasonable amount of healthy narcissism that would allow individuals perception to be balanced in relation to his needs and needs of others. Werther has allowed the self, whom he is in love with to accept this transformation from happiness to misery. “……………brought all paradise before me, has now become an insupportable torment,—a demon which perpetually pursues and harasses me.” (Goethe, 1774) Emotions of hate and longing are depicted, the longing for the lost paradise and hatred for the present state. But I disagree with Werther for it is always up to one self to determine ones fate by their actions. Similarly an individual can also control their heart and emotions and thus self control requires to be administered for Werther. By restraining misery and hanging onto happiness the possibilities are endless. Solipsism is evident for Werther portrays that his mind is the only thing that exists and everything around him or rather existence of the outside world is unjustified. This shutting of Werther mind to other known existence is rude and selfish in manner towards humanity. The demon emphasizes the uproar and confusion in Werther mind which torments him. The shifts from paradise to narcissism and them to solipsism and suddenly a return to romanticism- so many emotions displayed by one individual through which the self is exemplified. In a way it reveals how cynical and reckless Werther is for to comprehend the real meaning of life one needs to control negative passions and self destruction. “……all this displayed to me the inner warmth which animates all nature, and filled and glowed within my heart.” (Goethe, 1774) This returning to the past state of tranquility can be viewed as escapism from the present state of the troubled mind. “I felt myself exalted by this overflowing fullness to the perception of the Godhead, and the glorious forms of an infinite universe became visible to my soul!” The soul is epitomized with the immeasurable universe- all bestowed by God. The human nature is when in trouble the answer and assistance would be found if an individual turned towards God. The element of Romanticism is so evident that the soul is in union with nature and the innocence of the universe all in commemoration with God. “In the depths of the earth I saw innumerable powers in motion, and multiplying to infinity; whilst upon its surface, and beneath the heavens, there teemed ten thousand varieties of living creatures. Everything around is alive with an infinite number of forms…..” (Goethe, 1774) Let’s return to the creation of the world. I guess when Adam was created and began to see the various forms and dimensions of the creation he would have also exhibited similar emotions of awe and serenity. In spite of despair the self is still ALIVE with untold powers. “……….while mankind fly for security to their petty houses, from the shelter of which they rule in their imaginations over the wide-extended universe” (Goethe, 1774) Werther is right for he is imagining overwhelming bliss and inspiration that he draws from nature. Mankind is exemplified as a coward who run for shelter and view the world from their own imaginative perceptions- thus exhibiting narcissism wherein it characterizes the traits of self love that is based on ego. So what is Writher trying to establish? That he is perfect and mankind around him is imperfect and who only shun away from everyday toils. Again Writher exhibits solipsism for according to Writher only his thoughts and his mind are in control of humanistic emotions. Only his mind is alive to the romantic elements in nature and God. “Poor fool! in whose petty estimation all things are little”. (Goethe, 1774) Ridiculing humanity and belittling them to the state of nothing. Writher is being rude and nasty but where the pun lies is that Writher also in the end is a fool for he kills himself because of a failed love affair. Failed loved affair? Blame Writher for his foolishness for falling in love with someone whom he knew from the beginning he cannot have to hold and to love. Waste of life and time by Werther. “Ah, how often at that time has the flight of a bird, soaring above my head, inspired me with the desire of being transported to the shores of the immeasurable waters, there to quaff the pleasures of life from the foaming goblet of the Infinite, and to partake, if but for a moment even, with the confined powers of my soul, the beatitude of that Creator who accomplishes all things in himself, and through himself!” (Goethe, 1774) portrays his inner most thoughts and emotions. I feel at times we need to be like Werther and give vent to our inner most emotions and like a bird to fly free and enjoy nature with all its ecstasy. Life means thinking and reacting to such meaningful writings as seen in Werther. For Goethe not only wrote to contribute his part to German literature but perhaps wrote for the whole of the present and future civilization. Therefore it is up to everyone to read and understand the inner perspective of every word and to learn from them. “It is as if a curtain had been drawn from before my eyes, and, instead of prospects of eternal life, the abyss of an ever-open grave yawned before me.” (Goethe, 1774) Similar to the saying ‘you can’t pull wool over my eyes’. Readers please do not be blinded by the pompous fantasies of the world that denies enjoyment and true happiness. Imagery of an ‘ever-opened grave’ engraves the idea of death. For the void between eternal life and death that is created by mankind due to sin is caused by false desires that will only lead to destruction. This passage could stand as a message from the world of Goethe for the future citizens of the world. From suffering to enlightenment, Werther realizes that life is not all that painful. “Can we say of anything that it exists when all passes away,—when time, with the speed of a storm, carries all things onward,—and our transitory existence, hurried along by the torrent, is either swallowed up by the waves or dashed against the rocks?” (Goethe, 1774) Enlightenment thus advocates reason. Reason to understand that time is personified with storm wherein everything is washed away with the waves. In other words troubles and sorrows are only momentary for after sadness there is always sunshine at the end of lives tunnel. For the first time one can state that Werther is using his head in analyzing the motto of life. The adoption of German Philosophy which epitomizes the rejection of empiricism- the role of experience and evidence used in the formation of ideas while discarding the notion of innate ideas. Werther is such a naive character who is so undecided that he keeps moving from bliss to suffering and return to bliss. This indecisiveness just goes to portray the immaturity in Werther. November 15 letter starts with such rudeness and authority. Sympathy and caring are emotions that would help one in difficult times. But Werther, I guess is bombastic to inform his friend to leave him alone. “In spite of my wretchedness, I have still strength enough for endurance. I revere religion…..” (Goethe, 1774) Ok now it’s a sense of relief for Werther states that he is still strong to handle issues. German enlightenment is revealed for Werther is reasoning with authority. Again solipsism for Werther knows that it is his mind that only exists presently. “I feel that it can impart strength to the feeble and comfort to the afflicted; but does it affect all men equally?” (Goethe, 1774) What a universal question, whether this present state affects all men. This insight into Werther self emotional conscience enables one to ponder and wonder about the wretchedness of life. Immanuel Kant’s philosophy where every person is born with transcendental experiences that assists them in their perception of the world. Therefore the mind predicts the laws of ones life. Goethe using Werther philosophizes and questions “Consider this vast universe: you will see thousands for whom it has never existed, thousands for whom it will never exist, whether it be preached to them or not; and must it, then, necessarily exist for me?” (Goethe, 1774) The universal question of God made the world for whom? The self being examined and thus implying romanticism and exploration of the inner self. “Does not the Son of God himself say that they are his whom the Father have given to him? Have I been given to Him? What if the Father will retain me for himself, as my heart sometimes suggests?” (Goethe, 1774) In depth introspection and reasoning with God. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz idea that the universe was a sign of a perfect God is evident and that these spiritual particles influence the manner people perceive the world. “What is the destiny of man, but to fill up the measure of his sufferings, and to drink his allotted cup of bitterness? And if that same cup proved bitter to the God of heaven, under a human form, why should I affect a foolish pride, and call it sweet?” (Goethe, 1774) Werther now examines and questions the very being of mankind. God created man and God determines man life. But what Werther fails to understand is that though God created man still God has given man free will. Free will that implies individuals can be held morally accountable for their actions. Predestination is also advocated for it is a religious concept-involves the relationship between God and His Creation. This characterizes that before creation God determined the fate of the universe throughout all of time and space. “Why should I be ashamed of shrinking at that fearful moment when my whole being will tremble between existence and annihilation…… My God! my God! why hast thou forsaken me?” And should I feel ashamed to utter the same expression?” (Goethe, 1774) Portrayal and acceptance of death-the ultimate answer to ones troubles. A sense of betrayal for Werther feels he has been betrayed by God. Similarity can be drawn between Werther betrayal and betrayal of Jesus by Judas. A kind of challenging and questioning whether one should be afraid of God, “Should I not shudder at a prospect which had its fears even for him who folds up the heavens like a garment?” (Goethe, 1774) Thus Goethe incited to shun optimism and reason for the emotional anarchism. Ultimately Goethe ‘The Sorrows of Young Werther’ exhibits the need for each individual to avoid conformity and false consistency and to follow their own instinct. Sorrows and feelings reflected through emotional intensity and effusion. No one falls in love by choice, it is by chance. No one stays in love by chance, it is by work and no one falls out of love by chance it is by choice. References Hulse, Michael. The Sorrows of young Werther. Penguin Books. Ed. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von . London. 1989. p 23-34(May 4, May 10, May 12, May 17, May 27). P.128-131 (Aug 18) and p. 78-80 (November 15). Eliot, George. Middlemarch. Ed. Gregory Maertz. Broadview Press, 2004. p710. Morrison, Andrew. Shame: The Underside of Narcissism. The Analytic Press. 1997. p38. Lukacs, Georg. The Sorrows of young Werther. Goethe and His Age. Merlin Press. 1968. Harrison Fluss for February. 2008. Boerner, Peter. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1832/1982: A Biographical Essay. Bonn: Inter Nationes, 1981. p82. Wahler, Benedikt. Sturm and Drang: The era of Genius in German Literature. 2007. Read More
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